Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

You're talking to a hypocrite who claims not to have a religious horse in the race, yet if you dare imply Christianism might be flawed he orders an extra crate of diapers. That's why I have him on Ignore -- the dishonest are just not worth the time.

Christianity has many flaws, I've written at length about them on this board - including the fact that there is zero evidence that the Jesus of the Bible ever existed.

BUT you bigots lie to try and present Christianity as the same as Islam - you do this to engage in apologetics of Islam - which is absurd. But Islam is the darling of the left - after 9-11, leftists adopted Islam as the religion of choice.

Carla is stupid - you know it and I know it. You like Carla because she is a bigot and can be counted on to attack blindly; I mock her for the same reason.

To try and create a parallel between Islam and Christianity requires an extreme level of dishonesty; it is patently absurd. They have far less in common than Judaism and Islam do which are both legalistic religions. You seek to create this parallel to protect Islam, "see, they're no worse than the Christians." Sure, you have to lie to make such a claim - but you're up for the task. :thup:

Wrong Pothead. And by personalizing the issue you just demonstrated my whole point.

The actors (Christianism, Islam, Judaism) are irrelevant. What we point out is illogic. When you try to employ double standards, strawmen and the like, you're gonna get called on it. Simple as that. That ain't gonna change. Ever.

Such is the case here.

What is it they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...
It wasn't Einstein, it was somebody else... Rachel Carson maybe... :eusa_think:
I have posted several versus condoning killing witches from the Bible.

That's nice.

I pointed out that Christians don't follow Levitical law - after which you posted verses regarding the day of judgment and dishonestly claimed they "condoned murder."

You directly lied, and you got caught.

Oh really, Einstein? Christian's sure do use it in supporting bigoted views against gay people. Who's the bigoted liar and hypocrite?

Leviticus 20:13New King James Version
13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality. In fact, he spent most of his time around a group of men and never had a girlfriend.
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The huge elephant in the room is ....... There are no such thing as witches. The OTHER huge elephant in the room is that there is no such thing as a god that speaks to what should be done about said witches.

How much nonsense does it take for you religists to understand that you have been...are and will be played for fools?

Are you so weak that there is no point when you wake up and just admit that your bible and ALL of your religions are not up to the task of making yours and others lives better?

How many excuses must you come up with even if it is just between you and your consciousness that when you look around recognise that we are not ignorant superstitious goat herders any more. That we do not look up in the sky and imagine gods dragging the sun across the sky or wonder what the stars really are?

Sure...there are a handfull of usefull guides of how people should treat each other in your bibles and scriptures but seriously people... are we REALLY this stupid?
Wrong Pothead. And by personalizing the issue you just demonstrated my whole point.

Oh the IRONY....

The actors (Christianism, Islam, Judaism) are irrelevant. What we point out is illogic. When you try to employ double standards, strawmen and the like, you're gonna get called on it. Simple as that. That ain't gonna change. Ever.

First off, a statement can be illogical, a point can defy logic, but there is no word or concept of "illogic.," That you attempt to create such a word, in itself demonstrates the tenuous grasp you hold on the subject.

You like to spend your time on the Nizkor Project and pretend that you grasp what the fallacies mean, but you failed to grasp the "guilt by association" fallacy.

You are the king of Malapropisms, and again have invented absurd words; there is no such thing as "Christianism," but you thought by creating this silly term you could associate Christianity with Islam, to further your guilt by association fallacy. Christianity and Islam are both monotheistic religions, this is about the extent of the similarity - despite your dishonest attempts to give an impression of the opposite.

Such is the case here.

What is it they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...
It wasn't Einstein, it was somebody else... Rachel Carson maybe... :eusa_think:

You fail to make your case. You have employed dishonesty and logical fallacy, then appear surprised that others take you and your arguments to task.

Your use of Ad Hominem Tu Queque only exasperates your failure.
Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
Oh really, Einstein? Christian's sure do use it in supporting bigoted views against gay people. Who's the bigoted liar and hypocrite?

Leviticus 20:13New King James Version
13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality. In fact, he spent most of his time around a group of men and never had a girlfriend.

Christians do not follow Levitical law.

It is one of the major tenets of Christianity.

Your hatred is driven by ignorance. Like all bigots, you are stupid.
Oh really, Einstein? Christian's sure do use it in supporting bigoted views against gay people. Who's the bigoted liar and hypocrite?

