Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival (Seattle)

Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you won't get your ass kicked. Welcome to the real world, Bri-piss.

Ah. So I guess it is okay to beat some homos when they are out in public, eh?
Yep, selective outrage. Now here are some real assaults, 42 police injured, and parry headquarters set on fire, all over a peaceful gay pride march in Serbia:

I found that some Serbians have a wide Nazi streak in them.

Watching this video, the fat bald fucker definitely belongs in jail. He committed multiple assaults against two of the anti-gay protesters.

At the end of the video, the fat guy's girlfriend lies to the police about being assaulted by the tall protester. She is evil, evil, evil.

There are also a couple of women and some scrawny guy who also committed assault against the taller anti-gay protester.

The whole lot of them are animals.

All the mob succeeded in doing was confirming the belief system of the protesters.

He was arrested two years ago when this happened. Here is this "gay activist's" wedding picture.

Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8

Brutally beaten? Maybe you need to be brutally beaten for lying and then you will know the meaning of the word. Here is the video. It was one man who the protesters kept trying to stop. The trouble making Christard got punched a few times by one fat guy. That is not a brutal beating. Stop lying liar.

It looks pretty damn viscous to me. Imagine someone defending a beating by saying "it wasn't that bad." Only queers and their supporters think that's some kind of convincing argument.

The bottom line: queers are thugs.

Well, he is straight.
Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you won't get your ass kicked. Welcome to the real world, Bri-piss.

Ah. So I guess it is okay to beat some homos when they are out in public, eh?
If it's okay to beat up Christian pastors, it is certainly okay to beat up homos. Since gays are becoming more forceful, they should be met with as much, if not more force. Why would you care if homos are getting beaten up anyway? If same sex marriage doesn't affect you, neither does gays getting beaten up affect you.
The one doing the assaulting was not gay.
Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8
Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you won't get your ass kicked. Welcome to the real world, Bri-piss. And the story would hold up better if not reported by a Christian propagandist...

Yeah, well, let's see if you take that position when a bunch of gays get their asses kicked...
Its a gay freak show up and down the west coast, last week 2,000 gays road their bikes through downtown Portland...buck ass naked.
That is an annual event and is not a gay event, dipshit. Stop manufacturing bullshit. Fucking asshole liar.

World Naked Bike Ride sets 2015 date in Portland

Mark your calendars, nude cyclists and baffled populace: The World Naked Bike Ride is returning to Portland on Saturday, June 27.

That's all we know about the 2015 bike ride -- which is technically a protest against dependency on oil and cyclist rights, among other things -- but rest assured, this will not be the last you'll hear of it.

Don't be an idiot hetro's have no desire to bike through the city buck ass naked. Freak show gays on the other hand apparently do.
I watched the video. It reminded me of various tea party rallies where they attacked anyone they thought was 'liberal'.

Sorry but this can't be tolerated on either side. The people carrying the signs had the right to free speech like everyone else and they were bullied, intimidated, and attacked by many people there. Those that were responsible and participated should be arrested and tried.

You can't demand free speech for yourself and then deny it to others. If that was public property then they are free to do what they like. Those people opposing the sign carriers can stand in front of them and talk back, but you can't touch them or attack them.

Jail time for all those that crossed the line.

Free speech is for everyone or it is for no one.
The TEA Party never assaulted anyone, you despicable lying dumfuck piece of shit.

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I watched the video. It reminded me of various tea party rallies where they attacked anyone they thought was 'liberal'.

Sorry but this can't be tolerated on either side. The people carrying the signs had the right to free speech like everyone else and they were bullied, intimidated, and attacked by many people there. Those that were responsible and participated should be arrested and tried.

You can't demand free speech for yourself and then deny it to others. If that was public property then they are free to do what they like. Those people opposing the sign carriers can stand in front of them and talk back, but you can't touch them or attack them.

Jail time for all those that crossed the line.

Free speech is for everyone or it is for no one.
There was plenty of free speech, but not much common sense. When you stand on the tracks don't come crying to me that a train smacked you into next week, that's how it works.
No one is shocked that you would condone beating people up simply for expressing their opinion. Why do you think I keep calling you a Nazi?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8

If they were brutally beaten- I sincerely hope that their attackers are arrested, convicted and sentenced accordingly.

I may not approve of the preachers message- but speech is not a justification for violence.
Its a gay freak show up and down the west coast, last week 2,000 gays road their bikes through downtown Portland...buck ass naked.
That is an annual event and is not a gay event, dipshit. Stop manufacturing bullshit. Fucking asshole liar.

World Naked Bike Ride sets 2015 date in Portland

Mark your calendars, nude cyclists and baffled populace: The World Naked Bike Ride is returning to Portland on Saturday, June 27.

That's all we know about the 2015 bike ride -- which is technically a protest against dependency on oil and cyclist rights, among other things -- but rest assured, this will not be the last you'll hear of it.

Don't be an idiot hetro's have no desire to bike through the city buck ass naked. Freak show gays on the other hand apparently do.
You are an ignorant retard. You got caught lying and now you have doubled down.

You just made everyone on this forum dumber with that post.
Beatings occur at a Gay Pride event and all the perpetrators are straight, as far as we know.

What a shock.

Watching this video, the fat bald fucker definitely belongs in jail. He committed multiple assaults against two of the anti-gay protesters.

