Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

I use those words only when demonstrating the fine language skills- and mindset of those who use them in a sentence intended to disparage people based upon their color, or gender, or religion, or sexual orientation.

Those words are used by the same purpose, by the same kind of people.

You alone use them, driven by your bigotry and ignorance.

You are a typical leftist. Heart filled with hate, head filled with mush.

Really? Me alone? Clearly you are lying.

I would say that you are a typical conservative, but frankly typical conservatives don't lie like that.

So you are just a liar, with a heart filled with hate, and a head filled full of lies.

From this thread alone:

Theow132 You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior

007 Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?


Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.


Dude, UNDER federal PA laws you can tell a faggot to get his gay ass out of your business. He isn't protected.
It's only under certain STATE PA laws that faggots are protected.


I am not sure what you consider to be the opposite but if a Christian asks a gay baker to bake a cake saying "Jesus hates fags", if the baker refuses his order, then the Christian could file a complaint or lawsuit like anyone else.


You fags don't treat anyone fairly; you just laugh and dance your little happy dance.


Why would someone that believes in a male/female marriage agree to make a cake for homos? Why would an idiot expect them to? Wait, plenty of you idiots did because you said that bakery was a public accommodation. Don't those rules apply to fags that own bakeries?


So you are a hypocrite when you support Christians catering to fags but the fags can deny Christians.


you're the one defending fags denying business for the same reason you said a Christian had to do it.


I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

I said n****r. That description doesn't mean skin color. It means attitude.

Neil N. Blowme

Go fuck yourself, you whiney faggot.

Fag, Faggot - not in the same realm with "n!gger, sp!c, Honkey, Cracker, etc."

Try again.
This is the thread that exposed the double-standard that you of the anti-culture demand. That you be able to force people to celebrate your desires, whilst protected from being forced to celebrate theirs.

I doubt you fully appreciate the magnitude, and the looming disaster when this reaches the courts. You view your violations of the 13th and 14th Amendments as your special privilege, a club to beat those whom you hate with.

You overplayed your hand, yet again, and it all blew up in your face.

Clearly you haven't read any of my posts and you are just projecting your own fantasies.

The post I responded to complained about gays demanding Christian bakers provide them a wedding cake- but didn't have a problem with a Christian demanding gay bakers demanding an offensive wedding cake. I was pointing out his hypocrisy.

I have repeatedly said that Christians have every right to take advantage of the same public accomodation laws- I think this guys case is particularly weak, on many levels- but hey he can file suit, or file complaints or whatever- that is his right.

What disaster when it reaches the courts? IF the courts rule against the 1964 Civil Rights Act that would hardly be a 'disaster'- it would be fascinating to watch.

You just object to persons utilizing the law to fight discrimination. You hate that people have protections against discrimination, and actually have the temerity to use them.

Me? I think that everyone protected by public accomodation laws is perfectly within their rights to ask for those protections.

Don't like the laws- change them. Don't think they are constitutional- go to court.

That is what gay couples have been doing in regards to marriage bans- and that is right also.
I use those words only when demonstrating the fine language skills- and mindset of those who use them in a sentence intended to disparage people based upon their color, or gender, or religion, or sexual orientation.

Those words are used by the same purpose, by the same kind of people.

You alone use them, driven by your bigotry and ignorance.

You are a typical leftist. Heart filled with hate, head filled with mush.

Really? Me alone? Clearly you are lying.

I would say that you are a typical conservative, but frankly typical conservatives don't lie like that.

So you are just a liar, with a heart filled with hate, and a head filled full of lies.

From this thread alone:

Theow132 You are a fake black man. Cause I know for a fact that the hood does not tolerate fagbehavior

007 Could you show me where in the constitution is says that PERVERTED BUTT FUCKING FAGGOTS have the right to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE?


Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.


Dude, UNDER federal PA laws you can tell a faggot to get his gay ass out of your business. He isn't protected.
It's only under certain STATE PA laws that faggots are protected.


I am not sure what you consider to be the opposite but if a Christian asks a gay baker to bake a cake saying "Jesus hates fags", if the baker refuses his order, then the Christian could file a complaint or lawsuit like anyone else.


