Christian sharing health care plan, shut down. Fraud.

The best plan is for sick people to say screw it and not pay the bills creating a situation that health care providers are going to demand be addressed and then do the right thing. UHC.
They sell the debt to debt collectors....
Who then take any assets and garnish any income.

You can get judgments which can turn into warrants for arrest. And there is no defaulting or bankruptcies on judgements.
They sell the debt to debt collectors....
Who then take any assets and garnish any income.

You can get judgments which can turn into warrants for arrest. And there is no defaulting or bankruptcies on judgements.

Then maybe people need to start burning things down again.
The best plan is for sick people to say screw it and not pay the bills creating a situation that health care providers are going to demand be addressed and then do the right thing. UHC.

If you sign the contract, you're responsible. Theft and then demand is not an answer, however, insurance has even become more of a scam since obamacare.
Then maybe people need to start burning things down again.
A doctor went to school for a lot of years....worked for slave wages then for even more just to be a doctor. He deserves his paycheck. Same with nurses.

Hospitals get sued into poverty because of lawsuits....because they did something wrong (supposedly)

Your body is YOUR don't have to go to the doctor...

You can live with most ailments....kinda.

Broken legs don't ALWAYS turn into gangrene and blood poisoning to where you need to amputate or die. You can use homeopathic treatments for high blood pressure until you stroke out or heart attack and die....

Making the gubbermint responsible for your health care is a great way to legalize euthanasia. And if you are too sick the gubbermint will kill you off for the financial cost...regardless of your desires or knowledge.
You can thank the late John McCain and the Democrats for this.

Like it was pointed out, this kind of fraud was permitted under the Obamacare Atrocity- the ACA.

The Senate refused- strictly out of spite- to approve Trumpcare which would have avoided this kind of Atrocity by providing tremendous health care at savings you would have to see to believe.

Pushing people out of real (regulated) insurance products and into unregulated scam products like this was a major priority of the Trump administration.

I've heard these commercials for years. (not sure it's the same group or not but same plan). The first time I heard them I understood they were a scam. But there is a lot more to this story than just the simple scam.

First, these scams were set up and permitted under Obamacare.

After the landmark Affordable Care Act — commonly known as Obamacare — was passed, healthcare premiums increased for most Americans as insurers were required to cover certain preventative care and not discriminate against pre-existing conditions.

The law, though, contained a carve-out for health-care sharing ministries, which were explicitly exempt from ACA requirements, allowing them to offer monthly dues lower than typical insurance premiums, especially for people who accept less coverage and more personal risk.

We can note, the issue with Obamacare to start with. It did NOTHING to address costs and it caused costs to rise. But my real question here, what went on behind the scenes to allow this carve out to start with? Now the fines are gone but this was all set up so you could sign up to a bogus plan and avoid the fines. Something there is as fishy as the plans are to me.

Second, the big issue with all of this.

Gore and his wife have been uninsured for years. He said they can’t afford traditional health insurance and their experience with MCS spooked them from joining other healthcare sharing ministries.

The person turned to this because he could not afford traditional insurance. At least he learned his lesson BUT he is still not covered as he can not afford Obamacare.

We can send billions all over the world but we still refuse to address the health care mess of this country.

Feds shut down Missouri Christian nonprofit that was supposed to cover medical bills
You knew Obamacare was going to be a giant graft machine. One of the many reasons for smaller government generally.
Except those programs are failing spectacularly in, say, the UK and Canada. Horribly. And painfully.
Sure........Not like our well oiled machine of healthcare.
Leaders from all around the world are visiting the US, so they can adopt our healthcare system.
Sure........Not like our well oiled machine of healthcare.
Leaders from all around the world are visiting the US, so they can adopt our healthcare system.

It's a very big, messy, and relatively new problem in humanity. Used to be, you got an infection, you either fought it off or died. Same with so many diseases. Now we can heal or at least mitigate them, but the care is expensive.

The real problem is that proponents of govt care trumpeted how wonderful the programs were without considering how it would play out over time. Now the bill comes due. And it's painful, really no less so than here.
I've heard these commercials for years. (not sure it's the same group or not but same plan). The first time I heard them I understood they were a scam. But there is a lot more to this story than just the simple scam.

First, these scams were set up and permitted under Obamacare.

After the landmark Affordable Care Act — commonly known as Obamacare — was passed, healthcare premiums increased for most Americans as insurers were required to cover certain preventative care and not discriminate against pre-existing conditions.

