Chris Matthews destroys Maddow

I saw plenty of lies from madcow, not much laughing. The hildabitch was asked about illegals costing Americans jobs, her response was I want to have jobs for everybody. She pandered to illegals, now they will be going home.
So easy to dupe you haters lol...hopefully this time for something constructive for a change...

Still haven't learned your lesson I see, people like you are the reason real Americans rose up. All your name calling with no justification and lies have caught up to you. You folks have been so wrong for so long you just can't seem to grasp why you got your collective asses kicked.
He's already dumping most of his "platform".
Quite the opposite; pull your head out of DailyKOS.
"Hillary a great public servant- amend ACA"- we shall see...

Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. The ACA and all its mandatory spending and ridiculous taxes will die.
At one time she was a woman!
semi good looking

This guy >>>
destroyed Chris Matthews. Maddow just laughed at both of them.

I saw plenty of lies from madcow, not much laughing. The hildabitch was asked about illegals costing Americans jobs, her response was I want to have jobs for everybody. She pandered to illegals, now they will be going home.
So easy to dupe you haters lol...hopefully this time for something constructive for a change...

Still haven't learned your lesson I see, people like you are the reason real Americans rose up. All your name calling with no justification and lies have caught up to you. You folks have been so wrong for so long you just can't seem to grasp why you got your collective asses kicked.
We're still right. It was pathetically easy for Trump to take over your ignorant misinformed party and country, and I'll take his new party over another 8 years of ridiculous obstruction. He's already dumping most of his "platform". I wish him success in uniting the country and fixing things. Who knows what he'l actually do.

Well we can agree on hoping he fixes things, of course we most likely differ on what things need fixing. Even though he wasn't my first choice I still admire the first thing I admired about him. That would be his uncanny ability to piss off you regressives.
Parroting the hater dupe bs to get the nomination...then Putin and Comey took over...
Matthews was talking about actual issues. Something the media avoided at all costs in this election.

This was a referendum on many things...not the least of which is the corrupt media.
I saw plenty of lies from madcow, not much laughing. The hildabitch was asked about illegals costing Americans jobs, her response was I want to have jobs for everybody. She pandered to illegals, now they will be going home.
So easy to dupe you haters lol...hopefully this time for something constructive for a change...

Still haven't learned your lesson I see, people like you are the reason real Americans rose up. All your name calling with no justification and lies have caught up to you. You folks have been so wrong for so long you just can't seem to grasp why you got your collective asses kicked.
We're still right. It was pathetically easy for Trump to take over your ignorant misinformed party and country, and I'll take his new party over another 8 years of ridiculous obstruction. He's already dumping most of his "platform". I wish him success in uniting the country and fixing things. Who knows what he'l actually do.

Well we can agree on hoping he fixes things, of course we most likely differ on what things need fixing. Even though he wasn't my first choice I still admire the first thing I admired about him. That would be his uncanny ability to piss off you regressives.
Parroting the hater dupe bs to get the nomination...then Putin and Comey took over...

You so funny GI. No one made the hildabitch, her campaign or the DNC put all those nasty, bigoted, racist, colluding and illegal emails out there in the ether, to be plucked like ripe grapes. They did that all by themselves. LMAO Ya think they learned any lessons? I don't, and they won't till they accept responsibility for what they did.
So easy to dupe you haters lol...hopefully this time for something constructive for a change...

Still haven't learned your lesson I see, people like you are the reason real Americans rose up. All your name calling with no justification and lies have caught up to you. You folks have been so wrong for so long you just can't seem to grasp why you got your collective asses kicked.
We're still right. It was pathetically easy for Trump to take over your ignorant misinformed party and country, and I'll take his new party over another 8 years of ridiculous obstruction. He's already dumping most of his "platform". I wish him success in uniting the country and fixing things. Who knows what he'l actually do.

Well we can agree on hoping he fixes things, of course we most likely differ on what things need fixing. Even though he wasn't my first choice I still admire the first thing I admired about him. That would be his uncanny ability to piss off you regressives.
Parroting the hater dupe bs to get the nomination...then Putin and Comey took over...

You so funny GI. No one made the hildabitch, her campaign or the DNC put all those nasty, bigoted, racist, colluding and illegal emails out there in the ether, to be plucked like ripe grapes. They did that all by themselves. LMAO Ya think they learned any lessons? I don't, and they won't till they accept responsibility for what they did.
They were blown out of all proportion and just lied about....zzzzzzzzzzzz. Now all forgotten...
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Chris Matthews destroys Maddow. In case you left wing pukes want to know your bitch lost.

Your cliches did not work. The whites against women cliche did not work.

The funny thing is you still don't get it. Matthews did, thank God.

I gave Matthews credit for being the least hackish YEARS AGO on this forum. Most of the right roasted me for it.

Mathews was a republican, and is far from Liberal.

Chris Matthews destroys Maddow. In case you left wing pukes want to know why your bitch lost.

Your cliches did not work. The whites against women cliche did not work.

The funny thing is you still don't get it. Matthews did, thank God.

Yes, it is amazing that Chrissy Matthews got the message.

Thank God for the Electoral College.
You need to look up the definition of ignorant, or just look in the mirror. She's an Ivy League graduate and a Rhodes Scholar.

"""Maddow earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[22] At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[23] She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[24] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at the University of Oxford.[25]""
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia

And it was a good debate. Too bad this video took it out of context.
You are a real jack ass if you think a sheep skin and fluffed up resume means you cant be an ignorant fucktard like yourself.

Chris Matthews destroys Maddow. In case you left wing pukes want to know your bitch lost.

Your cliches did not work. The whites against women cliche did not work.

The funny thing is you still don't get it. Matthews did, thank God.

I gave Matthews credit for being the least hackish YEARS AGO on this forum. Most of the right roasted me for it.

Mathews was a republican, and is far from Liberal.


And I'm Santa Clause

Chris Matthews destroys Maddow. In case you left wing pukes want to know why your bitch lost.

Your cliches did not work. The whites against women cliche did not work.

The funny thing is you still don't get it. Matthews did, thank God.

Wow. I don't think I've ever agreed with Chris Mathews on anything until now. The Democrats, mainly Hillary, never talked about a common sense immigration policy. All I ever heard was "open borders" and "sanctuary cities". They kept using divisive words like "xenophobe" and "bigot" for their policy. People who voted for Trump want a fair, safe and legal path to citizenship. They have no issue with Mexicans and Muslims coming here. Hillary's rhetoric may have worked in 2008 and 2012 but I think people had enough of that garbage.

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