Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Yea, lets go to the Korn Kounty Kornfest and shout out "hang those dirty ignorant rednecks, it's what God would want" and see how tolerant they are.

Or let's go to the BET Awards show and yell out "******* are violent" and see how tolerant they are.

There's a church right down the street from me where they were holding a service for some soldiers who died in Iraq and some Christian right wingers showed up with signs that said, "AIDS is God's cure for fags". Seems they thought picketing soldier's deaths were a good platform for their "views". Seems those people who lost their kids weren't too tolerant.

The only "rights" the right wing is fighting for is the right to hate, the right for voter suppression, the right to deny health care. Well fuck them. Those aren't right's. Those are "wrongs".

you know damn well that those "christian right wingers" were not Christian right wingers...asshole! Why do you keep spreading the lies? The westboro church is NOT Christian, they are a sick cult, and you make yourself sound really stupid when you keep comparing them with true Christians. Do you really hate us that much??? Some day you need to stop being such an idiot.....people might start taking you serious.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Yea, lets go to the Korn Kounty Kornfest and shout out "hang those dirty ignorant rednecks, it's what God would want" and see how tolerant they are.

Or let's go to the BET Awards show and yell out "******* are violent" and see how tolerant they are.

There's a church right down the street from me where they were holding a service for some soldiers who died in Iraq and some Christian right wingers showed up with signs that said, "AIDS is God's cure for fags". Seems they thought picketing soldier's deaths were a good platform for their "views". Seems those people who lost their kids weren't too tolerant.

The only "rights" the right wing is fighting for is the right to hate, the right for voter suppression, the right to deny health care. Well fuck them. Those aren't right's. Those are "wrongs".

you know damn well that those "christian right wingers" were not Christian right wingers...asshole! Why do you keep spreading the lies? The westboro church is NOT Christian, they are a sick cult, and you make yourself sound really stupid when you keep comparing them with true Christians. Do you really hate us that much??? Some day you need to stop being such an idiot.....people might start taking you serious.

Right wingers have had no problem comparing or claiming the guy in the OP represent liberals and/or gay people.
It sucks when it happens doesn't it?
How about claiming gay people are pedophiles?

Shit in another thread on the same subject one right winger claims gay people are one of the most violent political groups out there. How stupid is that?
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Yea, lets go to the Korn Kounty Kornfest and shout out "hang those dirty ignorant rednecks, it's what God would want" and see how tolerant they are.

Or let's go to the BET Awards show and yell out "******* are violent" and see how tolerant they are.

There's a church right down the street from me where they were holding a service for some soldiers who died in Iraq and some Christian right wingers showed up with signs that said, "AIDS is God's cure for fags". Seems they thought picketing soldier's deaths were a good platform for their "views". Seems those people who lost their kids weren't too tolerant.

The only "rights" the right wing is fighting for is the right to hate, the right for voter suppression, the right to deny health care. Well fuck them. Those aren't right's. Those are "wrongs".

you know damn well that those "christian right wingers" were not Christian right wingers...asshole! Why do you keep spreading the lies? The westboro church is NOT Christian, they are a sick cult, and you make yourself sound really stupid when you keep comparing them with true Christians. Do you really hate us that much??? Some day you need to stop being such an idiot.....people might start taking you serious.

"No True Scotsman" argument, right? :rolleyes:
Yea, lets go to the Korn Kounty Kornfest and shout out "hang those dirty ignorant rednecks, it's what God would want" and see how tolerant they are.

Or let's go to the BET Awards show and yell out "******* are violent" and see how tolerant they are.

There's a church right down the street from me where they were holding a service for some soldiers who died in Iraq and some Christian right wingers showed up with signs that said, "AIDS is God's cure for fags". Seems they thought picketing soldier's deaths were a good platform for their "views". Seems those people who lost their kids weren't too tolerant.

The only "rights" the right wing is fighting for is the right to hate, the right for voter suppression, the right to deny health care. Well fuck them. Those aren't right's. Those are "wrongs".

you know damn well that those "christian right wingers" were not Christian right wingers...asshole! Why do you keep spreading the lies? The westboro church is NOT Christian, they are a sick cult, and you make yourself sound really stupid when you keep comparing them with true Christians. Do you really hate us that much??? Some day you need to stop being such an idiot.....people might start taking you serious.

"No True Scotsman" argument, right? :rolleyes:

^Knows a thing or two about Kilts. :rofl:


There are always bad apples in a group and it's not right to use them to slam the whole. That said there's no excuse for beating on nonviolent people who are voicing their opinions. Though these homosexuals were in the wrong, not all homosexuals are overly emotional and annoying.
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Fascinating spin on the video. "Street preacher assaulted by gays". Yet, if you listen carefully, you will hear the reporter say that the "crowd moved in and seperated the two sides". I wonder why the title of the piece was not, "Street preachers rescued by gays from assault by convicted felon"?

Oh, never mind. I watched it again, and the answer is obvious. It comes from Fox Nation.

I posted this on page 2. I have not read every page, but I don't think
i got a response. What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? Some of the gays trying to pull these guys apart were were small women. Watch it again..
Fascinating spin on the video. "Street preacher assaulted by gays". Yet, if you listen carefully, you will hear the reporter say that the "crowd moved in and seperated the two sides". I wonder why the title of the piece was not, "Street preachers rescued by gays from assault by convicted felon"?

