Christians Provide More Aid To Hurricane Victims Than FEMA

"Don't look at the latest Jihadist atrocity! Remember the Crusades, the Crusades!"

Holy crap. I say it, they do it.

again, it's only an "atrocity" when they do it.

When our Zionist buddies do it, it's not an atrocity at all.


When we do it, it's not an atrocity.


no, no, it's just an atrocity when they fight back.
... and all they can do to try to deny, is toss out straw man arguments and bumper sticker sloganeering.

They've made their choice, they will protect their favored pet constituent religion, no matter what the cost.

Makes sense, since they hate this country nearly as much as the Jihadists do. Kindred spirits and all.

Uh, dude, only one of us has a DD214. If you haven't served, you don't get to lecture those of us who did on Love of Country.

Look, we've been at war with "Islam" or "Jihadists" for what, 16 years now. How is that going? Have they realized "Wow, what were we thinking? Our Religion IS silly!"

We are asking people who were toddlers when 9/11 happened to fight the "Crusade" you want to engage in, and at some point, like the original Crusades, someone has to ask if it's worth it.
"The Crusades"


Joe is the prototype of the Regressives.

Too fuckin' funny.
Bush called the wars he started "Crusades". His words. Ann Coulter took it seriously and called for the forcible conversion of Muslims to Christianity.
Whatever deflects from Jihadism and your favored pet constituent religion.

Keep going.

The Crusades! The Crusades!
You do not speak for Christians so stop pretending like you do. Huge numbers of Christians disagree, dislike, and are offended by fundamentalist and random factions of Christianity that pretend to speak for them.
"Don't look at the latest Jihadist atrocity! Remember the Crusades, the Crusades!"

Holy crap. I say it, they do it.

again, it's only an "atrocity" when they do it.

When our Zionist buddies do it, it's not an atrocity at all.


When we do it, it's not an atrocity.


no, no, it's just an atrocity when they fight back.
I can't stop you from hating your country, Joe.

You know, the one with the Constitution that was written by (in your words) rich white slave rapists.

And you joined the Army for a country like that? Boy, were YOU fucked. No WONDER you're so hateful.

I'd have better luck communicating with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.
... and all they can do to try to deny, is toss out straw man arguments and bumper sticker sloganeering.

They've made their choice, they will protect their favored pet constituent religion, no matter what the cost.

Makes sense, since they hate this country nearly as much as the Jihadists do. Kindred spirits and all.

Uh, dude, only one of us has a DD214. If you haven't served, you don't get to lecture those of us who did on Love of Country.

Look, we've been at war with "Islam" or "Jihadists" for what, 16 years now. How is that going? Have they realized "Wow, what were we thinking? Our Religion IS silly!"

We are asking people who were toddlers when 9/11 happened to fight the "Crusade" you want to engage in, and at some point, like the original Crusades, someone has to ask if it's worth it.
"The Crusades"


Joe is the prototype of the Regressives.

Too fuckin' funny.
Bush called the wars he started "Crusades". His words. Ann Coulter took it seriously and called for the forcible conversion of Muslims to Christianity.
Whatever deflects from Jihadism and your favored pet constituent religion.

Keep going.

The Crusades! The Crusades!
You do not speak for Christians so stop pretending like you do. Huge numbers of Christians disagree, dislike, and are offended by fundamentalist and random factions of Christianity that pretend to speak for them.
Oooh, good straw man.

Do you speak for all Muslims?
Uh, dude, only one of us has a DD214. If you haven't served, you don't get to lecture those of us who did on Love of Country.

Look, we've been at war with "Islam" or "Jihadists" for what, 16 years now. How is that going? Have they realized "Wow, what were we thinking? Our Religion IS silly!"

We are asking people who were toddlers when 9/11 happened to fight the "Crusade" you want to engage in, and at some point, like the original Crusades, someone has to ask if it's worth it.
"The Crusades"


Joe is the prototype of the Regressives.

Too fuckin' funny.
Bush called the wars he started "Crusades". His words. Ann Coulter took it seriously and called for the forcible conversion of Muslims to Christianity.
Whatever deflects from Jihadism and your favored pet constituent religion.

Keep going.

The Crusades! The Crusades!
You do not speak for Christians so stop pretending like you do. Huge numbers of Christians disagree, dislike, and are offended by fundamentalist and random factions of Christianity that pretend to speak for them.
Oooh, good straw man.

Do you speak for all Muslims?
I haven't attempted to speak for anyone but myself. Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you must be a Muslim because you do not have the ability to discuss topics on a rational or educated level. You are the standard issue insult poster or rely on false accusations, demonization, etc.

Back on topic, the thread title and OP are distortions of a USA Today article about the fact that faith based groups play a huge role in distributing the initial help via volunteers who help distribute early response supplies such as food and other immediate needs after a natural disaster. The proof is available simply by reading the article.
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"The Crusades"


Joe is the prototype of the Regressives.

