Christine Ford published 2008 article on self hypnosis used to retrieve and create artificial situat

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

Testimony from an eye witness under oath.

Now you try. What is your evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotises herself'?

Her testimony is not evidence, it’s an accusation that is not corroborated by any people SHE claims were there.

Her testimony is evidence. Evidence so compelling that it prompted an FBI investigation the day after she gave it.

And even Trump acknowledged that she was a credible witness.

Ah, now we get to the crux, the FBI investigation. Since you brought it up, tell me why Diane Feinstein didn’t request the FBI to investigate the moment she got the letter which was in early August, and while you’re at it, tell me why not a single question was asked about it on September 5 during his confirmation hearing. Feinstein sat on the letter, forced Ford to come public when she disclosed the letter AFTER the confirmation hearing. It was an obvious purely politically maneuver, and it was done at the expense of Ford. Feinstein is one evil bitch, I’m sure you can relate.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

Boom, it’s over now.

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