Christmas, the times are a changing.

It was magic.
It was 1973 when I was 8.
Christmas wasn't a day. It was a whole month.
A month of - Christmas lights, tv Christmas specials on several nights a week, parties at school, looking at toy catalogs, seeing Christmas displays in windows.... parades.
It was the best thing ever.
Was living with my Aunt and Uncle, still grieving the loss of my mother and coming to grips with the fact that I'd become an orphan at 8. Had also figured out that Santa wasn't real by then.

Spent the rest of my Christmases growing up in various foster families, always feeling like an outsider.

Spent the next 20 Christmases after I'd graduated HS volunteering for Christmas duty while on active duty with the Navy, since I knew there were people with families that would appreciate the gesture. Besides, it also guaranteed me New Year's off.

Christmases after I retired from the Navy? Nothing special, just a quick gift exchange with my roomie/landlord for the next 15 years. But, those were some of the best I'd ever had, with the exception of the Christmases before my mother died.

Christmas now? Living with my fiancee, trying to wrap my mind around the significance of the holiday that she and her family all seem to have for it. Only had 1 so far, will see how this one goes................

Lost your Mom at 8. My condolences.

Same with me. Nothing was ever the same after that.
So your parents were atheist and Christmas wasn't allowed in your house
No My mother said she was a Baptist but she was more interested in shooting up than anything else. We didn't celebrate any holidays that I can remember.
No My mother said she was a Baptist but she was more interested in shooting up than anything else. We didn't celebrate any holidays that I can remember.
Shooting up? What? A school? Baseball games? Church?
Shooting up? What? A school? Baseball games? Church?
You are obtuse aren't you.

Heroin, meth , cocaine my mother was an addict and died of an overdose when I was 14 she had been using since I was 5 or 6
You are obtuse aren't you.

Heroin, meth , cocaine my mother was an addict and died of an overdose when I was 14 she had been using since I was 5 or 6
I'm obtuse because you make some vague statement with no context? Lol
No My mother said she was a Baptist but she was more interested in shooting up than anything else. We didn't celebrate any holidays that I can remember.
Are you now celebrating the season for the true reason

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