Christine Ford - The facts and their weight

well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

You don't know any of those things. Made up garbage simply because not every detail was in the letter.
no one does. go away now.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

You don't know any of those things. Made up garbage simply because not every detail was in the letter.
well of course we don't, cause the accuser doesn't. what's your point? you just validated his point.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

You don't know any of those things. Made up garbage simply because not every detail was in the letter.


What a putz.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

You don't know any of those things. Made up garbage simply because not every detail was in the letter.


What a putz.

Nobody does you slobbering idiot - That is what investigations are for.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she implied it. If I'm to believe one thing, then I believe it all. right? why do you think you get to tell me what part of story to believe and what part not to believe? I'll tell you what, when you can part water in the Nile, come back to me.
I believe Ford. The facts are pretty convincing and support her credibility. I am listing the facts, and scoring them for their probative value on a 1 - 5 scale.

Revealed the attack in 2012 - 5
There would be no reason for her to make up this story in 2012. She stated then that the two individuals involved had become prominent members of Washington society, and that is true for Kavanaugh and Judge.

Revealed Kavanaugh's name in 2012 - 2
That she revealed the name only to her husband drastically reduces the impact of this piece of information. We can't ignore the possibility that her husband is willing to lie to support her. But we also cannot discount his statements simply because he is her husband. If there were potential for some kind of tangible benefit for this couple to gain, I would score this a "1", but any possible benefit to be gained would be several steps removed, at best.

Anonymous July letter - 3
Anyone can submit an anonymous letter and say anything. In and of itself it doesn't mean much, and by itself it wouldn't doing much with. But what is significant here is that Ford is not, in any way, trying to launch a last minute torpedo to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation. She submitted an "FYI" letter to inform her Senator, but she didn't want to be in the spotlight. Feinstein's office probably handled this in a very partisan way, playing political games. But that is no reflection on Ford's credibility. Ford only came forward after the letter was leaked and made public.

Going into hiding - 3
In conjunction with the previous point, it is pretty clear that Ford is looking for 15 minutes of fame. To the contrary, she would rather stay out of the spotlight. She didn't have to step forward and reveal herself, and she doesn't like being in the spotlight, but she's done it anyway. What we're seeing is much more consistent with a sexual assault victim who is struggling for the strength to speak out, than a partisan who is making salacious lies. This doesn't speak directly to the veracity of her claims. But her reluctance to testify is consistent with the fact that she hadn't wanted to come forward in the first place, which supports her credibility.

Request for FBI, other investigations - 4
While not wanting to testify in front of the entire nation, she has said that she would want the FBI to investigate. This would be consistent with a sexual assault victim who longs for privacy. But perhaps more importantly, it would open her up to legal liability. And that fully neutralizes the suggestions by some that her reluctance to testify her way of trying to avoid perjury.

Classmate claims to have known about incident - 1
Contemporary knowledge of the incident would be a powerfully convincing fact. If what this classmate is saying is true, it's devastating and puts seals the deal. However, much more is needed before it can be afforded significant weight. As it stands now, this classmate could easily be lying and just trying to tip the scales for partisan reasons. This classmate suggests that the incident became general knowledge among much of the student body. So we should be able to expect there to be other classmates who would also remember hearing about the incident. If others come forward, this point could become strong enough to eliminate all doubt. Until then, it is a very weak piece of evidence. Especially because every indication from Ford thus far is that she kept the incident secret out of embarrassment.

A drunken whore who went to an all girls school innocent , my ass..

well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

You don't know any of those things. Made up garbage simply because not every detail was in the letter.
no one does. go away now.
dude, he validated your post. you should thank him. Best validation I've seen in a long while.
I believe Ford. The facts are pretty convincing and support her credibility. I am listing the facts, and scoring them for their probative value on a 1 - 5 scale.

Revealed the attack in 2012 - 5
There would be no reason for her to make up this story in 2012. She stated then that the two individuals involved had become prominent members of Washington society, and that is true for Kavanaugh and Judge.

Revealed Kavanaugh's name in 2012 - 2
That she revealed the name only to her husband drastically reduces the impact of this piece of information. We can't ignore the possibility that her husband is willing to lie to support her. But we also cannot discount his statements simply because he is her husband. If there were potential for some kind of tangible benefit for this couple to gain, I would score this a "1", but any possible benefit to be gained would be several steps removed, at best.

