Chris Wallace - Saying for Trump to condemn white supremacists was proof of his shill, Democrat partisanship

That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

For most, it is a softball question

Of course I question

For some reason, Trump repeatedly struggles with it and gives a head scratching reply that is not a .....Yes

It takes days for his staff to spin what he “really meant”
You are spinning yourself.
He has condemned them before...actually several times...

Trump - Direct quote... "Racism is evil, and those who commit violence using it's name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacist. And other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold we hold dear as Americans."

He has been inconsistent in his statements and his policies
He had no problem declaring BLM a terrorist organization.

It is a simple question that most would laugh off......Of course I condemn White Supremacy

Why does Trump repeatedly struggle with it?

yeah you just ignored everything he said... but I expect nothing else from you

There is no question that when Trump is in ass covering mode that he can read a prepared statement from his staff condemning racism.

For some reason, he struggles to say it when asked spontaneously

Trump doesn't need to condemn racism like you do, RW. Do you condemn racism?

Evidently he does

He keeps struggling with a simple question. That is why they keep asking it.

I notice you're struggling with condemning racism. I asked you to condemn it and you didn't.

Why is that, RW? Why can't you condemn racism? I clearly asked you to condemn it and you completely didn't.

Can you condemn racism? Can you RW?

Of course I condemn racism

See, it’s not hard
Why does Trump struggle so much to do it?
Except he has no reason to be asked the question. What about you? Do you condemn white supremacy?

Absolutely. In fact, I think we need to do what the Germans do to Racist groups...
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Actually, it wasn't a loaded question at all.

"I completely condemn white supremacist groups in no uncertain terms. They have no place in American discourse."

See, that was easy.

Except he has no reason to be asked the question. What about you? Do you condemn white supremacy?

The subject was race in this country
Wallace brought up Charlottesville and Trumps bizarre statements

He gave Trump an easy out, softball question
Will you condemn White Supremacy?

In spite of being urged to do so.......Trump just couldn’t
A day ago, the Trump cultists were crowing either about Trump's impending triumph, or claiming that Biden wouldn't show.

Now, they're howling that the mods were biased.

I kind of pity them. They actually believed their own idiot propaganda, and reality has smacked them hard.

Oh, the nation noticed that Trump told the white supremacist thug Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." He's asking for a brownshirt terrorist group to be ready to commit violence on his behalf. Just reason #2,309 why he's unfit for office.

I have a thread about this and my prediction was that Biden takes the first debate.

Now leftists are screeching he should not debate again, he took a beating and can't handle it.
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Actually, it wasn't a loaded question at all.

"I completely condemn white supremacist groups in no uncertain terms. They have no place in American discourse."

See, that was easy.

It was such an awkward moment.
I was screaming at the TV......Just SAY it you Stupid SOB!

Trump just couldn’t bring himself to say it
A day ago, the Trump cultists were crowing either about Trump's impending triumph, or claiming that Biden wouldn't show.

Now, they're howling that the mods were biased.

I kind of pity them. They actually believed their own idiot propaganda, and reality has smacked them hard.

Oh, the nation noticed that Trump told the white supremacist thug Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." He's asking for a brownshirt terrorist group to be ready to commit violence on his behalf. Just reason #2,309 why he's unfit for office.

I have a thread about this and my prediction was that Biden takes the first debate.

Now leftists are screeching he should not debate again, he took a beating and can't handle it.
Trumps behavior does not warrant more debates
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
First of all. You do realize that one of the main arguments against Biden is that he is supposedly condoning, antifa? Constantly conflating BLM and riots, or protests.

You just now said you understood the difference and at the same time claimed that somehow Pelosi is responsible for them because the majority will vote for Biden.

Biden has unequivocally condemned violence at protests. Trump said "stand down and stand by".
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

For most, it is a softball question

Of course I question

For some reason, Trump repeatedly struggles with it and gives a head scratching reply that is not a .....Yes

It takes days for his staff to spin what he “really meant”
You are spinning yourself.
He has condemned them before...actually several times...

Trump - Direct quote... "Racism is evil, and those who commit violence using it's name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacist. And other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold we hold dear as Americans."

He has been inconsistent in his statements and his policies
He had no problem declaring BLM a terrorist organization.

It is a simple question that most would laugh off......Of course I condemn White Supremacy

Why does Trump repeatedly struggle with it?

yeah you just ignored everything he said... but I expect nothing else from you

There is no question that when Trump is in ass covering mode that he can read a prepared statement from his staff condemning racism.

