Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

No one is mentioning greatest good other than you.

Statist, you are an ignorant troll who believes himself clever. You are not clever, you are a ham-handed hack.

Now, can you show where the 13 colonies supported homosexuality and homosexual marriage?

Are you even capable of staying on topic for even one second?

Nope, you are not.

Rich irony indeed.
Why should a gay bakery agree to make an anti gay cake? And why would an idiot expect them to?


The hardcore lefties here think that a bakery should be forced to bake a cake for a gay couple. Their excuse? "Public accommodations laws".

I'm not making this up.

But when the tables are turned, suddenly they don't give one tiny little crap about "public accommodations laws", and the spinning begins.

You won't find a better example of hypocrisy than this.



Two things- first of all- from the article itself nothing suggests that the bakeries turned this guy down because he was a Christian- they turned him down because they didnt' like the message(which was non-religious) on the cake(and had nothing to do with marriage).

But- aside from that- all of us have said that Christians have as much right to claim the protections of Public Accomodation laws as anyone else who is subject to them. Christians are protected even more because Federal law prohibits discrimination based upon religion- it is local law that prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation.

I have no objections to this guy claiming protection under PA laws, but I don't think he has a case.

IF he asked for a cake that said "Jesus hates fags" and that cake was rejected- then he would probably have a case.
You want to "correct" them, punish them, intimidate them; I want to change hearts & minds.

We have the same ultimate goal, but we'll never agree on the method.

You're right. I live in the real world, where haters don't stop hating because you coddle their hate.

You can talk to a homophobe or a racist all day about how not to say "f****t" or "n****r" because it's bad.

You threaten to fire their asses for it or take away their business, guess what, their behavior gets better.
I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.
A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.

I'm not surprised you use those words regularly, you are ignorant and bigoted - a typical leftist.
A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.

I'm not surprised you use those words regularly, you are ignorant and bigoted - a typical leftist.
Alright Gruber, then the queers should bake the cake or lose their business. Maybe next time they won't hate against a Christian.

No one was hating against Christians. Jesus never talked about gays once.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs. They could've just bought the cake and decorated it themselves, or went to a baker that would do exactly what they wanted. They choose to be assholes. You know what, the baker quit and they didn't get him to make their cake anyway.

So you agree that Christians are hating by trying to force someone to go against their beliefs?

You do realize this thread is about a Christian doing exactly that. Doing everything you accuse 'queers' of doing.
A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.

I'm not surprised you use those words regularly, you are ignorant and bigoted - a typical leftist.

I use those words only when demonstrating the fine language skills- and mindset of those who use them in a sentence intended to disparage people based upon their color, or gender, or religion, or sexual orientation.

Those words are used by the same purpose, by the same kind of people.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Anyone who still thinks that in the 21st century is the kind of bigot who needs re-education.
Spoken like a true totalitarian.

Hey, i'm tired of dealing with you fucking rubes. Simply, you bible thumpers are too fucking stupid for me to care about your opinions anymore. But unlike the Plutocrats who keep getting you dumb fucks to vote against your own economic interests, I'll tell you to your face how stupid you are.
Go fuck yourself, you whiney faggot.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.
A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.

I'm not surprised you use those words regularly, you are ignorant and bigoted - a typical leftist.
Alright Gruber, then the queers should bake the cake or lose their business. Maybe next time they won't hate against a Christian.

No one was hating against Christians. Jesus never talked about gays once.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs. They could've just bought the cake and decorated it themselves, or went to a baker that would do exactly what they wanted. They choose to be assholes. You know what, the baker quit and they didn't get him to make their cake anyway.

So you agree that Christians are hating by trying to force someone to go against their beliefs?

You do realize this thread is about a Christian doing exactly that. Doing everything you accuse 'queers' of doing.
Oh my god. That's the point, to reveal your hypocrisy.
You want to "correct" them, punish them, intimidate them; I want to change hearts & minds.

We have the same ultimate goal, but we'll never agree on the method.

You're right. I live in the real world, where haters don't stop hating because you coddle their hate.

You can talk to a homophobe or a racist all day about how not to say "f****t" or "n****r" because it's bad.

You threaten to fire their asses for it or take away their business, guess what, their behavior gets better.
I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.
Breeder, teabagger, rube, racist, homophobe, cracker, etc
You want to "correct" them, punish them, intimidate them; I want to change hearts & minds.

We have the same ultimate goal, but we'll never agree on the method.