Too fuckin' funny.
Bush called the wars he started "Crusades". His words. Ann Coulter took it seriously and called for the forcible conversion of Muslims to Christianity.
Whatever deflects from Jihadism and your favored pet constituent religion.

Keep going.

The Crusades! The Crusades!
You do not speak for Christians so stop pretending like you do. Huge numbers of Christians disagree, dislike, and are offended by fundamentalist and random factions of Christianity that pretend to speak for them.
Oooh, good straw man.

Do you speak for all Muslims?
I haven't attempted to speak for anyone but myself. Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you mujct be a Muslim because you do not have the ability to discuss topics on a rational or educated level. You are the standard issue insult poster.

Back on topic, the thread title and OP are distortions of a USA Today article about the fact that faith based groups play a huge role in distributing the initial help via volunteers who help distribute early response supplies such as food and othe immediate needs after a natural disaster. The proof is available simply by reading the article.
"Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you must be a Muslim"

And another straw man. Why can't you people ever just be honest?

You've chosen your favored pet constituent religion. I'll never change your mind on that. Enjoy.

And get ready to spin after the next atrocity.
I can't stop you from hating your country, Joe.

Okay, dude, going to to a thought experiment for you.

"Billy, don't draw on the wall with a crayon. You're getting a time out!"
"Why do you hate me?"

"Black men should take more responsibility for the children they father."
"Why do you hate black men?"

"America shouldn't get involved in internal conflicts on the other side of the world!"
"Why do you hate America?"

You know, the one with the Constitution that was written by (in your words) rich white slave rapists.

My country is not a piece of paper written by slave rapists. My country is my fellow Americans, and I'm proud of the work I did in those years. That's what I was defending.

And you joined the Army for a county like that? Boy, were YOU fucked. No WONDER you're so hateful.

Well, um, no, I learned a trade and got an education paid for, it was actually a pretty good deal for me. Some of these kids coming back without limbs and with PTSD because our leaders (both parties) are in the pockets of the Zionists and Oil Companies, not so much.

I spent 9/11 helping a Marine Veteran get his resume together after his recent discharge. This kid came from Puerto Rico, didn't speak the language when he got here, served in Afghanistan, and went to college. That's the America I love. Not the one that fights so the Zionists can pretend that the Imaginary Pixie in the Sky loves them best.

I'd have better luck communicating with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Well, in order to communicate with someone, you have to actually listen to what they say and say, "Yeah, yeah, I can see why you have that point of view'. But since you rather attack straw men, pompously declare victory whenever someone calls you on your bigotry, and never, never actually try to understand the other point of view.

I on the other hand, have the unique experience of having made a journey from being pretty right wing to being more progressive now. So I understand how the right wing can play on emotions to get people to work against their own interests.
I can't stop you from hating your country, Joe.

Okay, dude, going to to a thought experiment for you.

"Billy, don't draw on the wall with a crayon. You're getting a time out!"
"Why do you hate me?"

"Black men should take more responsibility for the children they father."
"Why do you hate black men?"

"America shouldn't get involved in internal conflicts on the other side of the world!"
"Why do you hate America?"

You know, the one with the Constitution that was written by (in your words) rich white slave rapists.

My country is not a piece of paper written by slave rapists. My country is my fellow Americans, and I'm proud of the work I did in those years. That's what I was defending.

And you joined the Army for a county like that? Boy, were YOU fucked. No WONDER you're so hateful.

Well, um, no, I learned a trade and got an education paid for, it was actually a pretty good deal for me. Some of these kids coming back without limbs and with PTSD because our leaders (both parties) are in the pockets of the Zionists and Oil Companies, not so much.

I spent 9/11 helping a Marine Veteran get his resume together after his recent discharge. This kid came from Puerto Rico, didn't speak the language when he got here, served in Afghanistan, and went to college. That's the America I love. Not the one that fights so the Zionists can pretend that the Imaginary Pixie in the Sky loves them best.

I'd have better luck communicating with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Well, in order to communicate with someone, you have to actually listen to what they say and say, "Yeah, yeah, I can see why you have that point of view'. But since you rather attack straw men, pompously declare victory whenever someone calls you on your bigotry, and never, never actually try to understand the other point of view.

I on the other hand, have the unique experience of having made a journey from being pretty right wing to being more progressive now. So I understand how the right wing can play on emotions to get people to work against their own interests.
Holy crap. I'm sure that's all very interesting.

Bush called the wars he started "Crusades". His words. Ann Coulter took it seriously and called for the forcible conversion of Muslims to Christianity.
Whatever deflects from Jihadism and your favored pet constituent religion.

Keep going.

The Crusades! The Crusades!
You do not speak for Christians so stop pretending like you do. Huge numbers of Christians disagree, dislike, and are offended by fundamentalist and random factions of Christianity that pretend to speak for them.
Oooh, good straw man.

Do you speak for all Muslims?
I haven't attempted to speak for anyone but myself. Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you mujct be a Muslim because you do not have the ability to discuss topics on a rational or educated level. You are the standard issue insult poster.

