Christine Ford published 2008 article on self hypnosis used to retrieve and create artificial situat

You know, you simply can't make this shit up anymore. It's gotten crazier and crazier the longer it goes on.

First, they were saying that Ford was making unsubstantiated claims.

Then, they were saying that maybe it wasn't Kavanaugh, because they had 2 other guys who were willing to say they were the ones that did it.

Now? They are saying she's implanted false memories into herself.

The GOP is getting stranger and stranger with their defense of Kavanaugh.
And then there's this
Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski criticized President Trump’s derisive comments about Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused his Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault.Published OnOct. 3, 2018CreditCreditImage by Damon Winter/The New York Times

By Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

  • Oct. 3, 2018
WASHINGTON — Three influential Republicans, who together could decide whether Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will sit on the Supreme Court, condemned on Wednesday comments by President Trump that mocked one of the women who has accused his nominee of sexual assault.

The president’s mockery of the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, at a Mississippi campaign rally on Tuesday injected still more uncertainty into the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh and only served to heighten tensions as senators prepared for the F.B.I. to deliver as soon as Wednesday afternoon transcripts of interviews from a brief supplemental background investigation into accusations against the nominee.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, told reporters, “I am taking everything into account. The president’s comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate and in my view unacceptable.”

On NBC’s “Today,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said, “There is no time and no place for remarks like that, but to discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right.”
No shit Skylar. It keeps getting stranger and stranger.

Yeah. Especially when they are trying to use their bizarre 'CIA' nonsense to support their rambling 'deep state' conspiracy.

Well, Trump has had almost 2 years now to clean out the swamp. You would think that an effective businessman would have been able to clear out the swamp by that time.

But, you can't clear a swamp if you kick out the original creatures and replace them with swamp creatures of your own.
You know, you simply can't make this shit up anymore. It's gotten crazier and crazier the longer it goes on.

First, they were saying that Ford was making unsubstantiated claims.

Then, they were saying that maybe it wasn't Kavanaugh, because they had 2 other guys who were willing to say they were the ones that did it.

Now? They are saying she's implanted false memories into herself.

The GOP is getting stranger and stranger with their defense of Kavanaugh.
And then there's this
Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski criticized President Trump’s derisive comments about Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused his Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault.Published OnOct. 3, 2018CreditCreditImage by Damon Winter/The New York Times

By Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

  • Oct. 3, 2018
WASHINGTON — Three influential Republicans, who together could decide whether Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will sit on the Supreme Court, condemned on Wednesday comments by President Trump that mocked one of the women who has accused his nominee of sexual assault.

The president’s mockery of the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, at a Mississippi campaign rally on Tuesday injected still more uncertainty into the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh and only served to heighten tensions as senators prepared for the F.B.I. to deliver as soon as Wednesday afternoon transcripts of interviews from a brief supplemental background investigation into accusations against the nominee.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, told reporters, “I am taking everything into account. The president’s comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate and in my view unacceptable.”

On NBC’s “Today,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said, “There is no time and no place for remarks like that, but to discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right.”

And pointless insults of female reporters ("You're not thinking. You never do."). On a live mic!

As I've said about Trump before......the man is doing away with pretense.
No shit Skylar. It keeps getting stranger and stranger.

Yeah. Especially when they are trying to use their bizarre 'CIA' nonsense to support their rambling 'deep state' conspiracy.

Well, Trump has had almost 2 years now to clean out the swamp. You would think that an effective businessman would have been able to clear out the swamp by that time.

But, you can't clear a swamp if you kick out the original creatures and replace them with swamp creatures of your own.

Clean the swamp? How many of his hand picked 'best people' have plead guilty to or been convicted of felonies now?
No shit Skylar. It keeps getting stranger and stranger.

Yeah. Especially when they are trying to use their bizarre 'CIA' nonsense to support their rambling 'deep state' conspiracy.

Well, Trump has had almost 2 years now to clean out the swamp. You would think that an effective businessman would have been able to clear out the swamp by that time.

But, you can't clear a swamp if you kick out the original creatures and replace them with swamp creatures of your own.

Clean the swamp? How many of his hand picked 'best people' have plead guilty to or been convicted of felonies now?

My point exactly. He's replaced the people he called swamp creatures with his own version of swamp creatures who are even more swampier than the ones under Obama.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.
This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.
This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.

She told us she was, and she is a professor of psychology. Got any more dumb questions?
Christine Blasey Ford Testifies That She Experienced PTSD After Alleged Assault
During her testimony, Dr. Ford said that she suffered from long-term mental health effects after being sexually assaulted, including anxiety, claustrophobia, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.
Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.

She told us she was, and she is a professor of psychology. Got any more dumb questions?
Christine Blasey Ford Testifies That She Experienced PTSD After Alleged Assault
During her testimony, Dr. Ford said that she suffered from long-term mental health effects after being sexually assaulted, including anxiety, claustrophobia, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Really? You're gonna go with that?
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.
That's exactly what I've been saying. I think she believes what she says, but they have no basis in FACT. Her "memories" are planted. She's either using us, or some in the 'rat party are USING this woman.

Yes I don't trust it man, She has trianed people how to pass lie dector test if she's teaches it she knows it obviously.

It's also proven there are " FALSE MEMORIES". which she has been caught doing.
Yes.she definitely LIED UNDER OATH. Ill have to rethink the break I've given her.

She should be prosecuted, but like Rush said today, the swamp creatures are never held accountable.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.

This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

Testimony from an eye witness under oath.

Now you try. What is your evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotises herself'?
Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.
Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.

