Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft


Oh THAT is adorable!

Hey look kids, it's a drug addled moron who sawed off the head of some other moron and the left runs to blame "CHRIST!".

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up!

I am tellin' ya, go profess the most absurd thing ya can think of about the Ideological Left... and BEFORE THE VIBRATIONS CREATED BY YOUR LARYNX PLAY OUT! SOME LEFTIST WILL HAVE ALREADY HAVE DONE IT.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

wow another "washed in the blood holy ghost anointed one" shows up!!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy that is kids? Bust 'em their mouth and they drop like a sack of shit.)
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.
I'm actually surprised that someone as moronic as you can type a complete sentence and click the post button. You must be top of your class.
And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.

So you condone the murder of that man because he was into witchcraft?

By the way, witchcraft isn't the same as satanist. Witches are pagan priests or leaders. We mostly follow the same religion as Native American Indians. It's the faith that was originally followed by human beings on this earth.

So much for freedom of religion.

I guess anything is ok with you as long as a christian does it to a non christian.

That man who was murdered had all the right in the world to practice witchcraft. The constitution protected him and assured his right to whatever spiritual path he wanted to take. What that christian did was murder and illegal. Yet you try to excuse it by using the man's chosen spiritual path since it's not christian.

I'm a pagan. People like you would call me a witch. Do you want to murder me too? Should my head be almost cut off because I'm pagan? Should the constitution be just thrown out the window since I'm not christian?

It sounds to me like you want to go back to the crusades or inquisition.

you have your religions confused. Go to Iran and see what happens when you profess your paganism.

That man did profess his paganism here in America.

A christian killed him by nearly cutting his head off.

The christian clearly said he did it because he was christian and didn't like that the other man was practicing witchcraft.

You sure seem to be in denial about the situation here.

This isn't Iran. People are supposed to be free to do whatever they want within our laws. People are supposed to respect freedom of religion for everyone.

Not just for religions they like or agree with.
Sadly... the OP of this feckless thread has demonstrated a sub-standard intellect.

As a result, its point of view, is disqualified from consideration by reasonable people, due to the limited effect intrinsic to its low perspective.

It is therefore sentenced to life in ignore... (Say hi to the idiots for me).

Buh bye!
Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.

So you condone the murder of that man because he was into witchcraft?

By the way, witchcraft isn't the same as satanist. Witches are pagan priests or leaders. We mostly follow the same religion as Native American Indians. It's the faith that was originally followed by human beings on this earth.

So much for freedom of religion.

I guess anything is ok with you as long as a christian does it to a non christian.

That man who was murdered had all the right in the world to practice witchcraft. The constitution protected him and assured his right to whatever spiritual path he wanted to take. What that christian did was murder and illegal. Yet you try to excuse it by using the man's chosen spiritual path since it's not christian.

I'm a pagan. People like you would call me a witch. Do you want to murder me too? Should my head be almost cut off because I'm pagan? Should the constitution be just thrown out the window since I'm not christian?

It sounds to me like you want to go back to the crusades or inquisition.

you have your religions confused. Go to Iran and see what happens when you profess your paganism.

That man did profess his paganism here in America.

A christian killed him by nearly cutting his head off.

The christian clearly said he did it because he was christian and didn't like that the other man was practicing witchcraft.

You sure seem to be in denial about the situation here.

This isn't Iran. People are supposed to be free to do whatever they want within our laws. People are supposed to respect freedom of religion for everyone.

Not just for religions they like or agree with.


So... Evil is now finding sots with no kinship with christianity, to declare themselves christian and saw off the heads of other sots... JUST LIKE THE MUSLIMS IT IS ALREADY USING!

Of course, NO Tenet of Christianity requires the injury of others to fulfill Christ's requirements... .

And ZERO Christians are publicly declaring assent to that evil act...