Oh, never mind. I watched it again, and the answer is obvious. It comes from Fox Nation.

I posted this on page 2. I have not read every page, but I don't think
i got a response. What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? Some of the gays trying to pull these guys apart were were small women. Watch it again..

Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?
And not one of them had to do with Deviant Coupling. :thup:

Go ahead and explain to me how two Men or two Women are "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" again?...



You'll find out when the SCOTUS rules on it in a few years.

Explain how a convicted murderer on death row is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"?

I will find out... :rofl:

Seawytch KNOWS that the SCOTUS has NOT Ruled in Favor of Gay Marriage being a Right.

End of Fucking List. :thup:



Seawytch knows anti gay marriage laws haven't been challenged before the SCOTUS yet.

Explain how a convicted murderer on death row is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"?
There are always bad apples in a group and it's not right to use them to slam the whole. That said there's no excuse for beating on nonviolent people who are voicing their opinions. Though what these homosexuals were in the wrong, not all homosexuals are overly emotional and annoying.

This is true, what you say.
There are always bad apples in a group and it's not right to use them to slam the whole. That said there's no excuse for beating on nonviolent people who are voicing their opinions. Though what these homosexuals were in the wrong, not all homosexuals are overly emotional and annoying.

There is zero proof the attacker was gay.
You'll find out when the SCOTUS rules on it in a few years.

Explain how a convicted murderer on death row is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"?

I will find out... :rofl:

Seawytch KNOWS that the SCOTUS has NOT Ruled in Favor of Gay Marriage being a Right.

End of Fucking List. :thup:



Seawytch knows anti gay marriage laws haven't been challenged before the SCOTUS yet.

Explain how a convicted murderer on death row is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"?

I don't have to... :thup:

The Fact is that the Possiblity to Reflect what the SCOTUS Defined as Marriage only Exists with the Murderer who might get a Pardon and the Female he could eventually Fuck and get Pregnant...

Again... The Possibility to Reflect that SCOTUS Definition NEVER Exists with Homosexuals unless they Cease Defying their Natural Design and Equipment.


I will find out... :rofl:

Seawytch KNOWS that the SCOTUS has NOT Ruled in Favor of Gay Marriage being a Right.

End of Fucking List. :thup:



Seawytch knows anti gay marriage laws haven't been challenged before the SCOTUS yet.

Explain how a convicted murderer on death row is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"?

I don't have to... :thup:

The Fact is that the Possiblity to Reflect what the SCOTUS Defined as Marriage only Exists with the Murderer who might get a Pardon and the Female he could eventually Fuck and get Pregnant...

Again... The Possibility to Reflect that SCOTUS Definition NEVER Exists with Homosexuals unless they Cease Defying their Natural Design and Equipment.



Oh Mal. You poor poor dear. Just wait. No more than a year or two for the first challenge.

Any and all convicted murderers can marry. How many get pardoned? :lol:
I've been to the Space Needle. Had dinner up there. It's amazing.

The butt-whipping that happened was instigated by the Gays . It seems more than one of them started it.
The Christians should have been armed and shot their way out. They had signs on poles. Why didn't they just start braining those gays. Christians today should just assume they will be attacked and make appropriate preparations.

I really hope Christians get the message and return the favor.

"Praise the Lord... and pass the ammunition!"

True story! :thup:
Fascinating spin on the video. "Street preacher assaulted by gays". Yet, if you listen carefully, you will hear the reporter say that the "crowd moved in and seperated the two sides". I wonder why the title of the piece was not, "Street preachers rescued by gays from assault by convicted felon"?

Oh, never mind. I watched it again, and the answer is obvious. It comes from Fox Nation.

I posted this on page 2. I have not read every page, but I don't think
i got a response. What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? Some of the gays trying to pull these guys apart were were small women. Watch it again..

Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?

If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.
How about claiming gay people are pedophiles?

Not Inherently... But in the Catholic Chuch it was the Standard more than not. :thup:

You in Denial about the Possibility of Gay Pedophiles?... :dunno:


I posted this on page 2. I have not read every page, but I don't think
i got a response. What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? Some of the gays trying to pull these guys apart were were small women. Watch it again..

Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?

If you watch the video, as soon as the guy started hitting the preacher people started trying to separate it.
The majority of people at these events tell supporters to not use violence. This jack ass doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Yet one or two or more always shows up.
I continue to be confounded by the fact that Tea Partiers are *violent*...despite complete absence of any violent incidents that can be attributed to them...

But progressive whack jobs are all peaceful and charming folk...despite the fact that they are continually attacking, befouling, and assaulting.

How do tiny progressive minds reconcile the two widely divergent realities?
Fascinating spin on the video. "Street preacher assaulted by gays". Yet, if you listen carefully, you will hear the reporter say that the "crowd moved in and seperated the two sides". I wonder why the title of the piece was not, "Street preachers rescued by gays from assault by convicted felon"?

Oh, never mind. I watched it again, and the answer is obvious. It comes from Fox Nation.

I posted this on page 2. I have not read every page, but I don't think
i got a response. What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? Some of the gays trying to pull these guys apart were were small women. Watch it again..

Your antagonism does not bode well for a response. The fight was not separated, it continued for a length of time until law enforcement was called. What's the matter, Vandal? Ol' Rosie got your tongue?

obviosly, the gays who were trying to stop the violence should have been better prepared by taking marshall arts courses.

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