Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage

A Democrat can be bigoted without bigotry being a Democratic party value. The Democratic party has been criticized since the 1960s for fighting bigotry, while the GOP had a Chairman of the national Republican party publicly apologize for the bigotry of the GOP.

if they were fighting Bigotry in the 60's,why were they against civil rights for blacks back then?......and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....
A Democrat can be bigoted without bigotry being a Democratic party value. The Democratic party has been criticized since the 1960s for fighting bigotry, while the GOP had a Chairman of the national Republican party publicly apologize for the bigotry of the GOP.

if they were fighting Bigotry in the 60's,why were they against civil rights for blacks back then?......and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

In the 1960's Democrats fought for the civil rights of blacks and most all the white southern racists all left the party (some stayed and reformed) and went into the welcoming arms of the GOP.

President Johnson told the Democratic party they would loose the Southern vote for a generation. - GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics


GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics
...and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

The people who voted against gay marriage in CA were not all Democrats.

California voters now favor gay marriage. go figure (polls)

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

So why did religious Californians (many minorities who the Democrats and gay groups fought for) come out in numbers sufficient to deny gay people marriage rights?

Oh the irony!

Democracy is a messy business, no?:eusa_angel:
A Democrat can be bigoted without bigotry being a Democratic party value. The Democratic party has been criticized since the 1960s for fighting bigotry, while the GOP had a Chairman of the national Republican party publicly apologize for the bigotry of the GOP.

if they were fighting Bigotry in the 60's,why were they against civil rights for blacks back then?......and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

In the 1960's Democrats fought for the civil rights of blacks and most all the white southern racists all left the party (some stayed and reformed) and went into the welcoming arms of the GOP.

President Johnson told the Democratic party they would loose the Southern vote for a generation. - GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics


GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics

Did I fail to mention the GOP leader who apologized was gay and hid it so his party would not have to deal with yet another issue they riled up the base over?

How ironic Ken headed a party that used gay issues as wedge issues to win elections?
...and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

The people who voted against gay marriage in CA were not all Democrats.

California voters now favor gay marriage. go figure (polls)

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

So why did religious Californians (many minorities who the Democrats and gay groups fought for) come out in numbers sufficient to deny gay people marriage rights?

Oh the irony!

Democracy is a messy business, no?:eusa_angel:

so you just cant come out and just say.....Democrats by and large are just as much against gay marriage as anyone else,in spite of what they say.....

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

and so here you are saying that California Democrats listen to what religious bigots have to say......interesting....
you know what Dante,i work in a pretty Democratic Union type of place.....i would say overwhelmingly the Democratic men anyhow, were against gay marriage period.....and they did not need the Mormons telling them that....
if they were fighting Bigotry in the 60's,why were they against civil rights for blacks back then?......and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

In the 1960's Democrats fought for the civil rights of blacks and most all the white southern racists all left the party (some stayed and reformed) and went into the welcoming arms of the GOP.

President Johnson told the Democratic party they would loose the Southern vote for a generation. - GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics


GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics

Did I fail to mention the GOP leader who apologized was gay and hid it so his party would not have to deal with yet another issue they riled up the base over?

How ironic Ken headed a party that used gay issues as wedge issues to win elections?

both parties are filled with Hypercritical bastards....what else you got?...
...and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

The people who voted against gay marriage in CA were not all Democrats.

California voters now favor gay marriage. go figure (polls)

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

So why did religious Californians (many minorities who the Democrats and gay groups fought for) come out in numbers sufficient to deny gay people marriage rights?

Oh the irony!

Democracy is a messy business, no?:eusa_angel:

so you just cant come out and just say.....Democrats by and large are just as much against gay marriage as anyone else,in spite of what they say.....

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

and so here you are saying that California Democrats listen to what religious bigots have to say......interesting....
you know what Dante,i work in a pretty Democratic Union type of place.....i would say overwhelmingly the Democratic men anyhow, were against gay marriage period.....and they did not need the Mormons telling them that....

Voters vs Politicians vs Parties?

I think registered Democrats by and large support gay marriage. I believe registered Republicans by and large do not support gay marriage.

Prominent Democratic politicians have come out for and against gay marriages as an issue. Prominent Republicans have come out for and against gay marriage as an issue.

Who puts up the money and speaks most to gay marriage as a social issue come every election cycle?

Getting people riled up and to the polls on the issue of gay marriage has been a religious and Republican thing.

Who demagogues the gay marriage issue?
"I am adhering to what I've said since this bill was first introduced — an issue of this magnitude and importance, which requires a constitutional amendment, should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide,"

Seems like he wants the people to make the decision. And you have a problem with this?

Civil rights should always be decided by the people. Especially confederate conservatives. They've gotten so many things right in the past.
...and explain in your best Democratic value way......why did the heavily Democratic Californians reject Gay Marriage twice.....

