Christian Martyrdom

Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.

Loving your fellow man enough to suffer harm rather than hurt them back may be fatal to the body for a time, but the resurrection makes you the ultimate Victor.
Well you can bribe your way to the resurrection, according to Jesus
If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come andfollow me.

So there are less dangerous paths to your fear, and jealousy/ angry paradise. Lol.

And you get to have some treasah in heaven, sounds pretty sweet! Hey I do take credit cards, or you can just mail me a check! Lol
Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.

Loving your fellow man enough to suffer harm rather than hurt them back may be fatal to the body for a time, but the resurrection makes you the ultimate Victor.
Well you can bribe your way to the resurrection, according to Jesus
If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come andfollow me.

So there are less dangerous paths to your fear, and jealousy/ angry paradise. Lol.

And you get to have some treasah in heaven, sounds pretty sweet! Hey I do take credit cards, or you can just mail me a check! Lol

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.

Loving your fellow man enough to suffer harm rather than hurt them back may be fatal to the body for a time, but the resurrection makes you the ultimate Victor.
Well you can bribe your way to the resurrection, according to Jesus
If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come andfollow me.

So there are less dangerous paths to your fear, and jealousy/ angry paradise. Lol.

And you get to have some treasah in heaven, sounds pretty sweet! Hey I do take credit cards, or you can just mail me a check! Lol

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
He's saying that people like you are paying (tithing) your way into heaven.
Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West
"Here we pray only to Allah."
October 23, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Last April, police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants hurled as many as 53 Christians overboard during a crossing from Libya. The motive was that the victims “professed the Christian faith while the aggressors were Muslim.” Another report cited a boy seen praying to the Judeo-Christian God. Muslims commanded him to stop, saying “Here, we only pray to Allah.” Eventually the Muslims “went mad,” in the words of a witness, started screaming “Allahu Akbar!” and began hurling Christians into the sea.

It gets worse. When Christian refugees finally do make it to Western shores, they continue to be attacked by Muslims, or fellow “refugees.”

According to a September 30 report, in Germany, “Many Christian refugees from Syria, Iraq or Kurdistan are being intimidated and attacked by Muslim refugees. In several refugee centers set up by the local authorities, Sharia law is being imposed and Christians—which are a minority—are the victims of bullying.”

Gottfried Martens, pastor of a south Berlin church, said that “very religious Muslims are spreading the following idea throughout the refugee centers: Sharia law rules wherever we are.” Martens expressed especial concern for Muslims who convert to Christianity—apostates who, according to Islamic law, can be killed: “There is a 100% chance that these people will be attacked.”

Earlier, in July 2014, the weekly Die Zeit explained how “an atmosphere of intimidation and hostility towards Christians” reigns in the refugee centers. Referred to as “pigs,” Christians have limited access to communal kitchens. According to local authorities, “The police have reached their absolute breaking point. Our officials are increasingly being called to confrontations in refugee homes.”

In Sweden, a July report told of how two small families of Christian asylum seekers were harassed and abused by approximately 80 Muslim asylum seekers from Syria. The Christians and Muslims—described by one Swedish newspaper as “fundamentalist Islamists”—resided in the same asylum house. As in Germany, the Muslims ordered the Christians not to use communal areas and not to wear their crosses around their necks.

After extensive harassment and threats, the Christian refugees who thought they had escaped “ISIS” left the Swedish asylum house “fearing for their own safety.” A spokesman for the government migration agency responsible for their center said:

They dared not stay. The atmosphere became too intimidating. And they got no help… They chose themselves to organize new address and moved away without our participation because they felt a discomfort.

In Denmark, according to the conclusion of a study conducted last year, “Christian asylum seekers are repeatedly exposed to everything from harassment to threats and physical abuse by other [Muslim] refugees in the asylum centers, simply because they have converted from Islam to Christianity.” An eight year old Christian boy was repeatedly bullied and beaten by larger Muslim boys on his way to school, to the point that he dropped out. And someone tampered with a Christian asylum seeker’s bicycle so that he crashed and broke both hands.

According to Niels Eriksen Nyman, who led the study:

There are certainly many more cases around the country than the ones we hear about in the church. I hate to say it, but I’m afraid that on some of the asylum centers there are some very unhealthy control mechanisms when the staff turns their back… I refuse to support Islamophobia, but we have a serious problem here.”

It certainly seems so. After all, such persecution is not limited to refugees. Christians of Mideast or Asian backgrounds who have been living in the West for years are also being targeted.

Last week in Gothenburg, Sweden, Markus Samuelsson, who is of Assyrian descent, found the walls of his restaurant covered with jihadi graffiti, including messages of “Convert or Die” and “The Caliphate is Here.” The Arabic letter ن (“N” for “Nasara,” or “Christian”) were painted on the walls of the next door pizzeria and the local bakery, though non-Assyrian businesses were left untouched. (The Islamic State is known to mark out Christian homes and businesses with this letter before attacks.)