She told us she was, and she is a professor of psychology. Got any more dumb questions?
Christine Blasey Ford Testifies That She Experienced PTSD After Alleged Assault
During her testimony, Dr. Ford said that she suffered from long-term mental health effects after being sexually assaulted, including anxiety, claustrophobia, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

The dunce seem not to realize how the deep state cover up, pay off, lie, and push propaganda just so their herd of sheep believe anything that falls out of their mouth just like Flake he was turned traitor, and probably blackmailed with dirt on him if he didn't comply.

They all play dirty.
Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.
Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

What evidence do you have that she's mentally unstable? Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can make that diagnosis.

She told us she was, and she is a professor of psychology. Got any more dumb questions?
Christine Blasey Ford Testifies That She Experienced PTSD After Alleged Assault
During her testimony, Dr. Ford said that she suffered from long-term mental health effects after being sexually assaulted, including anxiety, claustrophobia, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

The dunce seem not to realize how the deep state cover up, pay off, lie, and push propaganda just so their herd of sheep believe anything that falls out of their mouth just like Flake he was turned traitor, and probably blackmailed with dirt on him if he didn't comply.

They all play dirty.

And by 'deep state', you mean your *other* batshit conspiracy theory, backed by nothing?

Its a Turduckin of conspiracy batshit.
Her old boyfriend confirms what we already know. She LIED. She needs to be held accountable every bit as much as Mueller going after Trumps people on "process crimes"

Her old boyfriend confirms what we already know. She LIED. She needs to be held accountable every bit as much as Mueller going after Trumps people on "process crimes"

What did she supposedly 'lie' about?

And why would Mueller need to be held accountable for going after Trump's people on 'process' crimes?
This fits my narrative perfectly. I think she believes this event occurred as she described it. Now we learn she is somewhat of an expert in self hypnosis to alter one’s reality. Confirm him already.

Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

Testimony from an eye witness under oath.

Now you try. What is your evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotises herself'?

Her testimony is not evidence, it’s an accusation that is not corroborated by any people SHE claims were there. She doesn’t “recall” when it happened, where it happened, how she got there or how she got home. Solid witness? I think not. A credible witness recalls those details and has others who back up her account. I know this is not a court of law, but if it were, it’d be dismissed without prejudice. Otherwise any yahoo like you could claim assault and ruin an innocent person’s life. Sorry, them are just the facts. Let’s wait and see what the FBI digs up. Maybe they can piece something together. I don’t think she is lying, I think she is a very disturbed person who very likely suffered from an assault. I just wish she had the support to come forward when it happened, truly.
Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

Testimony from an eye witness under oath.

Now you try. What is your evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotises herself'?

Her testimony is not evidence, it’s an accusation that is not corroborated by any people SHE claims were there.

Her testimony is evidence. Evidence so compelling that it prompted an FBI investigation the day after she gave it.

And even Trump acknowledged that she was a credible witness.
Actually, that's not what her paper said at all. There's nothing in it about 'implanting false memories'. Nor the slightest evidence that she 'hynotized' herself.

Your narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

Testimony from an eye witness under oath.

Now you try. What is your evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotises herself'?

Her testimony is not evidence, it’s an accusation that is not corroborated by any people SHE claims were there. She doesn’t “recall” when it happened, where it happened, how she got there or how she got home. Solid witness? I think not. A credible witness recalls those details and has others who back up her account. I know this is not a court of law, but if it were, it’d be dismissed without prejudice. Otherwise any yahoo like you could claim assault and ruin an innocent person’s life. Sorry, them are just the facts. Let’s wait and see what the FBI digs up. Maybe they can piece something together. I don’t think she is lying, I think she is a very disturbed person who very likely suffered from an assault. I just wish she had the support to come forward when it happened, truly.
The "witnesses" did more for Kav than the lying Democrat activist
Last edited:
Once upon a time Ford wrote “Hypnosis is a form of highly focused attention with a relative constriction of peripheral awareness and has been used successfully as an adjunct to therapy for depression. In 1964, Abrams suggested that hypnosis could be used to improve rapport in the therapeutic relationship, assist in the retrieval of important memories, AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CLIENT TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS (Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me) that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.”

Again, no where does it say that it involves planting false memories.

If you have the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotized herself', present it. As the batshit conspiracies theories your ilk have to huff on her testimony are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Sure, I’ll present that evidence as soon as you present any evidence that BK every sexually assaulted her, and the testimony of a admittedly mentally unstable woman is not evidence.

Testimony from an eye witness under oath.

Now you try. What is your evidence that Christine Blasey Ford 'hypnotises herself'?

Her testimony is not evidence, it’s an accusation that is not corroborated by any people SHE claims were there. She doesn’t “recall” when it happened, where it happened, how she got there or how she got home. Solid witness? I think not. A credible witness recalls those details and has others who back up her account. I know this is not a court of law, but if it were, it’d be dismissed without prejudice. Otherwise any yahoo like you could claim assault and ruin an innocent person’s life. Sorry, them are just the facts. Let’s wait and see what the FBI digs up. Maybe they can piece something together. I don’t think she is lying, I think she is a very disturbed person who very likely suffered from an assault. I just wish she had the support to come forward when it happened, truly.
The "world
Itnesses" did more for Kav than the lying Democrat activist

Huh? Can you try that again in English.

And what 'lie' did Ford supposedly tell? I can name several that Kavanaugh has offered, under oath.

And why would Mueller be 'held accountable' for going after Trump's people for 'process crimes'?
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.
HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senateregarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.


Seems this little huzzy is getting caugght at every turn, now if we can only get her prosecuted so liars like this stop destorying the lives of innocent people and their famlies.
Perhaps she created an artificial situation in her mind, known as a rape fantasy, that involved an older boy who didn't know she existed.

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