Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

So I'm a racist and a homophobe.

Okay, Joe.

I won't try any more. You clearly are not equipped for what I'm saying.

Well, you keep setting off my bullshit detectors, probably because you never challenge the racists and homophobes who run over this board, but man, someone suggests that homophobia or racism should have consequences imposed by government, you are all over that.
I said n****r. That description doesn't mean skin color. It means attitude.

How am I voting against my own economic interests if I did well when the Republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency?

Well, first i doubt you did. I suspect that like a lot of USMB conservatives, your idea of affluence is owning a double wide. Your posts don't really indicate someone who could make a lot of money doing anything.

Secondly, on the off chance you did, you were the exception. Most of us really did take a beating during the George W. Bush years. Most of us walked into 2009 with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

Those two comparisons are apples and oranges. I have a very good salary and am opposed to same sex marriage. That's Option C. If you had any sense, you'd know that the options are more than just those you pose. For my wife who is a nurse anethetist, her salary is also excellent. We're living the dream son. Guess you live your failure.

That's fine and all- but here's the thing. When you probably voted for Bush in 2004 because he was right with gay marriage, the funny thing is he really didn't do anything about it after he won re-election. He did proceed to let the banksters loot wall street and even tried to turn over the Social Security Trust fund to investors.

You clowns are great at voting against your own economic interests.

clueless as per usual.

The whole game is rigged s0n..........doesn't matter who has the purse strings or who is the president. Matrix dwellers do think that though............

Inequality In U.S. Today Is Worse than in Apartheid South Africa or 1774 Slaveholding Colonial America ... and TWICE As Bad As In Ancient Slaveholding Rome Washington s Blog
Baker to gay couple: "We will not make a wedding cake for you or any gay couple...but straight couples are good to go"

Baker to bigot: "We will not make a cake with a bigoted or homophobic message on it for you or anyone else"

Nutters see those two things as being the same.

Yeah a queer couple walks in a christian bakers bakery. Could buy the cake decorate it themselves. Instead they choose to be assholes and force the baker to decorate them a cake, even though they could go to another baker. That's okay.
A guy could go to a baker that would write gay marriage is wrong. He chooses to go to a queer baker and force them to decorate the cake. He chooses to be an asshole.
In my world they are both wrong, but there are assholes on both sides. Looks like liberals choose to be assholes. Shows what hypocrites you are.
I know you don't.

At least you're not spinning for the almighty "public accommodations laws" any more.

Why keep making an argument I've already won. Even the GOP isn't too keen on carving out a religious exemption for homophobia at this point.

You've won that argument.

Oh, okay.


Uh, yeah, you are flaying around screaming "Freedom" like a drunk Mel Gibson, but the reality is, you've lost the argument on gay marriage and you've lost the argument on public accomedation.

And to the lies we go. We were having a civil conversation there for a moment.

"Screaming 'freedom'". Oy.

Joe, there are plenty of rightwingers here with whom you can have this type of conversation. I don't know why you keep trying this with me.

You still don't see that you and I have the same goal. Please play with them, thanks.


So Mac..........are both bakers right.....or are both bakers wrong?

If you can explain to us how allowing a baker to refuse service to a gay couple will lead to changing hearts and minds, it may be possible to have a civil conversation. How does that work, exactly?
He would sell them the cake, just didn't want to decorate it. Why are you an asshole?
I said n****r. That description doesn't mean skin color. It means attitude.

How am I voting against my own economic interests if I did well when the Republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency?

Well, first i doubt you did. I suspect that like a lot of USMB conservatives, your idea of affluence is owning a double wide. Your posts don't really indicate someone who could make a lot of money doing anything.

Secondly, on the off chance you did, you were the exception. Most of us really did take a beating during the George W. Bush years. Most of us walked into 2009 with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

Those two comparisons are apples and oranges. I have a very good salary and am opposed to same sex marriage. That's Option C. If you had any sense, you'd know that the options are more than just those you pose. For my wife who is a nurse anethetist, her salary is also excellent. We're living the dream son. Guess you live your failure.

That's fine and all- but here's the thing. When you probably voted for Bush in 2004 because he was right with gay marriage, the funny thing is he really didn't do anything about it after he won re-election. He did proceed to let the banksters loot wall street and even tried to turn over the Social Security Trust fund to investors.

You clowns are great at voting against your own economic interests.
You voted for Obama when he was against gay marriage, you homophobe.
Spoken like a true totalitarian.

