Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.[/QUOTE]

Well not now, but remember the Crusades, I'll bet Islamists do.
He's insane. His religion is insignificant even tho the OP is trying to equate Christianity with radical Islam.

Or perhaps the OP is equating radical Christianity with radical Islam?
Ya cause after all there are literally thousands of christian extremists murdering people and millions more supporting them right?

aaaaaaand right back to Probability Fallacy. Thanks for reading the thread.

Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Carla, you're a bigot and like all bigots, stupid as a pile of bricks.

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

This guy, apparently did not get that memo.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

REEEEEEEEEAAAALLY had to stretch this one to try to prove Christians condone murder. Didn't make it tho.

Her point is not "Christians condone murder". That would be another blanket statement. The point is EITHER the religion causes the crime, OR the religion does not cause the crime. You can't have it both ways.

In other words, we're tossing the Islamoblanketers' same logic back in their faces to demonstrate its fallaciousness.

If the shoe fits, to mix a metaphor....
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I would say it's more likely due to his "heavy drug use", but even if he felt the scriptures were calling out to him to act, you're still missing the key points of our argument.
There are no Christians organizing and attacking non-believers.
There are no Christian leaders calling on Christians around the world to destroy westerners.
There is no demand by Christians around the world for non-believers to conform to Islamic ways or die.
There are no Christian nations that force women to stay indoors if their husband is not with them.
There are no Christian nations that force women to cover themselves from head to toe.

Should I continue, or is it finally sinking in ?

The point is, if this murderer were a Muslim, it's much more likely he would act out the printed word from his book, than a Christian, because we don't have Christian after Christian acting out this way.
We do however with Muslims.

Carla is a mindless bigot with an IQ in the low 40's - concepts are far beyond her ability to grasp.

Reasoning with her is a waste of time.

Mocking her can be great fun, though.

I find it pretty much a waste of time with all liberals when it comes to the Christian/Muslim comparisons. They'll never acknowledge there's a problem within the Islamic religion, and yet at the same time will constantly attack the religion that has always been part of the foundations of their own country.
Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Carla, you're a bigot and like all bigots, stupid as a pile of bricks.

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

This guy, apparently did not get that memo.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

REEEEEEEEEAAAALLY had to stretch this one to try to prove Christians condone murder. Didn't make it tho.

Her point is not "Christians condone murder". That would be another blanket statement. The point is EITHER the religion causes the crime, OR the religion does not cause the crime. You can't have it both ways.

You can have it both ways when you consider which one is the threat around the world today, and if you can't see it, frankly you're an utter idiot.
He's insane. His religion is insignificant even tho the OP is trying to equate Christianity with radical Islam.

It's only insignificant when the religion is Christian. I see.

You really never know when one of these fundamentalist bible thumping loons will snap as the have a hard time telling fantasy from reality as the may think they are going their "gods" work , just like the fundy muslims
Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Well not now, but remember the Crusades, I'll bet Islamists do.[/QUOTE]
Ya we should worry about something that happened over a thousand years ago. Remind us again how there are thousands of Christians armed and murdering people supported by millions more right now.
Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Carla, you're a bigot and like all bigots, stupid as a pile of bricks.

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

This guy, apparently did not get that memo.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

REEEEEEEEEAAAALLY had to stretch this one to try to prove Christians condone murder. Didn't make it tho.

Her point is not "Christians condone murder". That would be another blanket statement. The point is EITHER the religion causes the crime, OR the religion does not cause the crime. You can't have it both ways.

You can have it both ways when you consider which one is the threat around the world today, and if you can't see it, frankly you're an utter idiot.

Far as I've read every post of yours has failed on a "having it both ways" (special pleading) fallacy. It doesn't become not-a-fallacy all of a sudden just because you trot it out.

But I see you're branching out to ad hominem now too. Nice touch.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had a history of drug arrests before converting to Islam.

And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.

So you condone the murder of that man because he was into witchcraft?

By the way, witchcraft isn't the same as satanist. Witches are pagan priests or leaders. We mostly follow the same religion as Native American Indians. It's the faith that was originally followed by human beings on this earth.

So much for freedom of religion.

I guess anything is ok with you as long as a christian does it to a non christian.

That man who was murdered had all the right in the world to practice witchcraft. The constitution protected him and assured his right to whatever spiritual path he wanted to take. What that christian did was murder and illegal. Yet you try to excuse it by using the man's chosen spiritual path since it's not christian.

I'm a pagan. People like you would call me a witch. Do you want to murder me too? Should my head be almost cut off because I'm pagan? Should the constitution be just thrown out the window since I'm not christian?

It sounds to me

she is one of the loons people should be careul about tion.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had a history of drug arrests before converting to Islam.

And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.

So you condone the murder of that man because he was into witchcraft?

By the way, witchcraft isn't the same as satanist. Witches are pagan priests or leaders. We mostly follow the same religion as Native American Indians. It's the faith that was originally followed by human beings on this earth.

So much for freedom of religion.

I guess anything is ok with you as long as a christian does it to a non christian.

That man who was murdered had all the right in the world to practice witchcraft. The constitution protected him and assured his right to whatever spiritual path he wanted to take. What that christian did was murder and illegal. Yet you try to excuse it by using the man's chosen spiritual path since it's not christian.