At the end of the video, the fat guy's girlfriend lies to the police about being assaulted by the tall protester. She is evil, evil, evil.

There are also a couple of women and some scrawny guy who also committed assault against the taller anti-gay protester.

The whole lot of them are animals.

All the mob succeeded in doing was confirming the belief system of the protesters.

He was arrested two years ago when this happened. Here is this "gay activist's" wedding picture.

View attachment 43723

I would pay $100 for a hidden cam video of that wedding night.
Its a gay freak show up and down the west coast, last week 2,000 gays road their bikes through downtown Portland...buck ass naked.
That is an annual event and is not a gay event, dipshit. Stop manufacturing bullshit. Fucking asshole liar.

World Naked Bike Ride sets 2015 date in Portland

Mark your calendars, nude cyclists and baffled populace: The World Naked Bike Ride is returning to Portland on Saturday, June 27.

That's all we know about the 2015 bike ride -- which is technically a protest against dependency on oil and cyclist rights, among other things -- but rest assured, this will not be the last you'll hear of it.

Don't be an idiot hetro's have no desire to bike through the city buck ass naked. Freak show gays on the other hand apparently do.
You are an ignorant retard. You got caught lying and now you have doubled down.

You just made everyone on this forum dumber with that post.

You mad bro? Or bro'ess or trangender bro or whatever the fuck you are.
People at funerals for their sons have to endure Westboro Baptist mental patients protesting their child's funeral, because free speech is free speech.

Same for everyone everywhere. No one gets a pass.
So getting a beating is just part of free dpeach?

I think it's great that all the forum Nazis are so eager to reveal what despicable pieces of shit they are.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Its a gay freak show up and down the west coast, last week 2,000 gays road their bikes through downtown Portland...buck ass naked.
That is an annual event and is not a gay event, dipshit. Stop manufacturing bullshit. Fucking asshole liar.

World Naked Bike Ride sets 2015 date in Portland

Mark your calendars, nude cyclists and baffled populace: The World Naked Bike Ride is returning to Portland on Saturday, June 27.

That's all we know about the 2015 bike ride -- which is technically a protest against dependency on oil and cyclist rights, among other things -- but rest assured, this will not be the last you'll hear of it.

Don't be an idiot hetro's have no desire to bike through the city buck ass naked. Freak show gays on the other hand apparently do.
You are an ignorant retard. You got caught lying and now you have doubled down.

You just made everyone on this forum dumber with that post.

You mad bro? Or bro'ess or trangender bro or whatever the fuck you are.
You have been caught lying. I don't mind if we keep talking about it. If you want to keep advertising your total lack of integrity, that's fine with me!

It just proves your belief system is standing on quick sand.
Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8

(cocks head curiously)

Who told you we were peaceful? ;)
You're always whining about "hate," aren't you?

Are you admitting it's OK to beat up queers now?
This "brutal beating" was more like a pillow fight.

Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8

Brutally beaten? Maybe you need to be brutally beaten for lying and then you will know the meaning of the word. Here is the video. It was one man who the protesters kept trying to stop. The trouble making Christard got punched a few times by one fat guy. That is not a brutal beating. Stop lying liar.

So another BS story.

He interfered with a gay pride event.

Then some people stole his sign, and he hit some participants with it.

He wasn't 'beaten' at all, in fact the reverse - he attacked first.

Guess people in this thread don't even understand how the law works, as these so-called 'preachers' were later arrested for causing a public disturbance.

Those street preacher are attention whores. They antagonize people and they bait the cops.
Here are some more 'peaceful preachers':

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Well that's not cool at all. It's the proverbial shooting ones own foot.
A few bad apples can ruin the view of an entire movement's image. Look at the Tea Party's image, because a few TP members are racist and the media picked up on it and showed pictures/wrote stories of these few racist, the entire organization was described as racist. And it worked, polls showed that quite a few folks thought the entire organization was racist.
There nothing like a few people giving an entire movement a bad name. That just isn't right.
Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8

(cocks head curiously)

Who told you we were peaceful? ;)
You're always whining about "hate," aren't you?

Are you admitting it's OK to beat up queers now?
This "brutal beating" was more like a pillow fight.

Yeah, those queers are peaceful souls who wouldn't harm a hair on your head. No hostility toward religion at all!

Christian Preachers Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival Charisma News

Two street preachers were brutally beaten—punched and kicked—by a crowd at a gay pride festival in Seattle and the entire melee was captured on video.

The preachers were holding signs reading "Repent or Else" and "Jesus Saves From Sin." The video shows a group of people initially screaming and threatening the men during Pridefest at the Seattle Space Needle.

Television station KOMO reported that some of the attackers belonged to a group called NOH8

Brutally beaten? Maybe you need to be brutally beaten for lying and then you will know the meaning of the word. Here is the video. It was one man who the protesters kept trying to stop. The trouble making Christard got punched a few times by one fat guy. That is not a brutal beating. Stop lying liar.

So another BS story.

He interfered with a gay pride event.

Then some people stole his sign, and he hit some participants with it.

He wasn't 'beaten' at all, in fact the reverse - he attacked first.

Guess people in this thread don't even understand how the law works, as these so-called 'preachers' were later arrested for causing a public disturbance.

Those street preacher are attention whores. They antagonize people and they bait the cops.
Here are some more 'peaceful preachers':

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Get to feeling brave, by all means - try.

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