Christian pastor calls for genocide of Muslims


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Ever since the 'Pastor calls for death of gays' thread, I've wanted to write a satirical one alleging a call to kill Muslims. Was just doing so in fact when it occured, google and see if it's actually happened. Guess what? :)

8216 Christian 8217 Pastor Calls for Genocide of All Muslims Americans Against the Tea Party

"Writing for Charisma magazine, Christian Reverend Gary Cass, President and CEO of, not only echoes Phil Robertson of Welfare Dynasty fame, but also gleefully skips right past the usual “plausible deniability” that Fundies typically practice and dives right for the Mein Kampf, suggesting that we deport, sterilize, or murder Muslims. He doesn’t even stop short of calling for a new Crusade, since he does that, too..."
So we perpetuate the myth and stereotype with the title, which is false, and the link, which for some unknown reason has the tea party in it. It has just become a reflex action.
...Ever since the 'Pastor calls for death of gays' thread, I've wanted to write a satirical one alleging a call to kill Muslims. Was just doing so in fact when it occured, google and see if it's actually happened. Guess what? :)

8216 Christian 8217 Pastor Calls for Genocide of All Muslims Americans Against the Tea Party

"Writing for Charisma magazine, Christian Reverend Gary Cass, President and CEO of, not only echoes Phil Robertson of Welfare Dynasty fame, but also gleefully skips right past the usual “plausible deniability” that Fundies typically practice and dives right for the Mein Kampf, suggesting that we deport, sterilize, or murder Muslims. He doesn’t even stop short of calling for a new Crusade, since he does that, too..."

It's not Christian to wish death upon anyone.
I read the news article and the person writing/ commenting "about" the news article exaggerated what was actually written. (greatly) What I found was the writer for Charisma was advocating self defense in the very last part of the article - which I would say is up to Americans individually whether they are Christian or not. As for the call to mass murder all Muslims I did not find that in the article. Only in the claims of the person writing "about" the article. I find this is becoming a trend with the news media and wonder if they will be held accountable for false reporting or whether it will continue to become worse.

The truth is that no Christian would ever call for the mass murder of all Muslims and obviously the writer for Charisma wrote no such thing. He was writing in the very last subject - about self defense in the event of a catastrophic event.

If you are looking for a group that calls for violence against others, Delta, look up Communism. That is the fruit of that religion. Violence is not a fruit of Christianity. Ever.
I read the news article and the person writing/ commenting "about" the news article exaggerated what was actually written. (greatly) What I found was the writer for Charisma was advocating self defense in the very last part of the article - which I would say is up to Americans individually whether they are Christian or not. As for the call to mass murder all Muslims I did not find that in the article. Only in the claims of the person writing "about" the article. I find this is becoming a trend with the news media and wonder if they will be held accountable for false reporting or whether it will continue to become worse.

The truth is that no Christian would ever call for the mass murder of all Muslims and obviously the writer for Charisma wrote no such thing. He was writing in the very last subject - about self defense in the event of a catastrophic event.

If you are looking for a group that calls for violence against others, Delta, look up Communism. That is the fruit of that religion. Violence is not a fruit of Christianity. Ever.

Since you like to read, give this a skim.

Murder in the Bible
What Would Jesus Do
Why, Delta? You have already proven that you have a propensity to believe the most bizarre reports. I'm not going to click those links. I already know what Jesus would do. How do I know? I own a bible and I read it. I would suggest you buy one and do the same.

Here is something for you to consider. In my belief, Communism and the Roman Catholic church (especially under the guidance of this new Communist Jesuit pope) are far more dangerous than Islam ever thought of being. With Islam you see it for what it is. With Communism and the Roman Church you don't. Not until it is too late.
Jeremiah, if you have not emailed the pastor and told him to shut up, I suggest you do that here.
Suit yourself. Serve an evil religion choosing to remain ignorant of that evil.
I'm not a Communist or a Catholic or a Muslim. I am a Christian and I serve the Lord Jesus Christ, Delta. Like I said, if you want to look for where the true danger lies I'd be looking at the RCC and Communism....
The great evil in Christianity spawns in the American social con conservatives, such as the evangelicals and fundamentalists and Pentecostals.

The demons knew Jesus, too, and trembled, as will you if you don't take up the cross.
The op is misleading--He surely isn't Christian--Every Christian knows and practices--Vengeance is mine said the Lord--- so one would not seek ones own vengeance and try and steal it from the Lord--but the majority--have==pre-meditated vengeance.
...Ever since the 'Pastor calls for death of gays' thread, I've wanted to write a satirical one alleging a call to kill Muslims. Was just doing so in fact when it occured, google and see if it's actually happened. Guess what? :)

8216 Christian 8217 Pastor Calls for Genocide of All Muslims Americans Against the Tea Party

"Writing for Charisma magazine, Christian Reverend Gary Cass, President and CEO of, not only echoes Phil Robertson of Welfare Dynasty fame, but also gleefully skips right past the usual “plausible deniability” that Fundies typically practice and dives right for the Mein Kampf, suggesting that we deport, sterilize, or murder Muslims. He doesn’t even stop short of calling for a new Crusade, since he does that, too..."