Leviticus 20:13New King James Version
13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality. In fact, he spent most of his time around a group of men and never had a girlfriend.

Christians do not follow Levitical law.

It is one of the major tenets of Christianity.

Your hatred is driven by ignorance. Like all bigots, you are stupid.

Apparently, the guy in Oklahoma didn't get that memo, and neither have your Christian friends on homosexuality.
You're talking to a hypocrite who claims not to have a religious horse in the race, yet if you dare imply Christianism might be flawed he orders an extra crate of diapers. That's why I have him on Ignore -- the dishonest are just not worth the time.

Christianity has many flaws, I've written at length about them on this board - including the fact that there is zero evidence that the Jesus of the Bible ever existed.

BUT you bigots lie to try and present Christianity as the same as Islam - you do this to engage in apologetics of Islam - which is absurd. But Islam is the darling of the left - after 9-11, leftists adopted Islam as the religion of choice.

Carla is stupid - you know it and I know it. You like Carla because she is a bigot and can be counted on to attack blindly; I mock her for the same reason.

To try and create a parallel between Islam and Christianity requires an extreme level of dishonesty; it is patently absurd. They have far less in common than Judaism and Islam do which are both legalistic religions. You seek to create this parallel to protect Islam, "see, they're no worse than the Christians." Sure, you have to lie to make such a claim - but you're up for the task. :thup:

I'll give you $20.00 if stop posting and don't post for the rest of the day -- not kidding, please shut up and let the grownups have their discussion.
You're talking to a hypocrite who claims not to have a religious horse in the race, yet if you dare imply Christianism might be flawed he orders an extra crate of diapers. That's why I have him on Ignore -- the dishonest are just not worth the time.

Christianity has many flaws, I've written at length about them on this board - including the fact that there is zero evidence that the Jesus of the Bible ever existed.

BUT you bigots lie to try and present Christianity as the same as Islam - you do this to engage in apologetics of Islam - which is absurd. But Islam is the darling of the left - after 9-11, leftists adopted Islam as the religion of choice.

Carla is stupid - you know it and I know it. You like Carla because she is a bigot and can be counted on to attack blindly; I mock her for the same reason.

To try and create a parallel between Islam and Christianity requires an extreme level of dishonesty; it is patently absurd. They have far less in common than Judaism and Islam do which are both legalistic religions. You seek to create this parallel to protect Islam, "see, they're no worse than the Christians." Sure, you have to lie to make such a claim - but you're up for the task. :thup:

I'll give you $20.00 if stop posting and don't post for the rest of the day -- not kidding, please shut up and let the grownups have their discussion.

I'll match it. LOL!
You CANNOT pretend to speak for all Christians, regardless of what you, yourself, believe.


I wouldn't want to.

I'm just correcting the lies of your fellow bigot.

{You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together. (Deuteronomy 22:11)}

Are you and Carla checking the panties of Christians to ensure no poly blends are used, delusional sock?
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

What I love is that moderate theists say "don't judge us by these nuts or radical islam theists. They think they are a better/different kind of crazy. Only they don't think they are crazy at all. They think all other religions are crazy but theirs is normal. Everyone thinks this.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts
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I'll give you $20.00 if stop posting and don't post for the rest of the day -- not kidding, please shut up and let the grownups have their discussion.

Hey delusional sock, if you have $20, why don't you become a supporting member, you fucking free loader...
Wrong Pothead. And by personalizing the issue you just demonstrated my whole point.

Oh the IRONY....

The actors (Christianism, Islam, Judaism) are irrelevant. What we point out is illogic. When you try to employ double standards, strawmen and the like, you're gonna get called on it. Simple as that. That ain't gonna change. Ever.

First off, a statement can be illogical, a point can defy logic, but there is no word or concept of "illogic.," That you attempt to create such a word, in itself demonstrates the tenuous grasp you hold on the subject.

You like to spend your time on the Nizkor Project and pretend that you grasp what the fallacies mean, but you failed to grasp the "guilt by association" fallacy.

You are the king of Malapropisms, and again have invented absurd words; there is no such thing as "Christianism," but you thought by creating this silly term you could associate Christianity with Islam, to further your guilt by association fallacy. Christianity and Islam are both monotheistic religions, this is about the extent of the similarity - despite your dishonest attempts to give an impression of the opposite.

English is organic. I can make up whatever the fuck word I want. Even you understood it, so you demonstrated that it worked.