While murder of non-Muslims IS a tenet of Islam and with EVERY Act of Evil committed in the name of Islam...TENS OF MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS RUN TO CELEBRATE IT, and inevitably more Muslims RISE UP TO COMMIT THEIR OWN ACTS OF EVIL!

Man that is SO WEIRD!

It's like Islam is EVIL and in chronic alliance with the Ideological Left, ALSO EVIL, which NEVER FAILS TO EQUATE Christianity, the antithesis of Islam WITH ISLAM!

LOL! You gotta admit... THAT IS E V I L ! !
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this is what causes the short circuiting the brain of fundamentalists

He's insane. His religion is insignificant even tho the OP is trying to equate Christianity with radical Islam.

This is an all too familiar practice for these unintelligent apologists for Islam. Their big 3 techniques seem to be these:

1 -- Matter or prevalence. They find something like this which is extremely rare in Christianity to compare to something quite common in Islam, inevitably using an example of something routinely condemned by Christians and fairly widely supported by Muslims.

2 -- Matter of magnitude. They find something mildly annoying in Christianity to compare to something really vile in Islam -- I/E Christians shunning those who leave the faith as a comparison to Muslims killing apostates.

3 -- Matter of time. They find something in Christianity's past to compare to the Islamic present -- Spanish inquisition or witchcraft trials. It's as if the world has experience some weird rift in the time/space continuum.

All degrees, and all irrelevant Probability Fallacies.

The question is not, "is it true (or likely) that Islam/Christianism/whatever religion is the root cause of this (beheading/terrorism/violence) incident?"

-- Rather, the question is, "does the fact that the perpetrator of this event is a Muslim(/Christian/Jew etc) tell us that such an act is a Muslim (Chrisitan/Jewish/etc) act?"

And the answer to that question must be consistent, regardless which religion or which event is plugged in. The answer must always be the same.

And the answer is "no". It cannot vacillate between "yes" when it's "them" and "no" when it's "us".

Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Some christians on this thread are making excuses for it.
He's insane. His religion is insignificant even tho the OP is trying to equate Christianity with radical Islam.

This is an all too familiar practice for these unintelligent apologists for Islam. Their big 3 techniques seem to be these:

1 -- Matter or prevalence. They find something like this which is extremely rare in Christianity to compare to something quite common in Islam, inevitably using an example of something routinely condemned by Christians and fairly widely supported by Muslims.

2 -- Matter of magnitude. They find something mildly annoying in Christianity to compare to something really vile in Islam -- I/E Christians shunning those who leave the faith as a comparison to Muslims killing apostates.

3 -- Matter of time. They find something in Christianity's past to compare to the Islamic present -- Spanish inquisition or witchcraft trials. It's as if the world has experience some weird rift in the time/space continuum.

All degrees, and all irrelevant Probability Fallacies.

The question is not, "is it true (or likely) that Islam/Christianism/whatever religion is the root cause of this (beheading/terrorism/violence) incident?"

-- Rather, the question is, "does the fact that the perpetrator of this event is a Muslim(/Christian/Jew etc) tell us that such an act is a Muslim (Chrisitan/Jewish/etc) act?"

And the answer to that question must be consistent, regardless which religion or which event is plugged in. The answer must always be the same.

And the answer is "no". It cannot vacillate between "yes" when it's "them" and "no" when it's "us".

Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Some christians on this thread are making excuses for it.

No... No... There are no Christians, anywhere, justifying Islamic acts being projected as Christian acts.
He's insane. His religion is insignificant even tho the OP is trying to equate Christianity with radical Islam.

This is an all too familiar practice for these unintelligent apologists for Islam. Their big 3 techniques seem to be these:

1 -- Matter or prevalence. They find something like this which is extremely rare in Christianity to compare to something quite common in Islam, inevitably using an example of something routinely condemned by Christians and fairly widely supported by Muslims.

2 -- Matter of magnitude. They find something mildly annoying in Christianity to compare to something really vile in Islam -- I/E Christians shunning those who leave the faith as a comparison to Muslims killing apostates.

