Christians in Gaza Make Their Appeal to the Pope

Even the Pope is afraid say anything. Last time he said something Muslims nearly burned down half of Europe.

Christians in Gaza Make Their Appeal to the Pope
By Tim McGirk / Gaza

To be a Christian in Gaza these days requires discretion. When I approached a group of Christians lunching in a beachside hotel — they were identifiable because the women did not wear Islamic headscarves — they insisted that Hamas is tolerant of their faith. But one man grabbed my sleeve and pulled me aside. "We can't talk openly. Hamas leave us alone. But there are many [Gazans] who are more fanatical, and they hate us," he said.

The young Christian says that in 2007 the manager of a Christian bookstore in Gaza was shot dead. Early last year, he adds, armed gunmen stormed the local YMCA and tossed a bomb into the library, destroying thousands of books. Hamas condemned both attacks but never made any arrests. The head of a Christian relief organization was also asked by Hamas to leave Gaza after accusations that his staff were trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. One Catholic nun from Slovenia brushed aside these worries. "We practice our faith, but we do it quietly," she says. "And people here respect us."

The Cinema Club, for example, is run as part of a film class at a local Catholic school, but most of its students are Muslims. Inside, the altar of the Virgin Mary is easy to disassemble so that the room can revert to being a Cinema Club when the Muslim students return to class. On the wall hangs a trinity of portraits that display the seemingly contradictory loyalties of Palestinian Christians: the Latin Patriarch, the Pope and late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. (See pictures of heartbreak in the Middle East.)

In Gaza, those Christians who can wrangle a way of leaving, do. The ancient seafront city once had a thriving Christian community, but now it is down to 2,500 souls. They emigrate to Australia, the United States, Lebanon, anywhere they have relatives who can help them get started on a new life. Many attending the Friday service are widows dressed in black and men with hearty singing voices but shoulders stooped with age.

Read more: Christians in Gaza Make Their Appeal to the Pope - TIME

they need to start quietly planting pigs!!!
The Israeli Occupation is what Christians in Gaza and all of Palestine want help from the Pope for. From the article in OP, " Says George Said, a Bethlehem property dealer: "If the Pope continues to keep quiet about the suffering of Christians from Israelis, a day will come when the churches of Bethlehem and Jerusalem are turned into empty museums without a single Christian."
Yeah isn't that strange! It's the Israelis that are forcing shariah law upon Christians, killing those who convert to Christianity, banning Christian Holidays like Christmas, and killing and bombing Christians! Is that what you're peddling now? You are a totally worthless goofball! Ha ha ha!
The Israeli Occupation is what Christians in Gaza and all of Palestine want help from the Pope for. From the article in OP, " Says George Said, a Bethlehem property dealer: "If the Pope continues to keep quiet about the suffering of Christians from Israelis, a day will come when the churches of Bethlehem and Jerusalem are turned into empty museums without a single Christian."
Yeah isn't that strange! It's the Israelis that are forcing shariah law upon Christians, killing those who convert to Christianity, banning Christian Holidays like Christmas, and killing and bombing Christians! Is that what you're peddling now? You are a totally worthless goofball! Ha ha ha!

[ame=]Gazans celebrate Orthodox Christmas - YouTube[/ame]

How about giving us a little history on that?
Were you asleep at the time the incident of Damour was discussed, Tinnie, or were you on your magic computer that really isn't there getting your instructions from your Hamas handlers? Tinnie wants us to believe that his Palestinians brethren are just angels and wouldn't harm a soul. If you are so into history, why not give us a little history about why your friends and relatives in Hamas were fighting and murdering the men in Fatah.

Damour Massacre Janvier 1976 - Vidéo Dailymotion
I'm so sorry for those poor people being singled out for murder and the children's bodies dismembered. That was so unnecessary to have been done. :(
OK, you didn't say anything either.
I guess Tinnie has no problem when his brethren murdering and raping Christians, such as what happened in Damour. Maybe he is joyous when he sees alleged collaborators with Israel dragged in the streets and hung.

You are getting close to saying something. Keep going.
Should I add that all you Arabs are a riot when you can't admit that it was your group who started killing the Lebanese Christians? Is it really that difficult for you to admit that your brethren started up first in Lebanon? I wonder if Tinnie knew Arafat personally. They could have been childhood friends.

Arafat?s Massacre of Damour
The Israeli Occupation is what Christians in Gaza and all of Palestine want help from the Pope for. From the article in OP, " Says George Said, a Bethlehem property dealer: "If the Pope continues to keep quiet about the suffering of Christians from Israelis, a day will come when the churches of Bethlehem and Jerusalem are turned into empty museums without a single Christian."
Yeah isn't that strange! It's the Israelis that are forcing shariah law upon Christians, killing those who convert to Christianity, banning Christian Holidays like Christmas, and killing and bombing Christians! Is that what you're peddling now? You are a totally worthless goofball! Ha ha ha!

