Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Because they are Dishonest... It's the same reason they mention "Military" when there is a Debate about Parents Cross-dressing a Toddler...

They have a Mental Disease... The same one.


We are dishonest? You are fucked in the head Mal. And after these threads I lump you in with Westboro. Stupid hateful prick.
If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Sure we do.
And why don't you call out other Christians who speak words of intolerance? It is exactly what your want gays and Muslims to do.

We do. We just don't think preaching the Gospel and explaining clearly what is sin is in anyway intolerance. How the heck is saying that engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin at all intolerant? We will likewise say that engaging in premarital sex regardless of your sexual preference is a sin also. Does that mean we are intolerant of hetrosexuals too? The intolerance claim is nonsense.

Now if a Christian is arguing that we physically hurt someone who is gay. If they are going to belittle them with names and condemn them to hell inappropriately since they dont have that authority, we will be more than happy to tell them to live the Gospel and love their neighbor. To be kind and reach out to others in love.

We are going to speak against actual intolerance. Not the faux "intolerance" you claim we have which is really just an excuse for you to be intolerant to Christians.
Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Sure we do.
And why don't you call out other Christians who speak words of intolerance? It is exactly what your want gays and Muslims to do.

We do. We just don't think preaching the Gospel and explaining clearly what is sin is in anyway intolerance. How the heck is saying that engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin at all intolerant? We will likewise say that engaging in premarital sex regardless of your sexual preference is a sin also. Does that mean we are intolerant of hetrosexuals too? The intolerance claim is nonsense.

Now if a Christian is arguing that we physically hurt someone who is gay. If they are going to belittle them with names and condemn them to hell inappropriately since they dont have that authority, we will be more than happy to tell them to live the Gospel and love their neighbor. To be kind and reach out to others in love.

We are going to speak against actual intolerance. Not the faux "intolerance" you claim we have which is really just an excuse for you to be intolerant to Christians.

It's only 'intolerance’ when the pointing out of what is sinful is accompanied by a desire to see the offender stop the offending behavior or a desire to see it outlawed or judged.
Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Sure we do.
And why don't you call out other Christians who speak words of intolerance? It is exactly what your want gays and Muslims to do.

We do. We just don't think preaching the Gospel and explaining clearly what is sin is in anyway intolerance. How the heck is saying that engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin at all intolerant? We will likewise say that engaging in premarital sex regardless of your sexual preference is a sin also. Does that mean we are intolerant of hetrosexuals too? The intolerance claim is nonsense.

Now if a Christian is arguing that we physically hurt someone who is gay. If they are going to belittle them with names and condemn them to hell inappropriately since they dont have that authority, we will be more than happy to tell them to live the Gospel and love their neighbor. To be kind and reach out to others in love.

We are going to speak against actual intolerance. Not the faux "intolerance" you claim we have which is really just an excuse for you to be intolerant to Christians.
When you want to deny someone a right based on your belief it is a sin, that is intolerance. When you call someone a deviant, that is intolerance. I can go on if you like?
Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Because they are Dishonest... It's the same reason they mention "Military" when there is a Debate about Parents Cross-dressing a Toddler...

They have a Mental Disease... The same one.


We are dishonest? You are fucked in the head Mal. And after these threads I lump you in with Westboro. Stupid hateful prick.

Yep... Dishonest as Hell... And Shameless also.

The Mathis "Family" Abusing that little Boy has ZERO to do with ANYONE's Military Service.

It was Bodecea Cunty that you Mentioned it and was an Illustration of how you have FAILED to Justify their Child Abuse in ANY of these Threads.

Nice work. :thup:

I Hope one of those Westboro Inbreds Marries into your Klan. :rofl:


I think that Christians in America pussy-foot around the issue of what it means to be a 'real' Christian.

I've talked to many Christians who classify Mormonism and some of the other Christian sects as cults spawned by Satan in private, while boasting of a 75% ‘Christian’ electorate every 4 years.