3 -- Matter of time. They find something in Christianity's past to compare to the Islamic present -- Spanish inquisition or witchcraft trials. It's as if the world has experience some weird rift in the time/space continuum.

All degrees, and all irrelevant Probability Fallacies.

The question is not, "is it true (or likely) that Islam/Christianism/whatever religion is the root cause of this (beheading/terrorism/violence) incident?"

-- Rather, the question is, "does the fact that the perpetrator of this event is a Muslim(/Christian/Jew etc) tell us that such an act is a Muslim (Chrisitan/Jewish/etc) act?"

And the answer to that question must be consistent, regardless which religion or which event is plugged in. The answer must always be the same.

And the answer is "no". It cannot vacillate between "yes" when it's "them" and "no" when it's "us".

Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Some christians on this thread are making excuses for it.

How, and who ?
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.
No we wouldn't, well I wouldn't. I would pray that Jesus would drive the demons out of you and you would except the truth of Jesus. Or you could just keep going like you are and be condemned, your choice, good luck.
Crockett, the son of an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper, suffered several stab wounds and had his head 'mostly severed' from his body. Cops found him lying in a pool of blood.

Marin ran from the scene, sword in hands, and called police from a restaurant parking lot.

'I murdered someone,' he told the dispatcher, according to court records. 'I hacked them to death with a machete.'

Read more: College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online
Yet you will defend a Muslim puke for doing the same thing. Idiot
Killing infidels is condoned by Islamists. Christians do not condone it.

Well not now, but remember the Crusades, I'll bet Islamists do.
Ya we should worry about something that happened over a thousand years ago. Remind us again how there are thousands of Christians armed and murdering people supported by millions more right now.

thankfully Christianity was for the most part defanged and declawed during the enlightenment, but every once in a while it rears its ugly head[/QUOTE]

Rarely yet liberals will exaggerate and make it sound equal to Muslim beheadings of infidels.
Still not as crazy as this: Mother drowned during Maori exorcism - Telegraph
The exorcism began with family members standing in a circle around Ms Moses chanting incantations of prayers, or karakia.

"Various family members began shouting at Janet, looking into her eyes and saying things like 'Get out', 'Leave her alone' and 'You're not going to have her'.

"Janet was held down on the floor while her eyelids were forced open.

"Water was poured down her face and in her eyes in an attempt to get rid of the makutu," Ms Feltham said.

"Several people also leant over Janet, put their mouths over her eyeballs, and tried to suck at her eyes in an attempt, again, to remove the curse."

Containers of water were passed hand to hand from the kitchen sink and poured down Ms Moses's throat until the house was flooded, the court heard.

"At the time, Janet was restrained while the water was poured over her. If she called out or tried to push those pouring the water away, the restraining simply increased," Ms Feltham said.

Ms Moses died following a night of exorcism. Several family members attempted to resuscitate her but no medical assistance was called, the court heard.
Crockett, the son of an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper, suffered several stab wounds and had his head 'mostly severed' from his body. Cops found him lying in a pool of blood.

Marin ran from the scene, sword in hands, and called police from a restaurant parking lot.

'I murdered someone,' he told the dispatcher, according to court records. 'I hacked them to death with a machete.'

Read more: College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online
Yet you will defend a Muslim puke for doing the same thing. Idiot
On what post did he do that?
i am sure the DHS is now monitoring these fundamentalist christianists
Crockett, the son of an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper, suffered several stab wounds and had his head 'mostly severed' from his body. Cops found him lying in a pool of blood.

Marin ran from the scene, sword in hands, and called police from a restaurant parking lot.

'I murdered someone,' he told the dispatcher, according to court records. 'I hacked them to death with a machete.'

Read more: College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online
Yet you will defend a Muslim puke for doing the same thing. Idiot
On what post did he do that?

same mentality the fundy islamics and christers
Did this person act in accordance to what Jesus Christ directed? If not then he's not a Christian.

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