Christians Provide More Aid To Hurricane Victims Than FEMA

It's not about what others do but about what those that made a choice not to have insurance expect. I don't care if a private charity chooses to do that. I have the option if they do decided to help those that made bad choices about not having insurance to not donate. Things change drastically when the government starts providing money to those that chose not to have it.
I'm not real clear on what the government actually does pay. I know they've got that Flood Insurance Program that despite those folks who pay premiums, is billions in the red. Then I hear FEMA was handing out emergency cash on hand (to apparently anyone?) at $500 a clip, and a couple thou to help people get a place to rent. Those are pretty generous, I'd say, but it helps get people out of the shelters. I would guess most people managed to grab their wallet when they fled their homes, even if they were rescued in a boat. The $500 might be extremely welcome to those who live paycheck to paycheck and would be hurting bad from days or weeks without work. People with $3.78 in their bank accounts and that's it. I've been there before and a disaster like Harvey would have left me and my son right on the street. There is no way I ever had the extra money for Renters Insurance either. I was usually left deciding which bill would be paid late so I could buy groceries.

So anyway, what the feds primarily do is help local and state governments rebuild infrastructure and pay all their overtime by first responders and shelter employees and all the others involved in righting the world after a disaster. They make available low interest LOANS, I hear. Not give aways.
I could be wrong.

What I remember from twelve years ago is we were issued a Citigroup bank card loaded with a finite amount of money (don't remember how much, I think about $2000) to use on those essentials including shelter/rent, until it ran out. FEMA also gave you a separate check for documented lost property, in my case a submberged car, once you furnished documentation. I remember that it was when I first acquired a digital camera for that purpose since there were tons of pictures to take.

For me at least it was handled very efficiently. I surely didn't make a profit but I did get a bridge to normalcy to keep up until regular life could be adapted to and restored and the system worked well.

We did go to a local shelter, probably because they had electricity and internet. It may have been a Red Cross operation, not sure. Strangely enough it never occurred to me to ask around for the religious affiliations of those who were running it. Nor did it occur to me to find out their astrological signs, their shoe sizes or whether they knew what the capital of South Dakota was. What was I thinking.

Didn't you have insurance or are you one of those that decided not to get it then expect the government to offset things?

"Insurance" on what? Levees?

Nope. Not my responsibility is it.

You live in a bowl. Whose responsibility is it if not those that live there?

The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.
It is not an excuse...It is what Great Countries do.....Look out for the less fortunate

Serves you right sucker is not what Great Countries say

When you admit the fault is with the person making the choice yet you want to force those that didn't make the choice to offset it, it's an excuse.

Sorry....but most Americans want to belong to a country where we help our people in a time of need

So you do support forcing those that didn't make bad decisions to offset things for those that did? I bet you're one of those that believes by doing so those making bad choices will see the error of their ways and do better next time.

Yup...that's the way things work in a society

You may not agree with all the decisions a society makes but you are bound by them. You receive much more benefits from belonging to a society than you can as an individual

At least be honest enough to admit those worthless pieces of shit making bad decisions are freeloaders and offer no benefit to society.

Guess what?

If your home is destroyed in a hurricane and you do not have insurance, you do not get a free house. You get assistance in obtaining temporary housing and you can qualify for low cost loans to rebuild

Helping people who need help is what great nations do
When you admit the fault is with the person making the choice yet you want to force those that didn't make the choice to offset it, it's an excuse.

Sorry....but most Americans want to belong to a country where we help our people in a time of need

So you do support forcing those that didn't make bad decisions to offset things for those that did? I bet you're one of those that believes by doing so those making bad choices will see the error of their ways and do better next time.

Yup...that's the way things work in a society

You may not agree with all the decisions a society makes but you are bound by them. You receive much more benefits from belonging to a society than you can as an individual

At least be honest enough to admit those worthless pieces of shit making bad decisions are freeloaders and offer no benefit to society.

Guess what?

If your home is destroyed in a hurricane and you do not have insurance, you do not get a free house. You get assistance in obtaining temporary housing and you can qualify for low cost loans to rebuild

Helping people who need help is what great nations do

And it's what a community-minded culture does. When it became clear that no one was going back to New Orleans for the foreseeable future, offers of temporary housing went up all over the internet, from Mexico to Nova Scotia. Actually I wanted to make Nova Scotia work but the commute to work opportunities was just unreal. So I came here to Carolina and took the offer of a summer house on a mountain until I could resettle.

Obviously none of those offers were from sociopaths.

Even Verizon got into it. When the N.O. cell towers came down and cell phones didn't work because they had to connect through New Orleans, they switched me to a Houston number -- a place I've never even been --- so that the phone would work. About a month later I asked them, "what about my bill?" Without missing a beat, the guy said, "you don't have a bill".