In Muslim-majority areas of Denmark—voted 2013's “happiest country in the world”—Christians of Middle Eastern backgrounds experienced “harassment, verbal attacks and in some cases direct violence from Muslims,” reported TV2. One Christian, “Jojo,” born in Denmark to Lebanese parents, said Muslims sometimes surround and bully her about her Western attire. When one of them noticed she was wearing a cross, he said “Well, you have a cross on—then you are also a Christian f***ing whore. Do you know what we do to people like you? Do you know what we do to people like you? You get stoned [to death].”

Another Christian woman of Iranian background in Denmark recounted how she and her son are harassed on the Muslim-majority block where they live—and where she stands out for not wearing a hijab, the Islamic veil: “My son is being called everything. I get called all sorts of things. Infidel. Filthy Christians. They tell me I ought to be stoned to death. My son was beaten at the bus stop. He was called pig, dirty potato (Muslim slang for Danes), and that ‘you and your mother should die.’”

Similarly, in the United Kingdom, a Pakistani man, his wife, and their six children are suffering “an appalling ordeal at the hands of neighbours who regard them as blasphemers.” Their “crime” is converting to Christianity—over 20 years ago. Despite being “prisoners in their own home after being attacked in the street, having their car windscreens repeatedly smashed and eggs thrown at their windows” the Christian family says both police and the Anglican church have failed to provide any meaningful support and are “reluctant to treat the problem as a religious hate crime.”

The family plans to relocate from their home city of Bradford to a “white English” area to escape the hate campaign. Nissar Hussain, the father, said: “Our lives have been sabotaged and this shouldn’t happen in the United Kingdom. We live in a free democratic society and what they are doing to us is abhorrent.”


United States

Last year in Columbus, Indiana, three churches were vandalized on the same night. The words most frequently sprayed were “Infidels!” and “Koran 3:151.” The verse from the Koran states, “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve [or "infidels"] for what they have associated with Allah [reference to Christian Trinity] … And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.”


In accordance with Islam’s Rule of Numbers—which holds that as Muslims grown in numbers, so too does their “anti-infidel” hostility—all those European nations that have sizable Muslim populations are experiencing what it means to live side-by-side with Islam.

As millions of more Muslims continue to flood the continent, they will not be limited to expressing their anti-Christian hostility on the unprotected dead in cemeteries, or on inanimate church buildings, statues, and crosses. Rather, as in the Islamic world, native Christians themselves will be hounded and persecuted, possibly into extinction.

That is, after all, exactly how the “Muslim world”—most of which rests on lands that were once Christian but were taken by the jihad—came into being.

Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....

Oh I don't know. This is a bit of a different situation but take the recent shooting in Oregon where the guy only shot Christians in the head. Now think about this. He goes to the first guy and asks if he believes in God. They guy says yes and gets shot in the head. He asks the next person and he says no and gets shot in the leg. Then he comes to you. What are you going to say? I have a real hard time believing God wants you to say yes and get shot in the head. God knows what is in your heart. I tend to believe if you say yes and get shot in the head that the moment you meet God face to face the first thing He will say is "well that was pretty stupid".

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows, but if God is a loving God, I tend to believe He would not want us to get blown away. I can tell you that if some maniac was holding a gun to my child's head and said "curse your father or die" I will have no problem whatsoever with them cursing me to hell.
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....

Oh I don't know. This is a bit of a different situation but take the recent shooting in Oregon where the guy only shot Christians in the head. Now think about this. He goes to the first guy and asks if he believes in God. They guy says yes and gets shot in the head. He asks the next person and he says no and gets shot in the leg. Then he comes to you. What are you going to say? I have a real hard time believing God wants you to say yes and get shot in the head. God knows what is in your heart. I tend to believe if you say yes and get shot in the head that the moment you meet God face to face the first thing He will say is "well that was pretty stupid".

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows, but if God is a loving God, I tend to believe He would not want us to get blown away. I can tell you that if some maniac was holding a gun to my child's head and said "curse your father or die" I will have no problem whatsoever with them cursing me to hell.

God wants us to love him more that our lives here. I disagree. Dying standing up for your love of God is the ultimate show of love to God.
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....

Oh I don't know. This is a bit of a different situation but take the recent shooting in Oregon where the guy only shot Christians in the head. Now think about this. He goes to the first guy and asks if he believes in God. They guy says yes and gets shot in the head. He asks the next person and he says no and gets shot in the leg. Then he comes to you. What are you going to say? I have a real hard time believing God wants you to say yes and get shot in the head. God knows what is in your heart. I tend to believe if you say yes and get shot in the head that the moment you meet God face to face the first thing He will say is "well that was pretty stupid".

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows, but if God is a loving God, I tend to believe He would not want us to get blown away. I can tell you that if some maniac was holding a gun to my child's head and said "curse your father or die" I will have no problem whatsoever with them cursing me to hell.

God wants us to love him more that our lives here. I disagree. Dying standing up for your love of God is the ultimate show of love to God.

Well I will certainly concede that scripture supports your position over mine, but there is a historical reason for that too. Early Christians could, at times, face some pretty brutal persecution and giving assurances of eternal reward was a way for the authors of the New Testament to keep new converts resolute and grant comfort to the families of those who had been martyred.

