"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

The girl assaulted him and deserves jail tme...and he filmed underage children without their parents ' permission and put it all over the internet...jail time and/or lawsuits for him.
The children moved in to his shot
The girl assaulted him and deserves jail tme...and he filmed underage children without their parents ' permission and put it all over the internet...jail time and/or lawsuits for him.
The children moved in to his shot
You mean when he was panning in front of the school? Parents should be encouraged to sue him....He could be a pedophile...many preachers are.
The girl assaulted him and deserves jail tme...and he filmed underage children without their parents ' permission and put it all over the internet...jail time and/or lawsuits for him.
Since when did any progressives give two shits about those they disagree with... Lol
Isn't that a recycled poster from Germany about Jews?

No, it's about Lesbians from Iran!
How's your prayers and wishes for Dictator Drumpf?

Agnostics don't pray BUT if there is anything at all to organized religion, I feel good about this...

You feel good about the US having a dictator.

You guys love dictators, so what's the problem ?
The girl assaulted him and deserves jail tme...and he filmed underage children without their parents ' permission and put it all over the internet...jail time and/or lawsuits for him.
The children moved in to his shot
You mean when he was panning in front of the school? Parents should be encouraged to sue him....He could be a pedophile...many preachers are.
He was told that he didnt have permission to film the children, he carried on doing so. They should report him to the authorities.
So anyone that says anything against Christianity (or anything else) is open season to be smacked with a bat? In this nation we have this thing called the First Amendment and it protects free speech. I don't agree with what he was saying and doing but I'll defend his right to say it.
If people want to abuse kids then they should expect a reaction.

It's free speech you jackass, it's protected....it's also a damn good way to get shot when you attack someone for merely expressing their opinion.
"You deserve to be raped" - is child abuse when directed at kids. Say what you like but dont come whining when someone gets upset.

Again....I assume you condemn Islam and support banning all Muslim men coming from the Middle East....since they see it as okay to rape young boys as "play time"??

The US military has confirmed this to be true.
Oh, My! Liberals can be violent and hateful? I thought they were accepting and tolerant and stood against mindless animosity? I was wrong. There goes a paradigm out the window, bye bye. Thanks for opening my eyes, Tommy.
Hes a paedo. Thats where the line is drawn.
But that isn't where you draw the line at all. You suggested a female RW politician get smashed in the face with a house brick, and you said you used to beat up English men for 'oppressing' you. Lol. And paedophiles should go to prison, and not be subjected to head injuries in the street. You filthy knuckle dragging FASCIST. Lol.

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