Christie fails to make main stage lineup

I'm no Christie fan but after his last debate performance I don't know why they are excluding him. Boot that liar Kasich off the stage he's worthless and you may as well dump Carson he's finished the lies have sunk his battleship.
I'm no Christie fan but after his last debate performance I don't know why they are excluding him. Boot that liar Kasich off the stage he's worthless and you may as well dump Carson he's finished the lies have sunk his battleship.

They decide based on polling percentages. Whatever his last performance was like, it didn't resonate with likely voters enough to give him the necessary percentage.
send Christy some donuts , his diet didn't work so he might as well give in and start living life and eating donuts !!
I'm hoping that Cruz moves up and puts the kibosh to Ben the nice guy squish 'Spoon !!

I think his performance in the last debate signals that he's stepping up his campaign, and we should expect to see something impressive out of him.

I suspect that Chris Christie will get a bump in the polls based on his viral video re: Drug Addiction, it's quite good, just hasn't been out there long enough to show up in the polls yet, unless of course he totally bombs at the kiddie table debate on Tuesday. :)

Bummer. Think the whole bridge thing did him in.
No, it really didn't. The truly sad and pathetic part is that Christie was done in because he said some nice things about the president and was on stage with him.

This is why the political system is so fucked up.

No not the political system, the current Republican 'WE'LL NEVER COMPROMISE ON ANYTHING EVER' system. They demonize anyone that shows an inkling of being an adult re politics.
Uh huh. Just keep those partisan blinders on so that you don't have to see the division is across the board.

I swear that you guys forget the entire Bush years unless, of course, it is to bash the republicans.

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