Christian political author accused of pedephilia.


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
Southern AZ
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in on Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.
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Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in of Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.

Always wonder at religious people who write religious books. The Bible's so true and good but not enough? To be a good Christian, Jew, or Muslim we need YOUR book as well?

Christianity is demonstratably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. "Wives obey your husbands...Submit to your husbands...On n on" By making women subserviant and submissive to men the stage is being set for ment o use women as their playthings. Sociological studies have proven time and time again that the more religious a society or group, the more often horrible things happen.
Yest more evidence that there should not be a statute of limitations on child molestation.

All too often these crimes only come to light after the child has grown up and understands that what was done to them was a criminal act that should be punished under the law.

But the perps walk away because they were never caught during the arbitrary time limit.

If we still need to have such a statute of limitations then let's only start it once the child becomes an adult.

There is no statute of limitation on murder so why should there be one on child molestation?
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in on Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.

Wow, I'll have to come back to this thread later. Time to go to work....

Thanks for posting this!
While these development are startling let's not use this case to smear and broad brush Catholics and Evangelicals.
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in on Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.
These kinds of announcements just don't surprise anymore, do they?
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in of Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.

Always wonder at religious people who write religious books. The Bible's so true and good but not enough? To be a good Christian, Jew, or Muslim we need YOUR book as well?

Christianity is demonstratably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. "Wives obey your husbands...Submit to your husbands...On n on" By making women subserviant and submissive to men the stage is being set for ment o use women as their playthings. Sociological studies have proven time and time again that the more religious a society or group, the more often horrible things happen.
To be totally honest, Islam is also demonstrably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. Seems to be a patriarchal religion thing.
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in of Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.

Always wonder at religious people who write religious books. The Bible's so true and good but not enough? To be a good Christian, Jew, or Muslim we need YOUR book as well?

Christianity is demonstratably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. "Wives obey your husbands...Submit to your husbands...On n on" By making women subserviant and submissive to men the stage is being set for ment o use women as their playthings. Sociological studies have proven time and time again that the more religious a society or group, the more often horrible things happen.
To be totally honest, Islam is also demonstrably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. Seems to be a patriarchal religion thing.

Agreed. Most religions are founded by men to control women and other men.
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in of Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.

Always wonder at religious people who write religious books. The Bible's so true and good but not enough? To be a good Christian, Jew, or Muslim we need YOUR book as well?

Christianity is demonstratably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. "Wives obey your husbands...Submit to your husbands...On n on" By making women subserviant and submissive to men the stage is being set for ment o use women as their playthings. Sociological studies have proven time and time again that the more religious a society or group, the more often horrible things happen.
To be totally honest, Islam is also demonstrably tilted towards sexual exploitation of girls. Seems to be a patriarchal religion thing.

Agreed. Most religions are founded by men to control women and other men.

But, they are kind of losing their edge. The Aztecs knew how to do it. They ripped the hearts out of hundreds of thousands of people while they were still alive. It had the added benefit of keeping real estate prices down.
Yest more evidence that there should not be a statute of limitations on child molestation.

All too often these crimes only come to light after the child has grown up and understands that what was done to them was a criminal act that should be punished under the law.

But the perps walk away because they were never caught during the arbitrary time limit.

If we still need to have such a statute of limitations then let's only start it once the child becomes an adult.

There is no statute of limitation on murder so why should there be one on child molestation?

I concur. As young children they are oft not aware it's wrong. Time does not change the fact that the wrong has gone "unpunished," and in fact might still be going on against other children.

I am also a bit disturbed to hear accusations that the church tried to sweep this one under the rug as well. There's a point at which "protecting your kind" becomes harmful to "your kind" and it sure as hell doesn't do much for Christian PR when someone lifts that carpet up. Already mired in an indefensible position regarding their open hatred and bigotry of LGBT, (despite other countries, with far more Christian representation, being accepting of LGBT's), and now a rash of this hiding pedo shit...
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases - BuzzFeed News

Prominent Christian author John Perry, who has co-authored a book with Mike Huckabee and Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, has been accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits.

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wroteFor Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.


Mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the USA seems to be moving in on Catholic priest territory. However, they seem to have worked out a compromise. The boys are catholic territory, while the girls are evangelical targets.


Is a pattern emerging here?
There has also been atheist pedophiles, and pedophiles from other religions as well.
Yes there has....and the vast majority are men.

Well, among child sexual abusers (as distinct from someone diagnosed as pedophile but who may never have offended,) the vast majority of actual offenders are men.

Is a significant difference between pedophiles and actual sex offenders. Can rape a child and not be a pedophile. If you focus all your energy into 'combatting pedophiles' you're not helping children as much as if focusing your energies on combating child sexual abuse.

Lewis Caroll may well have been a pedophile, but as far as we know never actually offended against a child.

Mohammed of Islam commited (by modern standards) child rape. But wasn't a pedophile. He had adult-aged wives and sexual relations with them. As far as we know, the majority of his sexual relationships were with adults, and just the one with a minor. Thus he clearly didn't have a pedophilic-preference.

Someone who prefers, fantasizes about, seeks relationships with prepubescent children (typically under age 11,) may be a pedophile.

Someone who has sexual interactions with someone under age 12 has commited (in the US typically,) 1st degree statutory rape. But they may not be a clinical pedophile. May well be, but the act of sex alone is not a diagnostic indicator. A prisoner who opts for same-sex sex is not then a homosexual any more than an adult who rapes a child is a pedophile. They're a child rapist, but not all child rapists are pedophiles just as not all men who rape other men are homosexual. Rape isn't about sexual desire, pleasure, or attraction. It's about control, domination, and violence.

Sooner we quit thinking of rape as a sexual act, and instead an act of violence the better things will get.

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