You may certainly be right and scripture is definitely on your side on this one. I just have a real hard time believing that God's opinion is "I want you to get your head chopped off instead of telling a fib". The parent / child relationship is often used to illustrate the relationship between God and mankind. Would you want your children to die because they refused to condemn you? I wouldn't. I would want them to condemn the shit out of me. :lol:

The only way, in my mind at least, to justify that is to take the position that death is irrelevant, but that won't jive with Christianity because a) if death is irrelevant it means that life is equally as irrelevant and if that is the case, what is the point of doing anything, right or wrong? And b) one of Paul's big points, and by extension Christianity's big points, is that Jesus had beaten death. So if death is irrelevant, Jesus becomes irrelevant because beating death doesn't matter.
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....

Oh I don't know. This is a bit of a different situation but take the recent shooting in Oregon where the guy only shot Christians in the head. Now think about this. He goes to the first guy and asks if he believes in God. They guy says yes and gets shot in the head. He asks the next person and he says no and gets shot in the leg. Then he comes to you. What are you going to say? I have a real hard time believing God wants you to say yes and get shot in the head. God knows what is in your heart. I tend to believe if you say yes and get shot in the head that the moment you meet God face to face the first thing He will say is "well that was pretty stupid".

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows, but if God is a loving God, I tend to believe He would not want us to get blown away. I can tell you that if some maniac was holding a gun to my child's head and said "curse your father or die" I will have no problem whatsoever with them cursing me to hell.

God wants us to love him more that our lives here. I disagree. Dying standing up for your love of God is the ultimate show of love to God.

Well I will certainly concede that scripture supports your position over mine, but there is a historical reason for that too. Early Christians could, at times, face some pretty brutal persecution and giving assurances of eternal reward was a way for the authors of the New Testament to keep new converts resolute and grant comfort to the families of those who had been martyred.

You may certainly be right and scripture is definitely on your side on this one. I just have a real hard time believing that God's opinion is "I want you to get your head chopped off instead of telling a fib". The parent / child relationship is often used to illustrate the relationship between God and mankind. Would you want your children to die because they refused to condemn you? I wouldn't. I would want them to condemn the shit out of me. :lol:

The only way, in my mind at least, to justify that is to take the position that death is irrelevant, but that won't jive with Christianity because a) if death is irrelevant it means that life is equally as irrelevant and if that is the case, what is the point of doing anything, right or wrong? And b) one of Paul's big points, and by extension Christianity's big points, is that Jesus had beaten death. So if death is irrelevant, Jesus becomes irrelevant because beating death doesn't matter.

I think if that time every comes (God forbid) and you have a close walk with God, you will know the right thing to do.......
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....

Oh I don't know. This is a bit of a different situation but take the recent shooting in Oregon where the guy only shot Christians in the head. Now think about this. He goes to the first guy and asks if he believes in God. They guy says yes and gets shot in the head. He asks the next person and he says no and gets shot in the leg. Then he comes to you. What are you going to say? I have a real hard time believing God wants you to say yes and get shot in the head. God knows what is in your heart. I tend to believe if you say yes and get shot in the head that the moment you meet God face to face the first thing He will say is "well that was pretty stupid".

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows, but if God is a loving God, I tend to believe He would not want us to get blown away. I can tell you that if some maniac was holding a gun to my child's head and said "curse your father or die" I will have no problem whatsoever with them cursing me to hell.

God wants us to love him more that our lives here. I disagree. Dying standing up for your love of God is the ultimate show of love to God.

Well I will certainly concede that scripture supports your position over mine, but there is a historical reason for that too. Early Christians could, at times, face some pretty brutal persecution and giving assurances of eternal reward was a way for the authors of the New Testament to keep new converts resolute and grant comfort to the families of those who had been martyred.

You may certainly be right and scripture is definitely on your side on this one. I just have a real hard time believing that God's opinion is "I want you to get your head chopped off instead of telling a fib". The parent / child relationship is often used to illustrate the relationship between God and mankind. Would you want your children to die because they refused to condemn you? I wouldn't. I would want them to condemn the shit out of me. :lol:

The only way, in my mind at least, to justify that is to take the position that death is irrelevant, but that won't jive with Christianity because a) if death is irrelevant it means that life is equally as irrelevant and if that is the case, what is the point of doing anything, right or wrong? And b) one of Paul's big points, and by extension Christianity's big points, is that Jesus had beaten death. So if death is irrelevant, Jesus becomes irrelevant because beating death doesn't matter.

I think if that time every comes (God forbid) and you have a close walk with God, you will know the right thing to do.......

Well I think it's a bit situational. Like I said earlier, I am not sure it would apply to this situation because ISIS is so bloodthirsty and that's a total war zone. That's not a situation where they can tell the fib, take their bullet in the leg, and go on, you know. I am not so sure ISIS wouldn't kill them anyhow so what do they have to lose really?

