Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

And still, despite Mal's insistence, gays are married and married straights don't have to procreate. :lol:

And despite seawytch's insistence, birds aren't mammals, circles aren't squares, and forks aren't spoons no matter how much you want to say otherwise.

Legal marriage license...just like everybody else's.

The Law doesn't matter... If a Law was Passed and the Supreme Court Supported it that a Woman could Marry her Dog would you Respect that?...

Honest Question?...

Would they be Married in that Situation?


Nobody is keeping you from Living your Lives... :thup:

Insisting Society call Man and Woman = to Man and Man or Woman and Woman is the Absurdity that people are taking Issue with.

They are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

And I Support Civil Unions for the Issues that Consenting Adults who Deviate from what Nature has Designed face.

You don't have to be called Married to Gain that.

Society doesn't have to Lie to make you Feel better about your Sexual Choices.



But you do to gain federal benefits.
You want to deny a couple federal benefits because of YOUR BELIEFS.
Wouldn't that mean you want self consideration from the government for your beliefs?
Don't push your lifestyle on me.

My Lifestyle is what Created you... Twat. :thup:

Two Men or Two Woman have NEVER Contributed to this Species with their Coupling.

Go Suck off a Trailer Hitch for as long as it takes.


Actually, my father stepping out on his marriage created me. Is that your lifestyle?

And where in the constitution does it define marriage? or define marriage as only a procreation tool?

And how long does it take to suck off a trailer hitch??
And still, despite Mal's insistence, gays are married and married straights don't have to procreate. :lol:

And despite seawytch's insistence, birds aren't mammals, circles aren't squares, and forks aren't spoons no matter how much you want to say otherwise.

Legal marriage license...just like everybody else's.

Legally calling a cat a dog, doesn't mean it's any less a cat or any more a dog.
Gays being out of the closet, and shoving it into everyone's face is a bad thing I think, because what it does is it makes people whom try to teach their children (before they are corrupted somehow (hopefully not), that this sort of activity is corrosive and bad for them (((liars))), and parents don't like being seen as liars to their children. So all families are trying to do, is to protect their children from making such mistakes in their life, and the gays are trying to re-teach that it isn't a mistake being made. Now it all becomes a stand off in who is right and who is wrong then.

You cannot be "corrupted" by seeing gay people. You are either gay or you aren't. Nobody can "make" anyone else gay.

The only thing that can happen next is to look at the records or stats that are recorded on these lifestyles, otherwise in order to see what is found within these lifestyles lived, and what is found within their activities that are either productive or non-productive, along with the consequences there of afterwards. Then all one has to do is study the results of these lifestyles and there affects upon the mind, and upon the body & soul as a result of in the long term.

What? Seriously dude, WTF are you talking about?

Can anyone truly look at these stats over the years, and then say that there isn't a problem with this sort of deviancy that people are engaging in more and more in their lives ? I think if the encroaching wasn't a problem for many when it happens, then people would leave it alone for the most part, and they would let people do what they want to do with their own lives, but the problem comes when the encroachment comes, and that is when it all blows up for many, just as what happened in this video when the public space is used to cast a message, and that message being one that many don't care for in their families lives.

What is your fucking definition of "encroachment"? Being seen in public?:rolleyes:

The police should always be close at hand in these events, as so that people don't get hurt at them, and I will also say that I am not for violence of any kind, but more so about restoration of the soul through education and reform of a persons mind through rehabilitation if at all possible. There are many helpful programs run by good people whom want to help people in getting their lives turned around somehow, but they have to make that step if they can, and then to seek the help needed no matter what is holding them back in their lives they think in order to do so.

Gay is innate, hatred is learned.
My definition of "encroachment" is the bringing of ones sex life out of the private of ones bedroom, and then trying to get everyone else either to agree with it, and next to deal with it out in the public, and that is a problem that no one ask for, but they got it anyway.
Your opinion Brother, nothing more. That and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbux.

And civil unions do NOTHING towards creating marriage fairness according to IRS and Social Security, both of which rely on recognition of marriage for billion$ in transactions.

It's not an Opinion, it's Fact based in what is.

Only Man and Woman have the Possibility of Creating Life and EVERY Homosexual is Equipped and Designed to do just that.

Why they Defy it is not my Concern nor Society's Burden.

Having said that I Support Civil Unions for dealing with the Issues that those who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment face in day-to-day Life.