You know, like you made up "huffer"?

Take "Christianism" for example. Yes I deliberately rendered it in the more evenhanded -ism suffix rather than stick it on the usual slanted pedestal of the exalted French ité. Oh that's a nicer suffix isn't it? Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. Higher concepts of our best nature, like honesty and charity.

Versus Judaism... Mohammedanism... Buddhism... even Taoism. Strange, dark swarthy conspiratorial stuff. Communism. Fascism. Atheism. Totalitarianism. Plagiarism. Satanism. Extremism. Well no, we can't have that in the religion WE practice -- let's pretend we're the exception. Everybody else gets "ism". Ours gets the lofty ité. :eusa_hand:

If you don't see the religiocentrism going on there you're even stupider than you play on the internets.

Which brings us back to logical fallacies, and the rotating bases of reasoning. When 19 radical political activists run planes into buildings, it's all about religion; when a self-described Christian beheads what he says is a witch, or blows away an abortion clinic, hey that's different. Because that's Christianity, and gosh whiz, everything about Christianity is just unicorns and rainbows and by the way the Inquisition never happened.

I mean -- it's right there in the name: Christianité. What could be better proof? :doubt:

Having it both ways: Priceless.
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Christians do not follow Levitical law.

It is one of the major tenets of Christianity.

Your hatred is driven by ignorance. Like all bigots, you are stupid.

You CANNOT pretend to speak for all Christians, regardless of what you, yourself, believe.

That of course would be the height of arrogance.
But then -- consider the source.
I'll give you $20.00 if stop posting and don't post for the rest of the day -- not kidding, please shut up and let the grownups have their discussion.

Hey delusional sock, if you have $20, why don't you become a supporting member, you fucking free loader...

You outed me!!!! That's right -- YOU CALLED IT! I am none other than the former member that you have mentioned, good work!!!

Of course, I have already been over this a thousand fucking times, but ... OK!

I live and work in Baltimore.

My pictures of me-almighty are available in my profile (that's right, the ugly, SCARY guy, who almost always has a black eye or something else wrong)

I know several posters (including more than one mod) personally. You need conformation? Send me a PM.

D** still posts on another forum and you can ask him personally, of course -- you don't have a clue and I'm not talking; get off your lazy ass and figure it out for yourself, ....

Anything else bothering you ... retard?
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English is organic. I can make up whatever the fuck word I want. Even you understood it, so you demonstrated that it worked.

Words have meanings - you are an ignorant troll and lack the education to know the meanings of many words, so you fabricate others in an attempt to back-fill your ignorance.

Take "Christianism" for example. Yes I deliberately rendered it in the more evenhanded -ism suffix rather than stick it on the usual slanted pedestal of the exalted French ité. Oh that's a nicer suffix isn't it? Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. Higher concepts of our best nature, like honesty and charity.

Versus Judaism... Mohammedanism... Buddhism... even Taoism. Strange, dark swarthy conspiratorial stuff. Communism. Fascism. Atheism. Totalitarianism. Plagiarism. Satanism. Extremism. Well no, we can't have that in the religion WE practice -- let's pretend we're the exception. Everybody else gets "ism". Ours gets the lofty ité. :eusa_hand:

If you don't see the religiocentrism going on there you're even stupider than you play on the internets.

You do realize that dishonest presentation is the most egregious of fallacies?

No, of course you didn't.

Which brings us back to logical fallacies, and the rotating bases of reasoning. When 19 radical political activists run planes into buildings, it's all about religion; when a self-described Christian beheads what he says is a witch, or blows away an abortion clinic, hey that's different. Because that's Christianity, and gosh whiz, everything about Christianity is just unicorns and rainbows and by the way the Inquisition never happened. I mean -- it's right there in the name: Christianité. What could be better proof? :doubt:

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Ah dishonesty, where would you be without it? You are virtually never able to offer an honest argument..

Did 19 hijackers act on their own volition and just randomly fall on a coordinated attack? Or were thousands and thousands involved as part of a major religion? While you scrounge for a 30 year old bombing case or the acts of a meth-head to try and slander the object of your hatred and bigotry - you look all the more the fool due to your inability to tie them to any sort of organization.

A meth head goes off the rails - but according to Pogo - this means that Christians are violent.

Carla is a moron - that is a fact.

BUT should anyone really take YOU seriously? You don't exactly present arguments in the same galaxy as rational.

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