[ame=]Gazans celebrate Orthodox Christmas - YouTube[/ame]
This garbage doesn't work any longer. I just showed you article after article that Hamas has banned Christmas in Gaza. Does it not bother you that an ancient community of Christians has been ethnically cleansed down to only 2000 at the hands of the intolerant barbaric Muslims? Of course it doesn't. You're a paid propagandist for Hamas animals.
Yeah isn't that strange! It's the Israelis that are forcing shariah law upon Christians, killing those who convert to Christianity, banning Christian Holidays like Christmas, and killing and bombing Christians! Is that what you're peddling now? You are a totally worthless goofball! Ha ha ha!

[ame=]Gazans celebrate Orthodox Christmas - YouTube[/ame]
This garbage doesn't work any longer. I just showed you article after article that Hamas has banned Christmas in Gaza. Does it not bother you that an ancient community of Christians has been ethnically cleansed down to only 2000 at the hands of the intolerant barbaric Muslims? Of course it doesn't. You're a paid propagandist for Hamas animals.

You are lying. The Occupation and Blockade are what is hurting Palestinian Christians more than anything else. That is why the Pastor of Gaza Baptist Church does not return, Israel will not let his wife even enter Gaza. So, they live in Jordan where they are allowed to live together.
Gaza Baptist Church is the only evangelical church in the Gaza Strip."It's really good to have a Christian presence there where people can go to...when they want to find out what the Gospel is," the spokesman says.Along with weekly services, the church has children's Sunday school classes and a new youth group. There are also programs to feed the hungry, support the poor, and heal the sick. A retired physician currently heads up the church's volunteer-run medical clinic.For the past several years, Gaza Baptist Church has depended on church elders and members to operate in the absence of a full-time pastor. Because Rev. Hanna Massad, the church's former pastor, wasn't able to obtain a visa to live in Gaza with his wife, visiting preachers speak at the church when available.You can help Gaza Baptist Church bring Pastor Massad on full-time."The Christians in Gaza do not have a lot of resources, and it's very, very helpful if they can have support for their pastor," the spokesman explains.The church is looking to support Pastor Massad with a furnished apartment on the church property and is seeking to pay him $800 a month.
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More about Hanna Massad and what he says about life in Gaza, hardships associated with Israeli bombings and the siege/blockade. "The impoverished Palestinians who live in Gaza are never sure when the next bombs will strike or what the intended targets will be. Massad's church is located just 150 yards from the Palestinian Authority Police Station and has suffered damage from several attacks on the station."In some of the homes around my church you cannot prevent yourself from crying. More than 10 people sleep in one room, the father is sick and not working, living in another refuge camp," Massad says. "The general feeling among all of us Gazans today is utter fatigue and exhaustion with the horrible siege we still live under, and because of our abysmal economic situation."Yet over the past year, hardship increased for Massad. In the fall of 2001, three months after his wedding to Kuwaiti-born Suhad Salsa, Suhad went to Amman, Jordan, to visit family. When she tried to return to Gaza she could not get her visa renewed."
Does this "good Christian woman" worry about what is happening to Christians in the Muslim world? Is she on any other forum where she is condemning the treatment of her fellow Muslims there, or does she only see fit to condemn when the Jews are involved?. After all, she appears to have all the time in the world to run around the Internet bashing Israel and the Jews so she must have a few minutes to spare condemning those who mistreat her fellow Christians in the Muslim world. We know she is not interested in that Christian woman, Asia Bibi, who is rotting away in a Pakistani jail for allegedly committing blasphemy, but perhaps she can take up the banner for this other unfortunate Christian woman. Maybe Pope Francis, since he named as Saints those Italian martyrs who refused to convert to Islam, should name several of those Coptic Christians who refused to accept Islam when the Muslims invaded their country.

Coptic Christian latest target of blasphemy frenzy under Islamist-ruled Egypt | Fox News
I wonder if Frau Sherri can get hold of some producers who will put on a 60 minutes type-show that will report on how the Christians are being persecuted in the Muslim world, the same way as they have been persecuted since the Muslims invaded their countries. As a "good Christian woman," she certainly would like to spread the word about what is happening to her brethren and how they cannot practice their beliefs in peace and are even murdered for their beliefs. They can do the first segment of the show with the history of Jihad and how many of the original followers of Jesus were wiped out, and then the following week show what is going on now. One of their guests can be Raymond Ibrahim, the Arab Christian, who reports on what is going on with regard to his fellow Christians. I think the American Christians watching the show will be shocked at what is going on. The only problem that I see is that the American media is afraid to show the Muslims in a bad light because they are afraid their studios will then be burned down
This garbage doesn't work any longer. I just showed you article after article that Hamas has banned Christmas in Gaza. Does it not bother you that an ancient community of Christians has been ethnically cleansed down to only 2000 at the hands of the intolerant barbaric Muslims? Of course it doesn't. You're a paid propagandist for Hamas animals.

You are lying. The Occupation and Blockade are what is hurting Palestinian Christians more than anything else. That is why the Pastor of Gaza Baptist Church does not return, Israel will not let his wife even enter Gaza. So, they live in Jordan where they are allowed to live together.
Nah, I posted exactly what the Christians of Gaza are saying about their Muslim oppressors, you just can't handle the truth about the Hamas animals. Face it.

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