So straight people who can't or don't want kids should only enter into a civil union?

Perhaps straight folks who don't want kids should only be ALLOWED to enter in to civil unions...

For some reason, this seems to be an area where government growth is desireable.
And despite seawytch's insistence, birds aren't mammals, circles aren't squares, and forks aren't spoons no matter how much you want to say otherwise.

Legal marriage license...just like everybody else's.

Legally calling a cat a dog, doesn't mean it's any less a cat or any more a dog.

Seawytch and the rest Know and Understand what we are saying... They are simply Self-Loathing, Sociopathic, Societal Anarchists.


It's not an Opinion, it's Fact based in what is.

Only Man and Woman have the Possibility of Creating Life and EVERY Homosexual is Equipped and Designed to do just that.

Why they Defy it is not my Concern nor Society's Burden.

Having said that I Support Civil Unions for dealing with the Issues that those who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment face in day-to-day Life.



So straight people who can't or don't want kids should only enter into a civil union?

Perhaps straight folks who don't want kids should only be ALLOWED to enter in to civil unions...

For some reason, this seems to be an area where government growth is desireable.

How about Society doesn't need to Burden the Chosen Sexual Deviations of 5% of the Population as something it Factually is NOT. :thup:


So straight people who can't or don't want kids should only enter into a civil union?

Perhaps straight folks who don't want kids should only be ALLOWED to enter in to civil unions...

For some reason, this seems to be an area where government growth is desireable.

How about Society doesn't need to Burden the Chosen Sexual Deviations of 5% of the Population as something it Factually is NOT. :thup:



So you want special consideration for your beliefs?
Criticizing isn't legislating. I don't want a Constitutional amendment banning homophobic Christians from legally marrying.

That is a lie. Given that you want to force your way of life on them.



She's right on track - bitch all you want about anything at all and it's no big deal. Propose legislation that discriminates and expect intolerance for that idea.

Bullshit indeed. No constitutional amendment is needed...homos have never had the "right" to be recognized as 'married' by the state.

And the majority of the people in this country are okay with that.

Keep trying to find ways to force crap legislation upon the majority and expect hatred and intolerance for your fascism.
Man.. those preachers were taking a beating in that park and coincidentally on this thread..

It makes me kinda ponder what would have happened if Jesus wanted to take a pleasant stroll in that park and how he would be viewed on this thread..
Perhaps straight folks who don't want kids should only be ALLOWED to enter in to civil unions...

For some reason, this seems to be an area where government growth is desireable.

How about Society doesn't need to Burden the Chosen Sexual Deviations of 5% of the Population as something it Factually is NOT. :thup:



So you want special consideration for your beliefs?

Not in the Least... I don't "believe" anything...

I KNOW this to be FACT that you can't Dispute:

Man/Man NEVER Creates Life.

Woman/Woman NEVER Creates Life.

Always been a FACT... Always will be.

Now go be a Deviant and stop Insisting that Society Embrace it so you can have some sense of Validation in your Choices...

Run along. :thup:


Judge all you want, it's the legislating that runs afoul of the Constitution. How does our living our lives encroach upon yours exactly?
It's simple really, I mean let's say I teach my child (and let's say he is a boy in this case), that thinking about or to go with another boy as would be with a girl is a very bad thing, in fact it is sin and also abnormal behavior in which to engage in as found in such a way or to even act in such a way as this. Then next I find encroaching within the community that we all live in, and we all or for the most part of us think in these sorts of ways also, and for whom always teach the children the same things in regards to such moral teachings found within many families, yet all of a sudden the community is found being bombarded with a new wave of people/deviants whom have decided to cross all boundary lines within their own lives, and yet they also decide to use the public domain to promote their sinful activity right out in the open in front of me and my children and the entire community whom does not want this sort of thing at all. Ok so what does this do to the majority whom live in a community, state (California for example on prop 8), or a town and/or what ever whom votes to not allow this sort of promotion of such things as this, and what does it do to their rights to teach their children about being Christian in these places or even about being anti-this or anti-that if not a Christian in these places, thus adding them and their families to the numbers who are against these sort of things, but then only to have a few whom are in a minority over ride this majority who are in unity on such issues, and to shove it into their faces or down their families throats, thus there fore causing these people to look like complete fools and liars to their children for ever teaching them that these things are bad, and are not the norm, and are sinful if a say Christian teaching this or maybe just a simple majority of unified citizens whom are diverse but together on this issue or on other issues ?

