‘Christians to Hell’ and ‘Death to the heathen Christians’ among slogans scrawled on the walls of Do


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

‘Christians to Hell’ and ‘Death to the heathen Christians’ among slogans scrawled on the walls of Dormition Abbey

By Tamar PileggiJanuary 17, 2016, 10:30 am

The Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was vandalized with anti-Christian graffiti overnight Saturday, the latest in a series of hate crimes against Christians and churches in Israel in recent years, police said.

“Christians to Hell,” and “Death to the heathen Christians, the enemies of Israel,” were among the slogans painted on the walls of the Benedictine monastery, which lies just outside the walls of the capital’s Old City. “The revenge of the people of Israel is yet to come,” read another epithet written next to a depiction of a bloody sword.

Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said an investigation into the incident had been opened.

“Despite promises by the government, these incidents continue to happen,” Wadia Abu Nasser, the executive director of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land, railed Sunday morning. “If we were to actually count all of these incidents, they’d be in the hundreds.

Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

(so hard to keep track on who is terrorizing who in Israel/Palestine.)
So why did you write that on the wall again?
Oh yeah to pit your 2 enemies against each other, such a typical easy to spot terrorist tactic.
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

‘Christians to Hell’ and ‘Death to the heathen Christians’ among slogans scrawled on the walls of Dormition Abbey

By Tamar PileggiJanuary 17, 2016, 10:30 am

The Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was vandalized with anti-Christian graffiti overnight Saturday, the latest in a series of hate crimes against Christians and churches in Israel in recent years, police said.

“Christians to Hell,” and “Death to the heathen Christians, the enemies of Israel,” were among the slogans painted on the walls of the Benedictine monastery, which lies just outside the walls of the capital’s Old City. “The revenge of the people of Israel is yet to come,” read another epithet written next to a depiction of a bloody sword.

Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said an investigation into the incident had been opened.

“Despite promises by the government, these incidents continue to happen,” Wadia Abu Nasser, the executive director of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land, railed Sunday morning. “If we were to actually count all of these incidents, they’d be in the hundreds.

Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

(so hard to keep track on who is terrorizing who in Israel/Palestine.)
Graffiti is terrorism?
So why did you write that on the wall again?
Oh yeah to pit your 2 enemies against each other, such a typical easy to spot terrorist tactic.

What two enemies, I'm not a jew or muslim.
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

‘Christians to Hell’ and ‘Death to the heathen Christians’ among slogans scrawled on the walls of Dormition Abbey

By Tamar PileggiJanuary 17, 2016, 10:30 am

The Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was vandalized with anti-Christian graffiti overnight Saturday, the latest in a series of hate crimes against Christians and churches in Israel in recent years, police said.

“Christians to Hell,” and “Death to the heathen Christians, the enemies of Israel,” were among the slogans painted on the walls of the Benedictine monastery, which lies just outside the walls of the capital’s Old City. “The revenge of the people of Israel is yet to come,” read another epithet written next to a depiction of a bloody sword.

Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said an investigation into the incident had been opened.

“Despite promises by the government, these incidents continue to happen,” Wadia Abu Nasser, the executive director of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land, railed Sunday morning. “If we were to actually count all of these incidents, they’d be in the hundreds.

Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

(so hard to keep track on who is terrorizing who in Israel/Palestine.)
Graffiti is terrorism?

In my book yep, no different than setting a church on fire, and threats of bodily harm to Christians.
So why did you write that on the wall again?
Oh yeah to pit your 2 enemies against each other, such a typical easy to spot terrorist tactic.
A tactic Israelis are all too familiar with.
Jesus repeatedly told you
1)that he wasn't son of man that he was emulating (like unto)-rev1:13,rev22:16
2)that son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28.
3) that you'd come in his name saying HE was christ deceiving many even the elect.
Yet repetitive declarations totally elude you.
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

‘Christians to Hell’ and ‘Death to the heathen Christians’ among slogans scrawled on the walls of Dormition Abbey

By Tamar PileggiJanuary 17, 2016, 10:30 am

The Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was vandalized with anti-Christian graffiti overnight Saturday, the latest in a series of hate crimes against Christians and churches in Israel in recent years, police said.

“Christians to Hell,” and “Death to the heathen Christians, the enemies of Israel,” were among the slogans painted on the walls of the Benedictine monastery, which lies just outside the walls of the capital’s Old City. “The revenge of the people of Israel is yet to come,” read another epithet written next to a depiction of a bloody sword.

Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said an investigation into the incident had been opened.

“Despite promises by the government, these incidents continue to happen,” Wadia Abu Nasser, the executive director of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land, railed Sunday morning. “If we were to actually count all of these incidents, they’d be in the hundreds.

Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

(so hard to keep track on who is terrorizing who in Israel/Palestine.)
Graffiti is terrorism?

In my book yep, no different than setting a church on fire, and threats of bodily harm to Christians.

How about stabbing woman in front of her 3 kids?