This is one of those things that I think "we will know the answer to this one when we die". As I said before, scripture supports you totally. I have no defense there. It just makes no sense to me, personally. I, personally, can't conceive of a God that would want you to choose death in that situation. I am certainly not saying you are wrong. I am just saying that, for me and me alone, that's a hard one to buy into.
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....

Oh I don't know. This is a bit of a different situation but take the recent shooting in Oregon where the guy only shot Christians in the head. Now think about this. He goes to the first guy and asks if he believes in God. They guy says yes and gets shot in the head. He asks the next person and he says no and gets shot in the leg. Then he comes to you. What are you going to say? I have a real hard time believing God wants you to say yes and get shot in the head. God knows what is in your heart. I tend to believe if you say yes and get shot in the head that the moment you meet God face to face the first thing He will say is "well that was pretty stupid".

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows, but if God is a loving God, I tend to believe He would not want us to get blown away. I can tell you that if some maniac was holding a gun to my child's head and said "curse your father or die" I will have no problem whatsoever with them cursing me to hell.

God wants us to love him more that our lives here. I disagree. Dying standing up for your love of God is the ultimate show of love to God.

Well I will certainly concede that scripture supports your position over mine, but there is a historical reason for that too. Early Christians could, at times, face some pretty brutal persecution and giving assurances of eternal reward was a way for the authors of the New Testament to keep new converts resolute and grant comfort to the families of those who had been martyred.

You may certainly be right and scripture is definitely on your side on this one. I just have a real hard time believing that God's opinion is "I want you to get your head chopped off instead of telling a fib". The parent / child relationship is often used to illustrate the relationship between God and mankind. Would you want your children to die because they refused to condemn you? I wouldn't. I would want them to condemn the shit out of me. :lol:

The only way, in my mind at least, to justify that is to take the position that death is irrelevant, but that won't jive with Christianity because a) if death is irrelevant it means that life is equally as irrelevant and if that is the case, what is the point of doing anything, right or wrong? And b) one of Paul's big points, and by extension Christianity's big points, is that Jesus had beaten death. So if death is irrelevant, Jesus becomes irrelevant because beating death doesn't matter.

I think if that time every comes (God forbid) and you have a close walk with God, you will know the right thing to do.......

Well I think it's a bit situational. Like I said earlier, I am not sure it would apply to this situation because ISIS is so bloodthirsty and that's a total war zone. That's not a situation where they can tell the fib, take their bullet in the leg, and go on, you know. I am not so sure ISIS wouldn't kill them anyhow so what do they have to lose really?

This is one of those things that I think "we will know the answer to this one when we die". As I said before, scripture supports you totally. I have no defense there. It just makes no sense to me, personally. I, personally, can't conceive of a God that would want you to choose death in that situation. I am certainly not saying you are wrong. I am just saying that, for me and me alone, that's a hard one to buy into.

I believe we are here for God's glory alone. Whatever would bring God the most glory is right.
Our view that living is the most important thing puts the priority/focus on us.
If God wants us here and we have work to do for Him here, we will live. One way or the other.
I believe we all have an appointed time.
It's time to NOT turn the cheek...Thanks obongo inc...

U.S. Leadership Ushers New Age of Christian Martyrdom
Twelve Christians are publicly raped, beheaded, and crucified for refusing to renounce Christ in Syria.
October 13, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Wherever U.S. leadership has helped Islamic jihadis topple secular autocrats in the name of “democracy and freedom,” indigenous Christian minorities are being forced to convert to Islam or die.

Many are accepting death.

Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured, mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians for saying “they would never renounce Christ” for Muhammad.

The jihadis took one group in front of a large crowd. They cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy, who steadfastly refused to submit to Islam. They “severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam.” He refused, so they “also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”

According to a Christian leader associated with the martyrs, “They were left on their crosses for two days. No one was allowed to remove them.” A sign saying “infidels” was placed next to their crosses.

The other eight Christians, including two women aged 29 and 33, were also ordered to renounce Christ and embrace Islam before a large crowd. They refused:

The Islamic extremists then publicly raped the women, who continued to pray during the ordeal, leading the ISIS militants to beat them all the more furiously.

As the two women and the six men knelt before they were beheaded, they were all praying.

“Villagers said some were praying in the name of Jesus, others said some were praying the Lord’s prayer, and others said some of them lifted their heads to commend their spirits to Jesus,” the ministry director said. “One of the women looked up and seemed to be almost smiling as she said, ‘Jesus!’”

After they were beheaded, their bodies were hung on crosses, the ministry director said, his voice breaking.


U.S. Leadership Ushers New Age of Christian Martyrdom

And the fucking liberals be worried about some fucking lion in Africa...

Ironic how we deify Christian martyrs abroad but deny Christians in our country the right to fully live as their faith requires.
'We Did What We Learned: Attacking Christians'
Christians die and media lie.
November 11, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Throughout the month of August, the Obama administration and the so-called mainstream media kept insisting that Islam does not promote the persecution of Christians -- all the while ignoring the direct testimonies of those who have undergone it.

