Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival


Hey, the only way you stop us is if you take away our right to vote, Luissa. Criticizing someone for voting against gay marriage is intolerance. Attacking people for what they believe is intolerant. When people of your liberal affiliation differ from you on any given topic, you react as if the world has come to an end. You belittle and berate them, you dress them down and shame them. That, Luissa, is intolerance. Just look at Sarah Palin and Herman Cain (obvious examples) people who presumably should be Democrats as the rest of their gender and race are in America, but they aren't. Making a greater majority of people submit to and accept the will of the minority... that is intolerance.

I can go on if you like? Nah, you are as equally closed-minded as anyone else purporting to be tolerant on your end. Not wasting my time with people who refuse to listen to reality.

Criticizing isn't legislating. I don't want a Constitutional amendment banning homophobic Christians from legally marrying.

That is a lie. Given that you want to force your way of life on them.



She's right on track - bitch all you want about anything at all and it's no big deal. Propose legislation that discriminates and expect intolerance for that idea.
And this outlawing or judging mainly comes in desired affect, only when these lifestyles begin encroaching on what many people consider to be their normal lifestyles in which they live, and in which they teach their children to be like, otherwise as for Christians their lifestyles are the only righteous lifestyle to be living found within their view for them, and this in respect to their families and/or anyone else willing or wanting what they have in their life in which is good, and not sinful, hateful, destructive, deadly to ones soul, prideful, rebellious, lustful, coveting, and etc.

Judge all you want, it's the legislating that runs afoul of the Constitution. How does our living our lives encroach upon yours exactly?

Nobody is keeping you from Living your Lives... :thup:

Insisting Society call Man and Woman = to Man and Man or Woman and Woman is the Absurdity that people are taking Issue with.

They are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

And I Support Civil Unions for the Issues that Consenting Adults who Deviate from what Nature has Designed face.

You don't have to be called Married to Gain that.

Society doesn't have to Lie to make you Feel better about your Sexual Choices.



Your opinion Brother, nothing more. That and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbux.

And civil unions do NOTHING towards creating marriage fairness according to IRS and Social Security, both of which rely on recognition of marriage for billion$ in transactions.
Gays being out of the closet, and shoving it into everyone's face is a bad thing I think, because what it does is it makes people whom try to teach their children (before they are corrupted somehow (hopefully not), that this sort of activity is corrosive and bad for them (((liars))), and parents don't like being seen as liars to their children. So all families are trying to do, is to protect their children from making such mistakes in their life, and the gays are trying to re-teach that it isn't a mistake being made. Now it all becomes a stand off in who is right and who is wrong then.

You cannot be "corrupted" by seeing gay people. You are either gay or you aren't. Nobody can "make" anyone else gay.

The only thing that can happen next is to look at the records or stats that are recorded on these lifestyles, otherwise in order to see what is found within these lifestyles lived, and what is found within their activities that are either productive or non-productive, along with the consequences there of afterwards. Then all one has to do is study the results of these lifestyles and there affects upon the mind, and upon the body & soul as a result of in the long term.

What? Seriously dude, WTF are you talking about?

Can anyone truly look at these stats over the years, and then say that there isn't a problem with this sort of deviancy that people are engaging in more and more in their lives ? I think if the encroaching wasn't a problem for many when it happens, then people would leave it alone for the most part, and they would let people do what they want to do with their own lives, but the problem comes when the encroachment comes, and that is when it all blows up for many, just as what happened in this video when the public space is used to cast a message, and that message being one that many don't care for in their families lives.

What is your fucking definition of "encroachment"? Being seen in public?:rolleyes:

The police should always be close at hand in these events, as so that people don't get hurt at them, and I will also say that I am not for violence of any kind, but more so about restoration of the soul through education and reform of a persons mind through rehabilitation if at all possible. There are many helpful programs run by good people whom want to help people in getting their lives turned around somehow, but they have to make that step if they can, and then to seek the help needed no matter what is holding them back in their lives they think in order to do so.

Gay is innate, hatred is learned.
That is a lie. Given that you want to force your way of life on them.


Oh, and how do gays "force" their way of life on you? Did your house get tastefully appointed without your permission?

I don't want to legislate against you, but you sure as hell do against me.

Did you break into his house and leave some scented candles and k.d. lang albums around again? Tsk, tsk?

FOOL! (they would be Chris Williamson and Meg Christian albums)
Judge all you want, it's the legislating that runs afoul of the Constitution. How does our living our lives encroach upon yours exactly?

