Christie / Clinton 2016: The "Heal the country" ticket.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
There's no doubt the Bush and Obama presidencies have been divisive -- (Obama unintentionally), and a bi-partisan ticket that the overwhelming majority of Americans can unite behind could potentially bring us into a new era of American progress.

Christie is the proven moderate executive of an important state. He'd have to be the top of the ticket because you couldn't consider him for the second chair (VP) as state Gov's are not suited for that spot. The modern VP spot has been a DC insider with foreign policy / intelligence experience who could take over in an emergency. (I'm surprised that fact alone didn't exclude Palin but they were convinced her "narrative" would be a game-changer)

Clinton is the most popular woman in the world right now -- but would she accept second fiddle?? Her understanding of the DC political landscape would be invaluable to Christie. And she proved herself to be a true patriot when she took the Sec of State spot simply because her President asked, she put her country before her ego.

The biggest upside of this ticket is that it would unite the majority of Americans against the extremes, finally hacking the extreme far-right base off like wart or bunion. The far-left base (code pink, peta, Bernie Sanders) hasn't been a factor.

Since Reagan invited the social/Christian conservative into the big tent as an extension of the GOP souther strategy, the Grand Old Party has been walking this fine line of trying to keep that base active and motivated while still trying to govern effectively. Not an easy thing to do as we saw in 2012 -- if you through too much red meat out to your base, it may wreck your campaign. Even small districts are starting to realize the Tea Party birther extreme can not be taken seriously. If they want an effective representative, they have to elect a serious candidate.

Since 2008, as that far-right base becomes more and more fringe and out of touch with reality, the "governing" has taken a backseat to keeping that base happy and motivated.

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