I wonder what these discussions would look like if we all stood on more solidly defined expressions of what we mean by God, Christ and Heaven.
Because they are Dishonest... It's the same reason they mention "Military" when there is a Debate about Parents Cross-dressing a Toddler...

They have a Mental Disease... The same one.


We are dishonest? You are fucked in the head Mal. And after these threads I lump you in with Westboro. Stupid hateful prick.

Yep... Dishonest as Hell... And Shameless also.

The Mathis "Family" Abusing that little Boy has ZERO to do with ANYONE's Military Service.

It was Bodecea Cunty that you Mentioned it and was an Illustration of how you have FAILED to Justify their Child Abuse in ANY of these Threads.

Nice work. :thup:

I Hope one of those Westboro Inbreds Marries into your Klan. :rofl:



Wrong thread Mal. Dishonest loser.
Any of these threads? You have failed to show their abuse, all you have showed is your hatred for a transgender child, his parents, and gay people.

Speaking of inbred.......Isn't the first sign rolling up your sleeves on a short sleeve shirt? Or is it a face that looks like it got hit with a shovel? HMMMM
The new policy of the anti-Christian yahoos is to correlate all Christians with the Westboro loons.

It's their best bet at justification of attacks on and discrimination against all Christians. Just as they have justified killing babies by making the false correlation between rape/necessity of abortion for all.
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The new policy of the anti-Christian yahoos is to correlate all Christians with the Westboro loons.

It's their best bet at justification of attacks on and discrimination against all Christians. Just as they have justified killing babies by making the false correlation between rape/necessity of abortion for all.

Sorry, how are the other HOmophobic Christians any different from the Westboro Loons?

When Jerry Falwell and Pat RObertson accused the Gays of causing 9-11 by removing God's grace from America, how were they any different than the Westboro loons?

Because they didn't talk that smack at a funeral?
Sure we do.
And why don't you call out other Christians who speak words of intolerance? It is exactly what your want gays and Muslims to do.

We do. We just don't think preaching the Gospel and explaining clearly what is sin is in anyway intolerance. How the heck is saying that engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin at all intolerant? We will likewise say that engaging in premarital sex regardless of your sexual preference is a sin also. Does that mean we are intolerant of hetrosexuals too? The intolerance claim is nonsense.

Now if a Christian is arguing that we physically hurt someone who is gay. If they are going to belittle them with names and condemn them to hell inappropriately since they dont have that authority, we will be more than happy to tell them to live the Gospel and love their neighbor. To be kind and reach out to others in love.

We are going to speak against actual intolerance. Not the faux "intolerance" you claim we have which is really just an excuse for you to be intolerant to Christians.
When you want to deny someone a right based on your belief it is a sin, that is intolerance. When you call someone a deviant, that is intolerance. I can go on if you like?

Hey, the only way you stop us is if you take away our right to vote, Luissa. Criticizing someone for voting against gay marriage is intolerance. Attacking people for what they believe is intolerant. When people of your liberal affiliation differ from you on any given topic, you react as if the world has come to an end. You belittle and berate them, you dress them down and shame them. That, Luissa, is intolerance. Just look at Sarah Palin and Herman Cain (obvious examples) people who presumably should be Democrats as the rest of their gender and race are in America, but they aren't. Making a greater majority of people submit to and accept the will of the minority... that is intolerance.

I can go on if you like? Nah, you are as equally closed-minded as anyone else purporting to be tolerant on your end. Not wasting my time with people who refuse to listen to reality.
We are dishonest? You are fucked in the head Mal. And after these threads I lump you in with Westboro. Stupid hateful prick.

Yep... Dishonest as Hell... And Shameless also.

The Mathis "Family" Abusing that little Boy has ZERO to do with ANYONE's Military Service.

It was Bodecea Cunty that you Mentioned it and was an Illustration of how you have FAILED to Justify their Child Abuse in ANY of these Threads.

Nice work. :thup:

I Hope one of those Westboro Inbreds Marries into your Klan. :rofl:



Wrong thread Mal. Dishonest loser.
Any of these threads? You have failed to show their abuse, all you have showed is your hatred for a transgender child, his parents, and gay people.