According to Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda,

All the statements [by U.S. government and media] have not condemned strongly what damage it [persecution of Christians] is doing. What they are saying is just "This is not the true Islam. This is violating the picture of Islam." The issue for them is the image of Islam, but none of these statements speak about the victims, about what has been done to the victims, they are not even mentioned. And that is one of the questions our people have. [Author's emphasis].

Warda added that persecuted Christians are "being denied visas, while others who have participated [in the violence] or at least were silent, can go."

Father Douglas al-Bazi, an Iraqi Catholic parish priest from Erbil, who still carries the torture scars he received nine years earlier at the hands of jihadis, denounced the Western refusal to accept reality about Islam:

I'm proud to be an Iraqi, I love my country. But my [Muslim] country is not proud that I'm part of it. What is happening to my people [Christians] is nothing other than genocide. I beg you: do not call it a conflict. It's genocide... When Islam lives amidst you, the situation might appear acceptable. But when one lives amidst Muslims [as a minority], everything becomes impossible.... Wake up! The cancer is at your door. They will destroy you. We, the Christians of the Middle East are the only group that has seen the face of evil: Islam.

Meanwhile, Western "mainstream media" and academia continued to exonerate Islam in deceptive op-eds, such as the Huffington Post's "ISIS Violates The Consensus Of Mainstream Islam By Persecuting Christians," by Qasim Rashid, a recipient of Saudi largesse, by way of Harvard University's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center.

The rest of August's roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes, but is not limited to, the following accounts:

Islamic State: Savagery and Sex Slavery

Mokhls Youssef Batk, an Iraqi Christian, was blinded by the Islamic State (ISIS or IS) after he refused to convert to Islam.

The "caliphate" threatened that captive Christian women would become sex slaves unless they were ransomed with money. It posted images of three Assyrian Christian women who were previously abducted. The women hold pieces of paper on which their names and a date -- July 27, 2015 -- are written: "It is feared they will be sold to ISIS fighters if a ransom is not paid for them."

A 12-year-old girl, raped by an Islamic State fighter, was told that "what he was about to do was not a sin" because she "practiced a religion other than Islam." IS also made clear in a 34-page manual released by its Research and Fatwa Department that "sex with Christian and Jewish women who were captured in battle is also permissible."

Jihad on Muslim Converts to Christianity


'We Did What We Learned: Attacking Christians'
More Christians Die, More Western Leaders Lie
To live in the world of Islam for a single month.
December 16, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Throughout September, as more Christians were slaughtered and persecuted for their religion—not just by the Islamic State but by “every day” Muslims from all around the world—increasing numbers of people and organizations called for action, while those best placed to respond—chief among them U.S. President Obama and Pope Francis—did nothing.

“Why, we ask the western world, why not raise one’s voice over so much ferocity and injustice?” asked Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian Bishops Conference.

Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III also said: “I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality.”

As one report put it: “Human rights activists see it. Foreign leaders see it. And more than 80 members of the U.S. Congress see it. Together, they are pressuring the leader of the free world [U.S. President Obama] to declare there is a Christian genocide going on in the Middle East.”

In response, the White House said it was preparing to release a statement accusing the Islamic State of committing genocide against religious minorities, naming and recognizing various groups, such as the Yazidis, as victims. However, Christians are apparently not going to be included as victims, as Obama officials argue that Christians “do not appear to meet the high bar set out in the genocide treaty.”

Meanwhile, Father Behnam Benoka, an Iraqi priest, explained in a detailed letter to Pope Francis the horrors Mideast Christians are experiencing. To his joy, the pope called the Middle Eastern priest and told him that “I will never leave you.” As Benoka put it, “He called me. He told me certainly, sure I am with you, I will [not] forget you, I will [do] all possible to help you.”

However, later in September, when Pope Francis stood before the world at the United Nations, his energy was, once again, spent on defending the environment. In his entire speech, which lasted nearly 50 minutes, only once did Francis make reference to persecuted Christians—and even then they did not receive special attention but, in the same breath, their sufferings were merged in the same sentence with the supposedly equal sufferings of “members of the majority religion,” that is, Sunni Muslims (the only group not to be attacked by the Islamic State, a Sunni organization):

I must renew my repeated appeals regarding to the painful situation of the entire Middle East, North Africa and other African countries, where Christians, together with other cultural or ethnic groups, and even members of the majority religion who have no desire to be caught up in hatred and folly, have been forced to witness the destruction of their places of worship, their cultural and religious heritage, their houses and property, and have faced the alternative either of fleeing or of paying for their adhesion to good and to peace by their own lives, or by enslavement.

Yet, as the following roundup from September shows, “members of the majority religion”—Sunnis—are not being slaughtered, beheaded, and raped for their faith; are not having their mosques bombed and burned; are not being jailed or killed for apostasy, blasphemy, or proselytization.

Savagery and Slaughter

Uganda: Three Muslim men beat and raped a 19-year-old Christian woman (name withheld). The young student was returning home from St. Mary’s Teachers College in Bukedea when she was ambushed by three masked men. “I tried to scream, but one blocked my mouth and another slapped me as they forcefully dragged me off the footpath,” said the victim. “I heard one of them telling the others that I should be killed because my parents deserted Islam. But another said, ‘But we are not sure whether this girl is a Christian.’” Instead of killing her, they raped and beat her so severely that she is still receiving hospital treatment for her injuries.