The people who voted against gay marriage in CA were not all Democrats.

California voters now favor gay marriage. go figure (polls)

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

So why did religious Californians (many minorities who the Democrats and gay groups fought for) come out in numbers sufficient to deny gay people marriage rights?

Oh the irony!

Democracy is a messy business, no?:eusa_angel:

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

and so here you are saying that California Democrats listen to what religious bigots have to say......interesting....
you know what Dante,i work in a pretty Democratic Union type of place.....i would say overwhelmingly the Democratic men anyhow, were against gay marriage period.....and they did not need the Mormons telling them that....

I never said there were no religious bigots in the Democratic party. I will say the Democratic party rarely if ever benefits from gay marriage being an issue at the polls.
The people who voted against gay marriage in CA were not all Democrats.

California voters now favor gay marriage. go figure (polls)

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

So why did religious Californians (many minorities who the Democrats and gay groups fought for) come out in numbers sufficient to deny gay people marriage rights?

Oh the irony!

Democracy is a messy business, no?:eusa_angel:

And we all know it was the religious bigots who paid for all the ads that pushed public pinion.

and so here you are saying that California Democrats listen to what religious bigots have to say......interesting....
you know what Dante,i work in a pretty Democratic Union type of place.....i would say overwhelmingly the Democratic men anyhow, were against gay marriage period.....and they did not need the Mormons telling them that....

I never said there were no religious bigots in the Democratic party. I will say the Democratic party rarely if ever benefits from gay marriage being an issue at the polls.

Republicans have hit on a "winning" formula when it comes to terrorizing the American people. Look at the recent birth control controversy. 28 states already had the same provisions and 8 states even mandated the church pay for birth control. All of that started under Bush. But Republicans managed to scare the American people with something they had no problem with until we had a black president.

Republicans, at first, wanted to go into Libya.

Republicans suggested we close Gitmo and even argued that it was used as a recruitment tool for al Qaeda and put our soldiers in danger all the way up until Obama came on board. Then they jumped like rats off a sinking ship. Suddenly they didn't care too much about the same soldiers they were so worried about.

Republicans were for cutting taxes until Obama wanted to cut taxes for the middle class, then, suddenly, they were against it.

We see this over and over again. About everything. When it comes on this strong, it's deep hatred. Hatred that comes from such things as racism.
In their 2008 Party Platform, the GOP exhibited its ignorance of the Constitution and contempt for the rule of law:

Republicans have been at the forefront of protecting traditional marriage laws, both in the states and in Congress. A Republican Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act, affirming the right of states not to recognize same-sex “marriages” licensed in other states. Unbelievably, the Democratic Party has now pledged to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which would subject every state to the redefinition of marriage by a judge without ever allowing the people to vote on the matter. We also urge Congress to use its Article III, Section 2 power to prevent activist federal judges from imposing upon the rest of the nation the judicial activism in Massachusetts and California. We also encourage states to review their marriage and divorce laws in order to strengthen marriage.

Civil rights are not subject to majority rule, such a notion is anathema to the Constitution and rule of law.

Needless to say the Democratic Platform from 2008 has no such provision.

Does this mean every republican supports every item in his Party’s Platform? No. But it’s representative of the republican agenda nonetheless.
We see this over and over again. About everything. When it comes on this strong, it's deep hatred. Hatred that comes from such things as racism.

well if there is a poster here that knows about deep hatred for something.....your the go to guy....and your a bigot to boot....
I'm still waiting for any religious type to explain to me how two gays getting married effects their straight marriage in any way, shape or form.

It has everything to do with moral and spiritual decay in civilization.

Since the late 1960's we have had moral decay.

Couples living together. Sex without marriage.
Drug abuse, porn, sex trafficking, alcoholism and homosexuality,pedophiles and beastlility.
Whenever these type of sins become accepted by society, civilization starts to decay and fall.

All of this leads to the decline of the family unit. A husband and wife who raise their families. When things go well with the family, life is worth living, when the family falters, life falls apart.

When deadly sins like pedophiles, beastiality and homosexuality are accepted it decays the moral and spiritual values in a well ordered civilization.

Families are the foundation of a nation.

When sins are accepted in society you will always see a rise in all other types of sins.

Even a very liberal state like the voters in California see that homosexuality is wrong. The majority of this nation sees it as wrong.

This is why gay's are trying to get their rights through the courts and legislature.

The majority of Americans agree that same sex couples should have the same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples, but it should be done by laws for them not marriage.

The decline of the family has nothing to do with vices that were once hidden, now being more out in the open. Sorry, just doesn't.

What's caused a decline in families is a decline in the Middle CLass. And you bible thumpers have done this to yourselves by voting in Plutocrats.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal....

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