Christmas song?

Sounds wonderful! This particular recording is my favorite and getting a chance to hear it on a wonderful system is a great chance of a lifetime.

I have a wide range of classical compositions but I am totally unfamiliar with this one! I only had time to skip through the Youtube file which I believe is the same as you are referring to and found it to be very diverse, talented and dramatic. I wouldn't mind hearing it at full length.

I don't generally wax too poetic about my system because strangers are quick to dismiss it as mere bragging, but, in many ways, it is better than live. With lights turned down, the listener quickly forgets they are listening to a recording and one finds oneself wrapped up surrounded by the original event in the original space. It can convey everything from the deepest acoustic subsonic counterpuncture of the lowest pipe organ pedal tones to the most delicate air surrounding a piccolo or tympani. I really wish I could share it with you as it really is more than you can buy in any store no matter how deep your pockets when you walk in their doors, as much of the gear is professional and individually custom modified or built.

Far more than merely depth and breadth of notes or even volume (it can easily go to 130dB continuous power cleanly with absolutely no strain or clipping, perhaps 160dB on transients), it can convey both the textural fabric and surfaces of voice and instrument that gives them substance and individuality as well as the unlimited fleeting transient dynamics which differ real, live instruments and performances from mere recordings played back.

Who knows, maybe someday.

It is just nice to even discuss the matter with someone who still has an appreciation of music these days in an age where the home stereo or music system is becoming unknown, replaced by "home theaters" and mpeg files downloaded and played back off the internet on a pair of "earbuds."
I like such a variety of Christmas music, I’ve gone from Johnny Cash “How shall I send thee” (not sure that counts as Christmas, but it feels right) to Kings College Choir Festival of Lessons and Carols, to Lord of tbe Dance to Mary Hopkins’ Cherry Tree Carol and now Riu Riu Chiu…

Some of my favorites…

I don't like Christmas songs. The closest I get to them is for whatever reason I like to listen to frank Sinatra around Christmas, his songs just seem very holidayish to me.

I guess the only Christmas song I like is Christmas at ground zero by weird al.
I like such a variety of Christmas music, I’ve gone from Johnny Cash “How shall I send thee” (not sure that counts as Christmas, but it feels right) to Kings College Choir Festival of Lessons and Carols, to Lord of tbe Dance to Mary Hopkins’ Cherry Tree Carol and now Riu Riu Chiu…

Interesting choices. Some of those I had not heard before, but as interesting are the ones recorded in those great old churches--- A lot of people don't realize the role the buildings themselves played in the sound of that music both being designed to support and amplify the lowest pedal tone fundamentals of their great pipe organs to true opulent grandeur, to the way the windows and walls were designed to delay and reflect the sounds of both the choruses of voices as well as string and horn instruments giving their compositions their characteristic sound.

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