Speaking of inbred.......Isn't the first sign rolling up your sleeves on a short sleeve shirt? Or is it a face that looks like it got hit with a shovel? HMMMM

Hey, Luissa? Who is being the inbred loser here (to use the given terminology)? If you want to be seen as a poster (as you told me before), I will treat you like one. You are a jackass, Luissa. You cannot tolerate any other differing points of view, and when someone so much as says anything to differ, we get little quips like this one. You preach of tolerance but render intolerance an art form. You are a rank hypocrite with an inferiority complex. In a nutshell: You are just as intolerant as you claim others are being.

How can you accuse someone of being hateful, when you yourself are so full of it?
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Yep... Dishonest as Hell... And Shameless also.

The Mathis "Family" Abusing that little Boy has ZERO to do with ANYONE's Military Service.

It was Bodecea Cunty that you Mentioned it and was an Illustration of how you have FAILED to Justify their Child Abuse in ANY of these Threads.

Nice work. :thup:

I Hope one of those Westboro Inbreds Marries into your Klan. :rofl:



Wrong thread Mal. Dishonest loser.
Any of these threads? You have failed to show their abuse, all you have showed is your hatred for a transgender child, his parents, and gay people.

Speaking of inbred.......Isn't the first sign rolling up your sleeves on a short sleeve shirt? Or is it a face that looks like it got hit with a shovel? HMMMM

Hey, Luissa? Who is being the inbred loser here (to use the given terminology)? If you want to be seen as a poster (as you told me before), I will treat you like one. You are a jackass, Luissa. You cannot tolerate any other differing points of view, and when someone so much as says anything to differ, we get little quips like this one. You preach of tolerance but render intolerance an art form. You are a rank hypocrite with an inferiority complex. In a nutshell: You are just as intolerant as you claim others are being.

How can you accuse someone of being hateful, when you yourself are so full of it?

First off victim, Mal used the inbred reference first. Me calling out Mal a homophobic asshole is proof I am a hypocrite? Nice try.
Second, I am only a poster now. Which is why I can call out whomever I want now.
And I do hate homophobes, I freely admit that. They are horrible people.

As for you. You are too busy playing the victim, which is why you had to bring up me being a Mod every five seconds, even though it had nothing to do with the topic. You also made how many assumptions about me?
Go hide under a rock, loser. I am not a mod anymore, you no longer have a tool for your victim game.
Calling someone who is deviant, "deviant", isn't intolerance. It's just a description.

Somehow, the left has determined it doesnt' like to be described, and so has made it ILLEGAL to describe them.

That's the way they roll. That's why it's "hate speech" to mention crime in the same breath with black, or to cite the bible.
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We do. We just don't think preaching the Gospel and explaining clearly what is sin is in anyway intolerance. How the heck is saying that engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin at all intolerant? We will likewise say that engaging in premarital sex regardless of your sexual preference is a sin also. Does that mean we are intolerant of hetrosexuals too? The intolerance claim is nonsense.

Now if a Christian is arguing that we physically hurt someone who is gay. If they are going to belittle them with names and condemn them to hell inappropriately since they dont have that authority, we will be more than happy to tell them to live the Gospel and love their neighbor. To be kind and reach out to others in love.

We are going to speak against actual intolerance. Not the faux "intolerance" you claim we have which is really just an excuse for you to be intolerant to Christians.
When you want to deny someone a right based on your belief it is a sin, that is intolerance. When you call someone a deviant, that is intolerance. I can go on if you like?

Hey, the only way you stop us is if you take away our right to vote, Luissa. Criticizing someone for voting against gay marriage is intolerance. Attacking people for what they believe is intolerant. When people of your liberal affiliation differ from you on any given topic, you react as if the world has come to an end. You belittle and berate them, you dress them down and shame them. That, Luissa, is intolerance. Just look at Sarah Palin and Herman Cain (obvious examples) people who presumably should be Democrats as the rest of their gender and race are in America, but they aren't. Making a greater majority of people submit to and accept the will of the minority... that is intolerance.

