Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

No, words mean something.

Narrow mindedness is what defines those who embrace and promote a negative image, based on incorrect and ignorant beliefs. It isn't narrow minded to believe in God, or the existence of good and evil. It is narrow minded to assume all Christians are low life hicks based on a limited knowledge of Christians, or the history of Christianity.

Narrow mindedness is rooted in ignorance, and bigotry. So no, it's not a good thing, and no, it can't be used to describe Christians, based on the fact that they believe in one belief system, and reject others. That is NOT narrow minded. Narrow minded is saying something idiotic like "well I just assume all Christians are like Westboro baptists". That's akin to saying "All Jews are money hungry, blood thirsty devils" or "All blacks are stupid".

I agree that it's narrow minded to say that "all Christians are like Westboro baptists" or that "all Christians HATE gays", etc.

But I do still believe that Christians are narrow-minded in the fact that they live their life in accordance to just one set of beliefs. If the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, then it's a sin. If the Bible says that you must obey God to get to heaven, then you must obey God to get to heaven. It's a narrow view in that there is ONLY one way, and that it's written down and very much unchanging in many aspects. One possibility is narrow, many possibilities is open. Again, not necessarily a negative thing, just sorta the case here.

As a non-Christian, non-religious person, my views are much more "open" than yours because they can change freely based on my life-experiences and thoughts/feelings at any given time. However as a Christian, you will always be bound to the narrow hard-coded wrongs and rights that have been written and recorded in the bible...

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That's because you're bigoted, narrow minded morons.

Just to be fair, I consider Christians rather narrow-minded (ie they believe just one path is the correct one, etc). I don't mean that in a negative connotation, just believe that to be the truth based on their set of beliefs.

Is narrow-mindedness always a bad thing?


I don't think so... to be convinced in ones beliefs is a sign of strength, at least to Monkeys who share those beliefs.

Such strong convictions about what happens when a Monkey dies I can no longer relate to, but that's the subject of another thread.
No, words mean something.

Narrow mindedness is what defines those who embrace and promote a negative image, based on incorrect and ignorant beliefs. It isn't narrow minded to believe in God, or the existence of good and evil. It is narrow minded to assume all Christians are low life hicks based on a limited knowledge of Christians, or the history of Christianity.

Narrow mindedness is rooted in ignorance, and bigotry. So no, it's not a good thing, and no, it can't be used to describe Christians, based on the fact that they believe in one belief system, and reject others. That is NOT narrow minded. Narrow minded is saying something idiotic like "well I just assume all Christians are like Westboro baptists". That's akin to saying "All Jews are money hungry, blood thirsty devils" or "All blacks are stupid".

Wouldn't belief in the possibility of anything be the most open mindedness of all?

Narrowing of the mind is simply a self-imposed limiting of possibilities by stubborn belief.

Narrowing ones definition of 'God' to one of the descriptions all boxed up nice and pretty in one of the ancient stories stemming from the God of some nomad named Abraham who lived around 6,000 years ago is by definition a narrowing of the mind, is it not?

Any Christian who doesn't admit to being very closed-minded about certain issues is going to be disappointed about their lack of conviction when they miss Rapture Day.
No, words mean something.

Narrow mindedness is what defines those who embrace and promote a negative image, based on incorrect and ignorant beliefs. It isn't narrow minded to believe in God, or the existence of good and evil. It is narrow minded to assume all Christians are low life hicks based on a limited knowledge of Christians, or the history of Christianity.

Narrow mindedness is rooted in ignorance, and bigotry. So no, it's not a good thing, and no, it can't be used to describe Christians, based on the fact that they believe in one belief system, and reject others. That is NOT narrow minded. Narrow minded is saying something idiotic like "well I just assume all Christians are like Westboro baptists". That's akin to saying "All Jews are money hungry, blood thirsty devils" or "All blacks are stupid".

Take it easy on Joe, he just got back from Seattle, he's kinda tired and his fists are sore.

JUST KIDDING....:eusa_angel:
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No, words mean something.

Narrow mindedness is what defines those who embrace and promote a negative image, based on incorrect and ignorant beliefs. It isn't narrow minded to believe in God, or the existence of good and evil. It is narrow minded to assume all Christians are low life hicks based on a limited knowledge of Christians, or the history of Christianity.

Narrow mindedness is rooted in ignorance, and bigotry. So no, it's not a good thing, and no, it can't be used to describe Christians, based on the fact that they believe in one belief system, and reject others. That is NOT narrow minded. Narrow minded is saying something idiotic like "well I just assume all Christians are like Westboro baptists". That's akin to saying "All Jews are money hungry, blood thirsty devils" or "All blacks are stupid".

I agree that it's narrow minded to say that "all Christians are like Westboro baptists" or that "all Christians HATE gays", etc.

But I do still believe that Christians are narrow-minded in the fact that they live their life in accordance to just one set of beliefs. If the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, then it's a sin. If the Bible says that you must obey God to get to heaven, then you must obey God to get to heaven. It's a narrow view in that there is ONLY one way, and that it's written down and very much unchanging in many aspects. One possibility is narrow, many possibilities is open. Again, not necessarily a negative thing, just sorta the case here.