Activist judges have caused great harm in this nation, because they have empowered bad stuff against the majority and their will for far to long now, and it has corroded and corrupted the nations institutions, communities, and the peoples will to choose what they want for their families and children in this nation against those whom want to destroy the family institutions, and all of it's support systems anymore, and that is just unacceptable (imho).

Um, so you have a problem with gays being out of the closet, period? Our being legally married and having the same recognition of our legal marriages is just the icing on the cake and you'd actually like to legislate our lives? You'd like to see our freedom to simply fuck curtailed wouldn't you? Bring back those anti sodomy laws? Get those gays back in their collective closets? 21st Century dude. Stonewall was a looooonnnnngggg time ago. We're out and we're here to stay.

Seawytch, Bodey and Luissa make me wish we had sharia law in the US. :cool:
It's simple really, I mean let's say I teach my child (and let's say he is a boy in this case), that thinking about or to go with another boy as would be with a girl is a very bad thing, in fact it is sin and also abnormal behavior in which to engage in as found in such a way or to even act in such a way as this. Then next I find encroaching within the community that we all live in, and we all or for the most part of us think in these sorts of ways also, and for whom always teach the children the same things in regards to such moral teachings found within many families, yet all of a sudden the community is found being bombarded with a new wave of people/deviants whom have decided to cross all boundary lines within their own lives, and yet they also decide to use the public domain to promote their sinful activity right out in the open in front of me and my children and the entire community whom does not want this sort of thing at all. Ok so what does this do to the majority whom live in a community, state (California for example on prop 8), or a town and/or what ever whom votes to not allow this sort of promotion of such things as this, and what does it do to their rights to teach their children about being Christian in these places or even about being anti-this or anti-that if not a Christian in these places, thus adding them and their families to the numbers who are against these sort of things, but then only to have a few whom are in a minority over ride this majority who are in unity on such issues, and to shove it into their faces or down their families throats, thus there fore causing these people to look like complete fools and liars to their children for ever teaching them that these things are bad, and are not the norm, and are sinful if a say Christian teaching this or maybe just a simple majority of unified citizens whom are diverse but together on this issue or on other issues ?

Activist judges have caused great harm in this nation, because they have empowered bad stuff against the majority and their will for far to long now, and it has corroded and corrupted the nations institutions, communities, and the peoples will to choose what they want for their families and children in this nation against those whom want to destroy the family institutions, and all of it's support systems anymore, and that is just unacceptable (imho).

Um, so you have a problem with gays being out of the closet, period? Our being legally married and having the same recognition of our legal marriages is just the icing on the cake and you'd actually like to legislate our lives? You'd like to see our freedom to simply fuck curtailed wouldn't you? Bring back those anti sodomy laws? Get those gays back in their collective closets? 21st Century dude. Stonewall was a looooonnnnngggg time ago. We're out and we're here to stay.

Seawytch, Bodey and Luissa make me wish we had sharia law in the US. :cool:

You never hear them go after Islam... I wish they'd move there and be just as Cunty as they are here.

Is that wishing Death?... :dunno:


It's simple really, I mean let's say I teach my child (and let's say he is a boy in this case), that thinking about or to go with another boy as would be with a girl is a very bad thing, in fact it is sin and also abnormal behavior in which to engage in as found in such a way or to even act in such a way as this. Then next I find encroaching within the community that we all live in, and we all or for the most part of us think in these sorts of ways also, and for whom always teach the children the same things in regards to such moral teachings found within many families, yet all of a sudden the community is found being bombarded with a new wave of people/deviants whom have decided to cross all boundary lines within their own lives, and yet they also decide to use the public domain to promote their sinful activity right out in the open in front of me and my children and the entire community whom does not want this sort of thing at all. Ok so what does this do to the majority whom live in a community, state (California for example on prop 8), or a town and/or what ever whom votes to not allow this sort of promotion of such things as this, and what does it do to their rights to teach their children about being Christian in these places or even about being anti-this or anti-that if not a Christian in these places, thus adding them and their families to the numbers who are against these sort of things, but then only to have a few whom are in a minority over ride this majority who are in unity on such issues, and to shove it into their faces or down their families throats, thus there fore causing these people to look like complete fools and liars to their children for ever teaching them that these things are bad, and are not the norm, and are sinful if a say Christian teaching this or maybe just a simple majority of unified citizens whom are diverse but together on this issue or on other issues ?

