Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

Crockett, the son of an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper, suffered several stab wounds and had his head 'mostly severed' from his body. Cops found him lying in a pool of blood.

Marin ran from the scene, sword in hands, and called police from a restaurant parking lot.

'I murdered someone,' he told the dispatcher, according to court records. 'I hacked them to death with a machete.'

Read more: College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online
Yet you will defend a Muslim puke for doing the same thing. Idiot
On what post did he do that?

same mentality the fundy islamics and christers

LOL ya right-----your hatred has poisoned your mind. Where on Earth are Christians threatening anyone with conversion or death ?
i am sure the DHS is now monitoring these fundamentalist christianists
OK I'm a christian you cock sucking son of a god damn bitch.
Did I sound like one? No Because I am not dumb fuck.
And why would Marin so brazenly commit such a horrible crime against someone it seems he didn't even really know that well? He did it for his god man. Marin is a staunchly religious Christian who believed that Crockett and his brother, Jesse, were practicing witchcraft.
And why would Marin so brazenly commit such a horrible crime against someone it seems he didn't even really know that well? He did it for his god man. Marin is a staunchly religious Christian who believed that Crockett and his brother, Jesse, were practicing witchcraft.

It makes sense that you think you can describe an insane man's motive.
As soon as all religious fundamentalist nuts are brought to heel the better off for America and the world
Crockett, the son of an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper, suffered several stab wounds and had his head 'mostly severed' from his body. Cops found him lying in a pool of blood.

Marin ran from the scene, sword in hands, and called police from a restaurant parking lot.

'I murdered someone,' he told the dispatcher, according to court records. 'I hacked them to death with a machete.'

Read more: College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online
Yet you will defend a Muslim puke for doing the same thing. Idiot
On what post did he do that?

same mentality the fundy islamics and christers
Shows how little you know. Islam is satans religion. Christians are followers of Christ. You, are just lost. Good luck.
And why would Marin so brazenly commit such a horrible crime against someone it seems he didn't even really know that well? He did it for his god man. Marin is a staunchly religious Christian who believed that Crockett and his brother, Jesse, were practicing witchcraft.
No, he did it because he is nuts, like you idiot.
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.
Pagans. Wickans. Agnostics, Pentecostals. Radical Islamists...
All part of the same hypocrisy.
All very much the enemy of a free and civilized society
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.

'Religious zealot' Christian student 'decapitated 19-year-old friend because he thought he practiced witchcraft'

Marin was furious at Crockett for his interest in witchcraft, which he saw as contrary to his Christian faith, court records show

College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online
And you being a radical racist leftist are equally as bad as the person in the story.
Only you haven't snapped.....yet
So why aren't Christain leaders condemning this, very telling
Perhaps the story hasn't gained enough attention for coverage to expand to the main stream media.
I see where you're going here. Poor effort. Fail.
You suck.
And why would Marin so brazenly commit such a horrible crime against someone it seems he didn't even really know that well? He did it for his god man. Marin is a staunchly religious Christian who believed that Crockett and his brother, Jesse, were practicing witchcraft.
He was also reportedly a heavy drug user.
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.
Pagans. Wickans. Agnostics, Pentecostals. Radical Islamists...
All part of the same hypocrisy.
All very much the enemy of a free and civilized society

Five different things. The only thing they have in common is that they're all part of your ignornace.

Pagan means "country dweller". From the days when the rural areas were still --- as they always are -- more connected to Nature and not yet indoctrinated to weird sacrificial monotheistic ideas.

Wiccan (not wickan) is from wicca, meaning "wisdom" -- the knowledge of that Natural order noted above. Such as for example how herbs work.

That's prolly all you can handle for now...
As soon as all religious fundamentalist nuts are brought to heel the better off for America and the world
That would include most liberals, since they believe by faith at least as much as any religious fundamentalist. In fact, liberalism IS a religion. That's why they believe disagreement with them isn't just wrong, it's evil.
3 -- Matter of time. They find something in Christianity's past to compare to the Islamic present -- Spanish inquisition or witchcraft trials. It's as if the world has experience some weird rift in the time/space continuum.

No need to go back that far, but whenever I offer up any kind of evidence that no one, regardless of religion, is innocent of this type of behavior; all of a sudden we are talking about "fake Christians" who never really believed in the first place.
Islam condones killing infidels and sinners. Sharia law is brutal. Christianity does not condone killing. It condones forgiveness. How many times does this need to be explained ?
I got no problem with satanists getting beheaded....start with NAMBLA and maybe Bill Mahr...that'll get the "marriage equality" fairies all lispy and shit. :laugh:

You're the worst kind of deranged Christian.

You sound just like every other extremest.

I'm a pagan, should I be killed? Bring it gramps -- don't forget your Hoveround.


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