You're right. I live in the real world, where haters don't stop hating because you coddle their hate.

You can talk to a homophobe or a racist all day about how not to say "f****t" or "n****r" because it's bad.

You threaten to fire their asses for it or take away their business, guess what, their behavior gets better.
I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

A great example of what I regularly say

f*ggot...n*gger....c*nt...k*ke....sp*c.....all the same kinds of words, used by the same kind of people, for the same purpose.
Breeder, teabagger, rube, racist, homophobe, cracker, etc

None of those bother me when coming from someone like you.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.

I Corinthians 5:11
Well, that verse (I'd include verses 9 and 10 as well) only says that a Christian should not associate with anyone claiming to be Christian who is sexually amoral, or few other sins. Paul clearly states he's only referring to associating with fellow Christians who sin, and not non-Christians. Additionally, I think it's a stretch to say that providing a business service for someone is "associating with them." Add on that that claim for religious belief would only hold if the service provider could show that s/he applied to other sinners, not just homosexuals.
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God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.

I Corinthians 5:11
Well, that verse (I'd include verses 9 and 10 as well) only say that a Christian should not associate with anyone claiming to be Christian who is sexually amoral, or few other sins. Paul clearly states he's only referring to associating with fellow Christians who sin, and not non-Christians. Additionally, I think it's a stretch to say that providing a business service for someone is "associating with them." Add on that that claim for religious belief would only hold if the service provider could show that s/he applied to other sinners, not just homosexuals.

I'm aware that it was addressing believers but there are plenty of homosexuals claiming to be believers.

Different people look at what associating with another person means. You may not see it a certain way but I do.

Since I see homosexuality as a sin, if homosexuals come in and ask for something that shows their orientation, I don't have to ask. If someone simply shops and doesn't indicate, I don't ask.

God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.

I Corinthians 5:11
Well, that verse (I'd include verses 9 and 10 as well) only say that a Christian should not associate with anyone claiming to be Christian who is sexually amoral, or few other sins. Paul clearly states he's only referring to associating with fellow Christians who sin, and not non-Christians. Additionally, I think it's a stretch to say that providing a business service for someone is "associating with them." Add on that that claim for religious belief would only hold if the service provider could show that s/he applied to other sinners, not just homosexuals.
So you agree that Christians are hating by trying to force someone to go against their beliefs?

No, I agree you are an ignorant bigot incapable of putting together a cogent sentence or rational thought.

You do realize this thread is about a Christian doing exactly that. Doing everything you accuse 'queers' of doing.

This is the thread that exposed the double-standard that you of the anti-culture demand. That you be able to force people to celebrate your desires, whilst protected from being forced to celebrate theirs.

I doubt you fully appreciate the magnitude, and the looming disaster when this reaches the courts. You view your violations of the 13th and 14th Amendments as your special privilege, a club to beat those whom you hate with.

You overplayed your hand, yet again, and it all blew up in your face.
I use those words only when demonstrating the fine language skills- and mindset of those who use them in a sentence intended to disparage people based upon their color, or gender, or religion, or sexual orientation.

Those words are used by the same purpose, by the same kind of people.

You alone use them, driven by your bigotry and ignorance.

You are a typical leftist. Heart filled with hate, head filled with mush.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.

I Corinthians 5:11
Well, that verse (I'd include verses 9 and 10 as well) only say that a Christian should not associate with anyone claiming to be Christian who is sexually amoral, or few other sins. Paul clearly states he's only referring to associating with fellow Christians who sin, and not non-Christians. Additionally, I think it's a stretch to say that providing a business service for someone is "associating with them." Add on that that claim for religious belief would only hold if the service provider could show that s/he applied to other sinners, not just homosexuals.

I'm aware that it was addressing believers but there are plenty of homosexuals claiming to be believers.

Different people look at what associating with another person means. You may not see it a certain way but I do.

Since I see homosexuality as a sin, if homosexuals come in and ask for something that shows their orientation, I don't have to ask. If someone simply shops and doesn't indicate, I don't ask.
But you would only be forbidden to associate with Christians (and that might have to further be defined as to which Christians constitute your brothers and sisters if of differing denominations), so there would be no prohibition against serving non-Christian homosexuals and other sinners. And then you run into the problem that if you only discriminate against Christian sinners, you're discriminating against them on the basis of religion.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.