Hey, i'm tired of dealing with you fucking rubes. Simply, you bible thumpers are too fucking stupid for me to care about your opinions anymore. But unlike the Plutocrats who keep getting you dumb fucks to vote against your own economic interests, I'll tell you to your face how stupid you are.
Gruber described you well.

Yep......guy is the biggest fraud on the whole board. A social oddball and he knows it. JK.....check out his post count.......cant make it up!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Yep Gruber described you well too. Are you one of the ones defending him?

Nah dude.....I was talking about JoeB in that last post!!!:2up:
Oh sorry, haven't been up long. Lol
I didn't have to talk to you but once to know you're a n****r. Even when shown you are one, you get worse.

Sorry, guy, I'm about as lily-white as you get.

What I am is someone who realizes the rich are very good at playing dumb shits like you and getting you to vote against your own economic interests.

If I put it to a simple vote- A) society where gays are accepted, but you get a really good salary, or B) one where they are discriminated against, and you are working for shit wages, if you had a lick of common sense you'd vote for A).

I said n****r. That description doesn't mean skin color. It means attitude.

How am I voting against my own economic interests if I did well when the Republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency?

Those two comparisons are apples and oranges. I have a very good salary and am opposed to same sex marriage. That's Option C. If you had any sense, you'd know that the options are more than just those you pose. For my wife who is a nurse anethetist, her salary is also excellent. We're living the dream son. Guess you live your failure.
No. It's a virulently racist term, used by disgusting racists. Especially in your context. You really do live in a unicorn-world. And you are slow on the uptake, nasty as fuck and very possibly a sock.

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Alright Gruber, then the queers should bake the cake or lose their business. Maybe next time they won't hate against a Christian.

No one was hating against Christians. Jesus never talked about gays once.
God says it's an abomination, but says don't hate. It's the queers hating by forcing someone to go against their beliefs. They could've just bought the cake and decorated it themselves, or went to a baker that would do exactly what they wanted. They choose to be assholes. You know what, the baker quit and they didn't get him to make their cake anyway.
And to the lies we go. We were having a civil conversation there for a moment.

"Screaming 'freedom'". Oy.

Joe, there are plenty of rightwingers here with whom you can have this type of conversation. I don't know why you keep trying this with me.

You still don't see that you and I have the same goal. Please play with them, thanks.

As far as I'm concerned, you are worse than they are. They bring their racism and homophobia to the table, warts and all. You try to dress yours up in a nice suit.

I don't think Mac is a racist or a homophobe. He's just someone who doesn't think that racists and homophobes should be outcast. To him, someone condemning racism and homophobia should do so with respect for the people who are racist and homophobic. Lest they upset someone.
Perhaps that may be how they feel. But that is not what the Torah says.

The thing is Statist, you don't get to define their religion for them. I realize that as a leftist, you view people as property of the state, and thus the state will assign their religious beliefs - however you lack the power to enforce such a system.

There are only two verses in Torah that deal with homosexual acts, not homosexuality. 2 of 613 commandments. G-d is just as hard on people who eat shellfish, but apparently, Christians somehow managed to reconcile that one. And tatoos are also forbidden in Torah, and yet, lots of Christians wear them, in spite of the death penalty hung by the Almighty for tatoos. And adultery is also to be met with the death penalty in the Torah. Tell that to Jim Bakker. He appears to have survived it. Adultery is mentioned more than 60 times in the OT, but Christians gloss it over. Homosexual acts are mentioned all of two times, but many Christians go totally apoplectic the moment they see anything that could be remotely gay. I mean, you just cannot fix stupid. Christians who act this way prove that point day in and day out.

I'm not really interested in your misinterpretation/rewrite of ancient religious texts to justify political positions you currently hold.

So, a Christian has every right in the world to think that homosexuality is a greater personal failing than drunkenness, but it is only addressed in 2 of 613 Mitzvoteem in the Torah and not even once in the Christian New Testament. And in the two verses in the Tanakh, homosexuality is not directly addressed, but rather, specific homosexual acts. And for Christians who ignore the entire OT except for those two lonely verses, I can only call them utter hypocrites.

So, instead of calling people "comrade" in order to get over your weird inferiority complex, go educate yourself.

I decided years ago the stop the farce. You of the left depend on others avoiding reality. The faction in charge of the American democratic party advocates a centrally managed and planned economy under authoritarian social controls (such as forcing bakers to violate their own religion).

That is Communism in practice.

There are far more important things for Christians to be concerning themselves with than teh ghey. Hint: read what Yeshua wrote. That might be a dandy starting place.

Again, while you believe that by merit of leftism you have the right to rule others, you simply do not have the power to dictate what is important or not important to those of other faiths.

