Chris Hayes and Noah Pollak get into Twitter fight over Israel and Palestine


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
And Pollak swiftly sends Hayes packing (I really don't know where else to post this thread):

Noah Pollak ‏@NoahPollak

56m56 minutes ago
Maybe, @chrislhayes, Israelis know a little bit more about their part of the world than you?…

Christopher Hayes ‏@chrislhayes

52m52 minutes ago

@NoahPollak curious what you think of Netanyahu's pledge to block a Palestinian state.

Noah Pollak ‏@NoahPollak

49m49 minutes ago

@chrislhayes There is a Palestinian state - Gaza. Can you fault Israelis for not thinking Pal statehood is a good idea?

Christopher Hayes ‏@chrislhayes

47m47 minutes ago

@NoahPollak I forgot I was talking to an algorithm.

Noah Pollak ‏@NoahPollak

42m42 minutes ago

@chrislhayes So then debate me on your show -- I'm an algorithm, will be no trouble at all.Christopher Hayes ‏@chrislhayes

40m40 minutes ago

@NoahPollak that's precisely the issue: algorithms are exceedingly boring.

Noah Pollak‏@NoahPollak

@chrislhayes A guy whose primetime show is getting creamed in the ratings by 3AM FoxNews prob shouldn't accuse others of being boring...

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