Back on topic, the thread title and OP are distortions of a USA Today article about the fact that faith based groups play a huge role in distributing the initial help via volunteers who help distribute early response supplies such as food and othe immediate needs after a natural disaster. The proof is available simply by reading the article.
"Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you must be a Muslim"

And another straw man. Why can't you people ever just be honest?

You've chosen your favored pet constituent religion. I'll never change your mind on that. Enjoy.

And get ready to spin after the next atrocity.
You are lecturing on honesty while you defend a thread that was started with a title and OP based on lies.
Whatever deflects from Jihadism and your favored pet constituent religion.

Keep going.

The Crusades! The Crusades!
You do not speak for Christians so stop pretending like you do. Huge numbers of Christians disagree, dislike, and are offended by fundamentalist and random factions of Christianity that pretend to speak for them.
Oooh, good straw man.

Do you speak for all Muslims?
I haven't attempted to speak for anyone but myself. Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you mujct be a Muslim because you do not have the ability to discuss topics on a rational or educated level. You are the standard issue insult poster.

Back on topic, the thread title and OP are distortions of a USA Today article about the fact that faith based groups play a huge role in distributing the initial help via volunteers who help distribute early response supplies such as food and othe immediate needs after a natural disaster. The proof is available simply by reading the article.
"Your standard defense is that anyone who disagrees with you must be a Muslim"

And another straw man. Why can't you people ever just be honest?

You've chosen your favored pet constituent religion. I'll never change your mind on that. Enjoy.

And get ready to spin after the next atrocity.
You are lecturing on honesty while you defend a thread that was started with a title and OP based on lies.
I am?

How many straw men do you average in a typical day? Say, for every ten posts?
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“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.

No, they shouldn't. But here's the thing. These faith based groups are going to provide a lot of immediate help, and that's great.

But when it comes to the long-term task of rebuilding these communities, the Federal government is going to be doing that long after the faith based groups have gone home or moved on to the next cause.
“Christian non-profit organizations have outdone FEMA and provided the vast majority of the relief aid to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes, according to USA Today.”

Like the many studies I have posted before, per capita Christians give more to help those in need than any other group.

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
One thing that I always wonder about at times like this is the efficiency of donations between groups. In other words, there are always groups (and individuals) who are great and do fundraising, but I have to wonder if it's just smarter for everyone to just give to the Red Cross. I don't know how the systems work, but I'd think that such a setup would maximize coordination and reduce redundancies, among other things.
One need only to read the USA link in the OP to see that the OP is a distortion. FEMA uses the "Faith Based" groups to distribute donations made by all religious and non-religious groups. Hence, the donations are not just from Christian groups, but a few Christian groups provide the "boots on the ground" so to speak for distribution purposes. It means that donations of food and household items donated by the Buddist Temples, Jewish Synagogs, Muslim Mosques, etc. will probably be distributed by Jehovah Witnesses or Methodists who operate and provide the volunteers at the distribution centers.
It really pisses you off that good people are helping strangers. So much so that you feel the need to dissect the article to find a path to denigrate those who are charitable.

I think it is great that Americans are contributing to help those in need

What pisses me off is those who downplay the need for massive Federal and State assistance to recover from the devastation

We don't need no Gubmint.....we got Christian Charities
Disasters such as Harvey and Irma show why we can't rely on private donations for major disaster relief

Right after Harvey hit, people around the country rushed to contribute to help the people of South Texas. With Irma hitting two weeks later, that well has been tapped and you can't expect people to donate at the same level

While religious charities do a great job of delivering clothing, toiletries and food to disaster areas they are not prepared for disaster relief. They cannot rescue people, they cannot set up statewide shelters, they cannot provide long term support to families.
More so, private charities do not do cleanup, they do not rebuild roads and infrastructure, they do not provide low cost loans to rebuild

For that....We have to rely on the mean ole Gubmint

Yep, I recall some neighbors that chose to stay in Katrina and then had to be rescued from the roof by a helicopter flown by the Seventh-Day Adventists.

Oh wait, no that was the gummint. They look a lot alike, I gets 'em mixed up. :uhh:

But local charities contributed diapers, toothpaste and Play Dough for the kids
And open up their churches and have.volunteers cooking and providing food to feed the evacuees. Just read an article directing people to these places for a hot meal.

Why exactly are you trying to downplay their contributions again?
Good! The feds shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.

No, they shouldn't. But here's the thing. These faith based groups are going to provide a lot of immediate help, and that's great.

But when it comes to the long-term task of rebuilding these communities, the Federal government is going to be doing that long after the faith based groups have gone home or moved on to the next cause.
I realize that. Every little bit helps, I say. I'm not score keeping. I wonder about the many millions of dollars that have been raised by celebs and donated by some of our billionaires. Do they give that money to the Red Cross or start their own program? Must be close to a hundred million just from the super rich so far.
Florida, I fear, will not find that kind of generosity. People have made their charitable contribution for the year.

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