Christians Provide More Aid To Hurricane Victims Than FEMA

“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
Only a very small portion of donations go to the needy via the Red Cross. Worst charity to donate to UNICEF.
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?
Yeah, it could be that the Red Cross doesn't cover issues outside of a certain sphere.

It just seems like you could pretty easily see a big ol' shipment of something arriving that has already been provided by someone else.
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?

Didn't have insurance? You mean someone chose not to have insurance and now want others to help them?
I consider people like you that make claims about yourself then refuse to provide anything other than "because I said so" as triggered.

again, not playing that game with you anymore. I'm just going to report you when you do it.
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?
Yeah, it could be that the Red Cross doesn't cover issues outside of a certain sphere.

It just seems like you could pretty easily see a big ol' shipment of something arriving that has already been provided by someone else.
Our governor up here made an official announcement a couple days ago to SEND MONEY, not hand me down clothes and cans of beans. It requires more volunteers to unload and sort and distribute all that stuff on the other end, where if the charity has cash, they can buy what is NEEDED as things go along.
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Be sure to thank the other non christian groups also...Together we are stronger..
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?

Didn't have insurance? You mean someone chose not to have insurance and now want others to help them?
If charitable organizations want to help them, what skin is it off your nose?
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?
Yeah, it could be that the Red Cross doesn't cover issues outside of a certain sphere.

It just seems like you could pretty easily see a big ol' shipment of something arriving that has already been provided by someone else.
Our governor up here made an official announcement a couple days ago to SEND MONEY, not hand me down clothes and cans of beans. It requires more volunteers to unload and sort and distribute all that stuff on the other end, where if the charity has cash, they can buy what is NEEDED as things go along.
Yeah, plus established charities often have arrangements for some pretty good discounts.
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?

Didn't have insurance? You mean someone chose not to have insurance and now want others to help them?
If charitable organizations want to help them, what skin is it off your nose?

It's not about what others do but about what those that made a choice not to have insurance expect. I don't care if a private charity chooses to do that. I have the option if they do decided to help those that made bad choices about not having insurance to not donate. Things change drastically when the government starts providing money to those that chose not to have it.
... and all they can do to try to deny, is toss out straw man arguments and bumper sticker sloganeering.

They've made their choice, they will protect their favored pet constituent religion, no matter what the cost.

Makes sense, since they hate this country nearly as much as the Jihadists do. Kindred spirits and all.

Uh, dude, only one of us has a DD214. If you haven't served, you don't get to lecture those of us who did on Love of Country.

Look, we've been at war with "Islam" or "Jihadists" for what, 16 years now. How is that going? Have they realized "Wow, what were we thinking? Our Religion IS silly!"

We are asking people who were toddlers when 9/11 happened to fight the "Crusade" you want to engage in, and at some point, like the original Crusades, someone has to ask if it's worth it.
After the Popes Crusaders were finally kicked out of the Mideast the Pope began launching official crusades in Europe against any kingdoms tribes or populations that did not agree to adhere to Catholicism and commands of the Pope.
Why the hell are we talking about the crusades? Join us in 2017 McFly
... and all they can do to try to deny, is toss out straw man arguments and bumper sticker sloganeering.

They've made their choice, they will protect their favored pet constituent religion, no matter what the cost.

Makes sense, since they hate this country nearly as much as the Jihadists do. Kindred spirits and all.

Uh, dude, only one of us has a DD214. If you haven't served, you don't get to lecture those of us who did on Love of Country.

Look, we've been at war with "Islam" or "Jihadists" for what, 16 years now. How is that going? Have they realized "Wow, what were we thinking? Our Religion IS silly!"

We are asking people who were toddlers when 9/11 happened to fight the "Crusade" you want to engage in, and at some point, like the original Crusades, someone has to ask if it's worth it.
After the Popes Crusaders were finally kicked out of the Mideast the Pope began launching official crusades in Europe against any kingdoms tribes or populations that did not agree to adhere to Catholicism and commands of the Pope.
Why the hell are we talking about the crusades? Join us in 2017 McFly
Deflecting for their favored pet constituent religion can be a little clumsy at times.
One need only to read the USA link in the OP to see that the OP is a distortion. FEMA uses the "Faith Based" groups to distribute donations made by all religious and non-religious groups. Hence, the donations are not just from Christian groups, but a few Christian groups provide the "boots on the ground" so to speak for distribution purposes. It means that donations of food and household items donated by the Buddist Temples, Jewish Synagogs, Muslim Mosques, etc. will probably be distributed by Jehovah Witnesses or Methodists who operate and provide the volunteers at the distribution centers.
It really pisses you off that good people are helping strangers. So much so that you feel the need to dissect the article to find a path to denigrate those who are charitable.
Oh please. Republican right wing Christians are the same ones who support Nazi's and elect a president who says "some Mexicans don't rape".
If it weren't for FEMA, the ONLY people they would help are those white people who live by their church. We both know that for a fact.

