Christian delusion and the myth of persecution in America

The entire RW has a persecution complex which its leaders constantly exploit in an effort to garner support for any and all political fights, real or made up. The war against Christmas is a case in point. Even back in the Bush years when Republicans were in charge of all branches of gov't, the right constantly acted and talked as if they were on the margins of society like some kind of discriminated and powerless minority.

The reality is that Christians in America are the most powerful segment of society with massive media sway and a voice that tends to drown out all others. But behaving as if they're victims satisfies the long-past historical reality that Christians lived through during the times of ancient Rome before Emperor Constantine and Theodosius came to power and elevated Christianity to ultimately become the dominant religion. All I can say at this point is look what happened afterward when Christians were finally in power and the Catholic Church became the predominant power.
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Okay, so what is it christians/mormons/etc want?

Not to be marched into death camps, to start with. You Communists have a long history of mass murder - when you declare war on a segment of society, as you have on Christians, it is wise to take great care.

After all, you leftists are the most murderous motherfuckers in all of history.

What more is there that you think you are owed?

Liberty - which is why you have a problem.

You demand that all are property of the state, to do with as the state desires. Christians hold that their god is the ultimate authority, even above the party. Naturally, you will not abide this.

The entire RW has a persecution complex which its leaders constantly exploit in an effort to garner support for any and all political fights, real or made up. The war against Christmas is a case in point. Even back in the Bush years when Republicans were in charge of all branches of gov't, the right constantly employed as if they were on the margins of society like some kind of discriminated and powerless minority.

The reality is that Christians in America are the most powerful segment of society with massive media sway and a voice that tends to drown out all others. But behaving as if they're victims satisfies the long-past historical reality that Christians lived through during the times of ancient Rome before Emperor Constantine and Theodosius came to power and elevated Christianity to ultimately become the dominant religion. All I can say at this point is look what happened afterward when Christians were finally in power and the Catholic Church became the predominant power.

Okay, so, in answer to my question, poor little baby [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] does his usual, pathetic excuse for a man, cowardly duck and run, [MENTION=2364]avatar[/MENTION] says she wants more of the special treatment and extra rights she already gets and [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION] just lies.

My thanks to [MENTION=22217]Mustang[/MENTION] for adding a bit more truth to the thread.

For all the whining and crying, the fact is,

they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us,

And, when asked a simple question -

What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

Not one of them can come up with an answer.

Gee, how shocking.
Do I detect some paranoia?

What you detect is sarcasm.

While there is no doubt that you would be eager to march enemies of your shameful party to their deaths, you're an impotent little twerp.

You scumbags are going to spark a civil war, little doubt of that - but I suspect it won't end well for you.

And if any more of those Christians complain, you'll march them off to death camps, right Batshit....

Do I detect some paranoia?

And stupidity.

Some rw's are being told to just keep saying "Communist" over and over, even though they have no clue what the word means.

Uncensored is one of those brainless rw's who is just following his marching orders.

I wish we could hold some junior high level remedial classes and teach these fools some basic definitions. I doubt they'd understand them now any better than they did the first time though ...
And if any more of those Christians complain, you'll march them off to death camps, right Batshit....

Do I detect some paranoia?

And stupidity.

Some rw's are being told to just keep saying "Communist" over and over, even though they have no clue what the word means.

Uncensored is one of those brainless rw's who is just following his marching orders.

I wish we could hold some junior high level remedial classes and teach these fools some basic definitions. I doubt they'd understand them now any better than they did the first time though ...

It's a low IQ thing with them

One of the Christians’ Favorite Delusion: We’re the ones being persecuted!
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Okay, so, in answer to my question, poor little baby [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] does his usual, pathetic excuse for a man, cowardly duck and run, [MENTION=2364]avatar[/MENTION] says she wants more of the special treatment and extra rights she already gets and [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION] just lies.

My thanks to [MENTION=22217]Mustang[/MENTION] for adding a bit more truth to the thread.

For all the whining and crying, the fact is,

they get special treatment and special rights not afforded the rest of us,

And, when asked a simple question -

What do christians/mormons/other religions want?

