Christine Ford published 2008 article on self hypnosis used to retrieve and create artificial situat

Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.
Ruining an innocent man's and his families life. She needs to be in jail. I don't remember you caring when Trump's lawyer was raided illegally.

Agree, but seeing the ties to the CIA this pos has , just like H. Clinton we can be sure not a dam thing will happen to this bitch.
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.
Ruining an innocent man's and his families life. She needs to be in jail. I don't remember you caring when Trump's lawyer was raided illegally.

Really? Raided illegally? Might wanna talk to the judge that issued the warrant.
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.

Not when she gave them to the Washington Post...that ends Patient/Doctor protection. That is the reason she got fuzzy when asked about the Post and her notes...
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.

Not when she gave them to the Washington Post...that ends Patient/Doctor protection. That is the reason she got fuzzy when asked about the Post and her notes...

Got a link that says WP was given her therapy records? Or is this just more made up bullshit?
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.

Not when she gave them to the Washington Post...that ends Patient/Doctor protection. That is the reason she got fuzzy when asked about the Post and her notes...

Got a link that says WP was given her therapy records? Or is this just more made up bullshit?

Katie Pavlich - Kavanaugh's Lawyer: Blasey Ford Hasn't Turned Over Her Therapist Notes or the Results of Her Lie Detector Test

Interestingly, the therapist notes and the polygraph test results were turned over to the Washington Post.

Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

She [Ford] engaged Debra Katz, a Washington lawyer known for her work on sexual harassment cases. On the advice of Katz, who said she believed Ford would be attacked as a liar if she came forward, Ford took a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent in early August. The results, which Katz provided to The Post, concluded that Ford was being truthful when she said a statement summarizing her allegations was accurate.
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.

Not when she gave them to the Washington Post...that ends Patient/Doctor protection. That is the reason she got fuzzy when asked about the Post and her notes...

Got a link that says WP was given her therapy records? Or is this just more made up bullshit?

Katie Pavlich - Kavanaugh's Lawyer: Blasey Ford Hasn't Turned Over Her Therapist Notes or the Results of Her Lie Detector Test

Interestingly, the therapist notes and the polygraph test results were turned over to the Washington Post.

Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

She [Ford] engaged Debra Katz, a Washington lawyer known for her work on sexual harassment cases. On the advice of Katz, who said she believed Ford would be attacked as a liar if she came forward, Ford took a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent in early August. The results, which Katz provided to The Post, concluded that Ford was being truthful when she said a statement summarizing her allegations was accurate.

Even your link says that Ford released PORTIONS of her notes, not the whole thing. Kavanaugh's name was not in the part of the portion she provided.

If she had released all of them, you might have a point, but she didn't.
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.
Ruining an innocent man's and his families life. She needs to be in jail. I don't remember you caring when Trump's lawyer was raided illegally.

Really? Raided illegally? Might wanna talk to the judge that issued the warrant.
There is more evidence Hillary commited treason. Than any evidence about Trump.
Hey Blind Whore, you DO know that therapy notes are covered under doctor/patient confidentiality and cannot be released except for certain conditions, right? This incident does not qualify.

Not when she gave them to the Washington Post...that ends Patient/Doctor protection. That is the reason she got fuzzy when asked about the Post and her notes...

Got a link that says WP was given her therapy records? Or is this just more made up bullshit?

Katie Pavlich - Kavanaugh's Lawyer: Blasey Ford Hasn't Turned Over Her Therapist Notes or the Results of Her Lie Detector Test

Interestingly, the therapist notes and the polygraph test results were turned over to the Washington Post.

Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

She [Ford] engaged Debra Katz, a Washington lawyer known for her work on sexual harassment cases. On the advice of Katz, who said she believed Ford would be attacked as a liar if she came forward, Ford took a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent in early August. The results, which Katz provided to The Post, concluded that Ford was being truthful when she said a statement summarizing her allegations was accurate.

Even your link says that Ford released PORTIONS of her notes, not the whole thing. Kavanaugh's name was not in the part of the portion she provided.

If she had released all of them, you might have a point, but she didn't.
He Has A Point That She Released Any Of Them At All
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.
That's exactly what I've been saying. I think she believes what she says, but they have no basis in FACT. Her "memories" are planted. She's either using us, or some in the 'rat party are USING this woman.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.
That's exactly what I've been saying. I think she believes what she says, but they have no basis in FACT. Her "memories" are planted. She's either using us, or some in the 'rat party are USING this woman.

Yes I don't trust it man, She has trianed people how to pass lie dector test if she's teaches it she knows it obviously.

It's also proven there are " FALSE MEMORIES". which she has been caught doing.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.
That's exactly what I've been saying. I think she believes what she says, but they have no basis in FACT. Her "memories" are planted. She's either using us, or some in the 'rat party are USING this woman.

One of the reasons I mentioned false memories and she is an expert at it , she has trained to do it....

HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Yep, tards let that go right over their heads. IT's proven shes done that I have her standford univ. site wher ethey train ppl to do that chit basically.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.
You know, you simply can't make this shit up anymore. It's gotten crazier and crazier the longer it goes on.

First, they were saying that Ford was making unsubstantiated claims.

Then, they were saying that maybe it wasn't Kavanaugh, because they had 2 other guys who were willing to say they were the ones that did it.

Now? They are saying she's implanted false memories into herself.

The GOP is getting stranger and stranger with their defense of Kavanaugh.
You know, you simply can't make this shit up anymore. It's gotten crazier and crazier the longer it goes on.

First, they were saying that Ford was making unsubstantiated claims.

Then, they were saying that maybe it wasn't Kavanaugh, because they had 2 other guys who were willing to say they were the ones that did it.

Now? They are saying she's implanted false memories into herself.

The GOP is getting stranger and stranger with their defense of Kavanaugh.

Lets see. There are currently threads on Christine Blasey Ford's father being a CIA agent.

Thaty no, it was her grandfather, Nicholas Deak, that was a CIA agent.

That no, it was Christine Blasey Ford herself that runs a CIA program at Standford.

That Christine Blasey Ford was in a hypnotic trance during her testimony.

That Christine Blasey Ford hynotized *herself* to implant false memories about Kavanaugh. our board conservatives ever stop, just for a moment, and look at the wasteland of insanity that they've been forced to endorse?

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