United States: Freddy Akoa, a 49-year-old Christian healthcare worker in Portland, Maine, was savagely beaten to death in his own home by three Muslims. Found next to Akoa’s body was his blood-splattered Bible. The slain had cuts and bruises all over his body and a fatal head trauma. Internally, he suffered 22 rib fractures and a lacerated liver. The police affidavit stated that Akoa “had been beaten and kicked in the head, and bashed in the head with a piece of furniture in an assault that continued relentlessly for hours.” Akoa was apparently throwing a party before or during the attack. The three assailants were all Muslim refugees of Somali origin. In recent times, both in America and Europe, several “refugees” have turned out to be Islamic terrorists, some with direct ties to ISIS. (A faction of Al Shabaab, Somalia’s premiere jihadi organization, recently pledged allegiance to ISIS.)

Syria: A Christian from the Qaryatin village in the province of Homs was executed by the Islamic State for refusing to obey the dhimmi [second-class, “tolerated”] conditions imposed on Christian villagers. ISIS also killed a Christian priest, chopped his body into pieces, and sent the pieces back to his family in a box. Earlier ISIS had kidnapped the priest and demanded a ransom of $120,000 from his family, which finally managed to raise the ransom money after two months. But after paying it, ISIS reneged on their word and brutally killed the Catholic priest anyway.

Pakistan: The Muslim family of a woman who converted to Christianity and married a Christian murdered her husband and wounded the young woman. Aleem Masih, 28, married Nadia, 23, last year after she put her faith in Christ. The couple then fled their village as the woman’s family sought “to avenge the shame their daughter had brought upon them by recanting Islam and marrying a Christian,” said a lawyer involved in the case. Eventually Nadia’s father, Muhammad Din Meo, and his henchmen managed to abduct the couple and took them to a nearby farm. “The Muslim men first brutally tortured the couple with fists and kicks and then thrice shot Aleem Masih – one bullet hit him in his ankle, the second in the ribs while the third targeted his face,” the attorney said. “Nadia was shot in the abdomen.” The Muslim relatives left believing they had killed the couple. “The attackers returned to their village and publicly proclaimed that they had avenged their humiliation and restored the pride of the Muslims by killing the couple in cold blood.” Police, however, found Nadia still breathing when they arrived at the farm. “She was shifted to the General Hospital in Lahore, where she is fighting for her life after a major operation in which two bullets were removed from her abdomen.” A large number of Muslims were gathered at the hospital when the critically wounded woman arrived. “The mob, some of them armed with weapons, was shouting furious anti-Christian slogans…. They were also praising Azhar for restoring the pride of the Muslim Ummah [community] and saying that he had earned his place in paradise for killing an infidel.”

Philippines: Islamic terrorists from the jihadi group Abu Sayyaf were suspected in the bombing of a passenger bus in the predominantly Christian city of Zamboanga on September 18 that killed a 14-year-old girl and wounded 33 others. Intelligence sources had warned that Abu Sayyaf would be targeting cities and communities with heavy Christian populations. Only 20 % of Zamboanga is Muslim, and the rest almost entirely Christian (mostly Catholic).

Egypt: The mother of a Coptic priest was robbed and killed in Fekria city in Minya.

Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches

United States: On Sunday, September 13, 40-year-old Rasheed Abdul Aziz was arrested for threatening the Corinth Missionary Baptist Church in Bullard, Texas. The Muslim-American had a gun and was dressed for combat—complete with camouflage helmet, camouflage pants, tactical vest and boots—when he entered the church around 1 p.m. According to Pastor John Johnson, Aziz said that Allah had told him to “slay infidels” and that “people are going to die today.” Added the pastor: I believe that his intent was when he came to our church was to actually kill somebody.”

Tanzania: During the course of one week, six Christian churches were burned down. On September 23, the Living Waters International Church, Buyekera Pentecostal Assemblies of God, and Evangelical Assemblies of God Tanzania Church—three churches—were set ablaze. Three days later, on September 26, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kitundu Roman Catholic Church, and Katoro Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church—another three churches—were also set ablaze. According to a local source, “The people woke up on 27th Sep to find their sanctuaries burnt down… The scenarios are the same; unknown people broke in, piled things onto the altar, poured petrol over it and set it alight. They fled before anyone could respond and so remain unknown.” The east African nation is mostly comprised of Christians and Muslims, though the ratio is disputed.

Bethlehem: Muslims set fire to the St. Charbel Monastery. Sobhy Makhoul, the chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate in Jerusalem, said, “It was an act of arson, not a fire caused by an electrical problem [as local authorities had claimed], an act of sectarian vandalism by radical Muslims.” The fire caused no casualties or injuries -- fortunately the building was unoccupied and under renovation -- but the damage is evident, and the local Christian community feared further violence. The Maronite leader added that, “The attack is… anti-Christian, like many other incidents across the Middle East. Extremist groups operate in the area, including some Hamas cells.”