Not one of them can come up with an answer.

Gee, how shocking.

What is it I lied about, Pillowbite?

Be specific!
And stupidity.

Some rw's are being told to just keep saying "Communist" over and over, even though they have no clue what the word means.

Uncensored is one of those brainless rw's who is just following his marching orders.

I wish we could hold some junior high level remedial classes and teach these fools some basic definitions. I doubt they'd understand them now any better than they did the first time though ...

Pillowbite, I shit out more IQ points every morning than you and Batshit combined can muster.

Oh, and anytime you want to wander over to the CDZ to debate Marxism, you just let me know...

One of us has read Marx and grasps the concepts of dialectical materialism - the other is you....

Face is Pillowbite, you're just a drone, an unthinking automaton, spewing party rhetoric programmed into you by the hate sites. You have the intellect of a water faucet. You masters tell you what to post, and you do it. Even simple concepts are never considered by you, the party tells you what you think - 100% of the time.

I refer to you as a Communist because you are a moronic drone just as the Bolsheviks of old were, dedicated to party, but unwilling to THINK - a creature completely controlled by the party. You seek a collectivist - authoritarian state - even if you are too stupid to grasp that this is what you advocate.
And stupidity.

Some rw's are being told to just keep saying "Communist" over and over, even though they have no clue what the word means.

Uncensored is one of those brainless rw's who is just following his marching orders.

I wish we could hold some junior high level remedial classes and teach these fools some basic definitions. I doubt they'd understand them now any better than they did the first time though ...

Pillowbite, I shit out more IQ points every morning than you and Batshit combined can muster.

Oh, and anytime you want to wander over to the CDZ to debate Marxism, you just let me know...

One of us has read Marx and grasps the concepts of dialectical materialism - the other is you....

Face is Pillowbite, you're just a drone, an unthinking automaton, spewing party rhetoric programmed into you by the hate sites. You have the intellect of a water faucet. You masters tell you what to post, and you do it. Even simple concepts are never considered by you, the party tells you what you think - 100% of the time.

I refer to you as a Communist because you are a moronic drone just as the Bolsheviks of old were, dedicated to party, but unwilling to THINK - a creature completely controlled by the party. You seek a collectivist - authoritarian state - even if you are too stupid to grasp that this is what you advocate.


But at least you admit you don't know what "Communism" means.

Bottom line is you couldn't answer my question either. :)

Oh, and hon, you'd be a lot happier if you just embraced your homosexuality.
This is what christers think is persecution of christians? LOL

An she hits it on the head.. Send Money!!!

Whip the morons up an make em scare shitless so they sen big $$$

They annoy people an get mad when normal people don't want to be bothered

Notice on the stories they leave the entire stories out,

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And still, for all their whining, not one of them can answer the question -

What do they want?

But, OTOH, what more is there?

What more is there that they don't already have?
And still, for all their whining, not one of them can answer the question -

What do they want?

But, OTOH, what more is there?

What more is there that they don't already have?

Luddley, we answer your questions every time you ask them, yet you keep claiming that we never answer you, it's getting old really.
And still, for all their whining, not one of them can answer the question -

What do they want?

But, OTOH, what more is there?

What more is there that they don't already have?

Luddley, we answer your questions every time you ask them, yet you keep claiming that we never answer you, it's getting old really.

I don't remember asking this one before but if you would point me to the answers, I'd appreciate it.


(and no, "mean old commies" is not an answer.)

But at least you admit you don't know what "Communism" means.

I admit what, dumbfucK

Bottom line is you couldn't answer my question either. :)

Oh, and hon, you'd be a lot happier if you just embraced your homosexuality.

Ah yes, the most vile insult a leftist can muster, call others QUEER...

Holy fuck but you're stupid...
Luddley, we answer your questions every time you ask them, yet you keep claiming that we never answer you, it's getting old really.

Pillowbite is programmed to ask the question, not to ponder the answer. Puddley has no grasp of the conversation, and can no more be reasoned with than an ant on your counter. He only grasps what the hive mind programs into him.
Liberals, I find your tolerance of Christians to be dumbfounding.
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