I can go on if you like? Nah, you are as equally closed-minded as anyone else purporting to be tolerant on your end. Not wasting my time with people who refuse to listen to reality.

What are you even talking about? Are you trying to add to what I said? Take the discussion in the direction you want it to go in????
And yes I am closed minded to homophobes. Did you read my post?
Faux intolerance? Do you really live under a rock?
Wrong thread Mal. Dishonest loser.
Any of these threads? You have failed to show their abuse, all you have showed is your hatred for a transgender child, his parents, and gay people.

Speaking of inbred.......Isn't the first sign rolling up your sleeves on a short sleeve shirt? Or is it a face that looks like it got hit with a shovel? HMMMM

Hey, Luissa? Who is being the inbred loser here (to use the given terminology)? If you want to be seen as a poster (as you told me before), I will treat you like one. You are a jackass, Luissa. You cannot tolerate any other differing points of view, and when someone so much as says anything to differ, we get little quips like this one. You preach of tolerance but render intolerance an art form. You are a rank hypocrite with an inferiority complex. In a nutshell: You are just as intolerant as you claim others are being.

How can you accuse someone of being hateful, when you yourself are so full of it?

First off victim, Mal used the inbred reference first. Me calling out Mal a homophobic asshole is proof I am a hypocrite? Nice try.
Second, I am only a poster now. Which is why I can call out whomever I want now.
And I do hate homophobes, I freely admit that. They are horrible people.

As for you. You are too busy playing the victim, which is why you had to bring up me being a Mod every five seconds, even though it had nothing to do with the topic. You also made how many assumptions about me?
Go hide under a rock, loser. I am not a mod anymore, you no longer have a tool for your victim game.

Ha! I am nobody's victim, and least of all not to you, Luissa! You are now fair game. As of now the proverbial gloves have come off.

Now, who's bringing up being the mod? Sure as heck ain't me you whinybaby! Why don't you get your liberal panties out of a wad and come back at me a more decent frame of mind. You can't call anyone down for being intolerant or homophobic, when you are wholly intolerant and xenophobic yourself. You have no idea who you are dealing with, Luissa. You picked the wrong poster to call "victim." As you can see, I can prove how exactly opposite a victim I can be.

So take that persecution complex of yours and shove it. And since you aren't a mod anymore, you will now be a permanent resident of my ignore list.

Good evening.
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Hey, Luissa? Who is being the inbred loser here (to use the given terminology)? If you want to be seen as a poster (as you told me before), I will treat you like one. You are a jackass, Luissa. You cannot tolerate any other differing points of view, and when someone so much as says anything to differ, we get little quips like this one. You preach of tolerance but render intolerance an art form. You are a rank hypocrite with an inferiority complex. In a nutshell: You are just as intolerant as you claim others are being.

How can you accuse someone of being hateful, when you yourself are so full of it?

First off victim, Mal used the inbred reference first. Me calling out Mal a homophobic asshole is proof I am a hypocrite? Nice try.
Second, I am only a poster now. Which is why I can call out whomever I want now.
And I do hate homophobes, I freely admit that. They are horrible people.

As for you. You are too busy playing the victim, which is why you had to bring up me being a Mod every five seconds, even though it had nothing to do with the topic. You also made how many assumptions about me?
Go hide under a rock, loser. I am not a mod anymore, you no longer have a tool for your victim game.

Ha! I am nobody's victim, and least of all not to you, Luissa! You are now fair game. As of now the proverbial gloves have come off.

Now, who's bringing up being the mod? Sure as heck ain't me you whinybaby! Why don't you get your liberal panties out of a wad and come back at me a more decent frame of mind. You can't call anyone down for being intolerant or homophobic, when you are wholly intolerant and xenophobic yourself. You have no idea who you are dealing with, Luissa. You picked the wrong poster to call "victim." As you can see, I can prove how exactly opposite a victim I can be.

