Christmas, the times are a changing.

The answer only thing being forced on people is faggotism, trans bullshit and pedophiles. things the left approves of.
Our society has gotten less religious over time.


The “war on Christmas” is simply a change in society’s religious views.
A child looking at the world less jaded should be a right. Too much influencing from adults who are either pizzed at their lot in life or promoting agendas has stolen that from many of them. however, it can be a simpler time before the reality of adulthood comes to pass.
The very biggest change I can think of is when I went to public school as a kid the schools put on a Christmas program and sang real Christmas songs. Nobody complained. It put everyone in the Christmas spirit. Most Christmas songs are no longer allowed in many public school programs and they won't even call them Christmas programs anymore. So, yes, there has been a war on Christmas that is very obvious to someone who was 8 over 50 years ago. The left claim there is no such thing as a war on Christmas but most of them haven't been around 50 years to know there has been.

We had a Christmas sing a long on Thursday. We sang Silent Night. And all other Christmas songs you would recognize. And the Dreidel song, which kids like.

We had a Christmas party.

It is true that SOME schools don't do Christmas but far from true that ALL schools don't do Christmas.

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