Christianity Declines, Unbelief Rises, Islam Fastest-Growing Faith in England

The unbelievers are growing faster than Islam. Don't worry we'll protect you from the mass hoads of Islamic boggiemen trying to enslave you.
The unbelievers are growing faster than Islam. Don't worry we'll protect you from the mass hoads of Islamic boggiemen trying to enslave you.

Gee, thanks. I didn't ask you to nor do I see them as a threat personally but thanks for the protection. Do I owe you anything? :cool:
New census data released in Britain show that Islam is the fastest-growing religion, the number of people identifying with no religion has almost doubled over 10 years, and the number of those describing themselves as Christian has dropped to 59 percent, down from 72 percent in 2001.

Christianity Declines, Unbelief Rises, Islam Fastest-Growing Faith in England | CNS News

The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.
New census data released in Britain show that Islam is the fastest-growing religion, the number of people identifying with no religion has almost doubled over 10 years, and the number of those describing themselves as Christian has dropped to 59 percent, down from 72 percent in 2001.

Christianity Declines, Unbelief Rises, Islam Fastest-Growing Faith in England | CNS News

The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.

No doubt they will soon take over due to sheer numbers.
The unbelievers are growing faster than Islam. Don't worry we'll protect you from the mass hoads of Islamic boggiemen trying to enslave you.

Gee, thanks. I didn't ask you to nor do I see them as a threat personally but thanks for the protection. Do I owe you anything? :cool:

My apologies then. I thought this was another one of those scary Mulsim thread. My bad.
I am having unbeliever children as fast as I can. ANy ladies need one?
If Islam is overtaking the Church of Jesus Christ, or unbelief for that matter, the fault lies with the Church and nobody else.

I could write a dissertation about why and how the Church is driving people AWAY from the Gospel, but I won't do it here. That's a subject for the religion boards.
The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.

Wait, wait, wait...
Are you saying that somehow, because I don't believe in God, I'm going to start... believing in God?

I'm confused.
The unbelievers are growing faster than Islam. Don't worry we'll protect you from the mass hoads of Islamic boggiemen trying to enslave you.

Gee, thanks. I didn't ask you to nor do I see them as a threat personally but thanks for the protection. Do I owe you anything? :cool:

My apologies then. I thought this was another one of those scary Mulsim thread. My bad.

Quite frankly, I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know you from Adam but I wonder how you relate to the "disappearance of America"? Nearly everything that this country was founded upon is very quickly being either a., purposely bred out of us or b., being legislated or adjudicated out of us.

I'm an old man. I have lived a good life as an American citizen; but this is NOT the country I grew up in.

We denegrate and belittle those (like me) who profess a belief in Jesus Christ on a daily basis. We pass laws that stifle the free expression of Christianity ANYWHERE but a church. God help us if we offer a prayer for our country in public. I attended my Grand Son's "Winter Extravaganza" last night and never once was there a mention of "Christmas". Never once. But the last song was all about "inclusion". inclusion of WHAT, exactly?

Yet, we are told CONSTANTLY that we must make "allowances" for Muslims, and their beliefs and practices. Why exactly? I was traveling on business several years go and had a layover in Kansas City. The "Muslim" cab drivers were striking to get "foot baths" so they might pray on company time. I heard later that they struck, yet again, to refuse to accept any passenger that THEY felt was intoxicated, or had been drinking at all.

I can only imagine what the uproar might have been had a, say, Baptist or Lutheran done the same thing.

Again, this is NOT the country I grew up in. We use to open each day in school with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Try that now and, most likely, you will be thrown into Federal prison.
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Gee, thanks. I didn't ask you to nor do I see them as a threat personally but thanks for the protection. Do I owe you anything? :cool:

My apologies then. I thought this was another one of those scary Mulsim thread. My bad.

Quite frankly, I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know you from Adam but I wonder how you relate to the "disappearance of America"? Nearly everything that this country was founded upon is very quickly being either a., purposely bred out of us or b., being legislated or adjudicated out of us.

I'm an old man. I have lived a good life as an American citizen; but this is NOT the country I grew up in.

