Christmas, the times are a changing.

I was still writing letters to Santa Claus and putting out the milk and cookies. (I didn't stop believing until I was ten.)
I remember the five and 10 store for a couple of bucks you could buy every one something
Was living with my Aunt and Uncle, still grieving the loss of my mother and coming to grips with the fact that I'd become an orphan at 8. Had also figured out that Santa wasn't real by then.

Spent the rest of my Christmases growing up in various foster families, always feeling like an outsider.

Spent the next 20 Christmases after I'd graduated HS volunteering for Christmas duty while on active duty with the Navy, since I knew there were people with families that would appreciate the gesture. Besides, it also guaranteed me New Year's off.

Christmases after I retired from the Navy? Nothing special, just a quick gift exchange with my roomie/landlord for the next 15 years. But, those were some of the best I'd ever had, with the exception of the Christmases before my mother died.

Christmas now? Living with my fiancee, trying to wrap my mind around the significance of the holiday that she and her family all seem to have for it. Only had 1 so far, will see how this one goes................
Was living with my Aunt and Uncle, still grieving the loss of my mother and coming to grips with the fact that I'd become an orphan at 8. Had also figured out that Santa wasn't real by then.

Spent the rest of my Christmases growing up in various foster families, always feeling like an outsider.

Spent the next 20 Christmases after I'd graduated HS volunteering for Christmas duty while on active duty with the Navy, since I knew there were people with families that would appreciate the gesture. Besides, it also guaranteed me New Year's off.

Christmases after I retired from the Navy? Nothing special, just a quick gift exchange with my roomie/landlord for the next 15 years. But, those were some of the best I'd ever had, with the exception of the Christmases before my mother died.

Christmas now? Living with my fiancee, trying to wrap my mind around the significance of the holiday that she and her family all seem to have for it. Only had 1 so far, will see how this one goes................
Hang in there biker dude and Merry Christmas
Was living with my Aunt and Uncle, still grieving the loss of my mother and coming to grips with the fact that I'd become an orphan at 8. Had also figured out that Santa wasn't real by then.

Spent the rest of my Christmases growing up in various foster families, always feeling like an outsider.

Spent the next 20 Christmases after I'd graduated HS volunteering for Christmas duty while on active duty with the Navy, since I knew there were people with families that would appreciate the gesture. Besides, it also guaranteed me New Year's off.

Christmases after I retired from the Navy? Nothing special, just a quick gift exchange with my roomie/landlord for the next 15 years. But, those were some of the best I'd ever had, with the exception of the Christmases before my mother died.

Christmas now? Living with my fiancee, trying to wrap my mind around the significance of the holiday that she and her family all seem to have for it. Only had 1 so far, will see how this one goes................
You dreamed of santa sodomizing you on tv right from the chimney.
Pushing the wheel of pain in a circle was really difficult in the snow.

I turned age eight on June 30, 1990. Six months later of course came Christmas of that year, and the first Nintendo video game system is what I remember getting. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I actually still have it. Does it still work well enough? It will once a thorough enough cleaning can finally be done to it. :) :) :)
Even at eight I knew Jesus was the reason for the season.

My parents made sure Christmas was magical but midnight mass will always stay with me.
What was Christmas like when you were 8 years old?
The very biggest change I can think of is when I went to public school as a kid the schools put on a Christmas program and sang real Christmas songs. Nobody complained. It put everyone in the Christmas spirit. Most Christmas songs are no longer allowed in many public school programs and they won't even call them Christmas programs anymore. So, yes, there has been a war on Christmas that is very obvious to someone who was 8 over 50 years ago. The left claim there is no such thing as a war on Christmas but most of them haven't been around 50 years to know there has been.
When I was a kid, my grandmother gave me a really itchy sweater she had knitted herself every Christmas. Of course I had to wear it so her feelings wouldn't be hurt. Aaaaggghhh!

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