For some reason, he struggles to say it when asked spontaneously

Trump doesn't need to condemn racism like you do, RW. Do you condemn racism?

Evidently he does

He keeps struggling with a simple question. That is why they keep asking it.

I notice you're struggling with condemning racism. I asked you to condemn it and you didn't.

Why is that, RW? Why can't you condemn racism? I clearly asked you to condemn it and you completely didn't.

Can you condemn racism? Can you RW?

Of course I condemn racism

See, it’s not hard
Why does Trump struggle so much to do it?

Why couldn't you clearly condemn it the first time I asked? I clearly asked you to condemn racism and you clearly didn't. What are you hiding? So are you sure, you condemn racism? Why? And why do you need to condemn it? What did you do, RW?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

You see a downside to condemning white supremacy? If the question is loaded towards condemnation of White supremacists, doing so is pretty non-controversial or am I missing something?

I explained it in the OP as if it wasn't already totally obvious. Maybe you could add to my point in the OP rather than ask a question I directly answered in the OP

It's obviously not obvious, since I don't see how answering, yes I condemn white supremacy is a trap. It's a simple binary question. Even if loaded, it is still not at all hard. Even if I accept the premise that asking the question is loaded in itself. It is still about as easy a question you are likely to get. And equivocating on it is NOT the fault of the person asking the question.

So are you a racist? Simple question. Can you condemn racism? Why haven't you I wonder

No I'm not a racist.

That's how easy it is. You can try to make it leading by adding that second bit. Something by the way Wallace didn't do. But it's still easy to answer. Trump made the choice to not give that easy answer.
condoning, antifa? Constantly conflating BLM and riots, or protests.

You just now said you understood the difference and at the same time claimed that somehow Pelosi is responsible for them because the majority will vote for Biden.

Biden has unequivocally condemned violence at protests. Trump said "stand down and stand by".

LOL All the violence is from Antifa and BLM.

Biden and his campaign accused Kyle Rittenhouse of being a 'white supremacist' and have been served notice to retract by L. Lin Wood. Lawsuits against Biden and his campaign to follow.

That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

You see a downside to condemning white supremacy? If the question is loaded towards condemnation of White supremacists, doing so is pretty non-controversial or am I missing something?

I explained it in the OP as if it wasn't already totally obvious. Maybe you could add to my point in the OP rather than ask a question I directly answered in the OP

It's obviously not obvious, since I don't see how answering, yes I condemn white supremacy is a trap. It's a simple binary question. Even if loaded, it is still not at all hard. Even if I accept the premise that asking the question is loaded in itself. It is still about as easy a question you are likely to get. And equivocating on it is NOT the fault of the person asking the question.

Do you disavow murders and rapists?

Sure I do.
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

For most, it is a softball question

Of course I question

For some reason, Trump repeatedly struggles with it and gives a head scratching reply that is not a .....Yes

It takes days for his staff to spin what he “really meant”
You are spinning yourself.
He has condemned them before...actually several times...

Trump - Direct quote... "Racism is evil, and those who commit violence using it's name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacist. And other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold we hold dear as Americans."

He has been inconsistent in his statements and his policies
He had no problem declaring BLM a terrorist organization.

It is a simple question that most would laugh off......Of course I condemn White Supremacy

Why does Trump repeatedly struggle with it?

yeah you just ignored everything he said... but I expect nothing else from you

There is no question that when Trump is in ass covering mode that he can read a prepared statement from his staff condemning racism.

For some reason, he struggles to say it when asked spontaneously

Trump doesn't need to condemn racism like you do, RW. Do you condemn racism?

Evidently he does

He keeps struggling with a simple question. That is why they keep asking it.

I notice you're struggling with condemning racism. I asked you to condemn it and you didn't.

Why is that, RW? Why can't you condemn racism? I clearly asked you to condemn it and you completely didn't.

Can you condemn racism? Can you RW?

Of course I condemn racism

See, it’s not hard
Why does Trump struggle so much to do it?

Why couldn't you clearly condemn it the first time I asked. I clearly asked you to condemn racism and you clearly didn't. What are you hiding. So are you sure, you condemn racism? Why? And why do you need to condemn it? What did you do, RW?

You keep trying this line of questioning and it goes nowhere

Nobody has a problem with answering the question......Do you condemn White Supremacy?

Of course I condemn White Supremacy.

Trump, repeatedly stumbles over it
I have never heard of that before. Do you have evidence of that?