Iraq: A report that discusses how one Christian is slaughtered every five minutes in Iraq, adds that, “Islamic State Militants in Iraq are using Christian churches as torture chambers where they force Christians to either convert to Islam or die.”

Syria: Within days of capturing the city of Qaryatain, the Islamic State destroyed an ancient Catholic church and threw away the remains of a revered saint. The Sunni terror group then gave an ultimatum to the Christians in Qaryatain to either pay jizya (extortion money), convert to Islam, or leave.

Yemen: A day after a Catholic church in Aden was vandalized, another group of unidentified assailants set the Christian building “in flames,” in the words of a witness. Of the 22 churches that operated in Aden before 1967, when the city was a British colony, only a few remain open, used rarely by foreign workers and African refugees. The now-torched St. Joseph Church was one of those few.


More Christians Die, More Western Leaders Lie
I wish that our Pope would take some time in denouncing the murder of Christians, and spend less time lecturing us on global warming.
I wish that our Pope would take some time in denouncing the murder of Christians, and spend less time lecturing us on global warming.

denounce lectures are -----useless------action is needed-----the political kind. Popes have political power. -----they even have money. I see no reason why ----the pope
would not DEMAND of----countries with lots of catholics to become pro active
in RESCUE of Christians from Islamic persecution-----simple rescue-----get them
OUT OF THERE -----first thing----act like it's a FIRE-----GET THEM OUT OF THERE.........
It's time to NOT turn the cheek...Thanks obongo inc...

U.S. Leadership Ushers New Age of Christian Martyrdom
Twelve Christians are publicly raped, beheaded, and crucified for refusing to renounce Christ in Syria.
October 13, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Wherever U.S. leadership has helped Islamic jihadis topple secular autocrats in the name of “democracy and freedom,” indigenous Christian minorities are being forced to convert to Islam or die.

Many are accepting death.

Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured, mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians for saying “they would never renounce Christ” for Muhammad.

The jihadis took one group in front of a large crowd. They cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy, who steadfastly refused to submit to Islam. They “severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam.” He refused, so they “also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”

According to a Christian leader associated with the martyrs, “They were left on their crosses for two days. No one was allowed to remove them.” A sign saying “infidels” was placed next to their crosses.

The other eight Christians, including two women aged 29 and 33, were also ordered to renounce Christ and embrace Islam before a large crowd. They refused:

The Islamic extremists then publicly raped the women, who continued to pray during the ordeal, leading the ISIS militants to beat them all the more furiously.

As the two women and the six men knelt before they were beheaded, they were all praying.

“Villagers said some were praying in the name of Jesus, others said some were praying the Lord’s prayer, and others said some of them lifted their heads to commend their spirits to Jesus,” the ministry director said. “One of the women looked up and seemed to be almost smiling as she said, ‘Jesus!’”

After they were beheaded, their bodies were hung on crosses, the ministry director said, his voice breaking.


U.S. Leadership Ushers New Age of Christian Martyrdom

And the fucking liberals be worried about some fucking lion in Africa...

Ironic how we deify Christian martyrs abroad but deny Christians in our country the right to fully live as their faith requires.

HUH???? can you EXPAND on that concept? it is the starbuck cups again?
ISIS Slaughters Christians "In Their Beds"
Another month of savage persecution of Christians by Muslims ignored by “mainstream media.”
December 30, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Teams of trained killers disguised as refugees were sent by the Islamic State (IS) into U.N. refugee camps to kill Christians, including “in their beds,” and to kidnap young girls to sell or use as slaves. This came out, according to a report, on October 24, soon after an IS operative “got cold feet and renounced jihad after witnessing Christians helping out other refugees within the camp. He then revealed that he had been sent with an Islamist hit squad to eliminate Christians as part of the hate group’s ideological drive to wipe the religion off the map.” The report also quoted an aid worker saying:

They’re like a mafia. People are even killed inside the camps, and the refugees are afraid to say if they saw somebody get killed. If you ask them, they’ll say, “I don’t know, I was asleep.”… The camps are dangerous because they have IS, Iraqi militias and Syrian militias. It’s another place for gangs…. They’re killing inside the camps, and they’re buying and selling ladies and even girls.

The rest of October’s roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Islamic State Slaughter of Christians

Syria: The Islamic State executed three Christian men who, along with 250-300 other Christians, were abducted in an earlier raid on an Assyrian Christian village. In the video of the execution, the three Christians appeared on their knees, dressed in the usual orange jumpsuits; they were then shot dead by three masked executioners. Before being killed, each of the Christians identified himself by name and village of origin. The president of the Alliance church in Syria described one of the slain as “a great man of God who took a risk by staying in his village to take care of his people and to encourage them in the Lord.” In the same video, IS threatened to execute the remaining Christian hostages unless a ransom—as much as $100,000 USD per hostage—was met.