So take that persecution complex of yours and shove it. And since you aren't a mod anymore, you will now be a permanent resident of my ignore list.

Good evening.

The victim doth protest too much?

And put me on ignore. That will be one perk of being a regular poster. You seek me out not the other way around, so that should take care of that and having to deal with your perpetual victimhood.
Hey, Luissa? Who is being the inbred loser here (to use the given terminology)? If you want to be seen as a poster (as you told me before), I will treat you like one. You are a jackass, Luissa. You cannot tolerate any other differing points of view, and when someone so much as says anything to differ, we get little quips like this one. You preach of tolerance but render intolerance an art form. You are a rank hypocrite with an inferiority complex. In a nutshell: You are just as intolerant as you claim others are being.

How can you accuse someone of being hateful, when you yourself are so full of it?

First off victim, Mal used the inbred reference first. Me calling out Mal a homophobic asshole is proof I am a hypocrite? Nice try.
Second, I am only a poster now. Which is why I can call out whomever I want now.
And I do hate homophobes, I freely admit that. They are horrible people.

As for you. You are too busy playing the victim, which is why you had to bring up me being a Mod every five seconds, even though it had nothing to do with the topic. You also made how many assumptions about me?
Go hide under a rock, loser. I am not a mod anymore, you no longer have a tool for your victim game.

Ha! I am nobody's victim, and least of all not to you, Luissa! You are now fair game. As of now the proverbial gloves have come off.

Now, who's bringing up being the mod? Sure as heck ain't me you whinybaby! Why don't you get your liberal panties out of a wad and come back at me a more decent frame of mind. You can't call anyone down for being intolerant or homophobic, when you are wholly intolerant and xenophobic yourself. You have no idea who you are dealing with, Luissa. You picked the wrong poster to call "victim." As you can see, I can prove how exactly opposite a victim I can be.

So take that persecution complex of yours and shove it. And since you aren't a mod anymore, you will now be a permanent resident of my ignore list.

Good evening.

The best part of your post is this:
You picked the wrong poster to call "victim." As you can see, I can prove how exactly opposite a victim I can be.

you will now be a permanent resident of my ignore list.

Can't handle being called a victim?
Hey, Luissa? Who is being the inbred loser here (to use the given terminology)? If you want to be seen as a poster (as you told me before), I will treat you like one. You are a jackass, Luissa. You cannot tolerate any other differing points of view, and when someone so much as says anything to differ, we get little quips like this one. You preach of tolerance but render intolerance an art form. You are a rank hypocrite with an inferiority complex. In a nutshell: You are just as intolerant as you claim others are being.

How can you accuse someone of being hateful, when you yourself are so full of it?

First off victim, Mal used the inbred reference first. Me calling out Mal a homophobic asshole is proof I am a hypocrite? Nice try.
Second, I am only a poster now. Which is why I can call out whomever I want now.
And I do hate homophobes, I freely admit that. They are horrible people.

As for you. You are too busy playing the victim, which is why you had to bring up me being a Mod every five seconds, even though it had nothing to do with the topic. You also made how many assumptions about me?
Go hide under a rock, loser. I am not a mod anymore, you no longer have a tool for your victim game.

Ha! I am nobody's victim, and least of all not to you, Luissa! You are now fair game. As of now the proverbial gloves have come off.
Now, who's bringing up being the mod? Sure as heck ain't me you whinybaby! Why don't you get your liberal panties out of a wad and come back at me a more decent frame of mind. You can't call anyone down for being intolerant or homophobic, when you are wholly intolerant and xenophobic yourself. You have no idea who you are dealing with, Luissa. You picked the wrong poster to call "victim." As you can see, I can prove how exactly opposite a victim I can be.

So take that persecution complex of yours and shove it. And since you aren't a mod anymore, you will now be a permanent resident of my ignore list.

Good evening.

What the heck does that comment mean? Besides you whining about Luissa being a mod before. Did she abuse her authority to you? If so, let's see some evidence. If not, why are you being such a whiney victim? Don't we have enough of those?

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