Anonymous July letter - 3
Anyone can submit an anonymous letter and say anything. In and of itself it doesn't mean much, and by itself it wouldn't doing much with. But what is significant here is that Ford is not, in any way, trying to launch a last minute torpedo to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation. She submitted an "FYI" letter to inform her Senator, but she didn't want to be in the spotlight. Feinstein's office probably handled this in a very partisan way, playing political games. But that is no reflection on Ford's credibility. Ford only came forward after the letter was leaked and made public.

Going into hiding - 3
In conjunction with the previous point, it is pretty clear that Ford is looking for 15 minutes of fame. To the contrary, she would rather stay out of the spotlight. She didn't have to step forward and reveal herself, and she doesn't like being in the spotlight, but she's done it anyway. What we're seeing is much more consistent with a sexual assault victim who is struggling for the strength to speak out, than a partisan who is making salacious lies. This doesn't speak directly to the veracity of her claims. But her reluctance to testify is consistent with the fact that she hadn't wanted to come forward in the first place, which supports her credibility.

Request for FBI, other investigations - 4
While not wanting to testify in front of the entire nation, she has said that she would want the FBI to investigate. This would be consistent with a sexual assault victim who longs for privacy. But perhaps more importantly, it would open her up to legal liability. And that fully neutralizes the suggestions by some that her reluctance to testify her way of trying to avoid perjury.

Classmate claims to have known about incident - 1
Contemporary knowledge of the incident would be a powerfully convincing fact. If what this classmate is saying is true, it's devastating and puts seals the deal. However, much more is needed before it can be afforded significant weight. As it stands now, this classmate could easily be lying and just trying to tip the scales for partisan reasons. This classmate suggests that the incident became general knowledge among much of the student body. So we should be able to expect there to be other classmates who would also remember hearing about the incident. If others come forward, this point could become strong enough to eliminate all doubt. Until then, it is a very weak piece of evidence. Especially because every indication from Ford thus far is that she kept the incident secret out of embarrassment.

A drunken whore who went to an all girls school innocent , my ass..

dude, back then? Parties wayyyyyy before #metoo
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?

Nobody - they made it up and they're sticking to it.

Teenagers that go to drinking parties, typically drink.

You need to get out more.

"Typically" doesn't necessarily describe this young lady. Unless you were there with a breathalyzer, STFU
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?

Nobody - they made it up and they're sticking to it.

Teenagers that go to drinking parties, typically drink.

You need to get out more.

"Typically" doesn't necessarily describe this young lady. Unless you were there with a breathalyzer, STFU
she implied it. why else can't she remember the details?
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?

Nobody - they made it up and they're sticking to it.

Teenagers that go to drinking parties, typically drink.

You need to get out more.

"Typically" doesn't necessarily describe this young lady. Unless you were there with a breathalyzer, STFU

Actually "typical" does apply, she comes across as the typical dumbass liberal.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?

Nobody - they made it up and they're sticking to it.

Teenagers that go to drinking parties, typically drink.

You need to get out more.

"Typically" doesn't necessarily describe this young lady. Unless you were there with a breathalyzer, STFU

She was a horny whore from an all girls school . Of course she was drunk off of only two sips from a wine cooler
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

She's in her 50s, it's an incident that happened over 35 years ago, and you're asking for the immaterial facts. I bet she doesn't remember what she had for breakfast that morning, either. Do you even remember what you had for breakfast yesterday?
so since that would be a "yes i remember yesterday" would you like me to recall some high school memories as well? i graduated at this time so we're about the same age. let me know and i'll see what i can do. til then, i guess we can say this one blew up in your face, but "stormy" should be used to that.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?
she didn't know how she got to the party
she didn't know who's house it was
she doesn't recall what year it happened
she doesn't know how she got home

give me a better reason for why all this is true.

You don't know any of those things. Made up garbage simply because not every detail was in the letter.


What a putz.

Nobody does you slobbering idiot - That is what investigations are for.

No dumbshit. You throw the word “investigation” around like it means almost nothing. The investigation you speak of must be either 1) criminal. Which then requires probable cause. There is none on a federal crime. Or 2) as a background check for security purposes, which means the PRIVATE CITIZEN is required to approve. Without such approval it violates protected Constitutional rights.

Now quit speaking of things you have no clue about.