I'm a pagan. People like you would call me a witch. Do you want to murder me too? Should my head be almost cut off because I'm pagan? Should the constitution be just thrown out the window since I'm not christian?

It sounds to me like you want to go back to the crusades or inquisition.

as you an see there are some religious wackos on this board who justify this stuff who live in an alternate universe, scary
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I'm just providing versus that CLEARLY condone the murdering of witches, straight from the Christian Bible. And there's plenty more, showing just that.

Is that what you think, retard?

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

What a fuckwit you are.

That's some debating skills you've got there...
Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Well not now, but remember the Crusades, I'll bet Islamists do.
Ya we should worry about something that happened over a thousand years ago. Remind us again how there are thousands of Christians armed and murdering people supported by millions more right now.[/QUOTE]

The Crusades we against Muslims and Jews

The weeks after Passover are marked as a period of semi-mourning on the Jewish calendar (still is). Among the historical events that happened at this time were the pogroms that accompanied the First Crusade in 1096. Before the Christian Crusaders embarked on their mission to free the Holy Land from the domination of the Moslem infidels found closer infidels – the Jews – at hand.

The three main towns that the Crusaders targeted were the Rhineland communities of Speyers, Worms, and Mainz. They were the heart of Ashkenazic Jewish life in France and Germany; the great Rashi was born in Worms and studied in Mainz. The communities were prosperous, well-established and seemingly secure. But when the fury of the Crusaders fell upon them, hundreds were slaughtered and property was burned and looted. The Crusaders dragged their Jewish victims to the baptismal fount demanding their conversion to Christianity. Some Jews succumbed, but most accepted death, even killing their own families rather than accepting any form of conversion. It was a dark time in Jewish history and remains as deep and dark a page in the annals of the Christian Church.

The Crusades
Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Carla, you're a bigot and like all bigots, stupid as a pile of bricks.

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

This guy, apparently did not get that memo.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation, 21:8

REEEEEEEEEAAAALLY had to stretch this one to try to prove Christians condone murder. Didn't make it tho.

I don't think all Christian's condone murder anymore than I think all Muslims condone murder.
Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Well not now, but remember the Crusades, I'll bet Islamists do.
Ya we should worry about something that happened over a thousand years ago. Remind us again how there are thousands of Christians armed and murdering people supported by millions more right now.[/QUOTE]

thankfully Christianity was for the most part defanged and declawed during the enlightenment, but every once in a while it rears its ugly head
This passed summer my cousin's daughter was sponsored by her church to go to Tanzania. When I first heard about this I thought, 'great! What an opportunity for her! Maybe she'll be staffed at a hospital or a school there. Maybe she will be digging wells so villagers can access fresh clean water. Maybe she'll be engineering roads or irrigation systems or electric distribution grids.'

As it turned out, her church sent her to Tanzania to fight witchcraft. According to her church, there are areas in Tanzania that are in the grips of witchcraft. Her mission was to convince the Tanzanians to eschew witchcraft and convert to fundamentalist Christianity.

They erected a "Demon Tent" where they would sing, pray, perform little skits all in the effort to eradicate witchcraft.

With all the pressing needs of sub-Saharan Africa, this group of fundamentalist Christians identified witchcraft as the most dire. They went to Tanzania to wage a culture war, not to minister to the actual needs of the locals.

Was this Christianity in action? I doubt that very, very much.
As it turned out, her church sent her to Tanzania to fight witchcraft. According to her church, there are areas in Tanzania that are in the grips of witchcraft. Her mission was to convince the Tanzanians to eschew witchcraft and convert to fundamentalist Christianity.

The are lucky nothing happen to them, the didn't deserve to be so fortunate going into someones country and disrespect the culture. If they were killed (thankfully they weren't) i'm sure we would have all heard crying about christian persecution
How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.

Paranoid much?

He's insane. His religion is insignificant even tho the OP is trying to equate Christianity with radical Islam.

Or perhaps the OP is equating radical Christianity with radical Islam?

Nope. Guess again.
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft


Oh THAT is adorable!

Hey look kids, it's a drug addled moron who sawed off the head of some other moron and the left runs to blame "CHRIST!".

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up!

I am tellin' ya, go profess the most absurd thing ya can think of about the Ideological Left... and BEFORE THE VIBRATIONS CREATED BY YOUR LARYNX PLAY OUT! SOME LEFTIST WILL HAVE ALREADY HAVE DONE IT.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had a history of drug arrests before converting to Islam.

And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.
So, you can figure that out just by looking at a picture? Do you approve of what Marin did to him?

notice how she disappeared after you asked the question
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft


Oh THAT is adorable!

Hey look kids, it's a drug addled moron who sawed off the head of some other moron and the left runs to blame "CHRIST!".

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up!

I am tellin' ya, go profess the most absurd thing ya can think of about the Ideological Left... and BEFORE THE VIBRATIONS CREATED BY YOUR LARYNX PLAY OUT! SOME LEFTIST WILL HAVE ALREADY HAVE DONE IT.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

wow another "washed in the blood holy ghost anointed one" shows up!!

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