That's what life is like without sociopaths.
I'm not real clear on what the government actually does pay. I know they've got that Flood Insurance Program that despite those folks who pay premiums, is billions in the red. Then I hear FEMA was handing out emergency cash on hand (to apparently anyone?) at $500 a clip, and a couple thou to help people get a place to rent. Those are pretty generous, I'd say, but it helps get people out of the shelters. I would guess most people managed to grab their wallet when they fled their homes, even if they were rescued in a boat. The $500 might be extremely welcome to those who live paycheck to paycheck and would be hurting bad from days or weeks without work. People with $3.78 in their bank accounts and that's it. I've been there before and a disaster like Harvey would have left me and my son right on the street. There is no way I ever had the extra money for Renters Insurance either. I was usually left deciding which bill would be paid late so I could buy groceries.

So anyway, what the feds primarily do is help local and state governments rebuild infrastructure and pay all their overtime by first responders and shelter employees and all the others involved in righting the world after a disaster. They make available low interest LOANS, I hear. Not give aways.
I could be wrong.

What I remember from twelve years ago is we were issued a Citigroup bank card loaded with a finite amount of money (don't remember how much, I think about $2000) to use on those essentials including shelter/rent, until it ran out. FEMA also gave you a separate check for documented lost property, in my case a submberged car, once you furnished documentation. I remember that it was when I first acquired a digital camera for that purpose since there were tons of pictures to take.

For me at least it was handled very efficiently. I surely didn't make a profit but I did get a bridge to normalcy to keep up until regular life could be adapted to and restored and the system worked well.

We did go to a local shelter, probably because they had electricity and internet. It may have been a Red Cross operation, not sure. Strangely enough it never occurred to me to ask around for the religious affiliations of those who were running it. Nor did it occur to me to find out their astrological signs, their shoe sizes or whether they knew what the capital of South Dakota was. What was I thinking.

Didn't you have insurance or are you one of those that decided not to get it then expect the government to offset things?

"Insurance" on what? Levees?

Nope. Not my responsibility is it.

You live in a bowl. Whose responsibility is it if not those that live there?

The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.

Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.
What I remember from twelve years ago is we were issued a Citigroup bank card loaded with a finite amount of money (don't remember how much, I think about $2000) to use on those essentials including shelter/rent, until it ran out. FEMA also gave you a separate check for documented lost property, in my case a submberged car, once you furnished documentation. I remember that it was when I first acquired a digital camera for that purpose since there were tons of pictures to take.

For me at least it was handled very efficiently. I surely didn't make a profit but I did get a bridge to normalcy to keep up until regular life could be adapted to and restored and the system worked well.

We did go to a local shelter, probably because they had electricity and internet. It may have been a Red Cross operation, not sure. Strangely enough it never occurred to me to ask around for the religious affiliations of those who were running it. Nor did it occur to me to find out their astrological signs, their shoe sizes or whether they knew what the capital of South Dakota was. What was I thinking.

Didn't you have insurance or are you one of those that decided not to get it then expect the government to offset things?

"Insurance" on what? Levees?

Nope. Not my responsibility is it.

You live in a bowl. Whose responsibility is it if not those that live there?

The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.

Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.

Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

I saw other floods, three feet of water in the street. That happens, and it recedes and life goes on. That still happens now. But nothing like 2005 when the Lake crashed the gate.

And besides ALL that --- when Katrina's megaflood came, I didn't get flooded. I wasn't there. I had left town.
Didn't you have insurance or are you one of those that decided not to get it then expect the government to offset things?

"Insurance" on what? Levees?

Nope. Not my responsibility is it.

You live in a bowl. Whose responsibility is it if not those that live there?

The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.

Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.

Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.
"Insurance" on what? Levees?

Nope. Not my responsibility is it.

You live in a bowl. Whose responsibility is it if not those that live there?

The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.

Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.

Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

I saw other floods, three feet of water in the street. That happens, and it recedes and life goes on. That still happens now. But nothing like 2005 when the Lake crashed the gate.

And besides ALL that --- when Katrina's megaflood came, I didn't get flooded. I wasn't there. I had left town.

It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.

Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.
You live in a bowl. Whose responsibility is it if not those that live there?

The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.

Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.

Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

I saw other floods, three feet of water in the street. That happens, and it recedes and life goes on. That still happens now. But nothing like 2005 when the Lake crashed the gate.

And besides ALL that --- when Katrina's megaflood came, I didn't get flooded. I wasn't there. I had left town.

It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.

Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.

You weren't affected at all?
The US Army Corps of Engineers. Who were found liable in court.

Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.

Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

I saw other floods, three feet of water in the street. That happens, and it recedes and life goes on. That still happens now. But nothing like 2005 when the Lake crashed the gate.

And besides ALL that --- when Katrina's megaflood came, I didn't get flooded. I wasn't there. I had left town.

It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.

Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.

You weren't affected at all?

Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.
Does FEMA reimburse the National Guard, Coast Guard, US Navy and other Defense Department assets used in these emergencies or is that swallowed up by the Defense Department? Maybe the Christians send a check to the Defense Department and Coast Guard.
Maybe you missed the part about your dumbass living in a bowl. If you choose to do that, you deserve to get flooded when it rains hard.

Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

I saw other floods, three feet of water in the street. That happens, and it recedes and life goes on. That still happens now. But nothing like 2005 when the Lake crashed the gate.

And besides ALL that --- when Katrina's megaflood came, I didn't get flooded. I wasn't there. I had left town.