You’re a child in an adults world.
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?

Nobody - they made it up and they're sticking to it.

Teenagers that go to drinking parties, typically drink.

You need to get out more.

"Typically" doesn't necessarily describe this young lady. Unless you were there with a breathalyzer, STFU
unless you were there to see kavanaugh groping her, STFU.
Your analysis and ratings notwithstanding, it is utterly absurd to disqualify an otherwise outstanding person for an incident that happened decades ago before he had reached legal age

That is a fair argument.

and while he was drunk.

That is not.

But the bigger problem I see at this point is one of honesty and integrity. Of course, the Democrats are screwing that up entirely and are once again highlighting their incredible talent for failing when victory is handed to them. There is already significant reason to believe that Kavanaugh has lied under oath during this confirmation process. Now, with these accusations coming forth, he is denying them. Given that the accusations are very credible, his denials appear to be more lies, which seems to put Kavanaugh in a position of being an untrustworthy liar. That is a disqualifying trait for a Supreme Court justice.

The accusations are not credible. There’s enough reasonable doubt it wouldn’t even be taken to court in the first place.
I believe Ford. The facts are pretty convincing and support her credibility. I am listing the facts, and scoring them for their probative value on a 1 - 5 scale.

Revealed the attack in 2012 - 5
There would be no reason for her to make up this story in 2012. She stated then that the two individuals involved had become prominent members of Washington society, and that is true for Kavanaugh and Judge.

Revealed Kavanaugh's name in 2012 - 2
That she revealed the name only to her husband drastically reduces the impact of this piece of information. We can't ignore the possibility that her husband is willing to lie to support her. But we also cannot discount his statements simply because he is her husband. If there were potential for some kind of tangible benefit for this couple to gain, I would score this a "1", but any possible benefit to be gained would be several steps removed, at best.

Anonymous July letter - 3
Anyone can submit an anonymous letter and say anything. In and of itself it doesn't mean much, and by itself it wouldn't doing much with. But what is significant here is that Ford is not, in any way, trying to launch a last minute torpedo to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation. She submitted an "FYI" letter to inform her Senator, but she didn't want to be in the spotlight. Feinstein's office probably handled this in a very partisan way, playing political games. But that is no reflection on Ford's credibility. Ford only came forward after the letter was leaked and made public.

Going into hiding - 3
In conjunction with the previous point, it is pretty clear that Ford is looking for 15 minutes of fame. To the contrary, she would rather stay out of the spotlight. She didn't have to step forward and reveal herself, and she doesn't like being in the spotlight, but she's done it anyway. What we're seeing is much more consistent with a sexual assault victim who is struggling for the strength to speak out, than a partisan who is making salacious lies. This doesn't speak directly to the veracity of her claims. But her reluctance to testify is consistent with the fact that she hadn't wanted to come forward in the first place, which supports her credibility.

Request for FBI, other investigations - 4
While not wanting to testify in front of the entire nation, she has said that she would want the FBI to investigate. This would be consistent with a sexual assault victim who longs for privacy. But perhaps more importantly, it would open her up to legal liability. And that fully neutralizes the suggestions by some that her reluctance to testify her way of trying to avoid perjury.

Classmate claims to have known about incident - 1
Contemporary knowledge of the incident would be a powerfully convincing fact. If what this classmate is saying is true, it's devastating and puts seals the deal. However, much more is needed before it can be afforded significant weight. As it stands now, this classmate could easily be lying and just trying to tip the scales for partisan reasons. This classmate suggests that the incident became general knowledge among much of the student body. So we should be able to expect there to be other classmates who would also remember hearing about the incident. If others come forward, this point could become strong enough to eliminate all doubt. Until then, it is a very weak piece of evidence. Especially because every indication from Ford thus far is that she kept the incident secret out of embarrassment.

Do you believe in Santa?
well I've always heard someone drunk doesn't have full recognition of their thoughts. so how can she remember if she was drunk?

Who said that she was drunk when this happened?

Nobody - they made it up and they're sticking to it.

Teenagers that go to drinking parties, typically drink.

You need to get out more.

"Typically" doesn't necessarily describe this young lady. Unless you were there with a breathalyzer, STFU

Actually "typical" does apply, she comes across as the typical dumbass liberal.

She had farah fawcet hair , look at her she was slutty as Rebecca De Mornay in risky business..


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