I Corinthians 5:11
Well, that verse (I'd include verses 9 and 10 as well) only say that a Christian should not associate with anyone claiming to be Christian who is sexually amoral, or few other sins. Paul clearly states he's only referring to associating with fellow Christians who sin, and not non-Christians. Additionally, I think it's a stretch to say that providing a business service for someone is "associating with them." Add on that that claim for religious belief would only hold if the service provider could show that s/he applied to other sinners, not just homosexuals.

I'm aware that it was addressing believers but there are plenty of homosexuals claiming to be believers.

Different people look at what associating with another person means. You may not see it a certain way but I do.

Since I see homosexuality as a sin, if homosexuals come in and ask for something that shows their orientation, I don't have to ask. If someone simply shops and doesn't indicate, I don't ask.
But you would only be forbidden to associate with Christians (and that might have to further be defined as to which Christians constitute your brothers and sisters if of differing denominations), so there would be no prohibition against serving non-Christian homosexuals and other sinners. And then you run into the problem that if you only discriminate against Christian sinners, you're discriminating against them on the basis of religion.

You have run into a problem. You contradict yourself. You think a Christian baker should be forced to serve two fags despite his religious beliefs about homosexuality but it's perfectly OK for a faggot baker to refuse to serve a Christian. If you weren't so blatant about it, it wouldn't be so sad.
I'm sorry, could you please point out for me the Bible verse or any doctrine of Christianity that says it is wrong to provide services for a sinner.

I Corinthians 5:11
Well, that verse (I'd include verses 9 and 10 as well) only say that a Christian should not associate with anyone claiming to be Christian who is sexually amoral, or few other sins. Paul clearly states he's only referring to associating with fellow Christians who sin, and not non-Christians. Additionally, I think it's a stretch to say that providing a business service for someone is "associating with them." Add on that that claim for religious belief would only hold if the service provider could show that s/he applied to other sinners, not just homosexuals.

I'm aware that it was addressing believers but there are plenty of homosexuals claiming to be believers.

Different people look at what associating with another person means. You may not see it a certain way but I do.

Since I see homosexuality as a sin, if homosexuals come in and ask for something that shows their orientation, I don't have to ask. If someone simply shops and doesn't indicate, I don't ask.
But you would only be forbidden to associate with Christians (and that might have to further be defined as to which Christians constitute your brothers and sisters if of differing denominations), so there would be no prohibition against serving non-Christian homosexuals and other sinners. And then you run into the problem that if you only discriminate against Christian sinners, you're discriminating against them on the basis of religion.

You have run into a problem. You contradict yourself. You think a Christian baker should be forced to serve two fags despite his religious beliefs about homosexuality but it's perfectly OK for a faggot baker to refuse to serve a Christian. If you weren't so blatant about it, it wouldn't be so sad.
No, tha'ts not my contention at all. I have never said it was allowable or justifiable to discriminate on the basis of religion.

If you my posts are not clear, please ask for clarification instead of just making things up about what you think I'm saying.
I use those words only when demonstrating the fine language skills- and mindset of those who use them in a sentence intended to disparage people based upon their color, or gender, or religion, or sexual orientation.

Those words are used by the same purpose, by the same kind of people.

You alone use them, driven by your bigotry and ignorance.

You are a typical leftist. Heart filled with hate, head filled with mush.

Really? Me alone? Clearly you are lying.

I would say that you are a typical conservative, but frankly typical conservatives don't lie like that.

So you are just a liar, with a heart filled with hate, and a head filled full of lies.

From this thread alone:

Theow132 You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior

007 Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?


Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.


Dude, UNDER federal PA laws you can tell a faggot to get his gay ass out of your business. He isn't protected.
It's only under certain STATE PA laws that faggots are protected.


I am not sure what you consider to be the opposite but if a Christian asks a gay baker to bake a cake saying "Jesus hates fags", if the baker refuses his order, then the Christian could file a complaint or lawsuit like anyone else.


You fags don't treat anyone fairly; you just laugh and dance your little happy dance.


Why would someone that believes in a male/female marriage agree to make a cake for homos? Why would an idiot expect them to? Wait, plenty of you idiots did because you said that bakery was a public accommodation. Don't those rules apply to fags that own bakeries?


So you are a hypocrite when you support Christians catering to fags but the fags can deny Christians.


you're the one defending fags denying business for the same reason you said a Christian had to do it.


I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

I said n****r. That description doesn't mean skin color. It means attitude.

Neil N. Blowme

Go fuck yourself, you whiney faggot.

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