Christian Persecution - The Testimonies of Believers

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This thread is about Christian Persecution. In this particular testimony you will see that the true church is underground and the state church (communist controlled) in Laos is not a part of the true church. The same can be found in communist nations throughout the world. In China the three self church is the state run church and the underground Church in China is the persecuted church. The last I heard over 100 million followers of Jesus Christ were members of the underground church in China. This testimony is of a Christian woman whose Christian husband was murdered. The murderer had not been found at the time of the interview. The video is done by Voice of the Martyr's which was founded by Richard Wurmbrand. Richard Wurmbrand is now in heaven but his ministry lives on. He was imprisoned for his faith in Jesus Christ by the Communists for approximately 17 years and his story can be found in his book, Tortured for Christ.

This testimony is from the Hmong Christians in Vietnam. The Hmong Christian people are heavily persecuted by the Communist government of Vietnam. The testimony of the believers here are very, very encouraging! Praise God for these Christians who openly profess their faith in Jesus Christ and refuse to deny Jesus Christ even under the threat of death!

Christians are being persecuted throughout the world. These are some of the testimonies of Christians and what they are enduring. Please listen to these testimonies and realize that just because some of you live in America is no guarantee that you will never endure such trials.

It is written:

2 Timothy 3 12 In fact everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted


[URL='']All Scripture is God-Breathed

11persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me! 12Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 13But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.…[/URL]
Somewhere in the world a Christian is martyred every 3 minutes according to VOM. Everything 3 minutes. Think about that.
In this video you will hear about the plight of born again Christians in places such as India, North Korea, and elsewhere. One of the saddest testimonies they give is of suffering for Christ only to be told later by their churches - do not come back. We do not want trouble.

This is what I fear will happen with the churches of America because most do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They refuse to live for Jesus. They do not want to suffer. They are not prepared to suffer for Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry, are you implying that Christians are especially persecuted in China? That all other religons are not persecuted there?
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Pingy, I am aware of stories where the Chinese government has also done some very horrific things to Muslims also. I also have read the testimony of Brother Richard Wurmbrand - the founder of Voice of the Martyr's and how he was an eyewitness to Communists torturing Muslims in Communist jails (along with torturing their fellow communists, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics and other non Christians imprisoned there - these Communists also tortured the Christians and Brother Wurmbrand - being a Christian was tortured and wrote a book about it called, Tortured for Christ). This thread is entitled Christian persecution - The testimonies of Believers and so with that I am staying on topic and hope that you will also stay on topic by addressing the subject of the persecution of believers in Jesus Christ.
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In this testimony we see the testimony of a backslidden believer (he repented and rededicated his life to Jesus Christ) who while praying (with his sisters) received a very powerful warning from the Lord Jesus Christ and this warning should be listened to and heeded. I believe this person did hear clearly from the Lord Jesus.

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