The law, though, contained a carve-out for health-care sharing ministries, which were explicitly exempt from ACA requirements, allowing them to offer monthly dues lower than typical insurance premiums, especially for people who accept less coverage and more personal risk.

We can note, the issue with Obamacare to start with. It did NOTHING to address costs and it caused costs to rise. But my real question here, what went on behind the scenes to allow this carve out to start with? Now the fines are gone but this was all set up so you could sign up to a bogus plan and avoid the fines. Something there is as fishy as the plans are to me.

Second, the big issue with all of this.

Gore and his wife have been uninsured for years. He said they can’t afford traditional health insurance and their experience with MCS spooked them from joining other healthcare sharing ministries.

The person turned to this because he could not afford traditional insurance. At least he learned his lesson BUT he is still not covered as he can not afford Obamacare.

We can send billions all over the world but we still refuse to address the health care mess of this country.

Feds shut down Missouri Christian nonprofit that was supposed to cover medical bills
The list of well-meaning people who have been financially scammed in the name of religion is endless.

And now that American politics and American religion are so closely tied, we're seeing more and more of it.

It's a damn shame.
It's a very big, messy, and relatively new problem in humanity. Used to be, you got an infection, you either fought it off or died. Same with so many diseases. Now we can heal or at least mitigate them, but the care is expensive.
Outrageously expensive.
The medical industry complex knows where the $$$ is.

I had a covid test done, the price for my insurance, to pay, $160.00.
Cash price, which I paid.............$35.00

Blood workup/testing, which I had recently and couldn't afford, $741.00
The real problem is that proponents of govt care trumpeted how wonderful the programs were without considering how it would play out over time. Now the bill comes due.
That's the thing, it would have been, if the government mandated price controls, like other countries do.

Drug companies charge more for insulin in the United States than in nearly three dozen other countries RAND researchers examined—and it's not even close. The average list price for a vial of insulin in Canada was $12. Step across the border into America, and it's $98.70.


And it's painful, really no less so than here.

Don't think so.
Outrageously expensive.
The medical industry complex knows where the $$$ is.

I had a covid test done, the price for my insurance, to pay, $160.00.
Cash price, which I paid.............$35.00

Blood workup/testing, which I had recently and couldn't afford, $741.00

That's the thing, it would have been, if the government mandated price controls, like other countries do.

Drug companies charge more for insulin in the United States than in nearly three dozen other countries RAND researchers examined—and it's not even close. The average list price for a vial of insulin in Canada was $12. Step across the border into America, and it's $98.70.


Don't think so.

Yes, our costs subsidize the places where care is supposed to be "free". Did you not know this?

That's first. Second, here:

Simply put, the NHS is collapsing. Physicians and nurses are leaving the profession at an unprecedented rate, and students are entering other fields. Seven million Britons—more than one in 10—are waiting for treatment. And while COVID certainly accelerated the NHS' decay, it did not cause it. The system had been showing symptoms of an underlying problem for decades. Indeed, the NHS was destined to fail from its very inception.

That's not just true of the NHS. It's true of many of the world's most vaunted government-run health care systems. They have deep flaws built into their very design, and now they're showing signs of severe strain.

It's a very big, messy, and relatively new problem in humanity. Used to be, you got an infection, you either fought it off or died. Same with so many diseases. Now we can heal or at least mitigate them, but the care is expensive.

The real problem is that proponents of govt care trumpeted how wonderful the programs were without considering how it would play out over time. Now the bill comes due. And it's painful, really no less so than here.

You said you were a teacher right? A teacher with taxpayer funded health care, right?
Yes, our costs subsidize the places where care
is supposed to be "free". Did you not know this?
They pay taxes, that isn't free.
That's first. Second, here:

Simply put, the NHS is collapsing. Physicians and nurses are leaving the profession at an unprecedented rate, and students are entering other fields. Seven million Britons—more than one in 10—are waiting for treatment. And while COVID certainly accelerated the NHS' decay, it did not cause it. The system had been showing symptoms of an underlying problem for decades. Indeed, the NHS was destined to fail from its very inception.

That's not just true of the NHS. It's true of many of the world's most vaunted government-run health care systems. They have deep flaws built into their very design, and now they're showing signs of severe strain.

So.....................just like America.
Except the others aren't making butt loads of $$$, doing so.
You said you were a teacher right? A teacher with taxpayer funded health care, right?

Only partly. I partly self-fund and have a decent deductible and copay. The days of the "cadillac plans" everyone still imagines we have are long, long gone.

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