I'm not a religious person and am unswayed by your distortions of doctrine. I care about and defend civil liberty, which means that you and I will always be on opposite sides.
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Thank you for shooting yourself in the foot.

there is nothing in the Constitution that forbids gay marriage.

Thanks for your help.

Now, back under your musty rock.

There is nothing in the Constitution that forbids murder.

So Comrade, the 13 Colonies had homosexual marriage and held homosexuality as the greatest good, just like our Obamunist nation does? Is this your claim?

Oh, and as for the Constitution, you again reveal your abject ignorance regarding the structure of this nation as defined by the Constitution.
discrimination is a crime.

No moron, it is not.

If it were, you would be in prison for discriminating against rational thought.

If you have evidence of discrimination, you fine the offending party until they correct their behavior.

You are an ignorant troll, barely sentient, spewing Communist slogans at issues you have zero grasp of.
Christians should no more be patronizing gay businesses than gays should be patronizing Christian businesses.

True, but homosexuals have been targeting Christian businesses specifically to create conflict in hopes of creating precedent to deny civil rights to Christians (and other enemies of the party.)
Hey, i'm tired of dealing with you fucking rubes. Simply, you bible thumpers are too fucking stupid for me to care about your opinions anymore. But unlike the Plutocrats who keep getting you dumb fucks to vote against your own economic interests, I'll tell you to your face how stupid you are.


Perhaps that may be how they feel. But that is not what the Torah says.

The thing is Statist, you don't get to define their religion for them. I realize that as a leftist, you view people as property of the state, and thus the state will assign their religious beliefs - however you lack the power to enforce such a system.

There are only two verses in Torah that deal with homosexual acts, not homosexuality. 2 of 613 commandments. G-d is just as hard on people who eat shellfish, but apparently, Christians somehow managed to reconcile that one. And tatoos are also forbidden in Torah, and yet, lots of Christians wear them, in spite of the death penalty hung by the Almighty for tatoos. And adultery is also to be met with the death penalty in the Torah. Tell that to Jim Bakker. He appears to have survived it. Adultery is mentioned more than 60 times in the OT, but Christians gloss it over. Homosexual acts are mentioned all of two times, but many Christians go totally apoplectic the moment they see anything that could be remotely gay. I mean, you just cannot fix stupid. Christians who act this way prove that point day in and day out.

I'm not really interested in your misinterpretation/rewrite of ancient religious texts to justify political positions you currently hold.

So, a Christian has every right in the world to think that homosexuality is a greater personal failing than drunkenness, but it is only addressed in 2 of 613 Mitzvoteem in the Torah and not even once in the Christian New Testament. And in the two verses in the Tanakh, homosexuality is not directly addressed, but rather, specific homosexual acts. And for Christians who ignore the entire OT except for those two lonely verses, I can only call them utter hypocrites.

So, instead of calling people "comrade" in order to get over your weird inferiority complex, go educate yourself.

I decided years ago the stop the farce. You of the left depend on others avoiding reality. The faction in charge of the American democratic party advocates a centrally managed and planned economy under authoritarian social controls (such as forcing bakers to violate their own religion).

That is Communism in practice.

There are far more important things for Christians to be concerning themselves with than teh ghey. Hint: read what Yeshua wrote. That might be a dandy starting place.

Again, while you believe that by merit of leftism you have the right to rule others, you simply do not have the power to dictate what is important or not important to those of other faiths.

I'm not a religious person and am unswayed by your distortions of doctrine. I care about and defend civil liberty, which means that you and I will always be on opposite sides.

Uhhh, I am not defining anyone's religion for them.

Tell me, did it take a lot of work for you to be that stupid and trollish? Really?
Thank you for shooting yourself in the foot.

there is nothing in the Constitution that forbids gay marriage.

Thanks for your help.

Now, back under your musty rock.

There is nothing in the Constitution that forbids murder.

So Comrade, the 13 Colonies had homosexual marriage and held homosexuality as the greatest good, just like our Obamunist nation does? Is this your claim?

Oh, and as for the Constitution, you again reveal your abject ignorance regarding the structure of this nation as defined by the Constitution.

No one is mentioning greatest good other than you.

Are you even capable of staying on topic for even one second?

Nope, you are not.
Uhhh, I am not defining anyone's religion for them.

That must be why you spewed all that nonsense about the Torah....

Tell me, did it take a lot of work for you to be that stupid and trollish? Really?

Butt hurt over yet another humiliating defeat, Statist?

Perhaps you should rethink your war on civil liberty, and your support of the filthy party that perpetrates that war...

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