We denegrate and belittle those (like me) who profess a belief in Jesus Christ on a daily basis. We pass laws that stifle the free expression of Christianity ANYWHERE but a church. God help us if we offer a prayer for our country in public. I attended my Grand Son's "Winter Extravaganza" last night and never once was there a mention of "Christmas". Never once. But the last song was all about "inclusion". inclusion of WHAT, exactly?

Yet, we are told CONSTANTLY that we must make "allowances" for Muslims, and their beliefs and practices. Why exactly? I was traveling on business several years go and had a layover in Kansas City. The "Muslim" cab drivers were striking to get "foot baths" so they might pray on company time. I heard later that they struck, yet again, to refuse to accept any passenger that THEY felt was intoxicated, or had been drinking at all.

I can only imagine what the uproar might have been had a, say, Baptist or Lutheran done the same thing.

Again, this is NOT the country I grew up in. We use to open each day with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Try that now and, most likely, you will be thrown into Federal prison.

I can relate to every word you said.

I remember a commerical for Oldsmobile some years back that said "this isn't your father's Olds".

Same for the country...not the one I grew up in and although still the greatest nation on earth... not one I particularly identify with any longer. But like you, I too wil be able to live the remainder of my life pretty much the way I lived the first part. The next generation isn't so lucky. They just don't realize it yet.
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The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.

Wait, wait, wait...
Are you saying that somehow, because I don't believe in God, I'm going to start... believing in God?

I'm confused.

I don't think the poster is saying that at all. Unlike Muslims, it makes no difference to me what you believe in or don't believe in. You choose not to believe, no skin off my nose. However, your ideology of making certain that Muslims have their beliefs protected at all costs will serve to accomplish one thing - folks, like you, who choose not to believe in Alah, will be the first to have their heads severed at the neck. Congratulations!!
The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.

Wait, wait, wait...
Are you saying that somehow, because I don't believe in God, I'm going to start... believing in God?

I'm confused.

I don't think the poster is saying that at all. Unlike Muslims, it makes no difference to me what you believe in or don't believe in. You choose not to believe, no skin off my nose. However, your ideology of making certain that Muslims have their beliefs protected at all costs will serve to accomplish one thing - folks, like you, who choose not to believe in Alah, will be the first to have their heads severed at the neck. Congratulations!!

They think that when people say Kumbaya they're joking. They're not. You entend that hand in the quest to be politically correct and when the time is right, the Muslims will cut that hand off. Just give them a reason.

Keep accomodating them and you'll accomodate yourself into Sharia law.
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The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.

Wait, wait, wait...
Are you saying that somehow, because I don't believe in God, I'm going to start... believing in God?

I'm confused.

I don't think the poster is saying that at all. Unlike Muslims, it makes no difference to me what you believe in or don't believe in. You choose not to believe, no skin off my nose. However, your ideology of making certain that Muslims have their beliefs protected at all costs will serve to accomplish one thing - folks, like you, who choose not to believe in Alah, will be the first to have their heads severed at the neck. Congratulations!!

The mooslims are coming! The mooslims are coming!:ack-1:
Gee, thanks. I didn't ask you to nor do I see them as a threat personally but thanks for the protection. Do I owe you anything? :cool:

My apologies then. I thought this was another one of those scary Mulsim thread. My bad.

Quite frankly, I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know you from Adam but I wonder how you relate to the "disappearance of America"? Nearly everything that this country was founded upon is very quickly being either a., purposely bred out of us or b., being legislated or adjudicated out of us.

I'm an old man. I have lived a good life as an American citizen; but this is NOT the country I grew up in.

We denegrate and belittle those (like me) who profess a belief in Jesus Christ on a daily basis. We pass laws that stifle the free expression of Christianity ANYWHERE but a church. God help us if we offer a prayer for our country in public. I attended my Grand Son's "Winter Extravaganza" last night and never once was there a mention of "Christmas". Never once. But the last song was all about "inclusion". inclusion of WHAT, exactly?

Yet, we are told CONSTANTLY that we must make "allowances" for Muslims, and their beliefs and practices. Why exactly? I was traveling on business several years go and had a layover in Kansas City. The "Muslim" cab drivers were striking to get "foot baths" so they might pray on company time. I heard later that they struck, yet again, to refuse to accept any passenger that THEY felt was intoxicated, or had been drinking at all.