As a non-Christian, non-religious person, my views are much more "open" than yours because they can change freely based on my life-experiences and thoughts/feelings at any given time. However as a Christian, you will always be bound to the narrow hard-coded wrongs and rights that have been written and recorded in the bible...


That's exactly the case. To be a Christian means to give up on all other possibilities and toss all of your eggs in to that one metaphorical Easter basket.

The same with Islam. 'Cept for the Easter basket metaphor. But the thesis remains - narrow is the road...

This is why Civil Law must trump Religious Law whenever the two conflict. And Civil Law needs to be designed to protect the smallest religious minority, even at the expense of the feelings of a majority.
real christians do confront the fake ones.

:eusa_eh: I suppose that the first step in finding links is to define a 'real' Christian.

lol, it is someone that truly desires to live a life Jesus CHRIST would have you live as expressed in the Bible.

It's not all that hard.

I would think it also requires you to try to live, not just desire to.

With the grace of God many Christians could do far better than they are.
real christians do confront the fake ones.

:eusa_eh: I suppose that the first step in finding links is to define a 'real' Christian.

lol, it is someone that truly desires to live a life Jesus CHRIST would have you live as expressed in the Bible.

It's not all that hard.

If it wasn't hard, we'd be able to tell a Westboro Baptist from True Christian Baptist by talking to them.

But like I said, Westboro Baptists claim the name of Jesus and they wave their Bibles like worn out hammers. For all intents and purposes, y'all all look alike to me.
How about claiming gay people are pedophiles?

Not Inherently... But in the Catholic Chuch it was the Standard more than not. :thup:

You in Denial about the Possibility of Gay Pedophiles?... :dunno:


A pedophile is a pedophile.

More girls are molested by men, should I assume all straight men are molesters or just men in general?
And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

Does that matter when they too claim the name of Jesus and call themselves 'Christian'?

I gotta tell you, when it comes to core beliefs, some of us can't tell a 'Westboro Baptist' from any other kind of 'Baptist' in America. And we tend to group everyone who ends it with "in Jesus name, Amen." in to one religion: Christian.

Probably because we just don't care about the subtleties. Other than the method of seeking the lime-light for the one, I'll bet a lot of folks who call themselves 'Christian' don't care to know the difference between a 'Westboro Baptist' and a 'True Christian Baptist' either.

Why don't 'real' Christians confront the 'fake' Christians in their blatant Assholiness? :dunno:

:eusa_eh: Armed right-wing Chocolate Christians facing armed right-wing Vanilla Christians?!?

:eusa_think: Maybe this can go toward explaining the Sunni -vs- Shiite bullshit.

Thank (insert your preferred Deity here) for truly Secular Societies. :beer:


The left, or "unbelievers", are ALWAYS telling us how intolerant we are to Muslims and how wrong we are to group all muslims together as being terrorists. So what's the difference between that and you telling Christians that were ALL the same (like the Westboro fanatics)? You're doing the very same thing that you condemn Christians for! Tell me what the difference is!

There are many types of Christians....we don't all believe the exact same thing. It depends on where we went to church and what we were raised to believe. Every single "religion" has their fanatics, but it doesn't mean we all believe the same thing or do the same thing. We speak out against idiots like the Westboro people all the time! When have you heard a muslim speak out against their fanatics?
Seriously? You don't know? :lol:

Nope....your statement meant nothing to me. I did look it up tho :)
And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

And yet nobody gave a shit about them until they started protesting funerals other than those of gay people like Matthew Shepherd.

No, people did speak out.....i spoke out as soon as I started hearing about them and what they were doing! If anyone calls themselves Christian but doesn't speak out about things like this, then they really don't know their faith. I know you don't believe it, but not all Christians are intolerant assholes like they are......
I posted this on page 2. I have not read every page, but I don't think
i got a response. What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? Some of the gays trying to pull these guys apart were were small women. Watch it again..

Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?

If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?
Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?

If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Because they are Dishonest... It's the same reason they mention "Military" when there is a Debate about Parents Cross-dressing a Toddler...

They have a Mental Disease... The same one.


Seriously? You don't know? :lol:

Nope....your statement meant nothing to me. I did look it up tho :)
And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

And yet nobody gave a shit about them until they started protesting funerals other than those of gay people like Matthew Shepherd.

Nope, actually most people do not care at all when a fag dies and takes the express train straight to hell. :evil::razz:
Nope....your statement meant nothing to me. I did look it up tho :)
And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

And yet nobody gave a shit about them until they started protesting funerals other than those of gay people like Matthew Shepherd.

Nope, actually most people do not care at all when a fag dies and takes the express train straight to hell. :evil::razz:

There you go. A "true Christian"! :lol:
Nope....your statement meant nothing to me. I did look it up tho :)
And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

And yet nobody gave a shit about them until they started protesting funerals other than those of gay people like Matthew Shepherd.

Nope, actually most people do not care at all when a fag dies and takes the express train straight to hell. :evil::razz:

Very sad method of thinking, sir. I pity those who look up to you.

Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?

If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Ok then! So he was only representing himself? Then why is it when people like the Westboro creeps do something, you guys ALWAYS connect them to ALL Christians? We can speak out against what they do, and the non-believers call us liars and we're all as intolerant as they are....What's the difference?

Sure we do.
And why don't you call out other Christians who speak words of intolerance? It is exactly what your want gays and Muslims to do.

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