You fags don't treat anyone fairly; you just laugh and dance your little happy dance.


Why would someone that believes in a male/female marriage agree to make a cake for homos? Why would an idiot expect them to? Wait, plenty of you idiots did because you said that bakery was a public accommodation. Don't those rules apply to fags that own bakeries?


So you are a hypocrite when you support Christians catering to fags but the fags can deny Christians.


you're the one defending fags denying business for the same reason you said a Christian had to do it.


I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

I said n****r. That description doesn't mean skin color. It means attitude.

Neil N. Blowme

Go fuck yourself, you whiney faggot.

Fag, Faggot - not in the same realm with "n!gger, sp!c, Honkey, Cracker, etc."

Try again.

I caught you in your lie- and now you try to dance away from it

You alone use them, driven by your bigotry and ignorance.

And faggot was the first word in my list.

And only a homophobic bigot would claim that f*ggot isn't every much as offensive as n*gger or c*nt or k*ke.
I caught you in your lie- and now you try to dance away from it


You use a lot of drugs, don't you?

You alone use them, driven by your bigotry and ignorance.
And faggot was the first word in my list.

And only a homophobic bigot would claim that f*ggot isn't every much as offensive as n*gger or c*nt or k*ke.

Faggot is no more offensive than "the," it was rightfully ignored.
I wouldn't know where to find one gay bakery, let alone a baker's dozen of them. Sounds like this guy had too much time on his hands, but I can't be arsed to read the article.
Nope- you boggarted them all, and won't share them with anyone.

You lied.

I easily pointed out your lie.

And you are trying to dance away from it.

Which just shows who you are.

The reason I laugh at you, is that you are a clown. The more you huff and puff, the more of a clown you become.
Yeah- and those at Stormfront think that n*gger is a term of endearment too.

I couldn't care less what the Stormfront morons, KOS Kiddies, or any other hate group thinks.

Faggot is a term used by homosexuals and heterosexuals alike.

Your faux outrage is just more of your clown act.
Nope- you boggarted them all, and won't share them with anyone.

You lied.

I easily pointed out your lie.

And you are trying to dance away from it.

Which just shows who you are.

The reason I laugh at you, is that you are a clown. The more you huff and puff, the more of a clown you become.

You lied.

I easily pointed out your lie.

And you are trying to dance away from it.
Yeah- and those at Stormfront think that n*gger is a term of endearment too.

I couldn't care less what the Stormfront morons, KOS Kiddies, or any other hate group thinks.

Faggot is a term used by homosexuals and heterosexuals alike.

Your faux outrage is just more of your clown act.

Just like n*gger is a term used by blacks and whites.

Both just terms of endearment- the guys at Stormfront understand that.
I wouldn't know where to find one gay bakery, let alone a baker's dozen of them. Sounds like this guy had too much time on his hands, but I can't be arsed to read the article.

He probably assumed that any bakery that sold fruitcake was a gay bakery......

Just like n*gger is a term used by blacks and whites.

Both just terms of endearment- the guys at Stormfront understand that.

You try so hard, and fail so completely.

No wonder you are enraged in your frustration....

We only laugh at you because you are a clown....

Just like n*gger is a term used by blacks and whites.

Both just terms of endearment- the guys at Stormfront understand that.

You try so hard, and fail so completely.

No wonder you are enraged in your frustration....

We only laugh at you because you are a clown....

Are you laughing with the voices in your head again?

Like I said before- f*ggot, n*gger, c*nt, k*ke, sp*c- all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people.
Are you laughing with the voices in your head again?

Like I said before- f*ggot, n*gger, c*nt, k*ke, sp*c- all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people.

Seems more fun to laugh with the other forum members at you flaccid antics..

You try so hard, yet fail so completely...

Could you explain to me in clear concise terms why you hate homosexuals so much? Could you tell me why that particular class of American citizen should be denied services normally offered by vendors? Is there a legitimate reason you would have them discriminated against, restricted in their means of commerce and access to the protections of the marriage license?

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