Nobody is keeping you from Living your Lives... :thup:

Insisting Society call Man and Woman = to Man and Man or Woman and Woman is the Absurdity that people are taking Issue with.

They are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

And I Support Civil Unions for the Issues that Consenting Adults who Deviate from what Nature has Designed face.

You don't have to be called Married to Gain that.

Society doesn't have to Lie to make you Feel better about your Sexual Choices.



Your opinion Brother, nothing more. That and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbux.

And civil unions do NOTHING towards creating marriage fairness according to IRS and Social Security, both of which rely on recognition of marriage for billion$ in transactions.

It's not an Opinion, it's Fact based in what is.

Only Man and Woman have the Possibility of Creating Life and EVERY Homosexual is Equipped and Designed to do just that.

Why they Defy it is not my Concern nor Society's Burden.

Having said that I Support Civil Unions for dealing with the Issues that those who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment face in day-to-day Life.



to recap...

Street preachers should go into their own homes and churches to preach....

But gays have a basic human right to strip down and parade up & down teh street, making out with each other and shrieking whatever they please.

Does that about cover it?
And still, despite Mal's insistence, gays are married and married straights don't have to procreate. :lol:

And despite seawytch's insistence, birds aren't mammals, circles aren't squares, and forks aren't spoons no matter how much you want to say otherwise.

to recap...

Street preachers should go into their own homes and churches to preach....

But gays have a basic human right to strip down and parade up & down teh street, making out with each other and shrieking whatever they please.

Does that about cover it?

Pretty much

to recap...

Street preachers should go into their own homes and churches to preach....

But gays have a basic human right to strip down and parade up & down teh street, making out with each other and shrieking whatever they please.

Does that about cover it?

Yes... The Self-Loathing, Sociopathic Deviants are in Charge... Get used to the Deterioration. :thup:


And this outlawing or judging mainly comes in desired affect, only when these lifestyles begin encroaching on what many people consider to be their normal lifestyles in which they live, and in which they teach their children to be like, otherwise as for Christians their lifestyles are the only righteous lifestyle to be living found within their view for them, and this in respect to their families and/or anyone else willing or wanting what they have in their life in which is good, and not sinful, hateful, destructive, deadly to ones soul, prideful, rebellious, lustful, coveting, and etc.

Judge all you want, it's the legislating that runs afoul of the Constitution. How does our living our lives encroach upon yours exactly?

Nobody is keeping you from Living your Lives... :thup:

Insisting Society call Man and Woman = to Man and Man or Woman and Woman is the Absurdity that people are taking Issue with.

They are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

And I Support Civil Unions for the Issues that Consenting Adults who Deviate from what Nature has Designed face.

You don't have to be called Married to Gain that.

Society doesn't have to Lie to make you Feel better about your Sexual Choices.



But you do to gain federal benefits.
You want to deny a couple federal benefits because of YOUR BELIEFS.
Wouldn't that mean you want self consideration from the government for your beliefs?
Don't push your lifestyle on me.
Last edited:
Nobody is keeping you from Living your Lives... :thup:

Insisting Society call Man and Woman = to Man and Man or Woman and Woman is the Absurdity that people are taking Issue with.

They are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

And I Support Civil Unions for the Issues that Consenting Adults who Deviate from what Nature has Designed face.

You don't have to be called Married to Gain that.

Society doesn't have to Lie to make you Feel better about your Sexual Choices.



Your opinion Brother, nothing more. That and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbux.

And civil unions do NOTHING towards creating marriage fairness according to IRS and Social Security, both of which rely on recognition of marriage for billion$ in transactions.

It's not an Opinion, it's Fact based in what is.

Only Man and Woman have the Possibility of Creating Life and EVERY Homosexual is Equipped and Designed to do just that.

Why they Defy it is not my Concern nor Society's Burden.

Having said that I Support Civil Unions for dealing with the Issues that those who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment face in day-to-day Life.



So straight people who can't or don't want kids should only enter into a civil union?
Your opinion Brother, nothing more. That and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbux.

And civil unions do NOTHING towards creating marriage fairness according to IRS and Social Security, both of which rely on recognition of marriage for billion$ in transactions.

It's not an Opinion, it's Fact based in what is.

Only Man and Woman have the Possibility of Creating Life and EVERY Homosexual is Equipped and Designed to do just that.

Why they Defy it is not my Concern nor Society's Burden.

Having said that I Support Civil Unions for dealing with the Issues that those who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment face in day-to-day Life.



So straight people who can't or don't want kids should only enter into a civil union?

Nope... Because the Possibility only exists with Man and Woman.... EVER.