I can only imagine what the uproar might have been had a, say, Baptist or Lutheran done the same thing.

Again, this is NOT the country I grew up in. We use to open each day in school with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Try that now and, most likely, you will be thrown into Federal prison.

Here we go again. Another thread of nutter rw's objecting to the First Amendment. R rather, objecting to First Amendment rights for anyone other than old white men.

Well, you'll find plenty of support here for your wacko beliefs.

Note to katzen-nutter - the tin foil in your beanie needs to be replaced.
Wait, wait, wait...
Are you saying that somehow, because I don't believe in God, I'm going to start... believing in God?

I'm confused.

I don't think the poster is saying that at all. Unlike Muslims, it makes no difference to me what you believe in or don't believe in. You choose not to believe, no skin off my nose. However, your ideology of making certain that Muslims have their beliefs protected at all costs will serve to accomplish one thing - folks, like you, who choose not to believe in Alah, will be the first to have their heads severed at the neck. Congratulations!!

The mooslims are coming! The mooslims are coming!:ack-1:

And, they'll have "muslins" with them.
Gee, thanks. I didn't ask you to nor do I see them as a threat personally but thanks for the protection. Do I owe you anything? :cool:

My apologies then. I thought this was another one of those scary Mulsim thread. My bad.

Quite frankly, I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know you from Adam but I wonder how you relate to the "disappearance of America"? Nearly everything that this country was founded upon is very quickly being either a., purposely bred out of us or b., being legislated or adjudicated out of us.

I'm an old man. I have lived a good life as an American citizen; but this is NOT the country I grew up in.

We denegrate and belittle those (like me) who profess a belief in Jesus Christ on a daily basis. We pass laws that stifle the free expression of Christianity ANYWHERE but a church. God help us if we offer a prayer for our country in public. I attended my Grand Son's "Winter Extravaganza" last night and never once was there a mention of "Christmas". Never once. But the last song was all about "inclusion". inclusion of WHAT, exactly?

What an absolute crock of steaming, emotional bullshit.

A. You can still 'express' Christianity anywhere you'd like in public, just not with my tax dollars.
B. Offer all the prayers you'd like in public.
C. Who care's if a Winter Extravaganza doesn't mention Christmas? It's relevant to absolutely.....nothing.
Yet, we are told CONSTANTLY that we must make "allowances" for Muslims, and their beliefs and practices.

D. No, we're not CONSTANTLY told that.
Why exactly? I was traveling on business several years go and had a layover in Kansas City. The "Muslim" cab drivers were striking to get "foot baths" so they might pray on company time. I heard later that they struck, yet again, to refuse to accept any passenger that THEY felt was intoxicated, or had been drinking at all.

E. Yes, and? What they wanted was bullshit, but it doesn't support your histrionic conclusions.
I can only imagine what the uproar might have been had a, say, Baptist or Lutheran done the same thing.

Again, this is NOT the country I grew up in. We use to open each day in school with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Try that now and, most likely, you will be thrown into Federal prison.

F. No, you wouldn't be.

Sounds like for such an old windbag, you've got some serious growing up to do.
Christianity Declines, Unbelief Rises, Islam Fastest-Growing Faith in England

if it were a rejection of religion Islam would not be picking up the slack ... "same old" just may not be working anymore.
The road to islam goes right through secularism. In all the countries that has a fast rise in islam, they have already been secular for a number of years.

Wait, wait, wait...
Are you saying that somehow, because I don't believe in God, I'm going to start... believing in God?

I'm confused.

I don't think the poster is saying that at all. Unlike Muslims, it makes no difference to me what you believe in or don't believe in. You choose not to believe, no skin off my nose. However, your ideology of making certain that Muslims have their beliefs protected at all costs will serve to accomplish one thing - folks, like you, who choose not to believe in Alah, will be the first to have their heads severed at the neck. Congratulations!!

Look around you. This is still the United States where protect the religious rights of all people.

If you don't like that, you can shut up or leave cuz you cannot change it.

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