Zone1 Christmas and easter

Imagine sitting miserably in your house on Dec 25th--the one day of the year that most of the Western world acknowledges Jesus--and saying, naw, it's not the RIGHT DAY. It's not OUR HOLIDAY.

I mean, do you.

But that's not what Jesus did. He went out and ate with sinners and tax collectors and prostitutes, while the naysayers and tongue waggers told Him that He should not.


To the pure, everything is pure. As Galt said, God purifies. It's not that serious.
🏆 Winner! The JWs are the naysayer temple priests of today!
Now you're assuming that He isn't omnipotent, perfect, and infallible. In God's realm, things don't just happen, He makes them happen. One-third of His angels didn't just wake up one morning and say to themselves "Hey, let's go to war against Heaven", that was pre-ordained by God.
Actually, they did. There was a council in Heaven where Father's plan for his spirit children (you can call them angels if you want to) was laid out for all the spirits in Heaven to see and hear. Jehovah championed the plan which would continue to God given free moral agency to choose good or evil, right or wrong. Lucifer had another plan as he and apparently according to John that a third of us at the council rejected Father's plan because we did not want to suffer sin and the consequences. Lucifer said send me and I will force all who descend from heaven into the bodies of mankind to follow Lucifer's laws for Lucifer's glory. We all then freely chose the Plan of Salvation of the Father to continue to evolve to be like Father in Heaven or to be damned forever and follow Lucifer out of Heaven never to take on a human body. Never to be resurrected and gain Salvation and the possibility of Eternal Exalted Life. A third of our brothers and sisters spirits lost and are eternally damned to spiritual death wit Lucifer who became known on earth as Satan. For they all were sent here to test the rest of the two-thirds as we come and gain a physical body and by faith to be tested to see if we will choose good or evil in the flesh. The Plan was pre-ordained. Not the results. We freely chose to come here or not.
Stop it! Santa isn't English. Your scholars are really stupid and obviously frauds claiming they knew the exact time and date of the end of the world. Until you clean that up, stop calling others frauds, fraud.
Just admit it that you hate Jesus.
Where have you been. It has been cleaned up.
Jesus is my king, why would i hate him?
Imagine sitting miserably in your house on Dec 25th--the one day of the year that most of the Western world acknowledges Jesus--and saying, naw, it's not the RIGHT DAY. It's not OUR HOLIDAY.

I mean, do you.

But that's not what Jesus did. He went out and ate with sinners and tax collectors and prostitutes, while the naysayers and tongue waggers told Him that He should not.


To the pure, everything is pure. As Galt said, God purifies. It's not that serious.
Jesus preached the good news of Gods kingdom to the tax collectors, prostitutes and the such.
Yes the -WORLD- that Jesus said to be no part of celebrate pagan filled holidays.
in fact jesus was pagan ... certainly not jewish by those that claimed that religion at that time.

no, everything that is not judaism is not evil is exactly what jesus taught, self determination not madeup religions is the path to the everlasting ...

who can doubt deception is not prevalent from the mere existence of the three desert religions w/ the same deity not having identical bibles.
Jesus had 0 to do with anything pagan. God always had 1 religion--Jesus started a new one, Judaism was cut off( Matt 23:38)
Now you're assuming that He isn't omnipotent, perfect, and infallible. In God's realm, things don't just happen, He makes them happen. One-third of His angels didn't just wake up one morning and say to themselves "Hey, let's go to war against Heaven", that was pre-ordained by God.
Those angels used-FREE WIll. it was not preordained.
There was nothing pre about the bad choices they made.
Yes, there was preordination. They were ordained in Heaven to be our first parents. Remember, Adam did not follow Satan's trickery. He was not deceived. He took upon Eve as his wife and had to gain the same situation as she was in to stay together. The good thing is that from that point on, man became the fold of God knowing good and evil. Was Eve right to partake of the fruit and become aware of her nakedness? Doesn't matter as you and I are here now because of it. Adam and Eve were told they would be provided a Savior because they were now human and would sin. We all are provided the Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Christ who atoned for our sins if we repent of them.
Yes the son of God= not God. He cannot be those things to you if you do not know him.
He is my Savior and because he is the Redeemer, by definition of redeemer, he is also my God. He has redeemed us from the fall of Adam. That's why he is sometimes referred to as our Father. He adopted us when he redeemed us. And, here is the best thing, I know him.
Jesus had 0 to do with anything pagan. God always had 1 religion--Jesus started a new one, Judaism was cut off( Matt 23:38)

im not sure your reply made any sense - whatsoever ... a new religion. or simply it was not phony judaism.

no one knows what jesus's true religion really is, certainly not madeup christianity they were taken from humanity before its fruition. they were without a doubt not what evolved into the three desert regions.

and may have been simply an itinerant who in the end gave their life for a story they let run out of control.
Yes, there was preordination. They were ordained in Heaven to be our first parents. Remember, Adam did not follow Satan's trickery. He was not deceived. He took upon Eve as his wife and had to gain the same situation as she was in to stay together. The good thing is that from that point on, man became the fold of God knowing good and evil. Was Eve right to partake of the fruit and become aware of her nakedness? Doesn't matter as you and I are here now because of it. Adam and Eve were told they would be provided a Savior because they were now human and would sin. We all are provided the Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Christ who atoned for our sins if we repent of them.
How will Adam and Eve repent from over 6000 years of human suffering and death they have caused?
He is my Savior and because he is the Redeemer, by definition of redeemer, he is also my God. He has redeemed us from the fall of Adam. That's why he is sometimes referred to as our Father. He adopted us when he redeemed us. And, here is the best thing, I know him.
None serving false gods have Jesus.
im not sure your reply made any sense - whatsoever ... a new religion. or simply it was not phony judaism.

no one knows what jesus's true religion really is, certainly not madeup christianity they were taken from humanity before its fruition. they were without a doubt not what evolved into the three desert regions.

and may have been simply an itinerant who in the end gave their life for a story they let run out of control.
Jesus' religion obeys all that Jesus teaches Like this-Matt 6:33-Keep on seeking-FIRST - the kingdom and his( YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness. Religion that does not obey Jesus teach to seek Jesus' righteousness first.
- obeys all that Jesus teaches Like this-Matt 6:33

how come its not - jesus 6.33

jesus is paradisian from the beginning, the religion of antiquity given to a&e as the path to the everlasting, a great deal is passed down verbally from those times to the present - not found in the christian bible. the bible written by the crucifiers in most cases.

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