They may Choose to have Children or not and they may or may not be Fertile... Plenty of people have been told they are not and then were.

This FACT Remains:

(2) Men... 100% of the time can NOT Create a Child together... Ever.

(2) Women... 100% of the time can NOT Create a Child together... Ever.

This is not up for Debate and your Tired Old Tactic Failed DECADES ago in these Debates.

But thanks for Regurgitating it again so I could knock it down. :rofl:

Do you want tell me about what Animals do that Justifies or Validates your Sexual Deviancy now?... :dunno:


Judge all you want, it's the legislating that runs afoul of the Constitution. How does our living our lives encroach upon yours exactly?

Nobody is keeping you from Living your Lives... :thup:

Insisting Society call Man and Woman = to Man and Man or Woman and Woman is the Absurdity that people are taking Issue with.

They are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

And I Support Civil Unions for the Issues that Consenting Adults who Deviate from what Nature has Designed face.

You don't have to be called Married to Gain that.

Society doesn't have to Lie to make you Feel better about your Sexual Choices.



But you do to gain federal benefits.
You want to deny a couple federal benefits because of YOUR BELIEFS.
Wouldn't that mean you want self consideration from the government for your beliefs?
Don't push your lifestyle on me.

My Lifestyle is what Created you... Twat. :thup:

Two Men or Two Woman have NEVER Contributed to this Species with their Coupling.

Go Suck off a Trailer Hitch for as long as it takes.


SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Just exactly how did you research to find out the political leanings of the bald headed tubbies that beat the snot out of the annoying fundis?

I'd say that the results are inconclusive. Maybe if we can have a few more street beat downs of the placard carrying christian morons and do an accurate survey of the fat bully boy types we could draw a more accurate reflection of who they actually represent..if anyone or group. Maybe they were just there working out..they certainly could use the exercise.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Just exactly how did you research to find out the political leanings of the bald headed tubbies that beat the snot out of the annoying fundis?

I'd say that the results are inconclusive. Maybe if we can have a few more street beat downs of the placard carrying christian morons and do an accurate survey of the fat bully boy types we could draw a more accurate reflection of who they actually represent..if anyone or group. Maybe they were just there working out..they certainly could use the exercise.

FUCK YOU HUGGY!... :rofl:


It's not an Opinion, it's Fact based in what is.

Only Man and Woman have the Possibility of Creating Life and EVERY Homosexual is Equipped and Designed to do just that.

Why they Defy it is not my Concern nor Society's Burden.

Having said that I Support Civil Unions for dealing with the Issues that those who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment face in day-to-day Life.



So straight people who can't or don't want kids should only enter into a civil union?

Nope... Because the Possibility only exists with Man and Woman.... EVER.

They may Choose to have Children or not and they may or may not be Fertile... Plenty of people have been told they are not and then were.

This FACT Remains:

(2) Men... 100% of the time can NOT Create a Child together... Ever.

(2) Women... 100% of the time can NOT Create a Child together... Ever.

This is not up for Debate and your Tired Old Tactic Failed DECADES ago in these Debates.

But thanks for Regurgitating it again so I could knock it down. :rofl:

Do you want tell me about what Animals do that Justifies or Validates your Sexual Deviancy now?... :dunno:


Said the person using the tired old tactic..

Why would I bother with animals? It doesn't matter. No where in the constitution does it define marriage, nor does it say two people who get married must have the possibility to procreate.
The argument that marriage should only be allowed to same sex couple or couples that can procreate is old, unconstitutional, and frankly stupid.
It's only 'intolerance’ when the pointing out of what is sinful is accompanied by a desire to see the offender stop the offending behavior or a desire to see it outlawed or judged.
And this outlawing or judging mainly comes in desired affect, only when these lifestyles begin encroaching on what many people consider to be their normal lifestyles in which they live, and in which they teach their children to be like, otherwise as for Christians their lifestyles are the only righteous lifestyle to be living found within their view for them, and this in respect to their families and/or anyone else willing or wanting what they have in their life in which is good, and not sinful, hateful, destructive, deadly to ones soul, prideful, rebellious, lustful, coveting, and etc.

Judge all you want, it's the legislating that runs afoul of the Constitution. How does our living our lives encroach upon yours exactly?

Do you want the normalcy of homosexuality taught in schools? Demand that they be postively portrayed in the media? Do you want to be able to sue business people when they refuse your patronage? Do you want landlords to be liable for damages when tenants or visitors on the premises hurt your feelings?

That's just a sample of encroachment.

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