I don't even live in Texas or Florida and I offered to help. And I don't belong to any church.
I can't imagine going through life with such a defeatist attitude. When all you look for is the worst, that's all you're going to find.
With the GOP, you don't have to "look" for the worst. It's on display for the entire world to see and they are proud of it.
One need only to read the USA link in the OP to see that the OP is a distortion. FEMA uses the "Faith Based" groups to distribute donations made by all religious and non-religious groups. Hence, the donations are not just from Christian groups, but a few Christian groups provide the "boots on the ground" so to speak for distribution purposes. It means that donations of food and household items donated by the Buddist Temples, Jewish Synagogs, Muslim Mosques, etc. will probably be distributed by Jehovah Witnesses or Methodists who operate and provide the volunteers at the distribution centers.
It really pisses you off that good people are helping strangers. So much so that you feel the need to dissect the article to find a path to denigrate those who are charitable.
Oh please. Republican right wing Christians are the same ones who support Nazi's and elect a president who says "some Mexicans don't rape".
If it weren't for FEMA, the ONLY people they would help are those white people who live by their church. We both know that for a fact.

I don't even live in Texas or Florida and I offered to help. And I don't belong to any church.
I can't imagine going through life with such a defeatist attitude. When all you look for is the worst, that's all you're going to find.
With the GOP, you don't have to "look" for the worst. It's on display for the entire world to see and they are proud of it.
More nonsense. The fruit loops are front and center everyday because they are the loudest. Does not make them the norm or majority.
Use your brain Dean
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?

Didn't have insurance? You mean someone chose not to have insurance and now want others to help them?
If charitable organizations want to help them, what skin is it off your nose?

It's not about what others do but about what those that made a choice not to have insurance expect. I don't care if a private charity chooses to do that. I have the option if they do decided to help those that made bad choices about not having insurance to not donate. Things change drastically when the government starts providing money to those that chose not to have it.
I'm not real clear on what the government actually does pay. I know they've got that Flood Insurance Program that despite those folks who pay premiums, is billions in the red. Then I hear FEMA was handing out emergency cash on hand (to apparently anyone?) at $500 a clip, and a couple thou to help people get a place to rent. Those are pretty generous, I'd say, but it helps get people out of the shelters. I would guess most people managed to grab their wallet when they fled their homes, even if they were rescued in a boat. The $500 might be extremely welcome to those who live paycheck to paycheck and would be hurting bad from days or weeks without work. People with $3.78 in their bank accounts and that's it. I've been there before and a disaster like Harvey would have left me and my son right on the street. There is no way I ever had the extra money for Renters Insurance either. I was usually left deciding which bill would be paid late so I could buy groceries.

So anyway, what the feds primarily do is help local and state governments rebuild infrastructure and pay all their overtime by first responders and shelter employees and all the others involved in righting the world after a disaster. They make available low interest LOANS, I hear. Not give aways.
I could be wrong.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
I would like to think that the money helps people who didn't have insurance to rebuild their lives. However, does the Red Cross give out cash? What do they actually do with their money?

Didn't have insurance? You mean someone chose not to have insurance and now want others to help them?
If charitable organizations want to help them, what skin is it off your nose?

It's not about what others do but about what those that made a choice not to have insurance expect. I don't care if a private charity chooses to do that. I have the option if they do decided to help those that made bad choices about not having insurance to not donate. Things change drastically when the government starts providing money to those that chose not to have it.
I'm not real clear on what the government actually does pay. I know they've got that Flood Insurance Program that despite those folks who pay premiums, is billions in the red. Then I hear FEMA was handing out emergency cash on hand (to apparently anyone?) at $500 a clip, and a couple thou to help people get a place to rent. Those are pretty generous, I'd say, but it helps get people out of the shelters. I would guess most people managed to grab their wallet when they fled their homes, even if they were rescued in a boat. The $500 might be extremely welcome to those who live paycheck to paycheck and would be hurting bad from days or weeks without work. People with $3.78 in their bank accounts and that's it. I've been there before and a disaster like Harvey would have left me and my son right on the street. There is no way I ever had the extra money for Renters Insurance either. I was usually left deciding which bill would be paid late so I could buy groceries.

So anyway, what the feds primarily do is help local and state governments rebuild infrastructure and pay all their overtime by first responders and shelter employees and all the others involved in righting the world after a disaster. They make available low interest LOANS, I hear. Not give aways.
I could be wrong.

If FEMA is handing it out, that's not privately donated money.

Why do you think the federal government should be involved when the reason people are where they are is because of their own choices?

Regardless of how you try to play off how FEMA funding isn't really giving anyone anything, it still involves funding through mandated taxes not voluntary donations.

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