Christian delusion and the myth of persecution in America

if a left-wing nutjobs says Christians are pretending to be persecuted i must admit part of me wants to agree with the Left-wing nutjob...............because NOBODY IS AS GOOD AT PRETENDING TO BE A VICTIM as Left-wing nutjobs are!!

it is a function of decades of pandering and phony outrage

idiots and hypocrites

The thing is this....

After 50 years of whining about every little infringement of some minorities free expression being persecution and racism, now that the little PC Nazis are doing it themselves to people (disallowing their books, passing over them for jobs or promotions, etc) well now it isn't persecution all of a sudden like.

The same standard they set up to protect and defend blacks, Jews, faggots and Muslims, they deny to Christians.

But the fact is that they were right before.

Dictionary definition of persecution is....

1: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief

2: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester

A person doesn't have to be chained to a wall and tortured with red hot irons to be persecuted. Denying them a job because they believe in Creationism is just as unfair or at least annoying.

Right now the persecution is mild by historical standards, but the rate of progression is what is alarming. Thirty years ago the libtards would never have dared to do some of this crap, but they have allied with Christ hating bigots of various types and those allies will demand their pound of flesh to stay loyal.

And that will wake up a majority that will not back don once stirred.

I am hoping to goad the fools into waking the bear.
if a left-wing nutjobs says Christians are pretending to be persecuted i must admit part of me wants to agree with the Left-wing nutjob...............because NOBODY IS AS GOOD AT PRETENDING TO BE A VICTIM as Left-wing nutjobs are!!

it is a function of decades of pandering and phony outrage

idiots and hypocrites

The thing is this....

After 50 years of whining about every little infringement of some minorities free expression being persecution and racism, now that the little PC Nazis are doing it themselves to people (disallowing their books, passing over them for jobs or promotions, etc) well now it isn't persecution all of a sudden like.

The same standard they set up to protect and defend blacks, Jews, faggots and Muslims, they deny to Christians.

But the fact is that they were right before.

Dictionary definition of persecution is....

1: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief

2: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester

A person doesn't have to be chained to a wall and tortured with red hot irons to be persecuted. Denying them a job because they believe in Creationism is just as unfair or at least annoying.

Right now the persecution is mild by historical standards, but the rate of progression is what is alarming. Thirty years ago the libtards would never have dared to do some of this crap, but they have allied with Christ hating bigots of various types and those allies will demand their pound of flesh to stay loyal.

And that will wake up a majority that will not back don once stirred.

I am hoping to goad the fools into waking the bear.
fantastic bloviation:eusa_clap:
if a left-wing nutjobs says Christians are pretending to be persecuted i must admit part of me wants to agree with the Left-wing nutjob...............because NOBODY IS AS GOOD AT PRETENDING TO BE A VICTIM as Left-wing nutjobs are!!

it is a function of decades of pandering and phony outrage

idiots and hypocrites

The thing is this....

After 50 years of whining about every little infringement of some minorities free expression being persecution and racism, now that the little PC Nazis are doing it themselves to people (disallowing their books, passing over them for jobs or promotions, etc) well now it isn't persecution all of a sudden like.

The same standard they set up to protect and defend blacks, Jews, faggots and Muslims, they deny to Christians.

But the fact is that they were right before.

Dictionary definition of persecution is....

1: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief

2: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester

A person doesn't have to be chained to a wall and tortured with red hot irons to be persecuted. Denying them a job because they believe in Creationism is just as unfair or at least annoying.

Right now the persecution is mild by historical standards, but the rate of progression is what is alarming. Thirty years ago the libtards would never have dared to do some of this crap, but they have allied with Christ hating bigots of various types and those allies will demand their pound of flesh to stay loyal.

And that will wake up a majority that will not back don once stirred.

I am hoping to goad the fools into waking the bear.
fantastic bloviation:eusa_clap:

Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it bloviation, dumbass.
The fact is that Christians are very much privileged in the United States. Christianity is an ideology in the United States that enjoys implicit, unreflecting, and uncritical acceptance.

Consequently, the notion of a ‘war on Christians’ is indeed a myth.

The mass delusion that is a fact and a requirement of all of the various religious beliefs is fascinating.

Very few people are so blindly accepting of those who believe in, say, extraterrestrials visiting us for the purpose of anal probes, Elvis sightings at WalMart and Bigfoot moving in next door.

But, huge tax free clubs that charge a membership fee and use magic water, magic underwear, magic smoke to sell an invisible and imaginary creature who guarantees the members they'll never die -- THAT is blindly accepted and downright freaky.