Sure. The Proud Boys themselves say it's just PC.

Can you give examples of this rhetoric?

Is this the way you really want to go, running interference for white supremacists? I'd think carefully before heading further down that path.

I've never heard of a white supremacist group that installs a black Hispanic man as its national chairman, have you?
Except he has no reason to be asked the question. What about you? Do you condemn white supremacy?

Absolutely. In fact, I think we need to do what the Germans do to Racist groups...

Damn. Easiest thing in the world to just come out with heck yeah, I condemn racism. That was really fast. You did exactly what a racist would do. They'd drop a penny and say they aren't a racist before it hit the floor.

So why was that so fast? Do you really condemn racism, Joe? Why did you just say what any racist would say?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

For most, it is a softball question

Of course I question

For some reason, Trump repeatedly struggles with it and gives a head scratching reply that is not a .....Yes

It takes days for his staff to spin what he “really meant”
You are spinning yourself.
He has condemned them before...actually several times...

Trump - Direct quote... "Racism is evil, and those who commit violence using it's name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacist. And other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold we hold dear as Americans."

He has been inconsistent in his statements and his policies
He had no problem declaring BLM a terrorist organization.

It is a simple question that most would laugh off......Of course I condemn White Supremacy

Why does Trump repeatedly struggle with it?

yeah you just ignored everything he said... but I expect nothing else from you

There is no question that when Trump is in ass covering mode that he can read a prepared statement from his staff condemning racism.

For some reason, he struggles to say it when asked spontaneously

Trump doesn't need to condemn racism like you do, RW. Do you condemn racism?

Evidently he does

He keeps struggling with a simple question. That is why they keep asking it.

I notice you're struggling with condemning racism. I asked you to condemn it and you didn't.

Why is that, RW? Why can't you condemn racism? I clearly asked you to condemn it and you completely didn't.

Can you condemn racism? Can you RW?

Of course I condemn racism

See, it’s not hard
Why does Trump struggle so much to do it?

Why couldn't you clearly condemn it the first time I asked. I clearly asked you to condemn racism and you clearly didn't. What are you hiding. So are you sure, you condemn racism? Why? And why do you need to condemn it? What did you do, RW?

You keep trying this line of questioning and it goes nowhere

Nobody has a problem with answering the question......Do you condemn White Supremacy?

Of course I condemn White Supremacy.

Trump, repeatedly stumbles over it

Your first sentence captured my point. Trump has clearly condemned white supremacy. But you don't want to hear the answer, you want to keep asking the question.

Your racist views are of course why you're so fixated on this issue. Racists will be the first to call someone a racist. Why? You're the ones who think constantly about race.

RW: "You keep trying this line of questioning and it goes nowhere."

Now if you could only grasp that. But you're dumb as a doornob and racist as a 50s Alabaman, not going to happen
condoning, antifa? Constantly conflating BLM and riots, or protests.

You just now said you understood the difference and at the same time claimed that somehow Pelosi is responsible for them because the majority will vote for Biden.

Biden has unequivocally condemned violence at protests. Trump said "stand down and stand by".

LOL All the violence is from Antifa and BLM.

Biden and his campaign accused Kyle Rittenhouse of being a 'white supremacist' and have been served notice to retract by L. Lin Wood. Lawsuits against Biden and his campaign to follow.

Killing 2 people and wounding a third is pretty violent. I'm fairly convinced Rittenhouse is not a sympathiser of BLM or Antifa.
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Actually, it wasn't a loaded question at all.

"I completely condemn white supremacist groups in no uncertain terms. They have no place in American discourse."

See, that was easy.

It was such an awkward moment.
I was screaming at the TV......Just SAY it you Stupid SOB!

Trump just couldn’t bring himself to say it

Of course you wanted him to say it. What about you, RW? Can you condemn white supremacy? You apparently have a problem doing that. What bothers you about condemning white supremacy?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It's not a loaded question, and your post is attempting to provide cover for Trump's rallying cry to terrorist groups and white supremacists.

Trump seems to think that the Proud Boys are law abiding citizens, telling them to "stand back and let police do their jobs". The job of police is to arrest terrorists like the Proud Boys. Clearly the President thinks these people white supremacists are the good guys. He even said "good people on both sides" about the white supremacists in Charlottesville.

Donald Trump is a white supremacist. It's not a dog whistle any more. He's using a bullhorn and call on them to help him retain power when he loses the election.

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