Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....
You really believe that don't you? Delusional until the end?

Say, weren't you one of the leftists here who DEMANDED that Jeb would be the GOP nominee..


Even you must note a change in the pheromones emitted by your masters at the hate sites, when they program you to spew your nonsense here.

What you smell on your rulers, is fear.

Demanded? No, I didn't demand he be the nominee. Six months ago I thought it likely based on history, but I certainly never demanded it. If I could demand who the nominee for the GOP was, I would demand Trump or Cruz...thanks for playing along. [emoji56]
Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....

Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...

Yes...if you don't do those events at all. You cannot make a cake for couple A then refuse to make the same cake for couple B because they are (insert protected class here).
Protected class, minority, handicapped yes, not gay, it is a choice. Gay is not a protected class just because they throw their bedroom habits out in public.

Religion is a choice that is a protected class in all 50 states. Veteran status is a choice that is a protected class in all 50 states. Even if being gay were a choice (it isn't), it is still a protected class in some places.
Gay is an abnormal choice to commit carnal knowledge with the same sex, period. Sick retarded libs.
What is it when I'm doing my wife's mouth and ass?
Your business and no one else's dumbass.
Thought you were telling us all about normal?
Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....

I'm pointing out the FACT that extreme homophobia often has its roots in self loathing.

I'm not sure that's the case here, but the obsession with anuses is a tip off.
Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....

Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It would be an insult to lesbians.
Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....

Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It would be an insult to lesbians.

Speaking of bulls.....and socks
Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It is hilarious the way the left thinks there is nothing worse than calling someone a queer. Like the high school moron that used to scream "faggot" at me. Dude, I had a girlfriend, get a clue..

Meh, stupid people. They used to annoy me, now I just laugh at them, until they mass and elect fucktards like Obama....
I'm pointing out the FACT that extreme homophobia often has its roots in self loathing.

A "fact" you shit brained leftist made up out of thin air. :thup:

Hey, I get it - nothing worse than being queer, so you fling it at your enemies.

I'm not sure that's the case here, but the obsession with anuses is a tip off.

I think they may be referencing you, not the actual organ... :dunno:
Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It is hilarious the way the left thinks there is nothing worse than calling someone a queer. Like the high school moron that used to scream "faggot" at me. Dude, I had a girlfriend, get a clue..

Meh, stupid people. They used to annoy me, now I just laugh at them, until they mass and elect fucktards like Obama....

Well when you're dealing with leftists and homosexuals you're most likely dealing with a mental illness ....that and a leftist will lie out it's ass at a drop of a hat
Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It is hilarious the way the left thinks there is nothing worse than calling someone a queer. Like the high school moron that used to scream "faggot" at me. Dude, I had a girlfriend, get a clue..

Meh, stupid people. They used to annoy me, now I just laugh at them, until they mass and elect fucktards like Obama....

To the gay person it isn't "insulting" to be perceived as gay...for the raging homophobe, it is.

New Study: Many Homophobes are Self-Loathing Gays | Truth Wins Out
Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....

Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It would be an insult to lesbians.

Speaking of bulls.....and socks

I'm neither a bull or a sock. You are the one with another sign on name LadyGunSlinger/SassyIrishLass.

Bull dykes don't carry five babies to term...but your obsession with manly women is telling.
Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It is hilarious the way the left thinks there is nothing worse than calling someone a queer. Like the high school moron that used to scream "faggot" at me. Dude, I had a girlfriend, get a clue..

Meh, stupid people. They used to annoy me, now I just laugh at them, until they mass and elect fucktards like Obama....

To the gay person it isn't "insulting" to be perceived as gay...for the raging homophobe, it is.

New Study: Many Homophobes are Self-Loathing Gays | Truth Wins Out

And of course you believe that tripe. It's one of the main reasons you're not taken serious under any of your names. While I'm at it there is an old saying...don't start none and there won't be none.You can't win so cease your silly charade
Ah, so you have no defense or argument. Glad we could clear that up. Carry on with your deep seeded (and potentially self loathing) homophobia.

So, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you called him the most vile thing you could think of, you called him "queer."


You leftist thugs are a hoot, when you really want to hurt others, you call them "queer."

You must really hate queers to think the name would hurt others so.....

Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It would be an insult to lesbians.

Speaking of bulls.....and socks

I'm neither a bull or a sock. You are the one with another sign on name LadyGunSlinger/SassyIrishLass.

Bull dykes don't carry five babies to term...but your obsession with manly women is telling.

Yeah, yeah, yeah....sorry but you're a known liar also Now change names so I can further ridicule you
Well we've slipped a bit off topic and into another convenient flame war...maybe get the thread shut down eh guys?

Where were we...oh...right the actual Christian legal argument against having to bake cakes for the LGBT movement:

The words in the bible are not to be taken literally.......unless of course you are talking about gays and then anything can be used and twisted accordingly as long as what you use it for is against gays lol. If you try to use it for gays, then and only then is it wrong and is "taken out of context". Anti-gay 101

Jude 1 of the NEW Testament (the one Christians follow, using the Old Testament only as a history book which was revised by Jesus) doesn't just give a passing glance to the problem God sees in homosexuality. It warns of total destruction. It reminds Christians in a rare agreement with some of the more brutal ways of the Old Testament that "homosexuality is a special case for Christians"..."watch out"... "you can reach out to the individual sinner, making a difference, but if you dare to promote the behavior as a new cultural value, you're going to the pit of fire yourself along with the damned.." (paraphrased).

Go ahead and read it for "my misinterpretations" of it which you will no doubt rebut.

Here's a snippet, reminding Christians of what they already know:

Jude 1: 3-8
3. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.


And in case folks still claim it's unclear what Jude 1 was referring to, Romans 1 clears it up nicely:

Romans 1: 21-27

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Well we've slipped a bit off topic and into another convenient flame war...maybe get the thread shut down eh guys?

Where were we...oh...right the actual Christian legal argument against having to bake cakes for the LGBT movement:

Quoting scripture isn't a legal argument.

Nor does anything you've cited even mention same sex marriage or wedding cakes.

What else have you got?
Some bull on here tries to insult me by calling me gay...


It is hilarious the way the left thinks there is nothing worse than calling someone a queer. Like the high school moron that used to scream "faggot" at me. Dude, I had a girlfriend, get a clue..

Meh, stupid people. They used to annoy me, now I just laugh at them, until they mass and elect fucktards like Obama....

To the gay person it isn't "insulting" to be perceived as gay...for the raging homophobe, it is.

New Study: Many Homophobes are Self-Loathing Gays | Truth Wins Out

And of course you believe that tripe. It's one of the main reasons you're not taken serious under any of your names. While I'm at it there is an old saying...don't start none and there won't be none.You can't win so cease your silly charade

Sorry to disappoint LadyGunLass, but I've only ever had one sign on name here...unlike you Allie (that was another of your account names, yes?)

I've already won. You're a bigoted minority in the US.
To the gay person it isn't "insulting" to be perceived as gay...for the raging homophobe, it is.

New Study: Many Homophobes are Self-Loathing Gays | Truth Wins Out

A bullshit "study" from a leftist hate site is not what one would call "compelling."

And obviously calling others queer is literally the most insulting thing you can come up with.

Yeah, that's indicated by all the evidence to the contrary YOU have provided.

It's not like we don't have empirical evidence as well as scientific studies....

16 Anti-Gay Activists Who Were Caught Being Gay
I'm neither a bull or a sock. You are the one with another sign on name LadyGunSlinger/SassyIrishLass.

Bull dykes don't carry five babies to term...but your obsession with manly women is telling.

Just to clear up the bullshit, a sock is someone who uses multiple id's to log on to a site during the same time period.

Lady Gunslinger leaving the site and coming back as SassyIrishLass is NOT a sock.

Ravi/Valeri IS a sock, same person (Doc?) running multiple id's at the same time.

Not saying you are a sock, but Sassy is not a sock.

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