Chris Wallace Blames Trump for Not Pursuing Wuhan Lab Leak, Was Soft on China


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Should Trump had waged war against China or do you think Biden should?

Aside from that......not much is going to be done about China.....

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
Should Trump had waged war against China or do you think Biden should?

Aside from that......not much is going to be done about China.....
With all the "investigations" that have been done in Washington, what is ever done?

That is, except against those who participated on January 6th. There is an exception to every rule.

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
I fail to see what needs to be investigated.

What is KNOWN is, China prevented travel into China once the plague had been realized, but allowed those in China to travel out in order to seed the virus all around the world.

That is enough damning information to bring criminal charges, let alone the doctors that "disappeared" who tried to sound the alarm to the rest of the world.

China engaged in biological warfare and is at war with the US.
China to say the least was irresponsible to the point of willful murder.
they claimed no transmission from human to human but locked people away. They allowed flights out of the country but not into. The the complete opposite of what should have taken place. They attempted to hide the virus outbreak in the early stages and denied how Bad it was.
To give them a pass on their actions or inactions would be similar to give any serial killer a fine and letting them walk free. What it comes down to is do we want to allow a serial killer to walk free or not.

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
China ass licker, you are one stupid idiot.
China to say the least was irresponsible to the point of willful murder.
they claimed no transmission from human to human but locked people away. They allowed flights out of the country but not into. The the complete opposite of what should have taken place. They attempted to hide the virus outbreak in the early stages and denied how Bad it was.
To give them a pass on their actions or inactions would be similar to give any serial killer a fine and letting them walk free. What it comes down to is do we want to allow a serial killer to walk free or not.
Accident it’s manslaughter of millions.
Intentional it’s First Degree mass murder of millions.
China to say the least was irresponsible to the point of willful murder.
they claimed no transmission from human to human but locked people away. They allowed flights out of the country but not into. The the complete opposite of what should have taken place. They attempted to hide the virus outbreak in the early stages and denied how Bad it was.
To give them a pass on their actions or inactions would be similar to give any serial killer a fine and letting them walk free. What it comes down to is do we want to allow a serial killer to walk free or not.
Accident it’s manslaughter of millions.
Intentional it’s First Degree mass murder of millions.
With the American abortion on demand policies and the way they promote death and destruction in our inner cities and let drugs flow across the border that kill about 200 people a day, is America much different?

In fact, I would say politicians in America are envious of China because it is the government they would love to have in many respects. I'm sure they have wet dreams about a one party system.

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
China ass licker, you are one stupid idiot.
I don’t think he cares One way or the other about China. His hero is Biden. He wants to believe that he walks on water.

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
China ass licker, you are one stupid idiot.
I don’t think he cares One way or the other about China. His hero is Biden. He wants to believe that he walks on water.
No. Biden is not a hero to anyone. I mean think about it. How could Biden be a hero to anyone? LOL.

It is the party that Biden supporters support. They have drunk the cool aid, just like any other totalitarian following. It's all about the party. The people be damned, and if Joe Biden harms the party, he will be thrown under the bus without a thought.

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
China ass licker, you are one stupid idiot.
I don’t think he cares One way or the other about China. His hero is Biden. He wants to believe that he walks on water.
No. Biden is not a hero to anyone. I mean think about it. How could Biden be a hero to anyone? LOL.

It is the party that Biden supporters support. They have drunk the cool aid, just like any other totalitarian following. It's all about the party. The people be damned, and if Joe Biden harms the party, he will be thrown under the bus without a thought.
You are talking democrats in general. I am talking one person.

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
China ass licker, you are one stupid idiot.
I don’t think he cares One way or the other about China. His hero is Biden. He wants to believe that he walks on water.
No. Biden is not a hero to anyone. I mean think about it. How could Biden be a hero to anyone? LOL.

It is the party that Biden supporters support. They have drunk the cool aid, just like any other totalitarian following. It's all about the party. The people be damned, and if Joe Biden harms the party, he will be thrown under the bus without a thought.
You are talking democrats in general. I am talking one person.
The only reason Biden is President is because he has waited his turn in his own party.

He has accomplished nothing. He is a known liar. He is a known sexual predator, accused by people within his own party of being one. He has no policies to be proud of. Bill Gates in his own administration called his foreign policy laughable and the worst he had ever seen. Domestically he apologies for former policy like his crime bill. He obviously has dementia, and even before that was a gaff machine.

I mean really. What is to like about this goof ball?

Meanwhile Biden’s stopped the investigations and halted the sanctions initiated by Trump.

Knowing China just killed millions of innocents around the world.

Listen up idiot. Biden just recently put the dogs on China about the investigation. Where's this crap he has stopped it? It's simply not true.

Nothing will ever happen about China regardless if all the huffing and puffing. You might get a warm inner glow but that's all.
China ass licker, you are one stupid idiot.
I don’t think he cares One way or the other about China. His hero is Biden. He wants to believe that he walks on water.
No. Biden is not a hero to anyone. I mean think about it. How could Biden be a hero to anyone? LOL.

It is the party that Biden supporters support. They have drunk the cool aid, just like any other totalitarian following. It's all about the party. The people be damned, and if Joe Biden harms the party, he will be thrown under the bus without a thought.
You are talking democrats in general. I am talking one person.
The only reason Biden is President is because he has waited his turn in his own party.

He has accomplished nothing. He is a known liar. He is a known sexual predator, accused by people within his own party of being one. He has no policies to be proud of. Bill Gates in his own administration called his foreign policy laughable and the worst he had ever seen. Domestically he apologies for former policy like his crime bill. He obviously has dementia, and even before that was a gaff machine.

I mean really. What is to like about this goof ball?
I am in complete agreement but you still have a few as in the one I am talking about that are so rabid that they would be the first in line to worship at his feet. The guy hates with such ferocity that he would gladly place anyone that does not agree on a cattle car headed to the gas chamber.
How do you think we should treat a nation that will have killed a million Americans before this attack is over?

Right. They launched an attack by letting their own people get infected, and then just waited for Americans to take the disease home with them.

This is not right up there in the "Clever plans" department.
And obviously Wallace thinks we should have gone into China uninvited to investigate.

Actually, if Trump hadn't closed down the branch office the CDC had in Beijing before this started and stopped cooperating with WHO, they wouldn't need to go in, we'd have already been involved.
Should Trump had waged war against China or do you think Biden should?

Aside from that......not much is going to be done about China.....
How do you think we should treat a nation that will have killed a million Americans before this attack is over?
remember? it is just the flu and actually only about 5 people died from the hoax.
Should Trump had waged war against China or do you think Biden should?

Aside from that......not much is going to be done about China.....
With all the "investigations" that have been done in Washington, what is ever done?

That is, except against those who participated on January 6th. There is an exception to every rule.
Well, there were 33 Benghazi investigations.....

and besides....nothing stopped Trump from launching an investigation into the origins of this virus...

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