Christian Evangelicals: Stop lying to yourselves!

The toad like demon mind of the left. It was ONLY WHITE CHRISTIANS that voted for Trump.

No blacks
No Hispanics
No single women
No Asians
No Jews

That is it and that is all. That is all they have been brainwashed into thinking.

Pointless even arguing with these brainwashed toads. Hell, you would have an easier time reasoning with an actual toad.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

The evangelicals are a bunch of hypocrites they don't care what he does there fake.

If Obama was like Trump people would have pitch forks and running the streets give me a break.
I seen what you did there.
Evangelicals in one paragraph and people in the other
Trump has outed Evangelicals as phoney. They are not Christians.

Interesting when someone who is not a part of a group projects their idea of what someone in that group must think or they are not "real".
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

The OP rated this as "Funny".

BILL! Support your premise that christian evangelicals were a major part of Trump's base, or STFU.
Even if they were , it does not follow that they consider him a great christian
They aren't lying. They just have different values and morals now. They follow a different kind of God. His name is Lucifer.
A self described "Christian" (but not an evangelical Christian) lectures us about Trump and Jesus? What the hell is going on with the crazy angry and incoherent left these days? Hypocrites enjoy a booming economy, the lowest unemployment in more than a decade, illegal entry into the U.S. is down by about 80% and they call the President a maggot. Do they think they are fooling anyone?
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian? Certainly none of the Evangelicals I've heard.

You have to love it when other people try to lecture Christians about what they're supposed to believe and how they're supposed to vote.

"Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian?" trump.:lmao:

it's true! two corinthians heard him!:auiqs.jpg:
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian? Certainly none of the Evangelicals I've heard.

You have to love it when other people try to lecture Christians about what they're supposed to believe and how they're supposed to vote.

"Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian?" trump.:lmao:

it's true! two corinthians heard him!:auiqs.jpg:

As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

It's not 1999 celebrity Trump. He has changed into more conservative ideals. Now he is pro-life. And not to mention a lot of evangelical leaders help mentor him. Did you forget that he has helped the evangelicals by standing with Israel recognizing Jerusalem as the capital? And also the tax cuts helping churches all over the country? We didn't elect a pastor and chief. We elected the commander and chief of this country. To paraphrase Jerry Fallwell Jr.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

It's not 1999 celebrity Trump. He has changed into more conservative ideals. Now he is pro-life. And not to mention a lot of evangelical leaders help mentor him. Did you forget that he has helped the evangelicals by standing with Israel recognizing Jerusalem as the capital? And also the tax cuts helping churches all over the country? We didn't elect a pastor and chief. We elected the commander and chief of this country. To paraphrase Jerry Fallwell Jr.

Trump is as pro-life as Gloria Steinem is. Trump is a liberal playing what liberals think conservatives believe. He's a parody of a conservative.

Trump just says what the rubes want to hear.

Trump has never had a pro-life thought in his head in his entire life. That's why when he was questioned about his alleged pro life beliefs, he completely flubbed his answers.

He gave the responses a liberal would give who thinks they know how pro-life people would answer, and he totally fucked it up.

Trump is still pro-choice, and always has been.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

It's not 1999 celebrity Trump. He has changed into more conservative ideals. Now he is pro-life. And not to mention a lot of evangelical leaders help mentor him. Did you forget that he has helped the evangelicals by standing with Israel recognizing Jerusalem as the capital? And also the tax cuts helping churches all over the country? We didn't elect a pastor and chief. We elected the commander and chief of this country. To paraphrase Jerry Fallwell Jr.

Trump is as pro-life as Gloria Steinem is. Trump is a liberal playing what liberals think conservatives believe. He's a parody of a conservative.

Trump just says what the rubes want to hear.

Trump has never had a pro-life thought in his head in his entire life. That's why when he was questioned about his alleged pro life beliefs, he flubbed his answers.

He gave the responses a liberal would give who thinks they know how pro-life people would answer, and he totally fucked it up.

Trump is still pro-choice, and always has been.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.

Okay, let's see if congress can pass an abortion ban and see if Trump signs it then.

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