It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.

Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.

You weren't affected at all?

Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.

Then what difference does it make whether or not you were there? You don't have to stand in water in order to be flooded.
Does FEMA reimburse the National Guard, Coast Guard, US Navy and other Defense Department assets used in these emergencies or is that swallowed up by the Defense Department? Maybe the Christians send a check to the Defense Department and Coast Guard.

Yabbut there's of course no guarantee or even indication that those funds would be used for constructive purposes rather than destructive.

Actually I'd trust the Red Cross far more. They may be a bloated bureaucracy but at least they don't go out and invade Iraq.
Nope -- that city's been where it is for three hundred years (next year), and part of the plan of keeping it there is the levees, and the levees were designed and built by the ACE for that purpose, and they fucked up. They were good enough prior to 2005 but not good enough for Katrina.

I saw other floods, three feet of water in the street. That happens, and it recedes and life goes on. That still happens now. But nothing like 2005 when the Lake crashed the gate.

And besides ALL that --- when Katrina's megaflood came, I didn't get flooded. I wasn't there. I had left town.

It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.

Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.

You weren't affected at all?

Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.

Then what difference does it make whether or not you were there? You don't have to stand in water in order to be flooded.

You tell me --- you're the sociopath asscrack jumping up and down telling me I 'deserved to get flooded'.

Whelp --- I didn't get flooded. Because I left after considering that contingency.

Guess that means I didn't deserve to get flooded huh?

I love making pretzels.
It's not the first time dumbasses that choose to live in a bowl have been flooded nor will it be the last. You deserve it when it happens again.

Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.

You weren't affected at all?

Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.

Then what difference does it make whether or not you were there? You don't have to stand in water in order to be flooded.

You tell me --- you're the sociopath asscrack jumping up and down telling me I 'deserved to get flooded'.

Whelp --- I didn't get flooded. Because I left after considering that contingency.

You don't live in NO?
Maybe you missed the part where I noted I didn't get flooded because I wasn't there.

I understand sociopathy can be obsessive like that. See your doctor.

You weren't affected at all?

Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.

Then what difference does it make whether or not you were there? You don't have to stand in water in order to be flooded.

You tell me --- you're the sociopath asscrack jumping up and down telling me I 'deserved to get flooded'.

Whelp --- I didn't get flooded. Because I left after considering that contingency.

You don't live in NO?

Not now, no. I did when Katrina hit.
You weren't affected at all?

Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.

Then what difference does it make whether or not you were there? You don't have to stand in water in order to be flooded.

You tell me --- you're the sociopath asscrack jumping up and down telling me I 'deserved to get flooded'.

Whelp --- I didn't get flooded. Because I left after considering that contingency.

You don't live in NO?

Not now, no. I did when Katrina hit.

You weren't affected by the flooding then? At all?
Many of the right wingers that post here at USMB whine and complain about the "Constitution" but prove in their posts that they have little understanding of how the Constitution gives specific authority to the Supreme Courts function is to interpret the constitutionality of laws and that they have the final say. It is the very constitution the right wingers complain and whine about that gives the SCOTUS that unquestionable authority.

When the court makes a decision on a law they are determining whether it is constitutional or not. Those who disagree with the decision have the constitutional right and a process by which to challenge and try to change the ruling. That takes time, effort and resources. It is easier to just post complaints and whine about a decision on a message board, but there are those who make the efforts, sometimes successful, to change the court's decision.
Many of the right wingers that post here at USMB whine and complain about the "Constitution" but prove in their posts that they have little understanding of how the Constitution gives specific authority to the Supreme Courts function is to interpret the constitutionality of laws and that they have the final say. It is the very constitution the right wingers complain and whine about that gives the SCOTUS that unquestionable authority.

When the court makes a decision on a law they are determining whether it is constitutional or not. Those who disagree with the decision have the constitutional right and a process by which to challenge and try to change the ruling. That takes time, effort and resources. It is easier to just post complaints and whine about a decision on a message board, but there are those who make the efforts, sometimes successful, to change the court's decision.

Where in the Constitution does it specifically say the Supreme Court has the authority to declare a law unconstitutional?
Of course I was "affected". Having to gather up and evacuate, and then being shut out from one's home and employment for six weeks, and then when you're allowed back in in October there's no power, no water, no traffic lights, no nothing... I'd say that's affected.

But I wasn't flooded. I was in Mississippi. We had winds and lost power for several days but didn't get flooded.

Then what difference does it make whether or not you were there? You don't have to stand in water in order to be flooded.

You tell me --- you're the sociopath asscrack jumping up and down telling me I 'deserved to get flooded'.

Whelp --- I didn't get flooded. Because I left after considering that contingency.

You don't live in NO?

Not now, no. I did when Katrina hit.

You weren't affected by the flooding then? At all?

Where I was by the time the storm hit, there was no flooding.

Sorry, I can't dumb that down any lower than that.

From that evacuation point, however, I stayed up all night monitoring a battery-powered radio and listening to live call-in reports OF flooding via WWL. I heard it as it was happening.

You could call that being "affected" since it's something I'll never forget listening to.
That's because I'm not a sociopath.

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