Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Typical liberal cares only for themselves.

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week" | RealClearPolitics

Matthews made a heartfelt apology about 10 minutes before you posted this, of course, that you did not mention. Why? Have you never spoken without thinking and felt the need to apologize?

Damage control only, he doesn't care if people suffer and die as long as he gets to feel that thrill up his leg for four more years....
Typical liberal cares only for themselves.

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week" | RealClearPolitics

Matthews made a heartfelt apology about 10 minutes before you posted this, of course, that you did not mention. Why? Have you never spoken without thinking and felt the need to apologize?

Damage control only, he doesn't care if people suffer and die as long as he gets to feel that thrill up his leg for four more years....

... Don't be so dumb.
Last night Bill O'Reilly said, "Americans love storms."

You can't make this shit up.
Quite often, when folks are tired, drunk, excited, emotional, etc., their true base shows.
First time in my life I am not proud to be an American

I know the feeling. I listened to Obama's lip service last night about education and our place in the world and all I could think of was how his policies are reinforcing the mediocrity which resulted in a populace which would elect him.

Proud of a nation where elections are won not on ideas but on targeting specific demographics with whichever lie you feel will appeal to them most? Proud of a nation where the president relies on the silence of a complicit media?

Today I am not proud.

The reactions of a few friends have given me a few glimmers of hope. I'm proud of them and will probably regain pride in my nation.

But the sheer ignorance and complacency and sheeple-hood this nation has demonstrated recently makes me very sad today.
Dunno about you two, but it takes a hell of a lot more than witnessing an election loss to an incompetent buffoon to make me lose my pride in my country.

Although the narcissist in chief would like it to be all about him, it's not. It never was.

It's about our Constitution and our founding principles that make us great, despite the lunacy of one buffoon and his doe-eyed groupies.

It is not just one baffoon it is all the baffoons that voted for him even though UE rate = 8%, 5 trillion in debt for nothing, Bengazi and actually Sandy. It is the fact that there are so many baffoons and freeloaders that should make us all feel a little bit ashamed.
Typical liberal cares only for themselves.

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week" | RealClearPolitics

Matthews made a heartfelt apology about 10 minutes before you posted this, of course, that you did not mention. Why? Have you never spoken without thinking and felt the need to apologize?

LOL, you notice folks for liberals they always make a "heartfelt apology" but for a Republican to apologize they say it's always just bullshit and CAN'T be accepted..

twisted universe they live in
Typical liberal cares only for themselves.

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week" | RealClearPolitics

Holy Shit! Even Rachael Maddow was shocked when she heard that!

I like Chris Matthews, but that was totally out of line!

Oh, well, if I had to blab on T.V. for hours a day every day, I'd say some stupid things too.

He should apologize.

He did. In my opinion is was sincere and heartfelt.
First time in my life I am not proud to be an American

I know the feeling. I listened to Obama's lip service last night about education and our place in the world and all I could think of was how his policies are reinforcing the mediocrity which resulted in a populace which would elect him.

Proud of a nation where elections are won not on ideas but on targeting specific demographics with whichever lie you feel will appeal to them most? Proud of a nation where the president relies on the silence of a complicit media?

Today I am not proud.

The reactions of a few friends have given me a few glimmers of hope. I'm proud of them and will probably regain pride in my nation.

But the sheer ignorance and complacency and sheeple-hood this nation has demonstrated recently makes me very sad today.
Dunno about you two, but it takes a hell of a lot more than witnessing an election loss to an incompetent buffoon to make me lose my pride in my country.

Although the narcissist in chief would like it to be all about him, it's not. It never was.

It's about our Constitution and our founding principles that make us great, despite the lunacy of one buffoon and his doe-eyed groupies.

It's not about the buffoon. It's largely about the groupies. It's mostly about the media. The nation has abdicated vigilance in favor of touchy-feelie kumbaya mumbojumbo and seems to be glad to be lied to by the media. This attitude could be very hard to recover from if it's even possible. I'm just feeling a little ill today.
Typical liberal cares only for themselves.

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week" | RealClearPolitics

Matthews made a heartfelt apology about 10 minutes before you posted this, of course, that you did not mention. Why? Have you never spoken without thinking and felt the need to apologize?

LOL, you notice folks for liberals they always make a "heartfelt apology" but for a Republican to apologize they say it's always just bullshit and CAN'T be accepted..

twisted universe they live in

Twisted universe is something you clearly comprehend - maybe the only thing. Everyone misspeaks and you're a phony. Dumb, but still a phony.
His sniveling white ass was on TV today crying about how tired he was.

They all get tired and say dumb things on election night. That noise Rachel Maddow made when he said that was funny. It was like oh boy, you realllyyy didn't want to say that..
His sniveling white ass was on TV today crying about how tired he was.

They all get tired and say dumb things on election night. That noise Rachel Maddow made when he said that was funny. It was like oh boy, you realllyyy didn't want to say that..

Those knee jerk statements are his true feelings. His apology is a meaningless after thought. His first thought when this storm was coming was how this can help Obama. That's who he is, the guy needs psychological counseling
Matthews made a heartfelt apology about 10 minutes before you posted this, of course, that you did not mention. Why? Have you never spoken without thinking and felt the need to apologize?
on top of correcting himself 2 second's later. Anyone who was watching knew damn well what he meant, and I'm sure all these righties piling on probably defended(rightfully) Bush jr. saying he never stops thinking of ways to attack our homeland.
Chris is just playing up the Emmanuel maxim of never letting a crisis go to waste.
His sniveling white ass was on TV today crying about how tired he was.

They all get tired and say dumb things on election night. That noise Rachel Maddow made when he said that was funny. It was like oh boy, you realllyyy didn't want to say that..

Those knee jerk statements are his true feelings. His apology is a meaningless after thought. His first thought when this storm was coming was how this can help Obama. That's who he is, the guy needs psychological counseling

you should go play chicken with a tornado.

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