Zone1 Christmas and easter


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
All know its 100% fact that Catholicism, who created both of those holidays, took pagan false god worship festivals and pagan things straight off the table of demons and added them to both those holidays. The encyclopedias are filled with facts on that matter. BUT. 1Cor 10:21 assures--one CANNOT partake off the table of God and the table of demons. And since to God 1000 years is as a day, its like 2 days ago to his memory. Thus God or Jesus would NEVER accept anything with pagan false god worship things added.
Its the same as the following--- Say you ask for a drink of water, yet the one giving it to you adds 4 drops of sewer water to your water to drink, would you drink it? Would you drink it 2 days later=NO. Jesus feels the same about both of those holidays.
What the bible calls -BLIND GUIDES fail to teach truth on the matter. Thus God says you cannot partake off his table since you are being mislead to partake off the table of demons. Mislead to not get eternal life in Gods kingdom.
Satan and his teachers( 2Cor 11:12-15) transformed into angels of light and have fooled 99% on earth.
Say you ask for a drink of water, yet the one giving it to you adds 4 drops of sewer water to your water to drink, would you drink it?
At what point does wine turn into Christ's blood? In the cup, in the mouth or in the digestive system?
All know its 100% fact that Catholicism, who created both of those holidays, took pagan false god worship festivals and pagan things straight off the table of demons and added them to both those holidays. The encyclopedias are filled with facts on that matter. BUT. 1Cor 10:21 assures--one CANNOT partake off the table of God and the table of demons. And since to God 1000 years is as a day, its like 2 days ago to his memory. Thus God or Jesus would NEVER accept anything with pagan false god worship things added.
Its the same as the following--- Say you ask for a drink of water, yet the one giving it to you adds 4 drops of sewer water to your water to drink, would you drink it? Would you drink it 2 days later=NO. Jesus feels the same about both of those holidays.
What the bible calls -BLIND GUIDES fail to teach truth on the matter. Thus God says you cannot partake off his table since you are being mislead to partake off the table of demons. Mislead to not get eternal life in Gods kingdom.
Satan and his teachers( 2Cor 11:12-15) transformed into angels of light and have fooled 99% on earth.
Ugh. Another one of these. I came into the thread, after viewing titles, guessing "Seals" for $200, Alex.
At what point does wine turn into Christ's blood? In the cup, in the mouth or in the digestive system?
Its just symbolic. Yet That covenant( Luke 22:29-30) to partake was made only to those who will sit on thrones=( little flock)144,000--not to the great crowd.
I'm always uneased hearing somebody assert that they're speaking for Jesus.
Have you heard of inflation? Its my 2 1/2 cents now.
I didn't speak for Jesus, God did-1Cor 10:21--So in light of that does one actually think Jesus would accept anything with additives off the table of demons?
All know its 100% fact that Catholicism, who created both of those holidays, took pagan false god worship festivals and pagan things straight off the table of demons and added them to both those holidays. The encyclopedias are filled with facts on that matter. BUT. 1Cor 10:21 assures--one CANNOT partake off the table of God and the table of demons. And since to God 1000 years is as a day, its like 2 days ago to his memory. Thus God or Jesus would NEVER accept anything with pagan false god worship things added.
Its the same as the following--- Say you ask for a drink of water, yet the one giving it to you adds 4 drops of sewer water to your water to drink, would you drink it? Would you drink it 2 days later=NO. Jesus feels the same about both of those holidays.
What the bible calls -BLIND GUIDES fail to teach truth on the matter. Thus God says you cannot partake off his table since you are being mislead to partake off the table of demons. Mislead to not get eternal life in Gods kingdom.
Satan and his teachers( 2Cor 11:12-15) transformed into angels of light and have fooled 99% on earth.

Christian holidays are organic and developed over time. I feel sorry for you. What miserable outlook you get from the JW aversion to education.
All know its 100% fact that Catholicism, who created both of those holidays, took pagan false god worship festivals and pagan things straight off the table of demons and added them to both those holidays. The encyclopedias are filled with facts on that matter. BUT. 1Cor 10:21 assures--one CANNOT partake off the table of God and the table of demons. And since to God 1000 years is as a day, its like 2 days ago to his memory. Thus God or Jesus would NEVER accept anything with pagan false god worship things added.
Its the same as the following--- Say you ask for a drink of water, yet the one giving it to you adds 4 drops of sewer water to your water to drink, would you drink it? Would you drink it 2 days later=NO. Jesus feels the same about both of those holidays.
What the bible calls -BLIND GUIDES fail to teach truth on the matter. Thus God says you cannot partake off his table since you are being mislead to partake off the table of demons. Mislead to not get eternal life in Gods kingdom.
Satan and his teachers( 2Cor 11:12-15) transformed into angels of light and have fooled 99% on earth.

God snatched the Pagan rites of Christmas and Easter away from the heathens and purified them, just to show His own glory.

Just like He seized hold of the fierce, Pagan, warlike Roman Empire, the mightiest empire in the world at one time, and turned it into the world's center of Catholicism.
Christian holidays are organic and developed over time. I feel sorry for you. What miserable outlook you get from the JW aversion to education.
Catholicisms own encyclopedia says both those holidays gravitated out of pagan holidays and practices. As do encyclopedias of facts.
Maybe you missed-Santa=Satan, steals 98% of the holiday away from Jesus. He begins the day after thanksgiving and is #1 on Dec 25th morning. Now since God exacts exclusive devotion and Jesus is his image, Jesus expects the same-exclusive devotion. Not sharing 98% with satan claus.
God snatched the Pagan rites of Christmas and Easter away from the heathens and purified them, just to show His own glory.

Just like He seized hold of the fierce, Pagan, warlike Roman Empire, the mightiest empire in the world at one time, and turned it into the world's center of Catholicism.
Nothing off the table of demons can be purified. Its why God warned against partaking off of that table=1Cor 10:21--those that do cannot partake off Gods table, yet the blind are trying to do both because they don't listen to God, they listen to blind guides.

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