Christmas is not a problem.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
The Muslim Council of Britain has added fuel to the flames of "PC bullshit" by viciously inviting all of us to enjoy Christmas.

Bastards !!
The Muslims have you so scared into submission, you are actually thanking them for not taking away Christmas. It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
The Muslims have you so scared into submission, you are actually thanking them for not taking away Christmas. It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
Have you heard, Britain!?

Put that piggy banks back to the counters and decorate your places, if you want. It´s not the Muslims but the regime that tries to make piggy banks and Christmas decoration a hate crime! Really informative Update, Tommy!
The Muslim Council of Britain has added fuel to the flames of "PC bullshit" by viciously inviting all of us to enjoy Christmas.

Bastards !!

TAINTED---no one can be as STUPID as you pretend to be-----for THE GLORY OF ALLAH-SCHMALLAH
I remember when Patty Hearst was kidnapped by the SLA, and then she was brainwashed by them into their radical ideas, and she participated in a bank robbery.

Patty Hearst - Wikipedia

Liberals are basically the same way with Muslims. The Muslims are killing their daughters who get raped, beating their wives, molesting little boys, and throwing gays off rooftops, but liberals are thanking them for not taking away Christmas.
I remember when Patty Hearst was kidnapped by the SLA, and then she was brainwashed by them into their radical ideas, and she participated in a bank robbery.

Patty Hearst - Wikipedia

Liberals are basically the same way with Muslims. The Muslims are killing their daughters who get raped, beating their wives, molesting little boys, and throwing gays off rooftops, but liberals are thanking them for not taking away Christmas.

TAINTED is invited to go Christmas caroling
in Teheran------be sure to hit the mosques----
Christmas eve is December 24----be sure to
arrange a very public MIDNIGHT MASS complete with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing -------O' HOLY NIGHT. A very lovely coincidence this year-------December 24 is also FIRST CANDLE for the glorious
victory of the MACABEES in JERUSALEM----be sure to bring a Giant Menorah. I have no doubt that the AYATOILETS are already
preparing ---eggnog and potato latkes
Wankers. You are all bitter because it punctures one of your "PC" demons. You are now free to enjoy Christmas without all that hate/victim baggage that you drag around all year.
Will it be spoilt for you though ?
Wankers. You are all bitter because it punctures one of your "PC" demons. You are now free to enjoy Christmas without all that hate/victim baggage that you drag around all year.
Will it be spoilt for you though ?

what PC demons tainted? Are you starting to work on your December 24 project? I know where you can get a GIANT
It was never the Muslims who wanted to ruin Christmas, it was atheist/secular wankers like Tommy who hate the Christ child and would have loved it if King Herod found and killed him when he was a baby in Bethlehem.
It was never the Muslims who wanted to ruin Christmas, it was atheist/secular wankers like Tommy who hate the Christ child and would have loved it if King Herod found and killed him when he was a baby in Bethlehem.

you don't know much about muslims or islam. The very first time I was in a mosque-----a real mosque frequented by professionals---like engineers and doctors etc-----mostly from south-east asia---LONG AGO-----more than 40 years ago, It was a GOOD FRIDAY ----a school holiday so lots of little boys were also there.. The IMAM was a VISITING GENIUS---some kind of big shot. The guys sitting on the floor upfront were EXCITED because the GENIUS IMAM was going to give a speech ---the KHUTBAH JUMAAT (translates roughly to ---Friday sermon) The Genius spoke in English----good since most muslims from south east asia don't know a word of Arabic He spoke with an Arabic accent. The theme of the KHUTBAH JUMAAT was-------THE EVIL PERVERSION WHICH IS THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE written by the ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM ----the speech was IN HONOR OF GOOD FRIDAY which is a PERVERSE LIE INVENTED BY THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM. visions of chocolate easter bunnies dissolved in my head and I struggled not to vomit on the carpet
The MCB are holocaust deniers. They've modified their public tone recently, but for years they boycotted holocaust rememberance day.
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "Where are all these so-called Good Muslims...why aren't they speaking up against terrorism and in support of the culture that they emigrated to?!!!!"
Muslims: "The terrorists do not represent us and we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas"
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "It's a trick!!!"
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "Where are all these so-called Good Muslims...why aren't they speaking up against terrorism and in support of the culture that they emigrated to?!!!!"
Muslims: "The terrorists do not represent us and we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas"
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "It's a trick!!!"
Islam is not a race you fucking idiot.
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "Where are all these so-called Good Muslims...why aren't they speaking up against terrorism and in support of the culture that they emigrated to?!!!!"
Muslims: "The terrorists do not represent us and we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas"
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "It's a trick!!!"
Islam is not a race you fucking idiot.
Only racist shits say that.
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "Where are all these so-called Good Muslims...why aren't they speaking up against terrorism and in support of the culture that they emigrated to?!!!!"
Muslims: "The terrorists do not represent us and we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas"
Angry, scared Pavlovian racists: "It's a trick!!!"
Islam is not a race you fucking idiot.
Only racist shits say that.
So you're saying Islam is a race?
The MCB are holocaust deniers. They've modified their public tone recently, but for years they boycotted holocaust rememberance day.
They are not Holocaust deniers. Why do you lie like this ? Because it supports your racist stance ?

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