Activist judges have caused great harm in this nation, because they have empowered bad stuff against the majority and their will for far to long now, and it has corroded and corrupted the nations institutions, communities, and the peoples will to choose what they want for their families and children in this nation against those whom want to destroy the family institutions, and all of it's support systems anymore, and that is just unacceptable (imho).

Um, so you have a problem with gays being out of the closet, period? Our being legally married and having the same recognition of our legal marriages is just the icing on the cake and you'd actually like to legislate our lives? You'd like to see our freedom to simply fuck curtailed wouldn't you? Bring back those anti sodomy laws? Get those gays back in their collective closets? 21st Century dude. Stonewall was a looooonnnnngggg time ago. We're out and we're here to stay.

Seawytch, Bodey and Luissa make me wish we had sharia law in the US. :cool:

Why is that? What do you want to happen to us?
Um, so you have a problem with gays being out of the closet, period? Our being legally married and having the same recognition of our legal marriages is just the icing on the cake and you'd actually like to legislate our lives? You'd like to see our freedom to simply fuck curtailed wouldn't you? Bring back those anti sodomy laws? Get those gays back in their collective closets? 21st Century dude. Stonewall was a looooonnnnngggg time ago. We're out and we're here to stay.

Seawytch, Bodey and Luissa make me wish we had sharia law in the US. :cool:

You never hear them go after Islam... I wish they'd move there and be just as Cunty as they are here.

Is that wishing Death?... :dunno:



Do you want the US to be like an Islamic country?
You are really showing your tolerance right now. Where is Templar?
Criticizing isn't legislating. I don't want a Constitutional amendment banning homophobic Christians from legally marrying.

That is a lie. Given that you want to force your way of life on them.



She's right on track - bitch all you want about anything at all and it's no big deal. Propose legislation that discriminates and expect intolerance for that idea.

So, one form of legislation is favorable over another? Is that tolerance? Is that equality? It's because you folks don't care too much for people who vote their own way instead of yours. So yes, its hypocrisy on your part, not mine. I don't tell other people how to vote.
Um, so you have a problem with gays being out of the closet, period? Our being legally married and having the same recognition of our legal marriages is just the icing on the cake and you'd actually like to legislate our lives? You'd like to see our freedom to simply fuck curtailed wouldn't you? Bring back those anti sodomy laws? Get those gays back in their collective closets? 21st Century dude. Stonewall was a looooonnnnngggg time ago. We're out and we're here to stay.

Seawytch, Bodey and Luissa make me wish we had sharia law in the US. :cool:

Why is that? What do you want to happen to us?

Such anger.....women really scare them. They are more and more like reactionary muslim crazy men every day.
And despite seawytch's insistence, birds aren't mammals, circles aren't squares, and forks aren't spoons no matter how much you want to say otherwise.

Legal marriage license...just like everybody else's.

Legally calling a cat a dog, doesn't mean it's any less a cat or any more a dog.

Marriage Schmarriage - Call it what you want, the difference is having two classes of families when it comes to state and federal benefits.

Will the folks who're calling for 'gay civil unions' stand for allowing that document access to ALL of the state and federal benefits afforded to families with documentation of a 'straight marriage'?

Will the folks who're calling for 'gay civil unions' open the doors to federal benefits to all who can produce a marriage document certified in a state or country that recognizes gay marriage?

This is a question of blatant unfairness. The court was right. DOMA is a slap in the face of a free and democratic society.
Oh, and how do gays "force" their way of life on you? Did your house get tastefully appointed without your permission?

I don't want to legislate against you, but you sure as hell do against me.

Did you break into his house and leave some scented candles and k.d. lang albums around again? Tsk, tsk?

FOOL! (they would be Chris Williamson and Meg Christian albums)

Hey, I'm an old person. My Pop Culture references are pretty much 20 years out of date.
And still, despite Mal's insistence, gays are married and married straights don't have to procreate. :lol:

And despite seawytch's insistence, birds aren't mammals, circles aren't squares, and forks aren't spoons no matter how much you want to say otherwise.

Those things have specific definitions.

Guess what, guy. Marriage has been redefined many times.

And I'm always amused that a Mormon, a member a cult that was oppressed largely for its practice of Polygamy, is out here advocating oppressing people for their views on marriage.

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