It's not Christian to wish death upon anyone.
You said: It's not Christian to wish death upon anyone.

Remember the fairly recent headlines calling for Obama's death? The right wing has taken over what used to be the "traditional Christian Religion". They have turned helping the sick into (gasp) "socialism" and now it's "let them die" as evidenced by the .GOP Las Vegas debates. They now insist the poor are all lazy drug addicts who deserve what they get. It's the job CREATORS who deserve our help. No matter what they do

Kansas GOP House Speaker ‘Prays’ That Obama’s ‘Children Be Fatherless And His Wife A Widow’

'Christian' Pastor Prays For President's Death, Calls Obama's Mother A Whore
The op is misleading--He surely isn't Christian--Every Christian knows and practices--Vengeance is mine said the Lord--- so one would not seek ones own vengeance and try and steal it from the Lord--but the majority--have==pre-meditated vengeance.

I do not believe that every Christian practices vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD although they should, Kjw47. It is a sad fact that not every Christian is walking after the Spirit of God but many are walking after their flesh. Still I cannot imagine any true born again believer in Jesus Christ calling for the mass murder of any group of people - including Muslims. That is not a Christian mindset - to mass murder those outside their faith. Catholicism has a history of it - Islam has a history of it - but Christianity does not.
omg, one guy says it so it must mean the end of the world now

Muslims calls for exterminating people all the time. don't see you all get bent over that
What is interesting about this story is that a lot of Christians spoke up in revolt about the op ed and it was taken down. Few Muslims speak out against much more viscous and radical rants and no clerics are reprimanded.
Jesus christ called for turning the other cheek.

as a Christian who do you think I should follow?
...Ever since the 'Pastor calls for death of gays' thread, I've wanted to write a satirical one alleging a call to kill Muslims. Was just doing so in fact when it occured, google and see if it's actually happened. Guess what? :)

8216 Christian 8217 Pastor Calls for Genocide of All Muslims Americans Against the Tea Party

"Writing for Charisma magazine, Christian Reverend Gary Cass, President and CEO of, not only echoes Phil Robertson of Welfare Dynasty fame, but also gleefully skips right past the usual “plausible deniability” that Fundies typically practice and dives right for the Mein Kampf, suggesting that we deport, sterilize, or murder Muslims. He doesn’t even stop short of calling for a new Crusade, since he does that, too..."

It's not Christian to wish death upon anyone.
You said: It's not Christian to wish death upon anyone.

Remember the fairly recent headlines calling for Obama's death? The right wing has taken over what used to be the "traditional Christian Religion". They have turned helping the sick into (gasp) "socialism" and now it's "let them die" as evidenced by the .GOP Las Vegas debates. They now insist the poor are all lazy drug addicts who deserve what they get. It's the job CREATORS who deserve our help. No matter what they do

Kansas GOP House Speaker ‘Prays’ That Obama’s ‘Children Be Fatherless And His Wife A Widow’

'Christian' Pastor Prays For President's Death, Calls Obama's Mother A Whore
How anyone can vote for that GOP or go to that Pastors Church is beyond me.
The op is misleading--He surely isn't Christian--Every Christian knows and practices--Vengeance is mine said the Lord--- so one would not seek ones own vengeance and try and steal it from the Lord--but the majority--have==pre-meditated vengeance.

I do not believe that every Christian practices vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD although they should, Kjw47. It is a sad fact that not every Christian is walking after the Spirit of God but many are walking after their flesh. Still I cannot imagine any true born again believer in Jesus Christ calling for the mass murder of any group of people - including Muslims. That is not a Christian mindset - to mass murder those outside their faith. Catholicism has a history of it - Islam has a history of it - but Christianity does not.

I read the news article and the person writing/ commenting "about" the news article exaggerated what was actually written. (greatly) What I found was the writer for Charisma was advocating self defense in the very last part of the article - which I would say is up to Americans individually whether they are Christian or not. As for the call to mass murder all Muslims I did not find that in the article. Only in the claims of the person writing "about" the article. I find this is becoming a trend with the news media and wonder if they will be held accountable for false reporting or whether it will continue to become worse.

The truth is that no Christian would ever call for the mass murder of all Muslims and obviously the writer for Charisma wrote no such thing. He was writing in the very last subject - about self defense in the event of a catastrophic event.

If you are looking for a group that calls for violence against others, Delta, look up Communism. That is the fruit of that religion. Violence is not a fruit of Christianity. Ever.

Since you like to read, give this a skim.

Murder in the Bible
What Would Jesus Do

Excuses are made for all that stuff by Protestant Pastors , but only when one really sees and reads it for what it says, can one realize the Bible tells more about the men who wrote and their view of God, and how they even used God as a threat to their people. The Bible should never be taken as literal.

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