Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

Yea, lets go to the Korn Kounty Kornfest and shout out "hang those dirty ignorant rednecks, it's what God would want" and see how tolerant they are.

Or let's go to the BET Awards show and yell out "******* are violent" and see how tolerant they are.

There's a church right down the street from me where they were holding a service for some soldiers who died in Iraq and some Christian right wingers showed up with signs that said, "AIDS is God's cure for fags". Seems they thought picketing soldier's deaths were a good platform for their "views". Seems those people who lost their kids weren't too tolerant.

The only "rights" the right wing is fighting for is the right to hate, the right for voter suppression, the right to deny health care. Well fuck them. Those aren't right's. Those are "wrongs".

you know damn well that those "christian right wingers" were not Christian right wingers...asshole! Why do you keep spreading the lies? The westboro church is NOT Christian, they are a sick cult, and you make yourself sound really stupid when you keep comparing them with true Christians. Do you really hate us that much??? Some day you need to stop being such an idiot.....people might start taking you serious.

"No True Scotsman" argument, right? :rolleyes:

? Whatever that is......
you know damn well that those "christian right wingers" were not Christian right wingers...asshole! Why do you keep spreading the lies? The westboro church is NOT Christian, they are a sick cult, and you make yourself sound really stupid when you keep comparing them with true Christians. Do you really hate us that much??? Some day you need to stop being such an idiot.....people might start taking you serious.

"No True Scotsman" argument, right? :rolleyes:

? Whatever that is......

Seriously? You don't know? :lol:
Normally, those Christians who believe homosexuality is a sin aren't bad people, but relatively normal like the rest of us. Then there are those like the WBC who take it further, and move from hating sin to hating people. In their hatred they harm homosexuals, and spill forth their bile. It is wrong. However, if they opine that homosexuality is a sin, etc, and do so in a civil way, I have no issue with that. The same goes for homosexuals who also want their voices to be heard. In spite of what these civil religious people and those civil homosexuals think, I believe they can at least keep the peace amongst themselves. To this day in spite of supporting gay marriage I feel deep down that it's wrong, and rather disgusting, but I neither hate nor hurt them, because all have fallen short of the glory of god.

And that's saying something, since I'm somewhere between an atheist and a wonderer.

Both sides should just reconcile their different beliefs, acknowledge that neither side will cease to exist, and do their best to try to work together for the betterment of all.
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? Whatever that is......

Seriously? You don't know? :lol:

Nope....your statement meant nothing to me. I did look it up tho :)
And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

And yet nobody gave a shit about them until they started protesting funerals other than those of gay people like Matthew Shepherd.
I continue to be confounded by the fact that Tea Partiers are *violent*...despite complete absence of any violent incidents that can be attributed to them...

But progressive whack jobs are all peaceful and charming folk...despite the fact that they are continually attacking, befouling, and assaulting.

How do tiny progressive minds reconcile the two widely divergent realities?

What a broad labeling brush you generalize with Miss koshergrl!

Admit that EVERY subset of Monkeys you just labeled has every attitude from Asshole to Angel represented or risk :laugh: at your expense.
Normally, those Christians who believe homosexuality is a sin aren't bad people, but relatively normal like the rest of us. Then there are those like the WBC who take it further, and move from hating sin to hating people. In their hatred they harm homosexuals, and spill forth their bile. It is wrong. However, if they opine that homosexuality is a sin, etc, and do so in a civil way, I have no issue with that. The same goes for homosexuals who also want their voices to be heard. In spite of what these civil religious people and those civil homosexuals think, I believe they can at least keep the peace amongst themselves. To this day in spite of supporting gay marriage I feel deep down that it's wrong, and rather disgusting, but I neither hate nor hurt them, because all have fallen short of the glory of god.

And that's saying something, since I'm somewhere between an atheist and a wonderer.

Both sides should just reconcile their different beliefs, acknowledge that neither side will cease to exist, and do their best to try to work together for the betterment of all.
This is where I am on the subject. I believe that the life style is against the word of the Lord when he put us on this planet to replenish it and had the reproductive process be between a male and a female only, but I am also not the kind of person to tie a homosexual to the back of my ride and then floor its gas pedal either. Two negatives may make a positive in math class, but to me, they do not make one everywhere else in the world either...unless it is an act of self defense of course. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

And I still stand by what I said....No TRUE CHRISTIAN would do what the Westboro church people do, and that's a fact.

Does that matter when they too claim the name of Jesus and call themselves 'Christian'?

I gotta tell you, when it comes to core beliefs, some of us can't tell a 'Westboro Baptist' from any other kind of 'Baptist' in America. And we tend to group everyone who ends it with "in Jesus name, Amen." in to one religion: Christian.

Probably because we just don't care about the subtleties. Other than the method of seeking the lime-light for the one, I'll bet a lot of folks who call themselves 'Christian' don't care to know the difference between a 'Westboro Baptist' and a 'True Christian Baptist' either.

Why don't 'real' Christians confront the 'fake' Christians in their blatant Assholiness? :dunno:

:eusa_eh: Armed right-wing Chocolate Christians facing armed right-wing Vanilla Christians?!?

:eusa_think: Maybe this can go toward explaining the Sunni -vs- Shiite bullshit.

Thank (insert your preferred Deity here) for truly Secular Societies. :beer:

That's because you're bigoted, narrow minded morons.

Just to be fair, I consider Christians rather narrow-minded (ie they believe just one path is the correct one, etc). I don't mean that in a negative connotation, just believe that to be the truth based on their set of beliefs.

Is narrow-mindedness always a bad thing?

No, words mean something.

Narrow mindedness is what defines those who embrace and promote a negative image, based on incorrect and ignorant beliefs. It isn't narrow minded to believe in God, or the existence of good and evil. It is narrow minded to assume all Christians are low life hicks based on a limited knowledge of Christians, or the history of Christianity.

Narrow mindedness is rooted in ignorance, and bigotry. So no, it's not a good thing, and no, it can't be used to describe Christians, based on the fact that they believe in one belief system, and reject others. That is NOT narrow minded. Narrow minded is saying something idiotic like "well I just assume all Christians are like Westboro baptists". That's akin to saying "All Jews are money hungry, blood thirsty devils" or "All blacks are stupid".
^^^ Amen to that and I can already think of at least one who I think needs to be confronted if they have not been confronted yet already.

God bless you and Dolly Parton always!!!


P.S. To me, someone needs to tell Dolly that you can't be all about the Lord and then turn around and be a cheer leader for what is against his word.

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