Libya: A group claiming affiliation with the Islamic State announced the beheading of a Christian man of South Sudanese origin who had been living and working in Libya since 1989. It is unclear when the execution took place. An IS masked figure appears in the video and accuses South Sudan of mistreating Muslims. He does this despite South Sudan having an interim constitution that defines itself as a secular state—unlike Sudan, which rules according to Sharia and oppresses non-Muslims: “Oh Christians in South … [there is] no safety or shelter for you except that of the Islamic State,” the masked jihadi says. The Christian is then forced down to his knees, his throat slit and his head cut off.

Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches

Indonesia: Several churches were destroyed by Muslim rioters and local authorities in Aceh. On October 9, hundreds of Muslims marched to the local authority’s office and demanded that all unregistered churches in Aceh be closed. Even though the authorities agreed, on October 13, a mob of approximately 700 Muslims, some armed with axes and machetes, torched a local church. When the mob moved to a second church, violent clashes with Christians trying to protect their churches broke out. One person, believed to be a Christian, was killed and several injured. About 8,000 Christians were displaced. Extremist Islamic leaders afterwards issued messages: “We will not stop hunting Christians and burning churches. Christians are Allah’s enemies!” In response, local authorities demolished three churches (one Catholic, two Protestant) on October 19, and vowed to destroy many more in the months to come.

Sudan: Two churches were destroyed in separate incidents. On October 17, a Lutheran church was burned down in Gadaref. The building was completely destroyed, including the furniture and Bibles inside. On October 22, in Omdurman, after giving the congregation only 72 hours’ notice and citing “redevelopment,” authorities demolished the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sudan. The church had stood on the same location for over 30 years. According to local sources, Muslims set fire to the building before officials ordered bulldozers to tear down the rest of it. “The strange thing is that the church was destroyed but the mosque was still standing in its place! This shows us many things…We were asking them, ‘Where are our rights?’” a Lutheran church leader said.

Syria: On the night of October 25, a mortar shell hit the Latin church of Aleppo, dedicated to Saint Francis, as mass was being celebrated. Launched from areas held by anti-Assad forces, the grenade hit the roof and exploded outside. Seven people were injured. According to Bishop Georges, the apostolic vicar of Aleppo, “It was around 10 before six in the evening, there were about 400 people in church and the time had come for communion… If the grenade had exploded inside there would have been a massacre. Instead, only seven worshippers were injured, not in a serious way, when rubble fell down and the roof was damaged.”

Iraq: At least eight historic and ancient Christian churches in Mosul were used as animal slaughterhouses by the Islamic State during Bakr-Eid, the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice. The St. Ephrem Syriac Orthodox Church, which was seized by the Islamic State (IS) a year ago, was one of them. In June, IS had announced that the church would be reopened as a “mosque of the mujahideen,” even though the ancient church was later apparently deemed suitable only for slaughtering animals.

Germany: On October 20 in Cologne, eight young men appeared in court and were charged with robbing churches and schools to finance the Islamic State’s jihad in Syria. The central figure in the gang, of Moroccan background, had also uploaded a YouTube video encouraging Muslims to join IS. When the eight young men had earlier broken into churches, they had stolen collection boxes, crosses, and other objects “dedicated to church services and religious veneration,” the prosecutors alleged. How much of the money actually reached the Islamic State is unknown.

Slaughter and Persecution of Muslim Converts to Christianity

Uganda: Muslims, angry at a former Muslim for converting to Christianity, killed his wife, a mother of eight, including five ranging in age from 9 to 17. On October 19, men had come knocking on the family’s door looking for the apostate. His wife told them he was away, according to her children who were present. One of the men said, “Your husband has followed the religion of his brother [Christianity], and we had warned you people to stop these activities, but our message has landed on deaf ears.” Next, “[t]he attackers dragged our mother outside the house as she screamed and cried for help,” said her 13-year-old. The Christian woman was later found in a pool of her own blood 100 meters away. Rushed to a hospital, she was declared dead on arrival. A few weeks earlier, her husband’s brother had also been killed after erupting tempers cut short a religious debate with Islamic scholars.


ISIS Slaughters Christians "In Their Beds"
It is illegal on this board to suggest that muslims are taught to kill chrisitians because
there may be some muslims in the world who do not do so-----and never heard about
it in their mosques. The actions describe are not illegal in Islamic law unless the victims of the murders are DHIMMIS----in which case the murdering person might
be asked to pay a fine-----which is equivalent to 1/4 the standard value of a
muslim life. Another approach to the illegal killing of a dhimmi (ie not for cause) might be compensation to the muslim chief of the village to which that dhimmi belonged- (dhimmia has some similarities to serfdom) It's all in the koran or hadiths or commentaries
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.

for those not familiar with the islamo Nazi dog lies of Penelope-----let me reassure
you----the church of fishes and loaves was not "burnt down" as the islamo Nazi
slut claims-----there was very little damage at all to it when some vandals scorched
some stone walls (mosaics were not touched) and wrote some easily removed
graffiti The church remains intact-----islamo Nazi sluts lie lots
Read , has pic of burnt church by jew zealots.
Arson attack guts part of Israel's Church of Loaves and Fishes
This has what to do with the twelve Christians who were raped, mutilated and beheaded? Close the mosques, imprison Muslims until this shit stops.

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