Oh, no, that's totally acceptable.
quote"Graffiti is terrorism?"

Her correlation to Terrorism is wrong but it can be used by them.
Terrorist tactics are sometimes to get enemies to turn on each other.
1)we have no varifiable news source on your discussion, no tangible evidence like pictures.
2)no police report
3)no suspects
4)no arrest
5)Arabs, Atheists, other cultures live there too, blame without substantiation = you being just as wrong as the perpetrators, especially when you do it to stir up violence.
6)Israel is famous for protecting other faiths property and holy sites, so insinuations and broad stroke blame falls flat in the propaganda scale.
7) your propaganda is terroristic suportive in nature and many times come from terrorist web sites you befriend.
8) Judaism teaches verbal knowledge and truth and reaching and teaching when disagreeing, that's why Rabbis can have heated debates with students or other Rabbis and no blood shed or bottles broken in doing so.
Therefore no true Jew would need to deface property,just like no true Catholic would put a human being in torture devices or burn people on a stake like they did Giordano Bruno. At least that's the Christian argument, that the murders in the name of Cheezits was done by fake Christians.
9) you can't defend your ideology, philosophies, & beliefs so you instigate threads like this=a girl who never grew up. Mother Angelica says she's very dissapointed in you, as it reflects on her what you do.
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

‘Christians to Hell’ and ‘Death to the heathen Christians’ among slogans scrawled on the walls of Dormition Abbey

By Tamar PileggiJanuary 17, 2016, 10:30 am

The Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was vandalized with anti-Christian graffiti overnight Saturday, the latest in a series of hate crimes against Christians and churches in Israel in recent years, police said.

“Christians to Hell,” and “Death to the heathen Christians, the enemies of Israel,” were among the slogans painted on the walls of the Benedictine monastery, which lies just outside the walls of the capital’s Old City. “The revenge of the people of Israel is yet to come,” read another epithet written next to a depiction of a bloody sword.

Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said an investigation into the incident had been opened.

“Despite promises by the government, these incidents continue to happen,” Wadia Abu Nasser, the executive director of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land, railed Sunday morning. “If we were to actually count all of these incidents, they’d be in the hundreds.

Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti

(so hard to keep track on who is terrorizing who in Israel/Palestine.)

that's it? some crayon marks on the wall of church that were placed there
by WHO KNOW WHO? I have more than that on my walls right here in the
USA. How does that compare with Penelope's clients sticking knives into old
ladies in Jerusalem
Crayons? CRAYONS? Well there we have it then,
it was Penelope who did it.
Crayons? CRAYONS? Well there we have it then,
it was Penelope who did it.

Hashev-----I need help with the Hebrew there-----I get something like "death to ha notzrim---------but where is the HELL and HEATHEN? It is such a teeny childish
scrawl---------who ever did it NEEDS some New York City GRAFITTI ARTISTS
With all the money the evangelicals send to Israel one would think they would at least show a little respect for Christians, but nope. Obviously these are the zealot jews, who hate Palestinians, and Christians. Same group that set fire to the one church, as you can read, or not, the Catholic Bishop said there are hundreds of incidences against Christians and the government does nothing about it.
With all the money the evangelicals send to Israel one would think they would at least show a little respect for Christians, but nope. Obviously these are the zealot jews, who hate Palestinians, and Christians. Same group that set fire to the one church, as you can read, or not, the Catholic Bishop said there are hundreds of incidences against Christians and the government does nothing about it.

there are thousands of incidents against jews in the USA and the government
does nothing about it. What is your point? No one knows who did the childish
scrawl on the church. No church was "BURNED DOWN" as you had claimed----
a church had some scorch marks on the STONE WALLS-----and a room with the
ashes of some burned up paper. Many years ago I came home ----to find my apartment in that condition-----some wild kids got in------I cleaned up and did not
even make a report to the cops------the burned up paper as MOSTLY (thank 'god')
in the bathtub-----but there were some <gasp> scorch marks on the wooden floor.
Your clients ------even the old allahuakbar farting sluts----are sticking knives into
people. That which evangelicals do with THEIR money is none of your business.
Crayons are the tools of zealots?

could be-----it is a very childish scrawl-------something like my own handwriting
in Hebrew----------a talent upon which I never received a "compliment" Those
religious guys ------can generally do LOTS BETTER ------LOTS. The writing
looks something like------that of an eight year old
Well people who are unable to share their ideals and beliefs in a civilized manner cannot be taken seriously no matter how insane they sound.
Well people who are unable to share their ideals and beliefs in a civilized manner cannot be taken seriously no matter how insane they sound.

graffiti is as old as writing itself------even as old as cave drawing scribbles. So
far I have seen lots of it ------the SCRATCHITTI----in which jerks actually scratch
their "messages" on anything glass is real vandalism---------nasty comment from
unknown source has never been an issue before it suddenly has shown up on
churches and somehow----SOMEONE can claim with no evidence at all DA JOOOOS DID IT

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