My own opinion is that the UFO nuts, Elvis and Bigfoot fans as well as the various religions are mostly harmless examples of mass delusion. While its not polite to point and snicker, as long as the religion nutters mind their own business and stay in their clubhouses, let them thump their bibles and mumbo their jumbo.

The problem is, they won't do that. They want us all to share their delusion and they want an end to the Constitution.

Along with their tax free clubhouses, they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us and I'm really sick of their proselytizing and whining for more.

Okay, so what is it christians/mormons/etc want?

What more is there that you think you are owed?
The fact is that Christians are very much privileged in the United States. Christianity is an ideology in the United States that enjoys implicit, unreflecting, and uncritical acceptance.

Consequently, the notion of a ‘war on Christians’ is indeed a myth.

An unwarranted assertion by a PC Nazi like you that is easily refuted by looking at any news of atheist groups targeting Christian cemeteries for removing crosses or disallowing Christian prayer on government property.

Thank God your ilk is so fucking stupid.

You poor persecuted thing, you. :D There...there....

Bodecca said the exact same thing.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

So those two Christ hating bigots agreeing proves.....that they are Christ hating bigots?

Don't hate Christ at all...he said some pretty awesome stuff, if he has been bio'd correctly.

Some who claim to follow him however.................:eusa_whistle:

Oh yes, the myth of persecution. Like how blacks are victims of white racism, or like how there is supposed to be a war on women, or how the poor poor pitiful unions are under attack, or how the Hispanics are victims of the racist conservatives, or gays, or Muslims, and on and on from the left.

"Hello Kettle?"
"Yeah this is Pot. Guess what?"
"You're black!"

Consequently, the notion of a ‘war on Christians’ is indeed a myth.

An unwarranted assertion by a PC Nazi like you that is easily refuted by looking at any news of atheist groups targeting Christian cemeteries for removing crosses or disallowing Christian prayer on government property.

Thank God your ilk is so fucking stupid.

You poor persecuted thing, you. :D There...there....

I'm sure they will all take this opportunity to answer my question ...

... they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us ...

What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

Consequently, the notion of a ‘war on Christians’ is indeed a myth.

The mass delusion that is a fact and a requirement of all of the various religious beliefs is fascinating.

Very few people are so blindly accepting of those who believe in, say, extraterrestrials visiting us for the purpose of anal probes, Elvis sightings at WalMart and Bigfoot moving in next door.

But, huge tax free clubs that charge a membership fee and use magic water, magic underwear, magic smoke to sell an invisible and imaginary creature who guarantees the members they'll never die -- THAT is blindly accepted and downright freaky.

My own opinion is that the UFO nuts, Elvis and Bigfoot fans as well as the various religions are mostly harmless examples of mass delusion. While its not polite to point and snicker, as long as the religion nutters mind their own business and stay in their clubhouses, let them thump their bibles and mumbo their jumbo.

The problem is, they won't do that. They want us all to share their delusion and they want an end to the Constitution.

Along with their tax free clubhouses, they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us and I'm really sick of their proselytizing and whining for more.

Okay, so what is it christians/mormons/etc want?

What more is there that you think you are owed?

Are you talking to yourself?
An unwarranted assertion by a PC Nazi like you that is easily refuted by looking at any news of atheist groups targeting Christian cemeteries for removing crosses or disallowing Christian prayer on government property.

Thank God your ilk is so fucking stupid.

You poor persecuted thing, you. :D There...there....

I'm sure they will all take this opportunity to answer my question ...

... they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us ...
What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

Besides, what is it liberals do when they don't get their way? Demand special treatment. Your post is case in point.
You poor persecuted thing, you. :D There...there....

I'm sure they will all take this opportunity to answer my question ...

... they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us ...
What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

Besides, what is it liberals do when they don't get their way? Demand special treatment. Your post is case in point.

Quit bobbing and weaving and just answer the question -

What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

Don't try to change the subject or blame someone else for your own situation. Just answer the question -

What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

XXXXXXX, I need to run some Amazon/eBay orders to the post office but I will check back later. I hope you will take time out from your busy schedule of doing nothing absolutely worthwhile to actually

Answer the question - What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

But I'm not holding my breath.

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An unwarranted assertion by a PC Nazi like you that is easily refuted by looking at any news of atheist groups targeting Christian cemeteries for removing crosses or disallowing Christian prayer on government property.

Thank God your ilk is so fucking stupid.

You poor persecuted thing, you. :D There...there....

I'm sure they will all take this opportunity to answer my question ...

... they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us ...

What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

To leave us alone. We want you to leave us alone. You don't have to believe. You don't have to do a damn thing. You can be the most vile person in the world. But stop pretending that your victims while you treat us like crap and blame us for your problems. Grow the heck up and be a man.

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