Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

Ad Hom IV.
Going for some kind of record? You'll have to clear it with Kaz.


Ignorance is not stupidity. The ignorant might be taught, educated. But those who cannot be educated are truly stupid. Despite the web site explaining the fallacies, despite my explaining to you why you misuse the words, you cannot learn.
Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Well not now, but remember the Crusades, I'll bet Islamists do.[/QUOTE]

The Crusades? Isn't that when Islam invaded Europe and Europe fought back? When they had invaded Spain, Italy, and France? Ever hear of the Battle of Tours, sparky?
I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.

Is that what you think, retard?

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

What a fuckwit you are.

That's some debating skills you've got there...

Then you admit you were lying to smear the object of your bigotry?


Hey, you might be utterly dishonest, but at least you make up for it with your stupidity!
Her point is not "Christians condone murder"

The above is what is known as the "lying through your fucking teeth" fallacy.

Here is what little bigot Carla said;

{I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.}

Notice how your defense of her is predicated upon you lying - presenting false evidence is a logical fallacy.

. That would be another blanket statement. The point is EITHER the religion causes the crime, OR the religion does not cause the crime. You can't have it both ways.

In other words, we're tossing the Islamoblanketers' same logic back in their faces to demonstrate its fallaciousness.

If the shoe fits, to mix a metaphor....

Nope, she said it clearly condones murder - you are openly lying.
All religions are nonsense.

Some are more violent than others, at least nowadays.

I agree that all religions are nonsense, however, I enjoy my freedom "from" and appreciate the rights of others to practice whatever religion they wish to practice.

I don't think it's the religion that's more violent. In the Christian Bible, there's plenty where that came from. All over the Bible, there are people who would gladly sacrifice their children, and stone people to death.

What would make America a breeding ground for Christian terrorist? I think that if America had a little more poverty, less education, and were a war torn country, we'd have just as many, if not more, Christian terrorists.
You really never know when one of these fundamentalist bible thumping loons will snap as the have a hard time telling fantasy from reality as the may think they are going their "gods" work , just like the fundy muslims

Of all the posters on this board, it is you, Batshit, that I would most urge the FBI to dig up the basement and backyard of....
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

Well...Well then. I guess we should invade Oklahoma. First we had better send in the drones so we don't have to have boots on the ground.

That's the type of logic you're already using.
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

Well...Well then. I guess we should invade Oklahoma. First we had better send in the drones so we don't have to have boots on the ground.

That's the type of logic you're already using.

If we're going after meth heads, wouldn't your trailer be the best place to start? :dunno:
I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.

Is that what you think, retard?

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

What a fuckwit you are.

That's some debating skills you've got there...

Then you admit you were lying to smear the object of your bigotry?


Hey, you might be utterly dishonest, but at least you make up for it with your stupidity!

What am I lying about? That quote is straight out of the Bible.
I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.

Is that what you think, retard?

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

What a fuckwit you are.

That's some debating skills you've got there...

Then you admit you were lying to smear the object of your bigotry?


Hey, you might be utterly dishonest, but at least you make up for it with your stupidity!

What am I lying about? That quote is straight out of the Bible.

You're talking to a hypocrite who claims not to have a religious horse in the race, yet if you dare imply Christianism might be flawed he orders an extra crate of diapers. That's why I have him on Ignore -- the dishonest are just not worth the time.
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

Well...Well then. I guess we should invade Oklahoma. First we had better send in the drones so we don't have to have boots on the ground.

That's the type of logic you're already using.

If we're going after meth heads, wouldn't your trailer be the best place to start? :dunno:

You're making this thread about me because....?

I think it's because you have the debating skills of an 8 year old.
What am I lying about? That quote is straight out of the Bible.

Speaking of casting the disreputable into the lake of fire on the day of judgement.

I get it, you're too stupid to grasp what you are reading - BUT I pointed it out to you and you persisted, which is just lying.
Her point is not "Christians condone murder"

The above is what is known as the "lying through your fucking teeth" fallacy.

Here is what little bigot Carla said;

{I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.}

Notice how your defense of her is predicated upon you lying - presenting false evidence is a logical fallacy.

. That would be another blanket statement. The point is EITHER the religion causes the crime, OR the religion does not cause the crime. You can't have it both ways.

In other words, we're tossing the Islamoblanketers' same logic back in their faces to demonstrate its fallaciousness.

If the shoe fits, to mix a metaphor....

Nope, she said it clearly condones murder - you are openly lying.

Idiot, I said early on that this guy does not represent all Christians, and radical Islamist's do not represent all Muslims. That is the whole point of this thread.

That said, there are clearly versus in the Bible that condone killing witches.

Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

You can argue all you want, but the verse is right in front of your very eyes.
What am I lying about? That quote is straight out of the Bible.

Speaking of casting the disreputable into the lake of fire on the day of judgement.

I get it, you're too stupid to grasp what you are reading - BUT I pointed it out to you and you persisted, which is just lying.

I have posted several versus condoning killing witches from the Bible.
What am I lying about? That quote is straight out of the Bible.

Speaking of casting the disreputable into the lake of fire on the day of judgement.

I get it, you're too stupid to grasp what you are reading - BUT I pointed it out to you and you persisted, which is just lying.

Here's another one for ya...

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” – Leviticus, 20:27
You're talking to a hypocrite who claims not to have a religious horse in the race, yet if you dare imply Christianism might be flawed he orders an extra crate of diapers. That's why I have him on Ignore -- the dishonest are just not worth the time.

Christianity has many flaws, I've written at length about them on this board - including the fact that there is zero evidence that the Jesus of the Bible ever existed.

BUT you bigots lie to try and present Christianity as the same as Islam - you do this to engage in apologetics of Islam - which is absurd. But Islam is the darling of the left - after 9-11, leftists adopted Islam as the religion of choice.

Carla is stupid - you know it and I know it. You like Carla because she is a bigot and can be counted on to attack blindly; I mock her for the same reason.

To try and create a parallel between Islam and Christianity requires an extreme level of dishonesty; it is patently absurd. They have far less in common than Judaism and Islam do which are both legalistic religions. You seek to create this parallel to protect Islam, "see, they're no worse than the Christians." Sure, you have to lie to make such a claim - but you're up for the task. :thup:
I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.

Is that what you think, retard?

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

What a fuckwit you are.

That's some debating skills you've got there...

Then you admit you were lying to smear the object of your bigotry?


Hey, you might be utterly dishonest, but at least you make up for it with your stupidity!

What am I lying about? That quote is straight out of the Bible.

You're talking to a hypocrite who claims not to have a religious horse in the race, yet if you dare imply Christianism might be flawed he orders an extra crate of diapers. That's why I have him on Ignore -- the dishonest are just not worth the time.

You're right of course! I haven't put anyone on ignore yet, although I probably should. :biggrin:
You're making this thread about me because....?

The thread is more about mindless little bigots than it is about meth heads - although there may be an additional connection there...

I think it's because you have the debating skills of an 8 year old.

Well we can't all have the sophistication of lying bigots.....

I have posted several versus condoning killing witches from the Bible.

That's nice.

I pointed out that Christians don't follow Levitical law - after which you posted verses regarding the day of judgment and dishonestly claimed they "condoned murder."

You directly lied, and you got caught.

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